GOST 14086-68
GOST 14086−68 the atomized Powder of stainless chromium-Nickel steels and Nickel
GOST 14086−68
Group 56
Powders produced from stainless chromium nickel steels and nickel by dusting
Date of introduction 1969−07−01
Resolution of the Committee of standards, measures and measuring devices under Council of Ministers of the USSR from
REPRINTING. March 1987
This standard applies to powders obtained from chromium-Nickel stainless steel grades 0X18H10, Х18Н9 and Nickel grades H1, H2 and H3 spraying air or inert gas.
Powders intended for the manufacture of filter elements and various products by powder metallurgy.
1.1. Powders are manufactured in the following grades: PR0H18N10, PRH18N9 and PRN. The chemical composition of the powders must conform to the standards specified in table.1.
Table 1
Brand powder | Chemical composition, % | ||||||||
Chrome | Nickel | Copper | Carbon | Silicon | Manganese |
Sulfur | Phosphorus | Iron | |
No more |
PR0H18N10 | 16,0−20,0 | 8,0−11,0 | - | 0,08 |
0,8 | Of 1.00 | 0,020 | 0,035 | The rest |
PRH18N9 | - | 0,12 | |||||||
PRN | - | Not less than 95,0 |
0,60 | 0,10 | - | - | 0,030 | - | - |
Note. In naming the brand letters mean: P powder, R — sprayed, X — chrome, N — Nickel. The figures after the letters indicate the approximate content of alloying element in integer units.
Example of designation of the powder from chromium-Nickel stainless steel brand PR0H18N10, fraction 0.3 group A:
Powder PR0H18N10 — 0,3 — GOST 14086−68
1.2. Atomized powders are supplied in the unreduced form.
Note. By agreement of the parties, the powders can be supplied in the restored form.
1.3. Depending on the granulometric composition of the powders produce seven fractions, which are determined by sieve composition. Each fraction powder in bulk weight put two groups: A and B.
1.4. The size fractions sieve composition and bulk density of the powder must meet the requirements specified in table.2.
Table 2
Fraction of the powder | Sieve the powder, mm | Bulk density of powder, g/cm | |||
PR0H18N10; PRH18N9 |
PRN | PR0H18N10; PRH18N9 | PRN | ||
Group A | Group B | ||||
Not less than | No more | ||||
0,800 | -1,000+0,800 | 2,6 | 3,8 | 2,6 | 3,8 |
0,600 | -0,800+0,630 | 2,7 | 3,8 | 2,7 | 3,8 |
0,400 | -0,630+0,400 | 3,0 | 3,9 | 3,0 | 3,9 |
0,300 | -0,400+0,315 | 3,2 | 3,9 | 3,2 | 4,2 |
0,200 | -0,315+0,200 | 3,2 | 3,9 | 3,2 | 3,9 |
0,100 | -0,200+0,100 | 3,4 | 4,1 | 3,4 | 4,1 |
0,063 | -0,100+0,063 | 3,2 | 4,0 | 3,2 | 4,0 |
Note. By agreement of the parties can be supplied with a powder of the other factions.
1.5. In the supplied powder is allowed the total content of particles corresponding to the size of the main fraction is not more than 15%. By agreement of the parties, the total content of these particles may be increased to 25%.
1.6. Powders should not be foreign mechanical impurities.
1.7. The relative humidity of the powders should not exceed 0.2%.
1.8. The manufacturer should guarantee the quality of the powder within six months, counting from the time of shipment of powder, when kept in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
1.9. The powder should be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer. The manufacturer must ensure that the quality of powder with the requirements of this standard.
2.1. For the final verification by the consumer of the quality of the powder must apply the rules of sampling and test methods mentioned below.
2.2. Powder put parties weight from 50 to 500 kg per batch include powder one faction and one mixing.
2.3. From each batch, selected one average sample of the powder to determine the chemical composition, sieve composition, bulk density and humidity.
2.4. The selection of average samples from the party producing the probe in at least three places along the height of each of the cans (banks). Samples are taken from 10% of the cans of each batch, but not less than two cans. From each of the cans selected at least 500 grams of powder.
Selected samples are subjected to visual inspection for the absence of extraneous mechanical impurities, and then mixed and subjected to reduction kvantovanie to the number of 500 g, which represents an average sample.
2.5. Determination of the chemical composition of powders produced: steel according to GOST 12345−80*, 12346−78 GOST, GOST 12348−78, 12350−78 GOST, GOST 12352−81 for Nickel GOST 13047.1−81** — GOST 13047.18−81***.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12345−2001;
** In part of sec. 1 replaced GOST 13047.1−2002, except for sec. 1 replaced GOST 13047.2−2002;
*** On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 13047.21−2002. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
2.6. Sieve composition of powders is determined by sieving for 20 minutes sample of 100 g of powder through a set of sieves with mesh according to GOST 6613−86, mounted on a mechanical shaker, and weighing the amount of powder remaining on each sieve to the nearest 0.1 g. Loss after sieving should not exceed 2%. For sieve composition be the arithmetic mean of three determinations.
2.7. Bulk mass is determined by volutomitra in which the powder is freely poured on glass plates arranged at an angle of 30° to the vertical, and fills the measuring vessel (the distance from the lower edge of volutomitra to the plane of the table — 100 mm).
The excess of powder in the measuring vessel is removed the plate to the level of the upper edges of the vessel. Any seal is eliminated.
Bulk weight is obtained by dividing net weight (weighing accuracy 0.1 g) of powder to the volume of the vessel. These operations repeat three times. For the bulk sample mass of powder be the arithmetic mean of three determinations.
2.8. Moisture content is determined by drying the sample powder of 10 g to constant mass at 100−150 °C. Intervals between weigh — in 2 hours Weighting produced by 0.002 G.
2.9. If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators, produce it, repeat tests from the new average sample double weight (1000 g), taken from the same batch of powder. The results of repeated tests are final.
3.1. The powder is packaged in metal (aluminum or galvanized steel) or wooden containers in plastic bags.
3.2. Gross weight single packaging must not exceed 50 kg.
3.3. Each packing should be attached label stating:
a) trademark of the manufacturer;
b) the symbols of the powder;
C) the batch number and packaging;
d) gross and net mass;
d) date of issue;
e) the number of this standard.
The same label should be placed inside each packaging.
3.4. Each batch of powder must be accompanied by a document certifying compliance with the requirements of this standard, which indicate:
a) trademark of the manufacturer;
b) stamp, the fraction of the powder and group bulk;
C) net mass of the party;
g) results of tests and analyses (chemical composition, sieve composition, bulk density, relative humidity);
d) the batch number;
e) amount and number of packing stations belonging to the party;
g) date of issue;
h) the number of this standard.
3.5. The powder must be transported in dry and covered wagons; transportation with acids is not allowed.
3.6. Powder in packaged form shall be stored in a dry enclosed area in which there is no active reagent.