GOST R ISO 857-1-2009
GOST R ISO 857−1-2009 welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 1. The processes of welding of metals. Terms and definitions
GOST R ISO 857−1-2009
Group В00
Welding and allied processes. Dictionary
Part 1
Terms and definitions
Welding and allied processes. Vocabulary. Part 1. Metal welding processes. Terms and definitions
OKS 25.160.10
Date of introduction 2010−07−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Federal state institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at MGTU im. N. Uh. Bauman (FGU NUCS computer. N. Uh. Bauman), the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS), Saint-Petersburg state Polytechnical University (SPbSPU) on the basis of their own authentic translation of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 4 August 2009 N 277-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 857−1:1998 «welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 1. The processes of welding of metals» (ISO 857−1:1998 Welding and allied processes — Vocabulary — Part 1: Metal welding processes)
In application of this standard should be used instead of a reference to international standards their translations, details of which are given in Appendix A
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
International standard ISO 857−1:1998 developed by ISO/TC 44 «welding and allied processes», Subcommittee SC 7, «Terms and definitions».
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 857:1990), which have been amended.
The standards of ISO 857 include the following parts, under the General title «welding and allied processes. Dictionary»:
— part 1. The processes of welding of metals;
— part 2. The soldering processes.
The basis for the revision of ISO 857:1990 was the following:
a limitation of this part of ISO 857 welding processes;
— adding new processes and terms related to the processes/technologies;
— a more systematic structuring of the welding processes compared to the previous version of ISO 857 with physical characteristics of pressure welding and fusion welding;
— introduction of energy as a classifying characteristic.
Note — an Explanation of the structure of section 4, «welding Processes of metals».
Section 4 is divided into two subsections:
— 4.1 welding with pressure;
— 4.2 fusion welding.
In both sections the third digit in subparagraph specifies the ordinal of the energy carrier according to 3.2, and the fourth figure is the serial number of the process within this sub-paragraph.
Example 1 cold welding extrusion
Figure 6 (underlined) refers to the carrier of the energy of a «mass motion».
Example 2 azetilirovanna welding (311)
Figure 3 (underlined) refers to the energy carrier «natural gas».
This structure will allow the user of this part of ISO 857 systematically review the processes related to a particular energy source.
The numbers in parenthesis following the name of the process, refer to the numbering according to ISO 4063. Most of the definitions are accompanied by schematic drawings, given as examples.
In certain instances, the drawings show the conditions before and after welding.
In these drawings, arrows have the following meaning:the movement of the tool;
the movement of the weldment;
the direction of the force.
1 Scope
This standard defines the processes of welding of metals and related terms.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
ISO 4063:1998 welding and allied processes. The list and the symbols of the processes
ISO 13916:1996 welding. Manual on the measurement of preheating temperature, the temperature between passes and temperature of heating upon exposure arising from the interruption of the welding process
3 Key terms
3.1 welding of metals: Technological process of metal compound (s) with such a heating and/or pressure, resulting in the continuity of the connecting structure (s) metal (s).
1 may or May not use filler metal, which has a melting point of the same order as that of the base metal (s); the result of welding is the weld.
2 This definition also includes the surfacing.
3.1.1 welding pressure welding, the application of an external force and accompanied by plastic deformation of mating surfaces, usually without filler metal.
Note — Mating surfaces can be heated to facilitate the preparation of the compound.
3.1.2 fusion welding: welding is performed by fusing the mating surfaces without application of external force; usually, but not necessarily, is added to the molten filler metal.
3.1.3 welding (welding): the Creation of a welding metal layer on the parts to obtain desired properties or dimensions.
3.1.4 coupling (welded): the Creation of a continuous weld connection of two or more parts.
Note — This term was introduced to distinguish the target from the welding welding.
3.2 energy source: the Physical phenomenon which results in the necessary for the welding energy by way of transfer or by turning inside the part (s).
1 In Chapter 4 uses the following energy sources:
— 1 — solid;
— 2 — liquid;
— 3 — gas;
— 4 — electrical discharge;
— 5 — radiation;
— 6 — mass motion;
— 7 — electric current;
— 8 — other.
2 When welding using a solid body, liquid, gas, or electric discharge, the heat required for welding is introduced into the part (s). When welding the beam, movement of mass or electric charge heat (or mechanical energy in cold pressure welding) formed by the transformation of energy in the most detail.
In the case of a solid body, liquid or gas, the crucial factor is their enthalpy. During electrical discharge, and passage of electric current energy transfers moving charged particles in the weld zone. In the case of an electric discharge is done using a plasma or sparks, and in the case of passing current through electrical heating, the current is due to induction or flows due to conductivity.
Radiation is a propagation of energy, i.e. the scattering of waves of light or of charged particles. In the case of the motion of the mass are the determining factors of force and time travel. Different types of movement are translational motion, rotation and oscillation.
4 welding Processes of metals
4.1 welding with pressure
4.1.1 Energy — solid welding heated element: pressure welding, in which heating of the workpiece in the region of the connection of the heating tool.
Note — the Heating may be continuous or pulsed. Welding is performed with the application of force without the addition of filler material. The force applied using the tool in the form of a wedge or a nozzle, which is fed through one of the blanks. the heated wedge welding: welding heated element in the form of the heated wedge (see figure 1).
Figure 1 — welding heated wedge
1 — weld; 2 — feeder of the workpiece; 3 — power supply; 4 — wedge-shaped tool;5 — processing
Figure 1 — welding heated wedge heated welding nozzle: welding heated element in a heated nozzle (see figure 2).
Figure 2 — the welding of the heated mouthpiece
1 — weldment; 2 — power supply; 3 — the mouthpiece; 4 — weld
Figure 2 — the welding of the heated mouthpiece welding connection nailhead: Option of welding the heated mouthpiece, in which the end of one or two wires, fed through the mouthpiece and heated by flame or electrical discharge, forming a small drop under the action of the applied force is flattened in the shape of a nail head (see figure 3).
Note — Processes
Figure 3 — welding connection nailhead
1 — flame; 2 — a drop of molten metal; 3 — power source; 4 — the mouthpiece; 5 — piece; 6 — weld
Figure 3 — welding connection nailhead
4.1.2 Energy — liquid welding pressure casting of liquid metal between the welded edges: pressure welding, in which the connection node is in the mold and molten metal is poured between the welded surfaces (see figure 4).
Note — the Molten metal is frequently produced by alumothermic reaction (see
Figure 4 — the welding pressure casting of liquid metal between the welded edges
1 — mold; 2 — workpiece; 3 — weld; 4 — workpiece; 5 — molten metal
Figure 4 — the welding pressure casting of liquid metal between the welded edges
4.1.3 Energy — gas vasopressive welding (47): pressure welding, in which the mating surfaces of the workpiece are heated by oxy-fuel flame and the welding is performed with the application of force without filler metal. Assembly for welding can be open or closed (see figure 5).
Figure 5 — Vasopressive welding
a) Assembly of the closed type | b) Assembly of the open type |
1 — stamped metal; 2 — weld; 3 — welding burner; 4 — gas flame; 5 — processing
Figure 5 — Vasopressive welding
4.1.4 Energy — electric discharge welding arc driven by a magnetic field (185): Arc pressure welding in which the arc force is moving in a magnetic field and heats the mating surfaces are then under the influence of forces are in contact and welded together. impact arc welding (77): pressure welding, in which use the heat of the arc, due to transient electric discharge. The shock pressure is supplied during or immediately after the electrical discharge.
Note — welding can be accompanied by electric heating. It is used mainly for welding rods (studs). arc welding studs with ceramic protection ring or a gas and initiate the arc opening of the welding circuit (783): Shock, arc welding studs, which end is initially in contact with the workpiece; a discharge is formed by the separation of the end studs and protected by a ceramic ring or gas (see figure 6).
Figure 6 — Arc welding studs with ceramic protection ring or a gas and initiate the arc opening of the welding circuit
1 — weld; 2 — arch; 3 — ceramic ring; 4 — stud (blank); 5 — the welding gun; 6 — spring; 7 — lifting magnet; 8 — power supply; 9 — processing
Figure 6 — Arc welding studs with ceramic protection ring or a gas and initiate the arc opening of the welding circuit condenser welding studs with excitation of the arc the open circuit(785): core Arc welding element (stud) in which the arc is powered by a capacitor and burning between the stud and the workpiece (see figure 7).
Figure 7 — Capacitor stud welding with excitation of the arc the open circuit
1 — stud; 2 — workpiece; 3 — arc; 4 — resistant tube
Figure 7 — Capacitor stud welding with excitation of the arc the open circuit condenser welding of studs with ignition of the arc by melting the end of the studs (786): Shock, arc welding studs, in which the arc is ignited at high current density melting and evaporation of the end studs of special form (see figure 8).
Figure 8 — Condenser welding of studs with ignition of the arc by melting the end of the studs
1 — weld; 2 — end of studs; 3 — workpiece; 4 — arc; 5 — stud (blank); 6 — welding gun; 7 — spring; 8 — power supply
Figure 8 — Condenser welding of studs with ignition of the arc by melting the end of the studs
4.1.5 Energy radiation
(To date, such processes are not known.)
4.1.6 Energy — mass motion cold welding (48): pressure welding, in which use only long-term pressure, causing significant plastic deformation. cold welding draught: Cold pressure welding in which by means of clamps creates the required deformation and metal flow (see figure 9).
Figure 9 — Cold welding draft
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — clips
Figure 9 — Cold welding draft cold extrusion welding: Cold pressure welding using a special stamp (see figure 10).
Figure 10 — Cold welding extrusion
1 — weld; 2 — workpiece; 3 — punch; 4 — matrix
Figure 10 — Cold welding extrusion impact welding: pressure welding in which the workpieces are welded by the force of the blow. The heat released during an instantaneous collision parts, contributes to the welding. explosion welding (441): Percussion welding in which the workpieces are welded during collision with each other due to the detonation of perozabad (see figure 11).
Figure 11 — explosion welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — front of detonation; 4 — explosive charge; 5 — welded plate; 6 — a motionless plate (basis)
a) cladding an explosion
1 — pipe; 2 — a protective cap; 3 — the detonator; 4 — tube Board; 5 — wire detonator; 6 — main firozabad; 7 — plastic insert
b) explosion welding of the pipe with the tube Board
Figure 11 — explosion welding magnetic pulse welding: Percussion welding in which the pulse current of large magnitude flows through the coil surrounding the workpiece and creates a magnetic field that causes welding stress (see figure 12).
Figure 12 — Magnetic-pulse welding
1 — tube (blank); 2 — plug (billet); 3 — power supply; 4 — weld; 5 — coil
Figure 12 — Magnetic-pulse welding friction welding (42): pressure welding, in which the surface warmed by friction, usually by rotation of one or both workpieces in contact with each other or by a separate rotation of the third body; the welding is completed with the application of the forging effort, usually after the cessation of rotation. friction welding with constant speed: friction welding, in which the rotation speed is constant (see figure 13).
Figure 13 — friction welding
1 — brake; 2 — workpiece; 3 — grant; 4 — weld; 5 — clamp
Figure 13 — friction welding inertia friction welding: friction welding, in which the rotational energy stored in the flywheel; the friction the speed of rotation is constantly decreasing (see figure 14).
Figure 14 is an Inertial friction welding
Figure 14 is an Inertial friction welding orbital friction welding: friction welding, in which a circular movement is obtained by rotation welding of both workpieces at the same angular velocity in the same direction, but with a slight displacement of the axis of rotation of one of the workpieces relative to the other (see figure 15).
Note — At the end of the cycle the axis of the workpiece aligned again, and the joints are welded.
Figure 15 — Orbital friction welding
Figure 15 — Orbital friction welding radial friction welding: friction welding, in which the notched ring rotates and is pressed radially to the two circular hollow parts forming the connection [see figure 16 a)].
Note — This technique can also be used for rolling rings inside the hollow workpieces with the purpose of forming a connection [see figure 16 b)]. In the third variant, [see figure 16 C)] ring of dissimilar materials can be welded to the solid terminal.
Figure 16 — Radial friction welding
Figure 16 — Radial friction welding forge welding (43): pressure welding in which the workpieces are heated in a furnace, and the seam is obtained as a result of blows of the hammer or the application of another pulse of power, sufficient for plastic deformation of mating surfaces (see figure 17).
Figure 17 — forge welding
1 — anvil; 2 — workpiece; 3 — hammer; 4 — weld
Figure 17 — forge welding ultrasonic welding (41): pressure welding, in which mechanical vibrations of high frequency and small amplitude, and static power form the seam between the two welded blanks at a temperature significantly below the melting temperature of the material (see figure 18).
Note — it is allowed to apply additional heat.
Figure 18 — Ultrasonic welding
1 — weld; 2 — ultrasonic vibrations; 3 — Converter; 4 — waveguide; 5 — welding roller; 6 — processing
Figure 18 — Ultrasonic welding ultrasonic welding with heating: Ultrasonic welding, in which the anvil is heated separately during welding.
Figure 19 — Ultrasonic welding with preheating
1 — support (anvil) heated; 2 — ultrasonic vibrations; 3 — Converter; 4 — waveguide; 5 — welding tip; 6 — processing
Figure 19 — Ultrasonic welding with preheating
4.1.7 Energy source — electric current contact welding (2): pressure welding, in which heat necessary for welding is generated by an electric current passing through the welding zone. spot welding (21): resistance welding in which the seam is at the point between the parts located between the electrodes, and the area of the welding in the contact detail-detail approximately equal to the area of the contact surface of the electrodes (see figure 20).
Note — During welding, the compressive force is transmitted through the electrodes.
Figure 20 — resistance Spot welding (sheet 1)
1 — the welding point; 2 — the electrode for spot welding; 3 — part; 4 — electrode for spot welding; 5 — power source
a) Bilateral resistance spot welding (212)
Figure 20 — resistance Spot welding (sheet 1)
Figure 20 — resistance Spot welding (sheet 2)
1 — bottom plate; 2 — the spot-weld; 3 — part; 4 — power source; 5 — electrodes for spot welding
b) Unilateral resistance spot welding (211)
Figure 20 — resistance Spot welding (sheet 2) seam welding lap joint (221): resistance welding in which force is applied continuously, the current flows continuously or intermittently, the parts are placed between the roller electrode or roller electrode and the electrode mandrel, thereby forming a series of individual spot welds which partially overlap (see figure 21).
Note — the Rollers transmit force and current and rotate continuously during welding a continuous seam or spin on start-stop the program when the weld seam.
Figure 21 Seam welding lap joint
1 — welding roller; 2 — weld; 3 — part; 4 — welding roller; 5 — power source
Figure 21 Seam welding lap joint seam resistance welding with crushing edges (222): resistance welding in which the seam is formed between the parts of uniform thickness with controlled narrow overlap (see figure 22).
Note — Flat rollers create a seam, the thickness of which is almost equal to the thickness of a single sheet.
Figure 22 — Seam resistance welding with crushing edges
1 list; 2 — seam
Figure 22 — Seam resistance welding with crushing edges seam resistance welding with cover plates (226): Seam resistance welding lap-joints, which use an overlay on one or both sides (see figure 23).
Figure 23 — Seam resistance welding with cover plates
1 — welding roller; 2 — weld; 3 — pin panel; 4 — leaf; 5 — welding roller; 6 — power supply
Figure 23 — Seam resistance welding with cover plates seam butt welding the foil (225): Seam resistance welding with cover plates, in which the details of the bevel are joined without a gap, and metal tape or wire fed through the centre of the junction with one or both sides of the connection (see figure 24).
Figure 24 — Welded contact butt welding of the foil
1 — electrode; 2 — foil supplied to the welding zone; 3 — cooling nozzles; 4 — cross-section prior to welding; 5 — done weld
Figure 24 — Welded contact butt welding of the foil relief welding (23): resistance welding in which the power and current are localized on the protrusion or protrusions located on one or more of the mating surfaces and plushevaya when welding (see figure 25).
Note — Current and force is usually transmitted through the plate, clamps and grips.
Figure 25 — Relief welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — electrode; 4 — power, 5 — electrode for projection welding
A — before welding, after welding
a) Bilateral relief welding
1 — blank; 2 — main plate; 3 — power supply; 4 — electrode for projection welding
A — before welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — a basic plate; 4 — electrode for projection welding
In after welding
b) Unilateral relief welding
Figure 25 — Relief welding butt resistance welding (25): resistance welding in which the parts are joined under pressure before start of heating, the pressure is maintained, then current is passed until, until the temperature reaches welding temperature, which causes precipitation of the metal (see figure 26).
Note — Current and force are transmitted through the clips.
Figure 26 — Butt resistance welding
1 — clamp; 2 — weld; 3 — stamped metal; 4 — clamp; 5 — workpiece; 6 — power supply
A — before welding, after welding
Figure 26 — Butt resistance welding flash butt welding (24): resistance welding in which the parts progressively closer together and the current flowing through specific points of contact, causes a repeating spark flares, and emissions of molten metal (see figure 27).
Note — After reaching the welding temperature is rapidly applied force, the metal joint is squeezed and welding ends. Melting may be preceded by preheating. Current and force are transmitted through the clips.
Figure 27 — flash Butt welding
1 — clamp; 2 — weld; 3 — grant; 4 — clamp; 5 — piece; 6 — zone of the spark flashes (spark gap); 7 — power supply
A — before welding, after welding
Figure 27 — flash Butt welding high frequency welding (291): resistance welding in which an alternating current frequency of at least 10 kHz is supplied through mechanical contact or induced in the part and causes the heating for welding (see figure 28).
Note — a high-Frequency current concentrates on adjacent surfaces and causes vysokomineralizovannyh heating prior to application of the welding force.
Figure 28 — high Frequency welding
1 — weld; 2 — high frequency power supply; 3 — electrode; 4 — workpiece; 5 — electrode
Figure 28 — high Frequency welding induction welding (74): pressure welding, in which heat is induced by an electric current (see figure 29).
Figure 29 — Induction welding
1 — inductor; 2 — workpiece; 3 — power source; 4 — the crimp roller; 5 — weld
a) welding using rod inductors
Figure 29 is an Induction welding (sheet 1)
1 — power source; 2 — inductor; 3 — workpiece; 4 — crimping roller; 5 — weld
b) welding using the ring inductor
Figure 29 is an Induction welding (sheet 2) contact welding studs (782): welding studs or similar items (see figure 30).
Figure 30 — Pin welding stud
1 — electrode for projection welding; 2 — power supply; 3 — electrode for projection welding;4 — stud (blank); 5 — weld; 6 — processing
Figure 30 — Pin welding stud
4.1.8 other energy diffusion welding (45): pressure welding, in which parts are in contact at the prescribed continuous pressure and heat in the contact area or the entire volume at the specified temperature for a specified time.
Note — It leads to a local deformation and, consequently, close contact of surfaces and diffusion of atoms through them. Creates complete continuity of the material. Welding can be carried out in vacuum, in protective gas or in liquid, mainly without filler metal (see figure 31).
Figure 31 — Diffusion welding.
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — induction heater; 4 — working chamber
Figure 31 — Diffusion welding. rolling welding: pressure welding, in which the force is built up by rolling the rollers after the heating work piece in a variety of ways (see figure 32).
Figure 32 — welding rolling
1 — weld; 2 — workpiece; 3 — roll
Figure 32 — welding rolling cladding rolling: pressure welding, in which the relationship between core and cladding materials obtained after heating billets and the subsequent compression of the rolling rollers (see figure 33).
Figure 33 — cladding rolling
1 — bottom roll; 2 — base metal; 3 — cover; 4 — upper roller with
Figure 33 — cladding rolling
4.2 fusion welding
4.2.1 Energy — solid friction welding with stirring: fusion welding, in which heat is created by friction between a rotating non-consumable pin and workpiece (see figure 34).
Note — the Finger moves along the axis of the connection, resulting in a butt joint.
Figure 34 — friction welding with stirring
1 — rotating the finger; 2 — processing
Figure 34 — friction welding with stirring
4.2.2 Energy — liquid welding pouring liquid metal between the welded edges: fusion welding in which the base node is placed in a welded form and molten filler metal is poured into the welding surfaces to form a seam. thermite welding (71): welding, pouring molten metal between the welded edges, which use the energy of exothermic reaction of a mixture of metal oxides and powdered aluminum powder to produce molten filler metal (see figure 35).
Note — you may use a pre-heating time. In some cases, applying pressure.
Figure 35 — Thermite welding
1 — cap; 2 — the case of the crucible; 3 — refractory lining; 4 — termite; 5 — thermite match; 6 — a cover of the crucible; 7 — insulation; 8 — Cup; 9 — stop nail; 10 — runoff model material; 11 — hole for preheating; 12 — mold; 13 — profits; 14 is a chute for slag; 15 — gate; 16 — processing
A crucible, In — cross section shape
Figure 35 — Thermite welding
4.2.3 Energy — gas gas welding (3): fusion welding, in which heat is used heat of combustion of a combustible gas or mixture of combustible gases and oxygen (see figure 36).
Figure 36 — Gas welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — filler metal for welding; 4 — gas flame; 5 — fuel gas and oxygen; 6 — welding torch
Figure 36 — Gas welding azetilirovanna welding (311) Gas welding where the fuel gas is acetylene. propanocaine welding (312): Gas welding where the fuel gas is propane. hydrogen-oxygen welding (313): Gas welding where the fuel gas is hydrogen.
4.2.4 Energy resource — an electric discharge (especially electric arc) arc welding (1): fusion welding, in which heating is conducted by electric arc. arc welding with consumable electrode (101): Arc welding performed expendable (consumable) electrode. arc welding without gas protection (11): Arc welding carried out without the introduction into the arc zone from the outside of the protective gas. manual arc welding with consumable coated electrode (111): Arc welding a consumable electrode is performed manually using a coated electrode (see figure 37).
Figure 37 — Manual arc welding with consumable covered electrode
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — slag; 4 — arc; 5 — covered electrode; 6 — electrode; 7 — power supply
Figure 37 — Manual arc welding with consumable covered electrode gravity welding with covered electrode (112): Arc welding consumable electrode in which a coated electrode is supported mechanically and descends under the action of gravity (see figure 38).
Figure 38 — Gravity welding with covered electrode
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — slag; 4 — arc; 5 — covered electrode; 6 — directing; 7 — power supply
Figure 38 — Gravity welding with covered electrode arc welding self-shielded flux-cored wire (114): Arc welding with consumable electrode, in which the use of powder wire without the introduction of externally shielding gas in the arc zone (see figure 39).
Figure 39 — Arc welding by selfdefence powder wire
1 — workpiece; 2 — arch; 3 — weld; 4 — burner; 5 — the mouthpiece; 6 — cored wire; 7 — feed rollers; 8 — power supply
Figure 39 — Arc welding by selfdefence powder wire arc welding submerged arc (12): Arc welding with a consumable electrode, which uses one or more solid or flux-cored wire electrodes or tape electrodes and granular flux that is fed and melted, completely closing the arc (s) (see figure 40).
Figure 40 — Arc welding submerged arc
1 — welding bath; 2 — slag; 3 — flux; 4 — tube flow flux; 5 — the mouthpiece; 6 — feed rollers; 7 — electrode wire; 8 — arm; 9 — welded seam; 10 — power supply
Figure 40 — Arc welding submerged arc arc welding submerged arc wire electrode (121): Arc submerged welding in which use only one wire electrode. arc welding submerged arc strip electrode (122): Arc submerged arc welding, in which use solid or flux-cored strip electrode. arc welding submerged arc multiple wire electrodes (123): Arc submerged welding in which use more than one wire electrode. arc submerged-arc welding with addition of metal powder (124): Arc submerged welding in which use one or several wire electrodes with the addition of metal powder. arc welding under the flux-cored wire electrodes(125): Arc submerged arc welding with one or several cored wire electrodes. arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode (13): Arc welding consumable electrode that uses the electrode wire, arc and weld pool to protect from the atmosphere gas supplied from the outside (see figure 41).
Figure 41 — Arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode
1 — workpiece; 2 — arch; 3 — weld; 4 — nozzle; 5 — shielding gas; 6 — the mouthpiece; 7 a wire electrode; 8 — feed rollers; 9 — power supply
Figure 41 — Arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode arc welding in inert gas consumable electrode (131): Arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode, in which the protective gas is an inert gas, such as argon or helium. arc welding in active gas consumable electrode (135): Arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode, in which as protective gas using reactive gas. arc welding in active gas flux-cored wire (136): Arc welding in active gas consumable electrode, in which the electrode using FCAW. arc welding in inert gas flux-cored wire (137): Arc welding in inert gas consumable electrode, in which the electrode using FCAW. plasma welding consumable electrode in inert gas (151): a Combination of welding in inert gas consumable electrode and plasma welding. arc welding with forced formation and gas protection (73): Arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode, in which liquid metal weld pool is kept cooled by the slide moving up as you complete the seam (see figure 42).
Figure 42 Arc welding with forced formation and gas protection
1 — weld; 2 — workpiece; 3 — power supply; 4 — water cooling; 5 — wire electrode; 6 — feed rollers; 7 — guide mouthpiece; 8 — workpiece; 9 — slides; 10 — arc; 11 — protective gas; 12 — welding bath; 13 — weld metal; 14 — water cooling
Figure 42 Arc welding with forced formation and gas protection arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode (14): welding in shielding gas consumable, for example, tungsten electrode. arc welding in inert gas with tungsten electrode (141): Arc welding in protective gas, in which use non-consumable electrode made of pure or activated tungsten, and the arc and protect the weld pool with inert gas (see figure 43).
Note — Can be added to the filler metal.
Figure 43 — Arc welding in inert gas tungsten electrode
1 — workpiece; 2 — arch; 3 — weld; 4 — filler metal for welding; 5 — nozzle; 6 — protective gas; 7 — pin tip; 8 — tungsten electrode; 9 — power supply
Figure 43 — Arc welding in inert gas tungsten electrode plasma welding (15): Arc welding in which the heating is effected with the compacted arc.
Note — Protection, it is possible to create additional gas. Can be used filler metal. plasma welding arc direct action: Plasma welding in which an electric power source connected to the electrode and the workpiece (see figure 44).
Figure 44 — Plasma welding arc direct action
1 — arc of direct action; 2 — weld; 3 — filler metal for welding; 4 — orifice nozzle; 5 — plasma gas; 6 — nozzle for protective gas; 7 — shielding gas; 8 — pin tip; 9 — tungsten electrode; 10 — plug; 11 — power supply; 12 — processing
Figure 44 — Plasma welding arc direct action plasma welding arc indirect actions: Plasma welding in which an electric power source connected to the electrode and the nozzle, resulting in a plasma jet (see figure 45).
Figure 45 — Plasma welding arc indirect actions
1 — indirect arc; 2 — welding; 3 — filler metal for welding; 4 — orifice nozzle; 5 — plasma gas; 6 — protective gas nozzle; 7 — shielding gas; 8 — pin tip; 9 — tungsten electrode; 10 — plug; 11 — power supply; 12 — processing
Figure 45 — Plasma welding arc indirect actions plasma welding with a switchable arc: Plasma arc welding in which the arc can switch to the direct or indirect actions (see figure 46).
Note — Usually used for surfacing.
Figure 46 — Plasma welding with a switchable arc
1 — switchable arc; 2 — welding; 3 — filler metal for welding; 4 — orifice nozzle; 5 — plasma gas; 6 — nozzle; 7 — shielding gas; 8 — pin tip; 9 — tungsten electrode; 10 — plug; 11 — power supply; 12 — processing
Figure 46 — Plasma welding with a switchable arc plasma powder welding: Plasma welding with the supply of metal powder (see figure 47).
Figure 47 — Plasma welding powder
1 — weld; 2. direct action; 3 — an additional shielding gas nozzle (optional); 4 — orifice nozzle; 5 — plasma gas; 6 — additional shielding gas (optional); 7 — shielding gas nozzle; 8 — filler powder + shielding gas; 9 — pin tip; 10 — tungsten electrode; 11 — plug; 12 — processing; 13 — power supply
Figure 47 — Plasma welding powder
4.2.5 Energy radiation laser welding (52): fusion welding, in which heating is used a monochromatic coherent beam of light (see figure 48).
Figure 48 — Laser welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — light source; 3 — power source; 4, elliptical mirror; 5 — active element; 6 — light; 7 — laser beam; 8 — lens; 9 — protective gas; 10 — weld
Figure 48 — Laser welding welding solid state laser (521): Laser welding, in which the active medium is a solid crystal. welding gas laser (522): Laser welding, in which the active medium is a gas. electron beam welding (51): fusion welding that uses a focused electron beam (see figure 49).
Figure 49 — Electron beam welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — working chamber; 3 — electron beam; 4 — deflecting system; 5 — anode; 6 — cathode; 7 — vacuum chamber; 8 — power supply; 9 — focusing system; 10 — weld
Figure 49 — Electron beam welding electron beam welding in vacuum (511): Electron-beam welding performed in the vacuum. electron beam welding in atmosphere (512): Electron-beam welding performed in the atmosphere.
4.2.6 Energy — mass motion
(To date, such processes are not known.)
4.2.7 Energy — electric current electro-slag welding (72): fusion welding, in which use the heat released in the departure consumable electrode or electrodes and the conductive slag bath during the passage of current to the metal bath and the slag bath is kept cooled by the slide moving upward as you perform the weld (see figure 50).
Note — After pointing the slag bath through the arc end of the electrode immersed in the slag, and continuously melts prior to the end of welding. Electrodes can be solid or flux-cored strips and plates.
Figure 50 — Electroslag welding
1 — workpiece; 2 — power supply; 3 — cooling; 4 — electrode; 5 — feed rollers; 6 — guide mouthpiece; 7 — billet; 8 — slides; 9 — slag bath; 10 — welding bath; 11 — weld metal; 12 — cooling; 13 — weld
Figure 50 — Electroslag welding
5 Terms relating to welding technology
5.1 Terms related to welding technology
5.1.1 single-pass welding: welding in which the seam or fused layer in a single pass.
Note — the Seam may consist of one or more rollers.
5.1.2 two-pass welding: welding in which the seam or fused layer in two passes.
5.1.3 multi-pass welding: welding in which the seam or fused layer more than two passes.
Note — Can be specified the number of passes (for example, «three-pass welding»).
5.1.4 one-sided welding: welding in which the seam is performed on one side of the workpiece.
5.1.5 bilateral welding: welding in which the seam is performed on both sides of the workpiece.
5.1.6 bilateral single-pass welding: welding in which the seam is performed on both sides of the workpiece in a single pass and each pass consists of only one roller.
5.1.7 bilateral simultaneous welding: welding in which the seam is performed simultaneously from two sides of the workpiece (see figure 51).
Figure 51 — Simultaneous two-side welding
1 — welding head; 2 — workpiece; 3 — welding head; 4 — weld
Figure 51 — Simultaneous two-side welding
5.1.8 the left method of welding: Gas welding in which the welding rod moves ahead of the burner (see figure 52).
Figure 52 is a Left welding method
1 — workpiece; 2 — filler wire; 3 — gas burner; 4 — gas flame; 5 — weld
Figure 52 is a Left welding method
5.1.9 right method of welding: Gas welding in which the welding rod moves behind the burner (see figure 53).
Figure 53 — Right welding method
1 — gas flame; 2 — weld; 3 — welding rod; 4 — gas burner; 5 — processing
Figure 53 — Right welding method
5.1.10 welding with narrow gap: fusion welding, in which the gap between the workpieces is relatively narrow. Can be used various methods of arc welding with consumable electrode, i.e. arc welding in active gas consumable electrode arc welding with forced formation and gas protection etc.
5.1.11 obratnoystorone welding: welding in which short sections of the seam is performed in a direction opposite to the total increment of length of weld and so that the end of one section overlaps the beginning of the previous section (see figure 54).
Figure 54 — Obratnoystorone welding
1 — gas flame; 2 — workpiece; 3 — welding rod; 4 — gas burner; 5 — direction of welding short lengths; 6 — second pass; 7 — the first pass; 8 — weld
Figure 54 — Obratnoystorone welding
5.1.12 welding angle forward: welding in which the torch is tilted at an acute angle to the axis of the seam in a direction opposite to the direction of welding (see figure 55).
Figure 55 — welding angle forward
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — burner
Figure 55 — welding angle forward
5.1.13 welding angle back: welding in which the torch is tilted at an acute angle to the axis of the weld in the direction coinciding with the direction of welding (see figure 56).
Figure 56 — welding angle back
1 — workpiece; 2 — weld; 3 — burner
Figure 56 — welding angle back
5.1.14 welding with transverse oscillation of the torch: welding in which the seam perform with the oscillation of the torch across the direction of welding (see figure 57).
Figure 57 — welding with transverse oscillation of the burner
1 — weld; 2 — workpiece; 3 — burner
Figure 57 — welding with transverse oscillation of the burner
5.1.15 welding, tack welding: Fixing mutual arrangement of the welded parts or assemblies by short welds.
5.2 Terms related to the physical and engineering characteristics of the welding
5.2.1 the welding operation: Operation in which the parts connected by welding.
Note — In arc welding, for example, the welding operation coincides with the time of arc burning.
5.2.2 welding conditions: the Conditions under which welding is carried out; these include environmental factors (e.g., weather), stress and ergonomic factors (e.g., noise, heat, cramped working conditions) and factors related to the workpiece (e.g., base metal, form cutting, the seam position in space).
5.2.3 welding parameters: the Data necessary to perform the required weld using the welding process; these include, for example, filler metal, set of mechanical and electrical parameters, the preheat temperature, the temperature of the associated heating, the temperature of the weld before executing the subsequent pass, the order of seam filling.
Note — as an example, figure 58 shows the curve of the electrical parameters of welding.
Figure 58 — Example of welding parameters
1 — period; 2 — paused; 3 — pulse; 4 — recession time; 5 — rise time; 6 — voltage (current); 7 — voltage (current) pulse; 8 — voltage (current) pause; 9 — time
Figure 58 — Example of welding parameters
5.2.4 the burner tilt: the angle between the axis of the burner and the longitudinal axis of a welded connection in the direction of welding (see figure 59).
Figure 59 — Slope burners
1 — workpiece; 2 — slope of the burner; 3 — burner; 4 — weld
Figure 59 — Slope burners
5.2.5 the angle between the torch and the workpiece: the angle between the axis of the burner and the base surface in a plane perpendicular to the welding direction (see figure 60).
Figure 60 is the angle between the torch and the workpiece
1 — the angle between torch and workpiece; 2 — burner
Figure 60 is the angle between the torch and the workpiece
5.2.6 the electrode extension: the distance between the mouthpiece end and the end of the wire electrode.
5.2.7 distance from the mouthpiece to the product: the distance from the mouthpiece to the point of arc ignition on the product (see figure 61).
Figure 61 — Distance from the mouthpiece to the product
1 — distance from the mouthpiece to the product
Figure 61 — Distance from the mouthpiece to the product
5.2.8 the welding direction: the Direction in which perform the welding.
Note — the welding Direction determined by the direction of the increment of the length of the seam.
5.2.9 the melting rate: the Rate at which the melted filler metal.
Note — the melting Rate is defined as the length of the molten filler metal per unit of time.
5.2.10 the feed rate of the filler metal: the Speed with which serves a filler metal.
Note — the feed Rate is defined as the length of the filler metal applied per unit of time.
5.2.11 welding speed: the Speed with which increases the length of the platen in the direction of welding.
5.2.12 cooling time: cooling Time between two defined temperatures, usually determined for the weld and its heat affected zone.
Example — represents the cooling time from 800 °C to 500 °C.
5.2.13 melting time: the Time during which the melted filler metal.
5.2.14 heating time: the heating Time is between two set temperatures, which is usually determined for the weld metal or heat affected zone.
Example — denotes the heating time from 500 °C to 800 °C.
5.2.15 the welding time: the Time required to perform the weld (with the exception of preparatory and final operations).
Note — It consists of productive weld time and service time.
5.2.16 productive welding time: the Time during which carry out the welding operation.
5.2.17 the service time: the Time to perform the tasks associated with welding (e.g., changing electrodes, slag removal).
5.2.18 the temperature upon exposure arising from the interruption of the welding process : the Minimum temperature in the zone of the weld that needs to be maintained in case of interruption of the welding process (see ISO 13916).
5.2.19 preheat temperature : the temperature of the parts in the weld area immediately before welding operation.
Note — As a rule, indicate the minimum value of this temperature is usually equal to the minimum junction temperature (see ISO 13916).
5.2.20 the temperature between passes : the Temperature of the multipass weld and the adjacent region of the base metal immediately before the next pass.
Note — Usually set the maximum value of this temperature (see ISO 13916).
5.2.21 heat input : Electrical energy consumed per unit length of seam, and calculated according to the formula
where welding voltage;
— welding current;
— the welding speed.
5.2.22 the density of the effective energy : the energy is Introduced, related to the joint dimensions, as the length of the cushion or seam, section seam, the diameter of the spot weld.
In the case of arc welding is an effective heat input is computed according to the formula
where is heat input;
— the effective efficiency of the heating process of the product arc.
5.2.23 the effective efficiency of the heating process: the Ratio of the effective heat input to the heat input:
5.2.24 the relative effective efficiency of the heating process : the Ratio of effective efficiency of the heating process in any welding method
to that in the submerged arc welding
5.2.25 three-dimensional heat flow: Heat flow in welding, having components parallel to the plate surface and perpendicular to it.
5.2.26 two-dimensional heat flow: Heat flow in welding, having components parallel to the surface of the plate.
5.2.27 intermediate thickness : the thickness of the plate at which the heat flow is intermediate between three-dimensional and two-dimensional flows.
Note — depends on input energy.
5.2.28 productivity of melting of the filler metal: the Weight of filler metal consumed per unit of productive weld time.
5.2.29 performance weld: Mass of metal all weld produced per unit of productive weld time.
5.2.30 the utilization of filler metal, %: the ratio of the mass of metal, deposited in the cut or the workpiece, the weight of consumable filler metal or consumable electrode rod in arc welding with a covered electrode.
5.2.31 the ratio of the lengths of the cushion and additives: the ratio of the length of the cushion to the length of the consumable welding rod.
5.2.32 deposition rate: the Weight of weld metal, weld in a breaker per unit of productive weld time.
5.2.33 the span transverse vibrations: Double amplitude transverse vibrations of the welding wire or welding tool (see figure 62).
Figure 62 — the Scale and amplitude of transverse vibrations
1 — span transverse vibrations; 2 — the amplitude of the transverse vibrations; 3 — welding head; 4 — workpiece; 5 — seam
Figure 62 — the Scale and amplitude of transverse vibrations
5.2.34 the amplitude of the transverse vibrations: half of the span transverse vibrations (see figure 62).
5.2.35 the frequency of transverse vibrations: the Number of oscillations of the welding wire or welding tool per unit time.
5.3 Terms related to welds
5.3.1 beginning of the seam: the Point on the product where the seam begins or began.
5.3.2 tack: Seam for fixing mutual arrangement of the subject welding parts or assemblies.
5.3.3 the location of the oven: Place the product where the addition is performed or completed.
5.3.4 temporary seam: the Seam for temporary fixation of parts during Assembly that should be removed after fabrication of the node.
5.3.5 extended cushion: the Cushion is obtained when welding with transverse oscillation of the welding wire or welding tool.
5.3.6 roller/down Roller obtained in welding without transverse vibrations of the welding wire or welding tool.
5.3.7 place of the resumption of joint: Point on the product where the welding is resumed or renewed.
5.3.8 end of a seam: the Point on the product where the seam is interrupted or terminated.
5.3.9 welding area: Area of the part or parts where the welding is performed or completed.
5.4 Terms related to time dependence of the welding operation
5.4.1 program welding tack: a Program that establishes the location and size of the tacks and the sequence of their execution.
5.4.2 the sequence of welding tack: the Order in which you are running potholders.
5.4.3 program sequence of welding: the Program, establishing the order and direction of welds on the product.
5.4.4 sequence of passes: the Order in which you are running the weld passes or weld layer.
5.4.5 the sequence of stitches: the Order in which you are running the stitches on the product.
5.4.6 welding program: the Program that installs the whole welding process (e.g., sequence of welding, welding conditions, welding parameters).
5.5 Terms relating to subsidiary means of welding
5.5.1 introductory strap: Strap made of metal, abutting so as to obtain the total cross section of the seam at its beginning.
5.5.2 lead strap: a Strap of metal, abutting so as to obtain the total cross section of the weld at its end (avoiding, thus, the formation of a crater at the end of the seam).
5.5.3 lining: Detail installed when welding to prevent leakage of the liquid bath; it may also improve the formation of the root pass.
5.5.4 remaining lining: Lining that remains after welding is continuously connected with the product.
5.5.5 non-remaining lining: the Lining which is removed after welding.
5.5.6 welding materials: All materials such as filler materials, gas, flux or paste is consumed in the welding process and contribute to the formation of the weld.
5.5.7 backing gas protection of the back side seam: Auxiliary material (e.g. forming gas) used to prevent oxidation of the reverse side of the seam and to reduce the risk of spillage of the liquid bath.
6 Terms according to the degree of mechanization of welding
6.1 manual welding: welding where the electrode holder, hand held welding gun or torch are operated manually (see table 1).
6.2 partly mechanized welding: Manual welding where the wire feed is mechanized (see table 1).
6.3 fully-mechanized welding: welding where all main operations (excluding the loading and unloading of parts) mechanized (see table 1).
Note — Possible manual adjustment of the welding parameters in the welding process.
Table 1 — Examples of classification according to the degree of mechanization of welding
The name of the term | Example — | The movement | |||
Arc welding in inert gas with tungsten electrode (141) |
Arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode (13) |
Move the torch/ workpiece | Filing prisa — sedimentary metal | Loading — unloading of parts | |
Manual welding | - | manually | |||
Partly, powered- EN welding |
manually | mechanical zero — ized | manually | ||
Fully powered- EN welding |
mechanize | manually | |||
Automatic welding |
mechanize |
6.4 automatic welding: welding where all operations are mechanized (see table 1).
Note — Manual adjustment of welding parameters in the welding process impossible.
6.5 robotic welding: Automatic welding using a manipulator that can be pre-programmed to different welding directions taking into account the geometry of the products.
7 Terms, taking into account the number of welding heads
Table 2 — Terms, taking into account the number of welding heads
Item number | The name of the term | The number of welding heads |
Figure |
7.1 | Welding single head | One |
7.2 | Welding with two heads | Two |
7.3 | The three welding heads | Three |
7.4 | Welding multi-head |
More than three | - |
8 Terms, taking into account the number of electrodes in arc welding
(see table 3)
Table 3 — Terms, taking into account the number of electrodes in arc welding
Item number | The name of the term |
The number of electrodes | Figure |
8.1 | One-electrode welding | One |
8.2 | Two-electrode welding | Two |
8.3 | Three-electrode welding | Three |
8.4 | Multielectrode welding |
More than three | - |
9 Terms related to the location of the filler metal or a consumable electrode (see table 4)
(see table 4)
Table 4 — Terms related to the location of the filler metal or consumable electrode
Item number | The name of the term | The location of the filler metal or consumable electrode |
Figure |
9.1 | Welding with parallel electrodes | On the same line, at right angles to the direction of welding |
9.2 | Welding electrodes with the longitudinal and transversal mutual displacement of the | Next, with longitudinal and transverse mutual offset relative to the welding direction |
9.3 | Welding tandem | Two, placed one after the other in the direction of welding |
9.4 | Welding with multiple electrodes is displaced along the direction of welding |
More than two electrodes are shifted along the direction of welding | - |
Alphabetical index of terms in Russian language
The term | Paragraph number of this standard |
The index of the process according to ISO 4063 |
And | ||
automated welding |
6.4 | |
the amplitude of the transverse vibrations |
5.2.34 | |
azetilirovanna welding | | 311 |
In | ||
cushion/pass |
5.3.6 | |
introductory strap |
5.5.1 | |
vodorodovorot welding | | 313 |
a temporary seam |
5.3.4 | |
the heating time |
5.2.14 | |
service time |
5.2.17 | |
cooling time |
5.2.12 | |
melting time |
5.2.13 | |
the welding time |
5.2.15 | |
lead strap |
5.5.2 | |
the electrode extension |
5.2.6 | |
high frequency welding | | 291 |
G | ||
gas welding | | 3 |
vasopressive welding | | 47 |
gravity welding with covered electrode | | 112 |
D | ||
two-dimensional heat flow |
5.2.26 | |
bilateral single-pass welding |
5.1.6 | |
direct welding |
5.1.5 | |
two-pass welding |
5.1.2 | |
diffusion welding | | 45 |
arc welding studs with ceramic protection ring or a gas and initiate the arc opening of the welding circuit | | 783 |
arc welding | | 1 |
arc welding in active gas consumable electrode | | 135 |
arc welding in active gas flux-cored wire | | 136 |
arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode | | 14 |
arc welding in shielding gas consumable electrode | | 13 |
arc welding in inert gas tungsten electrode | | 141 |
arc welding in inert gas consumable electrode | | 131 |
arc welding in inert gas flux-cored wire | | 137 |
arc welding with consumable electrode | | 101 |
arc welding without gas protection | | 11 |
arc welding submerged arc | | 12 |
arc welding submerged arc strip electrode | | 122 |
arc welding submerged-arc multi-wire electrodes | | 123 |
arc welding under the flux-cored wire electrodes | | 125 |
arc welding submerged arc wire electrode | | 121 |
arc submerged-arc welding with addition of metal powder | | 124 |
arc welding self-shielded cored wire | | 114 |
arc welding with forced formation and gas protection | | 73 |
Z | ||
the weld zone |
5.3.9 | |
And | ||
induction welding | | 74 |
inertia friction welding | | |
To | ||
condenser welding studs with excitation of the arc the open circuit | | 785 |
condenser welding of studs with ignition of the arc by melting the end of the studs | | 786 |
the end of the seam |
5.3.8 | |
contact welding studs | | 782 |
welding | | 2 |
the utilization of filler metal |
5.2.30 | |
forge welding | | 43 |
L | ||
laser welding | | 52 |
left welding method |
5.1.8 | |
M | ||
magnetic pulse welding | | |
place of the resumption of the seam |
5.3.7 | |
location potholders |
5.3.3 | |
multi-pass welding |
5.1.3 | |
N | ||
the burner tilt |
5.2.4 | |
surfacing (welding) |
3.1.3 | |
the welding direction |
5.2.8 | |
the beginning of the seam |
5.3.1 | |
non-remaining lining |
5.5.5 | |
On | ||
obratnoystorone welding |
5.1.11 | |
bilateral simultaneous welding |
5.1.7 | |
the one-pass welding |
5.1.1 | |
one-side welding process |
5.1.4 | |
orbital friction welding | | |
the remaining lining |
5.5.4 | |
the relative effective efficiency of the heating process |
5.2.24 | |
the ratio of the lengths of the cushion and additives |
5.2.31 | |
P | ||
welding parameters |
5.2.3 | |
plasma welding | | 15 |
plasma welding arc indirect actions | | |
plasma welding arc direct action | | |
plasma welding consumable electrode in inert gas | | 151 |
plasma welding powder | | |
plasma welding with a switchable arc | | |
cladding rolling | | |
the density of the effective energy |
5.2.22 | |
heat input |
5.2.21 | |
lining |
5.5.3 | |
backing gas protection of the back side seam |
5.5.7 | |
fully mechanized welding |
6.3 | |
the sequence of passes |
5.4.4 | |
the sequence of welding tack |
5.4.2 | |
a sequence of stitches |
5.4.5 | |
right way welding |
5.1.9 | |
potholder |
5.3.2 | |
the program sequence welding |
5.4.3 | |
program welding |
5.4.6 | |
program welding tack |
5.4.1 | |
productive welding time |
5.2.16 | |
performance seam |
5.2.29 | |
deposition rates |
5.2.32 | |
productivity of melting of the filler metal |
5.2.28 | |
intermediate thickness |
5.2.27 | |
propanocaine welding | | 312 |
R | ||
radial friction welding | | |
the scope of transverse vibrations |
5.2.33 | |
the distance from the mouthpiece to the product |
5.2.7 | |
relief welding | | 23 |
robotic welding |
6.5 | |
manual arc welding by consumable stick electrode | | 111 |
manual welding |
6.1 | |
With | ||
explosion welding | | 441 |
welding gas laser | | 522 |
pressure welding |
3.1.1 | |
welding pressure casting of liquid metal between the welded edges | | |
welding arc driven by a magnetic field | | 185 |
welding of casting liquid metal between the welded edges | | |
welding of metals |
3.1 | |
welding heated wedge | | |
welding the heated mouthpiece | | |
welding heated element | | |
fusion welding |
3.1.2 | |
welding in a narrow gap |
5.1.10 | |
welding, tack welding |
5.1.15 | |
the roll welding. | | |
welding connection nailhead | | |
welding with transverse oscillation of the burner |
5.1.14 | |
welding solid-state laser | | Five hundred twenty one |
friction welding | | 42 |
friction welding with stirring | | |
friction welding with a constant speed of rotation | | |
welding angle forward |
5.1.12 | |
welding angle back |
5.1.13 | |
the welding operation |
5.2.1 | |
welding consumables |
5.5.6 | |
the melting rate |
5.2.9 | |
the feed rate of the filler metal |
5.2.10 | |
welding speed |
5.2.11 | |
connection (welded) |
3.1.4 | |
flash butt welding | | 24 |
butt resistance welding | | 25 |
T | ||
the temperature between passes |
5.2.20 | |
the temperature upon exposure arising from the interruption of the welding process |
5.2.18 | |
preheat temperature |
5.2.19 | |
thermite welding | | 71 |
spot welding | | 21 |
three-dimensional heat flow |
5.2.25 | |
Have | ||
the angle between the torch and the workpiece |
5.2.5 | |
percussive arc welding | | 77 |
percussion welding | | |
ultrasonic welding | | 41 |
ultrasonic welding with preheating | | |
welding conditions |
5.2.2 | |
the widened roller |
5.3.5 | |
X | ||
cold welding | | 48 |
cold welding extrusion | | |
cold welding draft | | |
H | ||
partly mechanized welding |
6.2 | |
the frequency of transverse vibrations |
5.2.35 | |
W | ||
seam resistance welding with cover plates | | 226 |
seam resistance welding with crushing edges | | 222 |
seam butt welding the foil | | 225 |
seam welding lap joint | | 221 |
E | ||
electron beam welding | | 51 |
electron beam welding in the atmosphere | | 512 |
electron beam welding in a vacuum | | 511 |
electroslag welding | | 72 |
energy |
3.2 | |
the effective efficiency of the heating process |
5.2.23 |
Alphabetical index of equivalent terms in English language
Term | Clause N | Process number in accordance with ISO 4063 |
And | ||
all-weld metal deposition rate |
5.2.29 | |
aluminothermic welding | | 71 |
arc welding | | 1 |
automatic welding |
6.4 | |
In | ||
backing |
5.5.3 | |
back-step welding |
5.1.11 | |
With | ||
capacitor discharge drawn-arc stud welding | | 785 |
capacitor discharge drawn-arc stud welding with tip ignition | | 786 |
cold pressure extrusion welding | | |
cold upset welding | | |
cold welding with pressure | | |
contact tube distance |
5.2.7 | |
continuous drive friction welding | | |
cooling time |
5.2.12 | |
D | ||
deposition rate |
5.2.28 | |
deposition ratio |
5.2.31 | |
diffusion welding | | 45 |
direction of welding |
5.1.6 | |
double side welding |
5.1.5 | |
drawn-arc stud welding with ceramic ferrule or shielding gas | | 783 |
E | ||
electrode efficiency |
5.2.30 | |
electrode extension |
5.2.6 | |
electrogas welding | | 73 |
electron beam welding | | 51 |
electron beam welding in atmosphere | | 512 |
electron beam welding in vacuum | | 511 |
electroslag welding | | 72 |
end of weld |
5.3.8 | |
energy carrier |
3.2 | |
energy input per unit length |
5.2.21 | |
explosive welding | | 441 |
F | ||
filler metal feed |
5.2.10 | |
flash welding | | 24 |
flow welding | | |
flow welding with liquid pressure | | |
foil butt-seam welding | | 225 |
forge welding | | |
friction stir welding | | |
friction welding | | |
fully mechanized welding |
6.3 | |
fusion welding |
3.1.2 | |
G | ||
gas backing |
5.5.7 | |
gas laser welding | | 522 |
gas-shielded metal-arc-welding | | 13 |
gas welding | | 3 |
gravity (arc) welding with covered electrode | | 112 |
N | ||
heat input | | |
heated element welding | | |
heated nozzle welding | | |
heated wedge welding | | |
heating time |
5.2.14 | |
HF resistance welding (high frequency resistance welding) | | 291 |
I | ||
induction welding | | 74 |
inertia friction welding | | |
interpass temperature |
5.2.20 | |
J | ||
joining (by welding) |
3.1.4 | |
L | ||
lap seam welding | | 221 |
laser welding | | 52 |
leftward welding |
5.1.8 | |
M | ||
off volume control dimension impelled arc butt welding | | |
magnetic impulse welding | | 185 |
manual metal-arc welding | | 111 |
manual welding |
6.1 | |
mash seam welding | | 222 |
melting rate |
5.2.9 | |
melting time |
5.2.13 | |
metal active gas welding, MAG welding | | 135 |
metal-arc welding | | 101 |
metal-arc welding without gas protection | | 11 |
metal inert gas welding, MIG welding | | 131 |
metal welding |
3.1 | |
multi-run welding |
5.1.3 | |
N | ||
nail head welding | | |
narrow gap welding |
5.1.10 | |
O | ||
one-side welding |
5.1.4 | |
orbital friction welding | | |
oxy-acetylene welding | | 311 |
oxy-fuel gas welding with pressure | | 47 |
oxy-hydrogen welding | | 313 |
oxy-propane welding | | 312 |
P | ||
partly mechanized welding |
6.2 | |
percussion welding | | 77 |
permanent backing |
5.5.4 | |
plasma arc welding | | 15 |
plasma arc welding with non-transferred arc | | |
plasma arc welding with semi-transferred arc | | |
plasma arc welding with transferred arc | | |
plasma MIG welding | | 151 |
powder plasma welding | | |
preheating temperature |
5.2.19 | |
preheat maintenance temperature |
5.2.18 | |
productive welding time |
5.2.16 | |
projection welding | | 23 |
pull technique |
5.1.13 | |
push technique |
5.1.12 | |
R | ||
radial friction welding | | |
relative efficiency |
5.2.24 | 25 |
resistance butt welding | | 782 |
resistance stud welding | | 2 |
resistance welding | | |
re-start of weld |
5.1.9 | |
rightward welding |
5.3.7 | |
robotic welding |
6.5 | |
roll cladding | | |
roll welding | | |
run-off plate |
5.5.2 | |
run-on plate |
5.5.1 | |
S | ||
seam welding with strip | | 226 |
self-shielded flux-cored arc welding | | 114 |
servicing time |
5.2.17 | |
shock welding | | |
simultaneous double-side welding |
5.1.7 | |
single-run welding |
5.1.1 | |
solid state laser welding | | 521 |
spot welding | | 21 |
start of weld |
5.3.1 | |
stringer bead/run |
5.3.6 | |
submerged arc welding | | 12 |
submerged arc welding with metallic powder addition | | 124 |
submerged arc welding with multiple wire electrodes | | 123 |
submerged arc welding with one wire electrode | | 121 |
submerged arc welding with strip electrode | | 122 |
submerged arc welding with tubular-cored electrode | | 125 |
surfacing (by welding) |
3.1.3 | |
T | ||
tack weld |
5.3.2 | |
tack welding |
5.1.15 | |
tack welding schedule |
5.4.1 | |
tack welding sequence |
5.4.2 | |
tack weld location |
5.3.3 | |
temporary backing |
5.5.5 | |
temporary weld |
5.3.4 | |
thermal efficiency |
5.2.23 | |
three-dimensional heat flow |
5.2.25 | |
torch angle |
5.2.5 | |
torch inclination |
5.2.4 | |
transition thickness |
5.2.27 | |
tubular-cored metal-arc welding with active gas shield | |
136 |
tubular-cored metal-arc welding with inert gas shield | |
137 |
tungsten inert gas welding, TIG welding | |
141 |
two-dimensional heat flow | 5.2.26 | |
two-run welding | 5.1.2 | |
U | ||
ultrasonic hot welding | | |
ultrasonic welding | |
41 |
W | ||
weave bead | 5.3.5 | |
weave technique | 5.1.14 | |
weaving amplitude | 5.2.34 | |
weaving frequency | 5.2.35 | |
weaving width | 5.2.33 | |
weld area | 5.2.33 | |
welding conditions | 5.2.2 | |
welding consumables | 5.5.6 | |
welding operation | 5.2.1 | |
welding parameters | 5.2.3 | |
welding schedule | 5.4.6 | |
welding sequence schedule | 5.4.3 | |
welding speed | 5.2.11 | |
welding time | 5.2.15 | |
welding with pressure | 3.1.1 | |
weld metal deposition rate | 5.2.32 | |
weld run sequence | 5.4.4 | |
weld sequence | 5.4.5 |
Annex a (informative). Data on compliance with national standards of the Russian Federation the reference to international standards
Appendix A
Table A. 1
Marking the reference international standard |
Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 4063:1998 |
* |
ISO 13916:1996 |
* |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS). |