GOST 9716.2-79
GOST 9716.2−79 Alloy copper and zinc. Method of spectral analysis on a metal standard samples with photoelectric registration of spectrum (with Change No. 1)
GOST 9716.2−79
Group B59
Method of spectral analysis on a metal standard samples
with photoelectric registration of spectrum
Copper-zinc alloys. Method spectral analysis of metal standard spesimens
with photoelectric registration of spectrum
AXTU 1709
Date of introduction 1981−01−01
1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR
A. M. Rytikov, M. B. Taubkin, A. A. Nemodruk, M. P., Burmistrov, I. A. Vorobyev
2. APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by Decision of the USSR State Committee for standards from
3. REPLACE GOST 9716.2−75
The designation of the reference document referenced |
Item number |
GOST 8.315−97 |
Sec. 2 |
GOST 8.326−89 |
Sec. 2 |
GOST 15527−70 |
Chapeau |
GOST 25086−87 |
1.1, 5.1 |
5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 5−94 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 11−12−94)
6. The re-release (Oct 1998) with amendment No. 1, approved in July 1990 (IUS 11−90)
This standard sets the method of spectral analysis on a metal standard samples (SS) with photoelectric registration of spectrum and applies to brass stamps LS59−1, L63, LO70−1, l96, L68, L60, L70, L80, L90, BOS 64−2, Lamsh 77−2-0,05, MESS 60−1-1, LAN 59−3-2 according to GOST 15527*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 15527−2004. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
The method is based on the excitation spectrum of the arc discharge AC followed by registration of its optical quantometer. The method allows to determine in brass iron, lead, Nickel, aluminum, tin, silicon, arsenic, manganese, bismuth, antimony interval mass fraction, indicated in the table.1.
Table 1
Grade |
The designated element | Mass fraction, % |
LS59−1, BOS 60−1, LS 63−3, 64−2 BOS, BOS 74−3 | Iron |
0,01−0,8 |
Lead |
0,03−3,2 | |
Nickel |
0,05−1,1 | |
Tin |
0,06−1,6 | |
Aluminium |
0,025−0,2 | |
Silicon |
0,03−0,6 | |
Antimony |
0,003−0,03 | |
Bismuth |
0,002−0,008 | |
Phosphorus |
0,006−0,03 | |
L60, L63, L68, L70, L80, L85, L90, L96, Lamsh 77−2-0,05 | Iron |
Of 0.01−0.3 |
Lead |
0,008−0,15 | |
Nickel |
0,05−0,6 | |
Tin |
0,01−0,20 | |
Arsenic |
0,003−0,06 | |
Bismuth |
0,001−0,006 | |
Antimony |
0,001−0,012 | |
Phosphorus |
0,009−0,02 | |
Silicon |
Of 0.01−0.2 | |
Aluminium |
Of 0.01 to 2.51 | |
LO 60−1, 62−1 LO, LO 70−1, 90−1 LO | Iron |
0,01−0,15 |
Lead |
0,01−0,1 | |
Tin |
0,9−1,6 | |
Nickel |
0,09−0,5 | |
Antimony |
0,002−0,015 | |
Bismuth |
0,001−0,007 | |
LA 77−2 | Iron |
0,013−0,15 |
Lead |
0,02−0,09 | |
Nickel |
0,097−1,35 | |
Antimony |
0,0025−0,01 | |
Silicon |
0,004−0,2 | |
Aluminium |
1,2−3,0 | |
Manganese |
0,009−1,35 | |
Bismuth |
0,001−0,008 | |
Phosphorus |
0,01−0,03 | |
The CRAP 60−1-1, LAN 59−3-2, LMCA 57−3-1, LM 58−2, Lancz 75−2-2,5−0,5−0,5 | Iron |
0,038−1,5 |
Lead |
0,017−0,5 | |
Nickel |
1,38−3,84 | |
Aluminium |
0,33−4,10 | |
Silicon |
0,16−0,98 | |
Manganese |
0,095−3,7 | |
Antimony |
0,002−0,015 | |
Bismuth |
0,001−0,008 |
The interval defined by the mass fraction of elements can be extended both in smaller and in a big way through the use of the SOP and depending on the applied instruments and methods of analysis.
The precision and reproducibility of the results is characterized by the values of the permissible differences given in table.2, for the confidence probability =0,95.
Table 2
Determined by the impurity | The allowable discrepancy of the two results of the parallel definitions % |
The allowable discrepancy of the two results of the analysis % |
Lead |
0,0012+0,15 |
0.0016 inch+0,20 |
Iron |
0,0013+0,17 |
0,0017+0,23 |
Tin |
0,025+0,17 |
0,0033+0,23 |
Nickel |
0,0052+0,20 |
0,0069+0,26 |
Aluminium |
0,0007+0,22 |
0,0009+0,29 |
Arsenic |
0,25 |
0,33 |
Silicon |
0,0024+0,22 |
0,0031+0,29 |
Bismuth |
0,0001+0,23 |
0,0001+0,30 |
Antimony |
0,0001+0,23 |
0,0001+0,30 |
Manganese |
0,0011+0,17 |
0,0015+0,23 |
1. When checking the established norms of permissible differences of the two results of parallel measurements for be the arithmetic mean of the first and second results of parallel measurements of the impurities in the same sample.
2. When verifying compliance with established standards of permissible differences of the two results of the analysis for taking the average of the two results of the analysis of the same sample obtained at different times.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
1.1. General requirements for method of analysis according to GOST 25086.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
Photovoltaic plant (quantometer) type DFS-36 or MFS-8.
The type of generator UGE-4 or IVS-28.
To register the radiation with the help of quantometer DFS-36 lines of arsenic (234,98 nm) and «internal standard» (background 228,3 nm) is used photomultipliers type FEU-5, which are mounted without mirrors. For lines of other elements and other «internal standards» are used photomultipliers type FEU-4 and photocells f-1. To register the radiation with the help of quantometer MFS-8 analytical lines and «internal standards» (see table.3 and 3A) using photomultipliers type FEU-39A.
Table 3
The designated element | DFS-36 |
MFS-8 | ||
Wavelength of lines of the designated element, nm |
The wavelength of the line «internal standard», nm | Wavelength of lines of the designated element, nm | The wavelength of the line «internal standard», nm | |
Lead | 405,78 | Background 316,5 or copper 510,55 |
283,31 | Copper 249,22 |
Iron | 371,99 or 302,06 | Background 316,5 or copper 510,55 |
259,93 | Copper 249,22 |
Tin | 283,99 or 317,51 | Background 316,5 or copper 510,55 |
317,51 | Copper 249,22 |
Aluminium | 394,40 or 396,15 | Background 316,5 or copper 510,55 |
309,27 | Copper 249,22 |
Nickel | 341,48 | Background 316,5 or copper 510,55 |
341,48 | Copper 249,22 |
Silicon | 288,16 | Background 316,5 or copper 510,55 |
251,61 | Copper 249,22 |
Arsenic | 234,98 | Background 228,3 |
234,98 | Background 228,3 |
Table 3A
The designated element | MFS-8 | |
Wavelength of lines of the designated element, nm |
The wavelength of the line «internal standard», nm | |
Manganese | 293,30 |
Copper 510,55 |
Antimony | 231,147 |
Copper 510,55 |
Bismuth | 306,772 |
Copper 249,22 |
Copper 510,55 | ||
Lead |
405,78 | Copper 510,55 |
Lead |
363,95 | Copper 510,55 |
Electrodes of copper grade M1 or coal grade C3 in the form of bars with diameter 6−7 mm, sharpened to a hemisphere or a truncated cone with ground diameter of 1.5−1.7 mm.
A device for grinding coal or copper electrodes, for example, the machine model CP-35.
Lathe for sharpening and analyze samples on the plane of the type of TV 16.
Standard samples, manufactured in accordance with GOST 8.315.
The use of other measuring instruments with the metrological characteristics of equipment and technical characteristics are not worse, and reagents for quality not lower than the above.
Measuring instruments must be certified in accordance with GOST 8.326*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation there are PR 50.2.009−94. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1. Sample preparation and analysis must be the same type for each series of measurements. The sample mass and should not differ by more than two times.
Sample preparation (or WITH) conducting a sweep of one of its faces on a plane with a file or cutting tool (the machine) without coolant and lubricant. When photographing each of a spectrum of the stripped surface should be a flat pad with a diameter of not less than 10 mm without holes, scratches, cracks, and slag inclusions. Before photographing spectra for removing surface contamination of the analyzed samples and wipe WITH ethanol.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
4.1. Trial or clamped in the lower clamp of the tripod and fed by coal or copper electrode so that the distance from ubeskrivelig plot to the edge of the sample was not less than the sparking spots (2−5 mm).
Between the ends of the electrodes are moved apart to (1,50±0,02) mm, ignite the arc to an alternating current power 3−8 And powered by a standard generator UGE-4, quantomeno DFS-36 from the mains (220±5), or with standard generator IVS-28 to quantomeno MFS-8 network (220±5) V.
When you define all items in all brands of brass (see table.1) using quantometer MFS-8 or DFS-36 used an arc mode of the excitation spectrum.
Control method phase with the phase of ignition of 90°. Pre-firing is 10−15 C, the exposure time 15−40 C. the Width of the entrance slit of a DFS quantometer-36 — 0,02−0,07 mm. the Width of the open slit polychromator MFS-8 is 0.02 mm. Illumination of the entrance slit of a DFS quantometers-36 and MFS-8 is using a raster condenser.
From each sample and receive two readings registered device.
The wavelengths of the analytical lines and «internal standards» are shown in table.3.
Allowed the use of other analytical lines, the lines of «internal standards» sources of spectra excitation subject to obtaining the metrological characteristics are not worse than specified in this standard.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
The calibration graphs are built in coordinates and (or)
The primary method recommended to perform the analysis, is the method of «three standards». Allowed the use of other methods of graphing, for example, the method of solid calibration curve, method of control and standard.
The final result of the analysis should be the arithmetic mean of two parallel definitions, corresponding to the two counts registered device.
Permissible differences of two parallel definitions, and the two results of the analysis shall not exceed the values given in table.2 (at confidence probability =0,95).
Control of accuracy of analysis results is carried out according to GOST 25086 using state, industry, standard samples or standard samples of the enterprise.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).