GOST R 50724.3-94
GOST R 50724.3−94 (ISO 8954−3-90) ferro-alloys. Sieve analysis. Terms and definitions
GOST R 50724.3−94
(ISO 8954−3-90)
Group B00
Terms and definitions
Ferroalloys. Sieve analysis. Terms and definitions
AXTU 0809
Date of introduction 1995−07−01
1 DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee TC 8 «ferroalloys"
2 ADOPTED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Resolution of Gosstandart of Russia from
3 this standard contains the full authentic text of international standard ISO 8954−3-90 «ferro-alloys. Dictionary. Sieve analysis» with additional requirements that reflect the needs of the national economy
This standard specifies the terms relating to sample screening of ferroalloys.
Additional requirements are shown in italics.
2.1. A particle (piece) — discrete coherent part of the Ferroalloy regardless of its size.
2.2 particle Size (piece) (if a sieve analysis) size expressed as the size of the smallest holes of a sieve, through which pass the particles (pieces), and the size of the largest apertures of a sieve on which particles (pieces) remain.
2.3 Maximum particle size (pieces) is a linear measure of particle size (piece) of the alloy, expressed as the size of the square apertures of a sieve or template with one square hole, through which pass 100% of the mass of the Ferroalloy.
Note — the maximum size of a particle (piece) of 1.15 is adopted as the upper limit of the established range of particle sizes (pieces) in two or three dimensions.
2.4 nominal top size of particles (pieces) — the upper limit of the size ranges of particles (pieces), established in the standards for technical requirements and delivery conditions for specific types of ferroalloys.
2.5 nominal bottom size of particles (pieces) — the lower limit of the size ranges of particles (pieces), established in the standards for technical requirements and delivery conditions for specific types of ferroalloys.
2.6 Load — the number of Ferroalloy, subject to the control test at one time on one sieve or set of sieves.
2.7 the Fraction part of sample for test, separate paired sieves with hole size, and
, or a sieve with a mesh width of
). Part of the separated paired sieves, denoted by minus
and plus
, and equipped with one sieve, indicated by a plus
or minus sign
or min
the mustache ).
2.8 Oversize product, part of the sample for testing remaining on the sieve with hole size ; indicated by a plus
2.9 Undersize — part samples for testing, passed through a sieve with hole size ; indicated by a minus
2.10 particle size distribution — the distribution of the sample particles based on their size, expressed in percent of the mass, held or retained on selected sieves, in relation to the entire sample mass.
2.11 Screening — the process of separating the Ferroalloy particle size using one or more sieves.
2.12 Screening manual — a process in which a sieve (sieve) supported (are) or shaken (are) manually.
2.13 Screening manual accessory — the process by which a sieve (sieve) supported (are) mechanically, but shaken (are) manually.
2.14 mechanical Screening — process in which a sieve (sieve) supported (are) and shaken (are) mechanically.
2.15 Screening batch — process manual or mechanical sieving, in which sifted Ferroalloy remains on the sieve or set of sieves until the end of the test.
2.16 continuous Sifting — sifting process in which the alloy is continuously fed into one or more consecutive sieves, in which he moves.
2.17 the Location of the manual — the process by which remaining on the sieve after sieving the particles (pieces) of Ferroalloy oriented manually so that it has been clarified the possibility of passage through a sieve with a confident classification of the remaining particles (pieces) as oversize product.
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M.: Publishing house of standards, 1995