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Steel 25G2S


Steel 25G2S

Steel 25G2S: a brand of steels and alloys. Below is a systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supplies, substitutes, temperature of critical points, physical, mechanical, technological and casting properties for the grade — Steel 25G2S.

General information about steel 25G2S

Delivery type
Rebar a3 25g2s, long products, including shaped: GOST 5781−82, GOST 2590−71.
for the manufacture of rebars of a periodic profile of class III with a diameter of 6 to 40 mm.

Chemical composition of steel 25G2S

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si) 0.60−0.90
Manganese (Mn) 1.20−1.60
Copper (Cu), no more 0.30
Nickel (Ni), no more 0.30
Sulfur (S), no more 0.045
Carbon (C) 0.20−0.29
Phosphorus (P), no more 0.040
Chromium (Cr), no more 0.30

Mechanical properties of steel 25G2S

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,%
Reinforcing steel of the III class hot-rolled 6−40 390 590 fourteen

Mechanical properties depending on the tempering temperature

vacation t, ° С σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,%
Rod reinforcement with a section of 14−16 mm. Hardening 900 ° C, water.
150 1220 1310 8
300 1100 1210 6
400 960 1060 nine
500 830 910 fourteen
600 690 740 17

Mechanical properties depending on the section

Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,%
Hot rolled rod
sixteen 420−430 660−690 23−28
25 380−400 590−620 23−31
40 420−435 660−680 25−29
Cold-formed rod
sixteen 580−660 640−730 15−18

Technological properties of steel 25G2S

Forging temperature
The beginning is 1200, the end is 850.
weldable without restrictions.
Tendency to release ability
not inclined
Flock sensitivity
not sensitive

Impact strength of steel 25G2S

Impact strength, KCU, J / cm 2

Delivery status, heat treatment +20 -20 -40
Bar periodic profile with a diameter of 12 mm 132 92 84
Bar periodic profile with a diameter of 14 mm 191 169 136
Bar periodic profile with a diameter of 22 mm 135 96 69

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