GOST 21910-76
GOST 21910−76 Metals. Characteristics heat resistance. The names, definitions, formulas and units of quantities
GOST 21910−76
Group В00
Characteristics heat resistance.
The names, definitions, formulas and units of quantities
Metals. Heat-resistance characteristics. Names, definitions, formulae
for calculations and units of quantities
Valid from 01.07.1977
to 01.07.1982*
* Expiration removed
by the decree of Gosstandart of the USSR from
(IUS N 6, 1982). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
DEVELOPED by the Central scientific-research and design boiler and turbine Institute. I. I. Polzunov (TSKTI)
Director N. M. Markov
Artist: V. I. Nikitin And I. P. Komissarova, And A. N. Mityukov
INTRODUCED by the Ministry of power engineering
Head of Technical Department member of the Board V. P. of Layers
The draft all-Union scientific research Institute of classification and coding (VNIIKI)
Director E. A. Panfilov
APPROVED AND promulgated by the Decree of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR from June, 3rd, 1976 N 1368
The standard specifies the names, definitions, formulas and units of quantities of the characteristics of heat resistance of metals.
Established by this standard names, definitions, formulas and units of quantities are mandatory for use in used in the national economy of documentation of all kinds (including standardized documentation system, Union classification of technical and economic information, thesauri and dictionaries descriptor), scientific, technical, educational and reference literature.
Given the definition, you can optionally change the form of presentation, preventing trespass of concepts.
For each feature set to one name. The use of standardized synonymous names is prohibited.
In the standard as reference the basic letter symbols and dimension characteristics of heat resistance.
In the mandatory Annex 1 classification of characteristics of heat resistance, and in reference Appendix 2 — additional letter symbols used in calculation formulas.
Name |
The basics- ing alpha ing notation- increase |
Definition |
Calculation formula |
Dimension |
Units of quantities |
1. The specific mass loss of the metal |
The reduction of the mass of metal during the time interval, per unit area of its surface |
kg/m | |||
2. The depth of the uniform corrosion of the metal |
The average thickness of the surface layer of metal, the remote due to corrosion during the time interval |
m (mm, µm) | |||
3. The specific mass gain of metal |
The increase in the metal mass during the time interval, per unit area of its surface |
kg/m | |||
4. The thickness of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the surface of the metal |
The average thickness of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) formed on the metal surface during the time interval |
m (mm, µm) | |||
5. The true rate of loss of mass of metal |
The value of the first time derivative of the specific losses of metal mass specified for a given time |
kg/(m | |||
6. The true rate of penetration of corrosion into the metal |
The value of the first time derivative of the depth of uniform corrosion of a metal is defined for the time |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
7. The true rate of increase in mass of the metal |
The value of the first time derivative of the specific mass gain of metal that is defined for the time |
kg/(m | |||
8. The true rate of growth of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the surface of the metal |
The value of the first time derivative of the thickness of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the metal surface, is defined for the time |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
9. The average rate of weight loss of metal |
The difference of specific losses of metal mass corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
kg/(m | |||
10. The average penetration rate of corrosion in metal |
The difference of the depths of the uniform corrosion of the metal corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
11. The average growth rate of the mass of the metal |
The ratio of the difference of the specific growth of the mass of metal corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
kg/(m | |||
12. The average rate of growth of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the surface of the metal |
The difference of the thickness of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the metal surface corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
13. The maximum depth of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal |
The maximum depth of corrosive ulcers from the totality of measured values of the deep corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal |
m (mm, µm) | ||
14. The average depth of corrosion ulcers in metal surface |
The arithmetic mean of the depth values measured corrosion ulcers in metal surface |
m (mm, µm) | |||
15. The degree of pitting of the metal |
The ratio of the average depth of corrosion ulcers to the depth of the uniform corrosion of the metal |
- | - | ||
16. The density corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal |
The ratio of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal to its surface area |
1/m | |||
17. The maximum depth of intergranular corrosion of metal |
The maximum depth of intergranular corrosion of all the specific values of the depths of intergranular corrosion of metal |
m (mm, µm) | ||
18. The average depth of the intergranular corrosion of the metal |
The arithmetic average of the specific values of the depths of intergranular corrosion of metal |
m (mm, µm) | |||
19. The average rate of growth of the most deep corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal |
The ratio of the difference between the maximum depths of corrosion ulcers in metal, corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
20. The average growth rate of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal |
The difference in mean depths of corrosion ulcers in metal, corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
21. The average rate of growth of the most deep foci intergranular corrosion |
The ratio of the difference between the maximum depths of intergranular corrosion of the metal corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
22. The average rate of growth of the zone of intergranular corrosion of metal |
The difference in mean depths of intergranular corrosion of metal, corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
23. Podokonnogo the average thickness of the metal layer, depleted in alloying elements |
The arithmetic mean values of measured thickness with low alloying elements podokonnogo metal layer |
m (mm, µm) | |||
24. The average thickness of the layer of internal oxidation of metal |
The arithmetic mean values of the measured layer thicknesses of the internal oxidation of metal |
m (mm, µm) | |||
25. The average rate of growth podokonnogo metal layer, depleted in alloying elements |
The ratio of the difference in values of thickness depleted of alloying elements podokonnogo of the metal layer corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
26. The average rate of growth of the layer of internal oxidation of metal |
The ratio of the difference in average layer thickness of the internal oxidation of the metal corresponding to the end and the beginning of the considered time interval, the timeout |
m/s (mm/year µm/h) | |||
27. The relative change in the temporary resistance of the metal |
The difference of the values of temporary resistance of the metal before and after corrosion tests during the time interval to the initial value of the temporary resistance |
- | - | ||
28. The relative change in the yield strength of the metal |
The difference of the values of the yield stress of metals before and after corrosion tests during the time interval to the original value of the yield strength |
- | - | ||
29. The relative change in the elongation of the metal after the break |
The difference of values of relative elongation after rupture of the metal before and after corrosion tests during the time interval to the initial value of the relative elongation after rupture |
- | - | ||
30. The relative change in contraction of the metal after the break |
The ratio of the difference between values of relative constriction after rupture of the metal before and after corrosion tests during the time interval to the initial value of the relative narrowing after the break |
- | - | ||
31. The relative change in the impact toughness of metal |
The difference of the impact values of metals before and after corrosion tests during the time interval to the original value of impact strength |
- | - | ||
32. The specific volume of the emitted (absorbed) gas in metal corrosion |
The ratio of the volume of gas emitted (absorbed) in the process of corrosion during the time interval to the area of the corroding metal surface |
m (cm | |||
33. The average release rate (absorption) of gas in metal corrosion |
The specific volume of gas emitted (absorbed), metal (metal) the process of corrosion to the magnitude of the considered time interval |
m/s [cm | |||
34. The relative change in the electrical resistance of the metal |
The ratio of the difference between values of the electric resistance of the metal after corrosion test during the time interval and its initial electric resistance value of the original electrical resistance |
- | - | ||
35. The average rate of change of the electric resistance of the metal |
The relative change in the values of the electrical resistance of the metal divided by the time interval corrosion during which this change happened |
1/(1/h, 1/day) | |||
36. The change in the reflectivity of the surface metal |
The force of the photocurrent measured by the photometer on the metal after the corrosion during the time interval to the power of the photocurrent for the standard mirrors |
- | - | ||
37. The average rate of change in the reflectivity of the surface of the metal |
The ratio of the change in the reflectivity of the metal surface to the interval of time corrosion, for which this change happened |
1/(1/h, 1/day) |
1.1. The characteristics of uniform corrosion
1.1.1. The extent of uniform corrosion:
the specific mass loss of metal;
the depth of the uniform corrosion of metal;
the specific mass gain of metal;
the thickness of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the surface of the metal.
1.1.2. Characteristics of intensity of uniform corrosion
Characteristics of a true corrosion rate:
the true rate of loss of mass of metal;
the true rate of penetration of corrosion into the metal;
the true rate of mass gain of metal;
the true rate of growth of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the surface of the metal.
Characteristics the average corrosion rate:
the average rate of loss of mass of metal;
the average rate of penetration of corrosion into the metal;
the average growth rate of the metal mass;
the average rate of growth of the oxide film (film of corrosion products) on the surface of the metal.
1.2. The characteristics of the local corrosion
1.2.1. The extent of local corrosion:
the maximum depth of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal;
the average depth of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal;
the degree of pitting of the metal;
the density corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal;
the maximum depth of intergranular corrosion of metal;
the average depth of the intergranular corrosion of the metal.
1.2.2. Characteristics of the intensity of local corrosion:
the average rate of growth of the most deep corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal;
the average growth rate of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal;
the average rate of growth of the most deep foci intergranular corrosion of metal;
the average rate of growth of the zone of intergranular corrosion of metal.
1.3. Characteristics of damage podokonnogo layer
1.3.1. The extent of damage podokonnogo layer:
podokonnogo the average thickness of the metal layer, depleted in alloying elements;
the average thickness of the layer of internal oxidation of the metal.
1.3.2. The characteristics of the intensity of the damage podokonnogo layer:
the average rate of growth podokonnogo metal layer, depleted in alloying elements;
the average rate of growth of the layer of internal oxidation of the metal.
1.4. Special features of corrosion
1.4.1. Mechanical properties of corrosion:
the relative change in the temporary resistance of the metal;
the relative change in the yield strength of the metal;
the relative change in the elongation of the metal after the break;
the relative change in contraction of the metal after the break;
the relative change of impact strength of metal.
1.4.2. Volumetric characteristics of corrosion:
the specific volume of the emitted (absorbed) gas in metal corrosion;
the average release rate (absorption) of gas by corrosion of the metal.
1.4.3. Resistometric characteristics of corrosion:
the relative change in the electrical resistance of the metal;
the average rate of change of the electrical resistance of the metal.
1.4.4. The optical characteristics of corrosion:
the change in reflectivity of the metal surface;
the average rate of change in the reflectivity of the surface of the metal.
mass of metal before the corrosion test; |
the mass of metal no oxidation products (corrosion) after testing for a specified interval of time; |
mass of metal with the oxidation products (corrosion) after testing for a specified interval of time; |
duration of the corrosion test; |
square oxidized (corrosion) of the metal surface; |
the density of the metal exposed to corrosion; |
the density of the oxide layer (corrosion products) on the metal surface; |
the depth of individual corrosion ulcers in metal surface; |
the number of measurements; |
the number of corrosive ulcers on the surface of the metal; |
the depth of intergranular corrosion of metal on individual measurements; |
podokonnogo thickness of the metal layer, depleted in alloying elements, calculated from the individual measurements; |
the thickness of the layer of internal oxidation of the metal, calculated from the individual measurements; |
temporary resistance before and after corrosion tests of metal; |
the yield strength before and after corrosion tests of metal; |
elongation after rupture before and after corrosion tests of metal; |
the relative narrowing of the gap after before and after corrosion tests of metal; |
impact strength before and after corrosion tests of metal; |
the volume of gas emitted (absorbed) when corrosion of metal; |
the strength of the photocurrent measured by the photometer, the reflection light beam from the surface of the metal subjected to corrosion; |
the strength of the photocurrent measured by the photometer, the reflection light beam from the surface of a standard mirror. |
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M.: Publishing house of standards, 1976