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Steel 60


Steel 60

Steel 60: a brand of steels and alloys. Below is a systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supplies, substitutes, temperature of critical points, physical, mechanical, technological and casting properties for the Steel 60 grade.

General steel 60

Substitute brand
steel: 55, 65G.
Delivery type
Long products, including shaped: GOST 1050−74, GOST 2590−71, GOST 2591−71, GOST 2879−69, GOST 8509−86, GOST 8510−86. Calibrated bar GOST 7414−75, GOST 8559−75, GOST 8560−78. Polished bar and silver bar GOST 7419.0−78, GOST 7419.1−78, GOST 7419.3−78, GOST 7419.5−78 — GOST 7419.8−78, GOST 14955−77. Thick sheet GOST 1577−81, GOST 19903−74. Tape GOST 1530−78, GOST 2284−79, GOST 21996−76, GOST 21997−76. Strip GOST 1577−81, GOST 103−76, GOST 82−70. Wire GOST 9389−75.
solid-rolled wheels of cars, rolls, working sheet mills for hot rolling of metals, spindles, tires, clutch discs, spring rings of shock absorbers, lock washers, shim washers, shims and other parts that require high strength and wear resistance.

Chemical composition of steel 60

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si) 0.17−0.37
Manganese (Mn) 0.50−0.80
Copper (Cu), no more 0.25
Arsenic (As), no more 0.08
Nickel (Ni), no more 0.25
Sulfur (S), no more 0.04
Carbon (C) 0.57−0.65
Phosphorus (P), no more 0.035
Chromium (Cr), no more 0.25

Mechanical properties of steel 60

Mechanical properties depending on the tempering temperature

vacation t, ° С σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2 HB
Hardening 950 ° С, oil.
400 1430 1690 2 3 4.9 450
450 1280 1430 five ten 19 410
500 1120 1210 7 sixteen 23 375
550 1040 1150 7 20 24 370

Mechanical properties depending on the section

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2
Hardening 780−830 ° С, oil. Vacation 560 ° C.
Place of cutting — edge thirty 590 920 19 50 24
Cutting location — center thirty 540 880     49
Hardening 780−830 ° С, oil. Vacation 610 ° C.
Cutting location — center ten 600 860 20 58 73
Place of cutting — edge thirty 540 880 20 50 49
Place of cutting — edge 60 480 730 25 60 49
Cutting location — center 60 390 680 27 56 49

Mechanical properties versus test temperature

test t, ° C σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% δ 10 ,% ψ,%
Hardening. High vacation
20 510 700 17   60
200 530 680 fourteen    
300 450 560 27    
500 320 460 thirty    
-25 540 760   21 61
-40 540 790   23 61

Technological properties of steel 60

Forging temperature
Beginning 1220, end 800. Sections up to 300 mm are cooled in air.
Not applicable for welded structures, KTS with subsequent heat treatment.
Machinability by cutting
In the normalized state at HB 241 K υ tv.spl. = 0.70 and K υ = 0.65.
Tendency to release ability
Not inclined.
Flock sensitivity

Temperature of critical points of steel 60

Critical point ° C
Ac1 725
Ac3 750
Ar3 745
Ar1 690

Endurance limit steel 60

σ -1, MPa n σ B, MPa σ 0.2, MPa
373 1E + 6 710 510
348 1E + 7 710 510

Hardenability of steel 60

Hardening 820 C. Hardness for strips HRCe.

Distance from the end, mm / HRC e
1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 nine 12 21 33 45
57.5−63.5 56−62 51−60.5 38.5−59 35−56 33.5−51.5 32−42 31.5−40 26−38 25−34
Amount of martensite,% Crit. Diam. in water, mm Crit. Diam. in oil, mm
50 26−48 10−20
90 15−30 3−12

Physical properties of steel 60

Test temperature, ° С 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Normal elastic modulus, E, GPa 204   208 189 174          
Density of steel, pn, kg / m 3 7800                  
Thermal conductivity coefficient W / (m ° С)   68 53   36          
Test temperature, ° С 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10−6 1 / ° С) 11.0 11.9   13.9 14.6          
Specific heat (C, J / (kg ° C)) 483 487   529   567        

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