GOST R ISO 857-2-2009
GOST R ISO 857−2-2009 welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 2. The soldering processes. Terms and definitions
GOST R ISO 857−2-2009
Group В00
Welding and allied processes.
Part 2
Terms and definitions
Welding and allied processes. Vocabulary. Part 2. Soldering and brazing processes. Terms and definitions
OKS 25.160.50
Date of introduction 2010−07−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Federal state institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at MGTU im. N. Uh. Bauman (FGU NUCS computer. N. Uh. Bauman), the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS), Saint-Petersburg state Polytechnical University (SPbSPU) on the basis of their own authentic translation of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from August 4, 2009 N 278-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 857−2:2005 «welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 2. The soldering processes. Terms and definitions» (ISO 857−2:2005 Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 2: Soldering and brazing processes and related terms)
In application of this standard should be used instead of the reference international standard corresponding national standard, information about which is given in the Appendix With
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
International standard ISO 857−2:2005 developed by technical Committee ISO/TC 44 «welding and allied processes», Subcommittee SC 7, «Terms and definitions».
ISO 857−1:1998 and ISO 857−2:2005 cancels and replaces ISO 857:1990, which has been technically revised.
ISO 857 is made in two parts under the General title «welding and allied processes. Dictionary»:
— part 1. The processes of welding of metals. Terms and definitions;
— part 2. The soldering processes. Terms and definitions.
Limited to ISO 857−1 welding processes of metallic materials, welding processes are structured in a more systematic form than in ISO 857:1990. Processes are classified according to their physical characteristics, such as pressure welding or fusion welding and the types of energy sources. Added a few new processes, but was also removed a number of processes obsolete.
ISO 857−2 limited to soldering processes and is organized in the same way as ISO 857−1. For a better understanding of these processes has been added to the new definition.
Numbers in parentheses following the names of the processes that relate to the numbering used in ISO 4063. Most of the definitions are accompanied by schematic drawings, given as examples.
Requests for official interpretation of any aspects of this part of ISO 857 must be sent to the Secretariat of ISO/TC 44/SC 7 via the national standardization body. A full list of such authorities can be found on the website www.iso.org.
1 Scope
This standard specifies terms and definitions that are used when soldering metals.
2 Normative references
This standard used the reference standard to the following standard:
ISO 4063 welding and allied processes. The list and the symbols of the processes
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 soldering: the Process of joining parts, in which the use of additional molten material (the solder) with a liquidus temperature lower than the solidus temperature of the core (s) material (s) which wets the heated surface (s) of parent (s) material (s) and fills the narrow gap between the joined parts.
1 This process applies mainly to metals, but can also refer to non-metallic materials. The chemical composition of the solder is always different from the composition of the parts to be joined.
2 If the process is carried out without the capillary effect, it is often described as picoverse.
3.1.1 low-temperature soldering: Process connection using solder with a liquidus temperature not higher than 450 °C.
3.1.2 high temperature soldering: Process connection using solder with a liquidus temperature exceeding 450 °C.
3.1.3 treatment: applying a layer or layers of material on the surface to obtain the desired properties and/or dimensions.
3.1.4 solder spreading and filling the gap wetting: the Spreading and adhesion of a thin continuous layer of molten solder on the surface of the parts to be joined. lack of wetting: the Separation of hard solder, which, although spread over the surface of the parts, but don’t build a relationship with him because, for example, insufficient cleaning or glosowanie. the flow path of the solder: the Way in which molten solder flows into the joint. capillary pressure: Surface tension, which moves the molten solder into the gap between connected parts with regard to gravity. the process of education: the Process by which the result of metallurgical interaction relationship is created between the liquid phase of the solid solder and the base metal.
3.2 Materials for soldering
3.2.1 solder: Add metal to receive solder connections, which can be in the form of wire, inserts, powder, pastes, etc.
3.2.2 flux: a non-metallic material which in the molten state promotes wetting by removing oxides or other harmful films with connected surfaces, and prevents their re-formation in the connection process.
3.2.3 binder: a Substance through which solder and/or fluxes are associated in the form of powders or pastes for further use in the manufacture of the compound or may be formed in the form of additives.
3.2.4 restrictive coating when soldering: a Substance used to prevent unwanted spreading of the molten solder.
3.2.5 main material: Brazed material.
3.2.6 the protective atmosphere in brazing: the Gas environment or vacuum applied to remove oxides and other harmful films on the mating surfaces or to prevent re-formation of such films on pre-cleaned surfaces. active gas medium: natural Gas, reducing the number of oxides due to its large affinity with oxygen. neutral gas medium: natural Gas, preventing the formation of oxides during soldering. vacuum: the Environment in which the pressure is significantly below atmospheric, thereby reducing the formation of oxides to a level acceptable for satisfactory soldering, due to the low partial pressure of oxidizer.
Note — the Preparatory cleaning of the wetted surfaces is extremely important, as the vacuum can be removed very limited number of oxides.
3.3 process Conditions
3.3.1 Characteristic temperatures temperature range solder melting: the Temperature range from the beginning of melting (solidus temperature) to a temperature of end of melting (liquidus temperature).
Note — For some more typical solders melting point than the melting range. temperature soldering: junction Temperature at which the solder wets the surface or forms a liquid phase due to the cross-border diffusion and a sufficient amount of the liquid phase.
Note — For some of the solders in this temperature is below the liquidus temperature. heating temperature: the temperature at which the parts are aged to its equitable distribution.
Note — This temperature is below the solidus temperature of the solder. temperature range of activity: the Temperature interval in which the flux or protective gas environment is effective.
3.3.2 Characteristics of the time process soldering time: cycle Time soldering. heating time: the Time during which achieved the required soldering temperature.
Note — the heating Time includes the heating time, and may include other times such as the degassing time. warm-up time: Time during which the brazed parts can withstand in the temperature of heating. exposure time: Time during which the connection is maintained at the soldering temperature. cooling time: the Time during which the compound is cooled from the brazing temperature to ambient temperature.
Note — the cooling Time may include the time required for subsequent thermal processing of the solder connection. total soldering time: the period that includes the time of heating, soaking time and cooling time. effective time of flux: the Time during which the flux remains effective when soldering.
Note — Effective time depends on the technology used.
3.4 Geometric characteristics of solder joints
3.4.1 connection with a small gap: a Compound in which the gap is filled mainly due to capillary flow of the solder, i.e., it is either a butt joint or lap-parallel connection between the brazed surfaces of the parts.
1 Cm. figures 1 and 2.
2 the Width and the length of the overlap determines the area on which the components are joined together.
3 Possible radiation soldering and brazing electric arc butt joint with angled edges and lap joints with butt welds.
Figure 1 is a Butt joint with a small backlash
1 — connection length, 2 — Assembly gap, 3 — part thickness
Figure 1 is a Butt joint with a small backlash
Figure 2 — Lap-a connection with low clearance
1 — connection length, 2 — Assembly gap 3 is the length of the overlap, a 4 — part thickness
Figure 2 — Lap-a connection with low clearance
3.4.2 coupling with a large gap: the Compound in which the gap is filled with solder due to gravity.
1 figure 3 shows the two parts with parallel edges prepared for soldering.
2 This process is often described as picoverse.
3 Possible radiation soldering and brazing electric arc butt joint with angled edges and lap joints with butt welds.
Figure 3 — Butt joint with a large gap
1 — connection length, 2 — Assembly gap, 3 — part thickness
Figure 3 — Butt joint with a large gap
3.4.3 soldering gap: Narrow air gap between the brazed mainly parallel surfaces, measured at the soldering temperature.
3.4.4 Assembly gap: Narrow air gap between the brazed mainly parallel surfaces, measured at room temperature.
3.5 Solder the nodes
Terms related to the solder nodes are shown in figures 4 and 5.
Figure 4 — Terms relating to parts and materials brazed joints
Terms related to detail | Brazed unit/part | I |
Area of the basic material | II | |
The solder connection | III | |
Heat-affected zone | IV | |
A brazed joint | V | |
Diffusion/transition zone | VI | |
The area of metal solder | VII | |
Terms related to content | Main material | 1 |
Main material underwent changes during soldering | 2 | |
Diffusion (transition) area | 3 | |
Metal solder | 4 |
Figure 4 — Terms relating to parts and materials brazed joints
Figure 5 — diagram of the solder joints
1 — basic material;
2 — main material undergoing change during soldering;
3 — diffusion (transitional) zone;
4 — metal solder
IV — heat affected zone
V — brazed seam
Dimensions — the thickness of the part,
— effective width of connection
— the length of the overlap
Figure 5 — diagram of the solder joints
3.5.1 Node brazed node: the Node obtained by brazing two or more parts.
Note — Brazed node may subsequently become part of another, larger site. brazed joint: a connection Area that includes the metal solder and the diffusion/transition zone. heat-affected zone: the Zone of the base metal has undergone a change during soldering.
3.5.2 Materials main material underwent changes during soldering: a Metal whose properties differ from the properties of the basic material due to the effect of soldering process. diffusion zone (transition zone): the Layers formed during soldering with a chemical composition different from the composition of the core (s) material (s) and composition of the solder. metal solder: a Metal, which is formed during soldering.
Note — as the solder is melted, its chemical composition can change due to reactions with the core (s) metal (s).
3.6 soldering Technology
3.6.1 manual soldering: Brazing in which all operations are performed manually.
3.6.2 mechanized soldering: Soldering, in which all basic operations, except loading and unloading of the workpiece, is performed mechanically.
3.6.3 automatic soldering: Soldering, in which all operations, including all support operations, such as change of workpiece, automatically.
3.6.4 soldering with the addition of solder: Process during which the parts are heated in the connection area to the soldering temperature and the solder is brought to the melting temperature, mainly due to the contact with the brazed parts.
3.6.5 soldering pre-solder laying: the Process during which the solder is placed in the connection area to heat, and then heated to soldering temperature together with the brazed parts.
3.6.6 dip soldering: a Process during which the brazed parts are immersed in a bath of molten salt, the molten flux or molten solder.
3.6.7 soldering parts with pre-applied solder: Process during which the solder is applied to the brazed surface prior to brazing (for example, by precipitation, electrolysis or gas phase deposition).
3.6.8 Appendix A contains a description of soldering processes depending on the energy sources, the application In the list of equivalent terms soldering processes in Russian, English and French languages and an alphabetical index of terms soldering processes in the Russian language.
Annex a (informative). Description of the processes depending on the energy sources
Appendix A
(numbers in brackets are according to ISO 4063)
A. 1 low-temperature soldering
A. 1.1 low-temperature soldering using solid-state heat sources
A. 1.1.1 soldering iron Soldering (952) (see figure A. 1).
Heating of the brazed parts and the melting of the solder is carried out manually or mechanically by using a soldering iron with a heat capacity, shape and tip, suitable for soldering. Both parts and the solder is brought up to brazing temperature, the flux used both separately and in the form of a welding rod flux cored.
Figure A. 1 — Examples of low temperature solder soldering iron
1 — soldering iron tip, 2 — solder flux cored, 3 — PCB, 4 — conductor
Figure A. 1 — Examples of low temperature solder soldering iron (circuit Board)
A. 1.1.2 low-temperature soldering of the heated blocks (96)
The parts brought to a soldering temperature by heating from the metal heated block (e.g., plates). Solders are usually applied in the form of a rod with flux cored or solid wire. In the latter case, the solder contributing to the connection in advance. This process is important when soldering thick pieces with a thin sheet details.
A. 1.1.3 Tinning roller (96) (see figure A. 2)
The surface of the heated roller, rotating in the liquid solder, and moistened with solder. Flux is applied to the surface beforehand. The solder spread on the surface.
Figure A. 2 — Tinning roller
1 flat item (e.g., circuit Board), 2 — pressure roller 3 is a roller for applying solder 4 — salt layer to protect the solder in the bath, 5 — bath with solder
Figure A. 2 — Tinning roller
A. 1.2 low-temperature soldering using liquids
A. 1.2.1 low-temperature soldering by dipping into molten solder (944) (see figure A. 3)
Brazing parts is carried out by immersion in a bath of molten solder. Before diving, they are wetted with flux. The sinking velocity chosen such that every detail has reached the soldering temperature during the dive. A clear sign is a positive meniscus (concave surface) in contact the surface of the molten solder and the part. Brazed part may be cold or heated before immersion.
Figure A. 3 — low-temperature soldering by dipping into molten solder
1 — concave meniscus, 2 — detail, 3 — bath with solder
Figure A. 3 — low-temperature soldering by dipping into molten solder
A. 1.2.2 low-temperature soldering wave solder (951) (see figure A. 4)
The liquid solder is applied by solder wave generated by the pump and nozzle. This process is mainly applied for soldering of printed circuit boards in conjunction with the wave or spray for application of flux and dryer flux. It is desirable that the angle of flow between the surface of the bath and the circuit Board was approximately 7°.
Figure A. 4 — low-temperature soldering wave solder
1 — PCB, 2 — dryer, 3 — bath with solder wave, 4 — wave or spraying device for applying a flux (flux with foam wave)
______________The angle of filing.
Figure A. 4 — low-temperature soldering wave solder
A. 1.2.3 low-temperature soldering pulling through the molten solder (956) (see figure A. 5)
Used bath with the solder has more surface area but shallow in depth. The flat surface of the brazed parts (printed circuit boards), first moisten with flux and dried. Then the PCB is immersed in a bath: the angles of entry and exit can be the same or different (for example, from 8° to 10°) and the immersion depth is about half the thickness of the PCB. A rigid bracket, mounted directly in front of the circuit Board and remove oxides from the surface of the bath with solder as it passes the printed circuit Board through a bath. Soldering time is determined by the speed of movement of the printed circuit Board and the length of the bath with solder.
Figure A. 5 — low temperature brazing pulling through the molten solder
1 — rigid bracket, 2 — holder, 3 — PCB, 4 — bath with solder, 5 — drying, 6 — wave or spray for application of a flux (flux with foam wave)
Figure A. 5 — low temperature brazing pulling through the molten solder
A. 1.2.4 low-temperature ultrasonic soldering (947) (see figure A. 6)
Brazed surface of the part is immersed in a heated bath of molten solder. Then, the surface free from oxides under the action of ultrasound, and the destruction and removal of oxide layers is due to cavitation. In order to avoid the shielding effect is convenient to use two transformers, located opposite each other. Thus, the purified metal (e.g., aluminum) can be tin without using a flux.
Figure A. 6 — low-temperature ultrasonic soldering
1 — detail 2 — ultrasound generator, 3 — transformer elastic waves, 4 — supporting structure with cooling fan, 5 — base, 6 — bath with solder
Figure A. 6 — low-temperature ultrasonic soldering
A. 1.3 low-temperature brazing with gas
A. 1.3.1 low-temperature flame brazing (942) (see figure A. 7)
The heat created by the combustion of the combustible mixture. The flame does not go directly to ofljusovannyh the surface, as this could damage the flux. The joint area is heated evenly by moving a gas burner. Solder or placed between the parts, or serves upon reaching the brazing temperature.
Figure A. 7 — low-temperature flame brazing
1 — flux and solder, 2 — part, 3 — flame
Figure A. 7 — low-temperature flame brazing
A. 1.3.2 low-temperature soldering of heated gas (96)
The air is heated while passing through the electric heater or flame. The heated air or products of combustion are fed through a nozzle onto a brazed part. Solder is placed between the parts after application of the flux, or after reaching the brazing temperature. Instead of air it is allowed to use other gases.
A. 1.4 low-temperature soldering infrared (941)
Use a source of infrared radiation located at the focal point of semi-elliptical mirrors. Rays focus in the second focal point, which are brazed parts with pre-applied solder and flux. Most of the metal parts reflect some of the energy of radiation to its surface, the remaining energy is converted into heat at a depth of several microns.
A. 1.5 low-temperature soldering using electric current
A. 1.5.1 low-temperature induction brazing in air (946)
After applying flux and solder to join the parts generates the heat required for soldering, with the help of induced AC. The solder is allowed to serve also after reaching the brazing temperature. Soldering is carried out in air.
A. 1.5.2 low temperature brazing heating resistor (948) (see figure A. 8)
After applying flux and solder brazed parts are compressed by two electrodes through which an electric current flows. The heat required for brazing is generated by resistance to electric current. Determinants of heating are electrical resistance of the joint surfaces and the electrical resistance of the electrodes and parts. Typical electrode materials are coal, tungsten, molybdenum and copper alloys.
Figure A. 8 — low-temperature resistivity of the soldering
1 — electrodes, 2 — brazed connection, 3 — parts (e.g. tinned copper strip)
Figure A. 8 — low-temperature resistivity of the soldering
A. 1.6 low-temperature soldering in a furnace (943)
A. 1.6.1 General information
The parts are heated in the furnace. The process is suitable for mass production of parts in small and medium sizes. Details of the applied flux and solder is fixed in a certain position. Use pre-molded preform of the solder.
Distinguish between furnaces of periodic action, for example a chamber or shaft furnace and a continuous furnace.
A. 1.6.2 low-temperature soldering hot gas
After applying flux and solder parts (e.g. printed circuit Board) is heated by a hot gas flow. For most parts, apply solder paste.
A. 1.6.3 low-temperature soldering, infrared, or laser radiation
Details (e.g., PCBs) are heated with infrared or laser radiation. Infrared radiation heats the entire part. The laser light heats only the joint area.
A. 1.6.4 low-temperature soldering vapor
Steam is used for heating the parts (e.g. printed circuit boards) up to brazing temperature. The temperature does not exceed the boiling point of the liquid used to produce steam.
A. 2 high temperature soldering
A. 2.1 brazing using liquids to heat
A. 2.1.1 high temperature soldering by dipping into molten solder (914)
Brazed parts are heated by immersion in a bath of molten solder. Bath shall be made of suitable material (a ceramic material or graphite). Flux is applied prior to immersion of the part into the bath.
A. 2.1.2 high-temperature soldering by dipping into molten salt (915)
The parts are heated by immersion in a bath containing a mixture of molten salts. The tub is made from a suitable material. Many salt mixtures act as a flux. The composition of the salt mixture depends on the nature of the base metal and the solder. Pre-molded solder is placed in proximity to the connection area before diving.
A. 2.1.3 high temperature soldering immersion in the flux bath
Parts are immersed in a bath of molten active flux. Before dipping the pre-formed solders are placed in close proximity to the connection area.
A. 2.2 high temperature flame soldering (912)
As a source of heat using a gas burner. The burner set up on the neutral or slightly carburizing flame. The method of heating depends on the nature of brazed joints and used solder:
with a manual brazing torch normally moves so that the parts to brazing is heated as uniformly as possible in the connection area;
— with mechanical or automatic soldering, usually moving parts (see figure A. 9);
as the combustible gases burned in oxygen, compressed air or intake air, is used acetylene, propane, hydrogen or natural gas.
Figure A. 9 — high temperature flame soldering burner fixed
1 — solder 2 — detail, 3 — multiflame burner 4 — fuel mixture
Figure A. 9 — high temperature flame soldering burner fixed
A. 2.3 brazing electric arc (93)
Processes arc brazing can be divided into soldering, arc, consumable electrode, shielding gas and soldering with non-consumable electrode in protective gas.
The principle of arc brazing is almost identical to the principle of arc welding in protective gas. As welding wires are primarily used copper alloys. The temperature interval of melting of these materials is lower than that of the basic materials.
Typically, the arc brazing processes are used for sheet steel, coated or uncoated.
Due to the lower temperature of the melting range of the filler material reduces the risk of damage to the coating and thermal effects on the item. Arc brazing does not cause significant melting of the base material. Usually a flux is not required.
A. 2.4 brazing radiation
A. 2.4.1 high temperature soldering a laser beam (93) (see figure A. 10)
Soldering with a laser beam performed WITHlasers or Nd: YAG lasers operating in continuous or pulsed mode. The solder is typically administered in the form of a filler wire or solder paste.
A relatively new use is made of soldering a laser beam connection of steel sheets, for example in the automotive industry. Low-temperature and high-temperature brazing, laser beam perform well in the environment of protective gas or vacuum.
Figure A. 10 — high temperature soldering laser beam
1 — power source, 2 — optical fibre, 3 — focusing optics, 4 — laser beam; 5 — wire 6 — parts
Figure A. 10 — high temperature soldering laser beam
A. 2.4.2 brazing electron beam (93) (see figure A. 11)
Heat is generated in the parts soldered connections by absorbing the energy of the focused electron beam. This process is usually carried out in a vacuum.
Figure A. 11 — brazing electron beam
1 — vacuum chamber, 2 — cathode, 3 — anode, 4 — power, 5 — system of beam deflection, 6 — focusing lens, 7 — soldering camera, 8 — electron beam, 9 — Union, 10 — a device of movement of the workpiece, for example its rotation, 11 — parts
Figure A. 11 — brazing electron beam
A. 2.5 brazing electric heating
A. 2.5.1 high-temperature induction brazing (916) (see figure A. 12)
Heat is generated by an alternating current, induced in the brazed parts. Usually, this kind of soldering is carried out in the open air with a flux, however, used protective gas environment.
The energy density induced in detail, decreases rapidly with distance from the surface. The penetration depth of the energy depends on the frequency.
Middle frequencies (1000 to 10000) Hz provides greater penetration depth than higher frequencies (from 100 kHz to several MHz).
Figure A. 12 — high-temperature induction brazing
1 — generator, 2 — detail, 3 — link, 4 — inductor
Figure A. 12 — high-temperature induction brazing
A. 2.5.2 brazing heating resistor (918) (see figure A. 13)
The heat released in the junction of the parts during the passage of electric current. Electric heating can be indirect (see figure A. 13) or direct (see figure A. 14).
Figure A. 13 — high temperature soldering indirect electric heating
1 — first part 2 — the brazing alloy, flux, 3 — the second part (e.g., steel strip), 4 — power, 5 — electrode copper, 6 — clamp
Figure A. 13 — high temperature soldering indirect electric heating
Figure A. 14 — high temperature soldering direct electric heating
1 is a movable electrode, 2 — profiled the tip of the electrode (made of, for example, from coal, tungsten, molybdenum), 3 — power, 4 — solid solder, flux, 5 — workpiece, 6 is a fixed electrode
Figure A. 14 — high temperature soldering direct electric heating
A. 2.5.3 high-temperature soldering in a furnace (913)
Brazed parts are heated by radiated heat and/or convection of hot gas in the furnace. Parts fixed relative to each other. The brazing alloy is placed to the start of heating. Usually the process is carried out without flux in an active gas atmosphere or vacuum. In some cases to use inert gas and/or flux, for example for brazing aluminum alloys.
Figure A. 15 — Classification of soldering processes
Figure A. 15 — Classification of soldering processes
Annex b (informative). List of equivalent terms soldering processes in Russian, English and French
The App
Table B. 1
The number of section, subsection, paragraph of this standard |
Terms in Russian language | The terms in English language | The terms in French | Designation process in ISO 4063 |
A. 1 | Low-temperature soldering |
Soldering | Brasage tendre | 94 |
A. 1.1.1 | Low-temperature soldering with a soldering iron |
Soldering with soldering iron | Brasage tendre au fer | 952 |
A. 1.1.2 | Low-temperature soldering of the heated blocks |
Soldering with preheated blocks | Brasage tendre avec blocs |
96 |
A. 1.1.3 | Tinning roller | Roller tinning | Brasage tendre |
96 |
A. 1.2.1 | Low-temperature soldering by dipping into molten solder |
Dip soldering | Brasage tendre au |
944 |
A. 1.2.2 | Low-temperature soldering wave solder |
Wave soldering | Brasage tendre |
951 |
A. 1.2.3 | Low-temperature soldering pulling through the molten solder |
Drag soldering | Brasage tendre |
956 |
A. 1.2.4 | Low-temperature ultrasonic soldering |
Ultrasonic soldering | Brasage tendre par ultra-sons | 947 |
A. 1.3.1 | Low-temperature flame brazing |
Flame soldering | Brasage tendre |
942 |
A. 1.3.2 | Low-temperature soldering of heated gas |
Hot gas soldering | Brasage tendre au gaz chaud | 96 |
A. 1.4 | Low-temperature soldering infrared radiation |
Infrared soldering | Tender Brasage par infra-rouge | 941 |
A. 1.5.1 | Low-temperature induction brazing for the air |
Induction soldering in air | Brasage tendre par induction dans l’air | 946 |
A. 1.5.2 | Low-temperature resistivity of the soldering |
Resistance soldering | Par Brasage tendre resistance | 948 |
A. 1.6 | Low-temperature soldering in a furnace |
Furnace soldering | Brasage tendre au four | 943 |
A. 2 | Brazing |
Brazing | Brasage fort | 91 |
A. 2.1.1 | Brazing by immersion in molten solder |
Dip brazing | Au Brasage fort |
914 |
A. 2.1.2 | Brazing by immersion in a molten salt |
Salt-bath brazing | Brasage fort au bain de sel | 915 |
A. 2.1.3 | Brazing by immersion in a flux bath |
Flux-bath brazing | Brasage fort au bain de flux | - |
A. 2.2 | High temperature flame soldering |
Flame brazing | Brasage fort |
912 |
A. 2.3 | Brazing electric arc (arc soldering consumable electrode and tungsten electrode in the inert gas plasma brazing) |
Brazing with an electric arc (MIG, TIG, plasma) | Brasage fort |
93 |
A. 2.4.1 | Brazing laser beam |
Laser beam brazing | Brasage fort par faisceau laser | 93 |
A. 2.4.2 | Brazing electron beam |
Electron beam brazing | Brasage fort par faisceau |
93 |
A. 2.5.1 | High-temperature induction brazing |
Induction brazing | Brasage fort par induction | 916 |
A. 2.5.2 | Brazing the heating resistor |
Resistance brazing | Brasage fort par |
918 |
A. 2.5.3 | Brazing in a furnace |
Furnace brazing | Brasage fort au four | 913 |
Alphabetical index of terms soldering processes
Table B. 2
The term | The symbol of the process according to ISO 4063 | The number of section, subsection, paragraph of this standard |
High temperature flame soldering |
912 | A. 2.2 |
High-temperature induction brazing |
916 | A. 2.5.1 |
Brazing |
91 | A. 2 |
Brazing in a furnace |
913 | A. 2.5.3 |
Brazing laser beam |
93 | A. 2.4.1 |
Brazing by immersion in a molten salt |
915 | A. 2.1.2 |
Brazing by immersion in molten solder |
914 | A. 2.1.1 |
Brazing by immersion in a flux bath |
- | A. 2.1.3 |
Brazing electric arc |
93 | A. 2.3 |
Brazing electron beam |
93 | A. 2.4.2 |
Brazing the heating resistor |
918 | A. 2.5.2 |
Tinning roller |
96 | A. 1.1.3 |
Low-temperature flame brazing |
942 | A. 1.3.1 |
Low-temperature induction brazing for the air |
946 | A. 1.5.1 |
Low-temperature soldering |
94 | A. 1 |
Low-temperature soldering wave solder |
951 | A. 1.2.2 |
Low-temperature soldering in a furnace |
943 | A. 1.6 |
Low-temperature soldering infrared radiation |
941 | A. 1.4 |
Low-temperature soldering of heated gas |
96 | A. 1.3.2 |
Low-temperature soldering of the heated blocks |
96 | A. 1.1.2 |
Low-temperature soldering with a soldering iron |
952 | A. 1.1.1 |
Low-temperature soldering by dipping into molten solder |
944 | A. 1.2.1 |
Low-temperature soldering pulling through the molten solder |
956 | A. 1.2.3 |
Low-temperature resistivity of the soldering |
948 | A. 1.5.2 |
Low-temperature ultrasonic soldering |
947 | A. 1.2.4 |
And | |
automatic soldering |
3.6.3 |
the active gaseous medium | |
In | |
vacuum | |
the exposure time | |
the heating time | |
cooling time | |
soldering | |
warm-up time | |
brazing |
3.1.2 |
D | |
diffusion area | |
Z | |
the protective atmosphere in brazing |
3.2.6 |
heat-affected zone | |
To | |
capillary pressure | |
M | |
metal solder | |
mechanized soldering |
3.6.2 |
N | |
neutral gas environment | |
low-temperature soldering |
3.1.1 |
On | |
total time soldering | |
limited coverage when soldering |
3.2.4 |
main material |
3.2.5 |
main material underwent changes during soldering | |
the lack of wetting | |
P | |
soldering |
3.1 |
brazing of parts with pre-applied solder |
3.6.7 |
soldering dip |
3.6.6 |
soldering with the addition of solder |
3.6.4 |
soldering with pre-laying solder |
3.6.5 |
soldering gap |
3.4.3 |
brazed node | |
a brazed joint | |
transition zone | |
coating |
3.1.3 |
solder |
3.2.1 |
the process of education | |
the flow path of the solder | |
R | |
the spreading of the solder and filling the gap |
3.1.4 |
hand soldering |
3.6.1 |
With | |
Assembly clearances |
3.4.4 |
binder |
3.2.3 |
wetting | |
connection with a large gap |
3.4.2 |
connection with low clearance |
3.4.1 |
T | |
soldering temperature | |
the temperature of the heating | |
temperature range of the melting point of the solder | |
the temperature interval activity | |
F | |
flux |
3.2.2 |
E | |
effective time of the flux | |
Application (reference). Data on compliance with national standards of the Russian Federation the reference to international standards
Table C. 1
Marking the reference international standard | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 4063 |
* |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS). |