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GOST R 50724.1-94

GOST R 50724.1−94 (ISO 8954−1-90) ferro-alloys. Materials. Terms and definitions

GOST R 50724.1−94
(ISO 8954−1-90)

Group В00



Terms and definitions

Ferroalloys. Materials. Terms and definitions

AXTU 0809

Date of introduction 1995−07−01


1 DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee TC 8 «ferroalloys"

2 ADOPTED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Resolution of Gosstandart of Russia from 26.12.94 N 356

3 this standard contains the full authentic text of international standard ISO 8954−1-90 «ferro-alloys. Dictionary. Materials» with additional requirements that reflect the needs of the national economy



This standard specifies the terms relating to specifications and conditions of supply of ferroalloys.

Additional requirements are shown in italics.


2.1 Ferroalloy is an alloy consisting of at least 4.0% iron and several metal and (or) non-metallic elements, intended for introduction into the melt as alloying alloy, deoxidizer, desulfuration and modifier and is used in steelmaking and foundry industries, as well as some special processes.

2.2 Alloy alloy is a Ferroalloy used for establishing the necessary (controlled) melt composition.

2.3 the Deoxidizer is an alloy used to reduce the oxygen content of rescission metal.

2.4 Desulfuration — is an alloy that is used to reduce the sulfur content in desulfurization metal.

2.5 modifier is a Ferroalloy used in small quantities to modify the properties of the metal by the changing nature of non-metal elements and (or) inclusions,the nature of the solidification and structure of metals.

2.6 Supply — the number of Ferroalloy supplied at one time and drawn up by one document on quality. Delivery may consist of one or more batches or parts.

2.7 quantities of Ferroalloy produced and processed in conditions that are considered the same and having a limited range of chemical and granulometric composition.

2.8 Party float party, composed of material of one heat.

2.9 Party podarochnaya — party, composed of material of the same brand of float parties after they were sorted to the average values of specific indicators of quality.

2.10 the combined Party — the party is composed by combining the material of float parties with particle sizes less than 60 mm in order to obtain the same variation in quality, which has podarochnaja party.

2.11 Mark — conventionally, the symbol for kinds of Ferroalloy, consisting of alphabetic and numeric characters, alphabetic characters indicate the alloying elements, digital — their mass fraction.


3.1 ferrosilicon — an alloy of iron and silicon with a mass fraction of silicon from 8.0% to 95,0%.

3.2 Ferromanganese — an alloy of iron and manganese with a mass fraction of manganese from of 65.0% to 95,0%.

3.3 the particularly low carbon Ferromanganese — ferromanganese with a mass fraction of carbon not more than 0.10%.

3.4 low carbon Ferromanganese — ferromanganese with a mass fraction of carbon from 0.10% to 0.50%.

3.5 medium-carbon Ferromanganese — ferromanganese with a mass fraction of carbon from 0.5% to 2.0%.

3.6 high-carbon Ferromanganese — ferromanganese with a mass fraction of carbon from 6.0% to 8.0%.

3.7 Ferrosilicomanganese is an alloy of iron, manganese and silicon with the mass fraction of manganese from 57,0% to 75,0% of silicon, from 10.0% to 35.0%.

3.8 Ferrochromium — an alloy of iron and chromium with a mass fraction of chromium from 45,0% to 95,0%.

3.9 Ferrochromium particularly low-carbon — ferrochromium with a mass fraction of carbon not more than 0.05%.

3.10 Ferrochromium low-carbon — ferrochromium with a mass fraction of carbon from 0,01% to 0,50%.

3.11 Ferrochrome medium-carbon — ferrochromium with a mass fraction of carbon of from 0.5% to 4.0%.

3.12 Ferrochromium high-carbon — ferrochromium with a mass fraction of carbon from 4.0% to 10.0%.

3.13 Ferrochromium nizkovoltnoy — ferrochromium with a mass fraction of phosphorus not more than 0,03%.

3.14 ferrosilicochromium is an alloy of iron, chromium and silicon with a mass fraction of chromium from about 20.0% to 65.0% of silicon, from 10.0% to 60.0% of.

3.15 Ferrotungsten is an alloy of iron and tungsten with a mass fraction of tungsten of 70.0% to 85.0%.

3.16 Ferrovanadium — an alloy of iron and vanadium with a mass fraction of vanadium from 35.0% to 85.0%.

3.17 Ferrotitanium is an alloy of iron and titanium with a mass fraction of titanium from about 20.0% to 75,0%.

3.18 the Ferro — alloy of iron and niobium with a mass fraction of niobium from 55.0 per cent to 70.0%.

3.19 Ferromolybdenum — an alloy of iron and molybdenum with a mass fraction of molybdenum from 55,0% to 75,0%.

3.20 nitrided Ferroalloy — Ferroalloy, the content of nitrogen which are defined in the international standards for technical requirements and delivery conditions for specific alloys.

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M.: Publishing house of standards, 1995