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Steel 50


Steel 50

Steel 50: a brand of steels and alloys. Below is a systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supplies, substitutes, temperature of critical points, physical, mechanical, technological and casting properties for the Steel 50 grade.

General steel 50

Substitute brand
steel: 45, 50G, 50G2, 55.
Delivery type
Long products, including shaped: GOST 1050−74, GOST 2590−71, GOST 2591−71, GOST 2879−69, GOST 8509−86, GOST 8510−86, GOST 8239−72, GOST 8240−72, GOST 10702 -78. Calibrated bar GOST 7414−75, GOST 8559−75, GOST 8560−78, GOST 10702−78. Polished bar and silver bar GOST 14955−77, GOST 10702−78. Thick sheet GOST 1577−81, GOST 19903−74. Thin sheet GOST 16523−70. Tape GOST 10234−77, GOST 1530−78, GOST 2284−79, GOST 21996−76. Strip GOST 1577−81, GOST 103−76, GOST 82−70. Wire GOST 17305−71. Forgings and forged billets GOST 8479−70, GOST 1131−71. Rolls OST 24.013.21−85, GOST 5399−69, OST 24.013.04−83.
after normalization with tempering and quenching with tempering — gear wheels, rolling rolls, rods, heavily loaded shafts, axles, tires, lightly loaded springs and springs, plowshares, track pins, gearbox clutches, nozzle bodies and other parts operating on friction.

Chemical composition of steel 50

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si) 0.17−0.37
Manganese (Mn) 0.50−0.80
Copper (Cu), no more 0.25
Arsenic (As), no more 0.08
Nickel (Ni), no more 0.25
Sulfur (S), no more 0.040
Carbon (C) 0.47−0.55
Phosphorus (P), no more 0.035
Chromium (Cr), no more 0.25

Mechanical properties of steel 50

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures

test t, ° C σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,%
Sample 10 mm in diameter, 50 mm long, deformed. Deformation rate 5 mm / min. Strain rate 0.002 1 / s.
700 87 115 39 97
800 45 81 45 100
900 sixteen 50 43 100
1000 eleven 36 35 100
1100 8 28 41 100
1200 8 22 49 100

Mechanical properties of rolled products

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% δ 4 ,% ψ,%
Hot rolled steel, forged, calibrated and silver grade 2 after normalization 25 630 fourteen   40
Calibrated steel of the 5th category after work-hardening.   660 6   thirty
Calibrated steel grade 5 after annealing or high tempering   560 12   40
Annealed or highly tempered sheets 80 580 17    
Hot rolled sheet <2 540−720   12  
Hot rolled sheet 2−3.9 540−720   thirteen  
Cold rolled sheet <2 540−720   thirteen  
Cold rolled sheet 2−3.9 540−720   fourteen  

Mechanical properties of forgings

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2 HB
KP 275 100−300 275 530 17 38 34 156−197
KP 315 <100 315 570 17 38 39 167−207

Mechanical properties depending on the tempering temperature

vacation t, ° С σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2 HB
Workpiece diameter 40 mm. Hardening 840 ° C, water
400 600 830 fourteen 50 64 240
500 530 760 fifteen 56 88 215
600 450 680 17 64 139 190
Workpiece diameter 60 mm. Hardening 840 ° C, water
400 550 770 fourteen 48 56 217
500 490 710 fifteen 55 70 200
600 420 630 19 63 108 180

Mechanical properties depending on the section

Section, mm σ 0.2, MPa σ B, MPa δ 5 ,% ψ,% KCU, J / m 2
Hardening 850 ° C, water. Vacation 580−600 ° С, air.
50 530 760 fifteen 50 59
120 470 740 thirteen 40 39
160 450 740 thirteen 40 39
200 430 720 thirteen 35 20
Normalization 830−860 ° C, air. Vacation 580−650 ° C, air or oven.
101−200 305 610 sixteen 38 34
201−300 305 610 fourteen 33 29
301−500 295 590 12 thirty 25
501−800 285 570 12 28 20

Technological properties of steel 50

Forging temperature
Beginning 1250, end 800. Sections up to 400 mm are cooled in air.
Hard to weld. Welding methods for RDS and KTS. Heating and subsequent heat treatment is recommended.
Machinability by cutting
In the hot-rolled state at HB 196−202 and σ B = 640 MPa, K υ tv.spl. = 1,0 and K υ = 0.7.
Tendency to release ability
Not inclined.
Flock sensitivity

Temperature of critical points of steel 50

Critical point ° C
Ac1 725
Ac3 760
Ar3 750
Ar1 690
Mn 300

Impact strength of steel 50

Impact strength, KCU, J / cm 2

Delivery status, heat treatment +20 -20 -50 -60
Quenching 850 С, water. Vacation 600 С 78 66 51  
Hardening 850 С, oil. Vacation 450 С 49     37

Endurance limit steel 50

σ -1, MPa τ -1, MPa n σ B, MPa σ 0.2, MPa Heat treatment, steel condition
421   1E + 6 840   Hardening 785 C, oil. Vacation 425 S.
279 167       Normalization 850 C. Vacation 630 C.
468     870 560 Hardening 785 C. Oil. Vacation 315 C.

Hardenability of steel 50

Hardening 840 C. Hardness for strips of hardenability HRCe.

Distance from the end, mm / HRC e
1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5 nine fifteen eighteen 21
46.5−57 40.5−53.5 29.5−50.5 26−40.5 24−35 23−30.5 20−29 28.5 27
Heat treatment Crit. Diam. in water, mm Crit. Diam. in oil, mm Crete. hardness, HRCэ
Quenching 850 C.   ten 46−51
Tempering 840 C. 20   38−58

Physical properties of steel 50

Test temperature, ° С 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Normal elastic modulus, E, GPa 216 213 207 200 180 171 154 136 123  
Torsional shear elastic modulus G, GPa 88 87 84 81 71 67 61 54 49  
Density of steel, pn, kg / m 3 7810                  
Thermal conductivity coefficient W / (m ° С) 48 48 47 44 41 38 35 31 27  
Ud. electrical resistance (p, Nom. m) 272                  
Test temperature, ° С 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Linear expansion coefficient (a, 10−6 1 / ° С) 11.2 12.0 12.8 13.4 13.9 14.2 14.5 13.4    
Specific heat (C, J / (kg ° C)) 487 500 517 533 559 584        

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