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Steel 22K


Steel 22K

Steel 22K: brand of steels and alloys. Below is a systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supplies, substitutes, temperature of critical points, physical, mechanical, technological and casting properties for the grade — Steel 22K.

General information about steel 22K

Substitute brand
steel 25K
Delivery type
Thick sheet 22k GOST 5520−79, GOST 19903−79.
Flanges, bottoms, one-piece forged and welded drums of steam boilers, half-couplings, branch pipes and other parts operating under pressure and at temperatures from -40 to 450 ° C.

Chemical composition of steel 22K

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si) 0.17−0.40
Manganese (Mn) 0.7−1.0
Copper (Cu), no more 0.30
Arsenic (As), no more 0.08
Nickel (Ni), no more 0.30
Sulfur (S), no more 0.035
Carbon (C) 0.19−0.26
Phosphorus (P), no more 0.040
Chromium (Cr), no more 0.30

Mechanical properties of steel 22K

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% KCU, J / m 2
KCU — as delivered / after mechanical aging
Category sheets: 2−5, 10, 11, 16, 18 <60 265 430−590 59 59/29
Category sheets: 2−5, 10, 11, 16, 18 > 60 255 430−590 59 59/29

Mechanical properties versus test temperature

test t, ° C σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2
Hot-rolled sheets 30−70 mm thick
20 245−295 500−520 22−26 50−61 83−113
100 225−275 460−490     69
200 215−265       39−108
300 215−235       22−103
400 225 450−470   59−63 49−76
500 195 280−310 19−29 60−68 44−60
600 110−130 135−165 20−34 60−68 53−71
Sheets 30−70 mm thick, heating 930 ° C, holding for 2 h, cooling at a speed of 80−100 deg / h. Vacation 600−650 ° С, cooling 50 deg / h
20 225−245 460−470 31−36 61−66 118−157
200 185−215 390−430 26−27 64−65 206−235
300 165−185 390−430 25−27 59−62 216−284
400 155−165 390 27−29 73−75 127−186
500 135−145 255−265 28−31 80−82 88−108
600 110 160 33−41 87−88 206−255
Rolled sample 6 mm thick, 30 mm long. Deformation rate 16 mm / min. The beformation rate is 0.09 1 / s.
700 81 120 57 90  
800 56 72 49 63  
900 49 84 60 86  
1000 45 59 59 86  
1100 26 42 75 100  

Mechanical properties depending on heat treatment

Heat treatment, delivery condition σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2
Heating 920−940 ° C, cooling 100 deg / h, tempering 600 ° C, cooling 50 deg / h.
Heat exposure 20,000 h, 450 ° С 230 470 29 59 82
Heat exposure 30,000 h, 450 ° С 240 470 25 59  
Heat exposure 20,000 h, 500 ° С 230 440 31 64 98
Heat exposure 30,000 h, 550 ° С 255 435 34 64 78

Mechanical properties when tested for long-term strength

Creep limit, MPa Creep rate,% / h t test, ° С Long-term strength, MPa Duration tests, h t test, h
132 1/100000 400 139 10000 450
208 1/10000 400 98 100,000 450
63 1/100000 450 59 100,000 500
94 1/10000 450 47 100,000 525

Technological properties of steel 22K

Forging temperature
Beginning 1280, end 700. Sections up to 400 mm are cooled in air.
Limited weldability. Submerged arc welding method for RDS, ADS and gas shielded. Heating and subsequent heat treatment are recommended. EShS — heat treatment required.
Tendency to release ability
Not inclined.
Flock sensitivity
Not sensitive.

Temperature of critical points of steel 22K

Critical point ° C
Ac1 724
Ac3 845
Ar3 815
Ar1 682

Impact strength of steel 22K

Impact strength, KCU, J / cm 2

Delivery status, heat treatment +20 -20 -40
Sheets 30−70 mm thick, heating 930 C, holding for 2 h, cooling 80−100 deg / h, tempering 600−650 C, cooling 50 deg / h 118−157 77−113 11−138

Yield strength of steel 22K

Test temperature, ° C / s 0.2
200 250 300 320 350
215 205 190 185 175

Physical properties of steel 22K

Test temperature, ° С 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Normal elastic modulus, E, GPa 207                  
Thermal conductivity coefficient W / (m ° С) 50 48 46 44            
Test temperature, ° С 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10−6 1 / ° С) 11.0 12.6 13.4 13.6            
Specific heat (C, J / (kg ° C)) 470 483   525 571          

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