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GOST 6674.3-96

STATE P 57376-2016 GOST 193-2015 GOST 27981.5-2015 GOST 27981.2-2015 GOST 27981.1-2015 GOST 13938.11-2014 GOST P 56240-2014 GOST 859-2014 GOST P 55685-2013 STATE P 54922-2012 STATE STANDARD P 54310-2011 GOST 31382-2009 STATE R 52998-2008 GOST 859-2001 GOST 6674.4-96 GOST 6674.3-96 GOST 6674.2-96 GOST 6674.1-96 GOST 4515-93 GOST 28515-97 GOST 17328-78 GOST 614-97 GOST 15527-70 GOST 13938.13-77 GOST 13938.13-93 GOST 1020-77 GOST 5017-2006 GOST 1652.11-77 GOST 15027.12-77 GOST 15027.11-77 GOST 493-79 GOST 1953.9-79 GOST 23859.2-79 GOST 1953.5-79 GOST 1953.3-79 GOST 1953.12-79 GOST 1953.6-79 GOST 15027.18-86 GOST 27981.2-88 GOST 27981.5-88 GOST 15027.5-77 GOST 1652.12-77 GOST 15027.8-77 GOST 1652.7-77 GOST 15027.6-77 GOST 15027.7-77 GOST 1652.2-77 GOST 1652.4-77 GOST 15027.2-77 GOST 1652.8-77 GOST 1652.3-77 GOST 13938.6-78 GOST 13938.7-78 GOST 13938.1-78 GOST 13938.2-78 GOST 13938.4-78 GOST 13938.8-78 GOST 13938.10-78 GOST 13938.12-78 GOST 23859.8-79 GOST 1953.1-79 GOST 613-79 GOST 9716.2-79 GOST 23912-79 GOST 23859.1-79 GOST 23859.4-79 GOST 1953.2-79 GOST 20068.1-79 GOST 9717.3-82 GOST 9717.1-82 GOST 27981.4-88 GOST 28057-89 GOST 6674.5-96 GOST 23859.11-90 GOST 24978-91 GOST 15027.14-77 GOST 15027.10-77 GOST 15027.4-77 GOST 1652.6-77 GOST 1652.10-77 GOST 15027.9-77 GOST 13938.5-78 GOST 13938.11-78 GOST 18175-78 GOST 13938.3-78 GOST 23859.6-79 GOST 1953.4-79 GOST 1953.8-79 GOST 1953.7-79 GOST 23859.9-79 GOST 1953.11-79 GOST 1953.15-79 GOST 1953.10-79 GOST 1953.16-79 GOST 23859.5-79 GOST 23859.3-79 GOST 9716.3-79 GOST 1953.14-79 GOST 15027.16-86 GOST 15027.17-86 GOST 27981.6-88 GOST 27981.1-88 GOST 15027.20-88 GOST 17711-93 GOST 1652.1-77 GOST 15027.13-77 GOST 1652.5-77 GOST 15027.1-77 GOST 1652.13-77 GOST 1652.9-77 GOST 15027.3-77 GOST 13938.9-78 GOST 23859.10-79 GOST 193-79 GOST 20068.2-79 GOST 1953.13-79 GOST 23859.7-79 GOST 9716.1-79 GOST 20068.3-79 GOST 24048-80 GOST 9717.2-82 GOST 15027.15-83 GOST 15027.19-86 GOST 27981.3-88 GOST 20068.4-88 GOST 27981.0-88 GOST 13938.15-88 GOST 6674.0-96

GOST 6674.3−96 copper phosphorous Alloys. Method for the determination of antimony

GOST 6674.3−96

Group B59



Method for the determination of antimony

Copper-phosphorous alloys.
Method for determination of antimony

ISS 77.120.30
AXTU 1709

Date of introduction 2001−07−01


1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate technical Committee for standardization MTK 107, Donetsk state Institute of non-ferrous metals (Danism)

SUBMITTED to the State Committee of Ukraine for standardization, Metrology and certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 10 dated 3 October 1996)

The adoption voted:

The name of the state The name of the national authority for standardization
The Republic Of Azerbaijan Azgosstandart
The Republic Of Belarus Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus
The Republic Of Kazakhstan Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
The Republic Of Moldova Moldovastandart
Russian Federation Gosstandart Of Russia
The Republic Of Tajikistan Tajikistandart
Turkmenistan Glavgosekspertiza «Turkmenstandartlary"
The Republic Of Uzbekistan Standards
Ukraine Gosstandart Of Ukraine

3 Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization and Metrology dated December 19, 2000 N 384-St inter-state standard GOST 6674.3−96 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2001

4 REPLACE GOST 6674.3−74

1 Scope

This standard sets the photometric method for the determination of antimony in its content is from 0.001% to 0.2% copper-phosphorous alloys.

2 Normative references

The present standard features references to the following standards:

GOST 1089−82 Antimony. Specifications

GOST 3118−77 hydrochloric Acid. Specifications

GOST 4197−74 Sodium atomistically. Specifications

GOST 4204−77 sulfuric Acid. Specifications

GOST 4461−77 nitric Acid. Specifications

GOST 5789−78 Toluene. Specifications

GOST 6674.0−96 copper phosphorous Alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis

GOST 6691−77 Urea. Specifications

3 General requirements

General requirements — according to GOST 6674.0.

4 the essence of the method

The method is based on extraction of ions of antimony (V) toluene in the form of hexachlorobuta crystal violet and measuring the optical density of the extract at a wavelength of 590 nm.

5 Apparatus, reagents and solutions


Nitric acid according to GOST 4461 and diluted 1:1.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118 and diluted 7:3, 1:1.

Sulfuric acid according to GOST 4204, and diluted 1:1.

Tin dichloride (tin (II) chloride) according to the current normative document, solution 100 g/lГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыin hydrochloric acid, diluted 1:1.

Sodium atomistically (sodium nitrite) according to GOST 4197, solution 100 g/DMГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы.

Carbamide (urea) GOST 6691, saturated solution: 100 g of urea dissolved in 100 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof hot water.

Crystal violet according to the current normative document, a solution of 2 g/DMГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы.

Toluene according to GOST 5789.

Antimony GOST 1089 brand Su00.

Standard solutions of antimony.

Solution a: 0.1 g of antimony is dissolved by heating in 50 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof sulfuric acid. The solution was transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity of 1 DMГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, made up of 175 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof sulphuric acid (1:1), cooled, made up to the mark with water and mix.

1 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof the solution contains 0.0001 g of antimony.

Solution B: 5 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыsolution And placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, 70 cm pour theГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыhydrochloric acid, dilute to the mark with water and mix.

1 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof solution B contains 0,000005 g of antimony.

6 analysis

6.1 a sample of alloy weighing 0.5 g were placed in a glass with a capacity of 100 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, add 10 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof nitric acid solution and dissolved by heating, covered with a glass watch glass.

The walls of the beaker and the watch glass rinsed with a little water, add 6 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof sulphuric acid and is evaporated to release the thick white fumes of sulfuric acid. After cooling, the side of the Cup then rinsed with water and the solution is evaporated to dryness. After cooling, add 7 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof a hydrochloric acid solution (7:3) and gently heated to dissolve the salts.

6.2 When the mass fraction of antimony to 0.005% solution transferred to a separatory funnel with a capacity of 150 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, the glass is washed with 3 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof a hydrochloric acid solution (7:3) and bring them the solution volume up to 10 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы.

6.3 If the mass fraction of antimony in excess of 0.005% solution transferred to a volumetric flask with a capacity of 50 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, washed the walls of the beaker with hydrochloric acid (7:3) and bring to mark with the same acid solution. Aliquot part of the solution, according to table 1 is transferred to a separatory funnel with a capacity of 150 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, a solution of hydrochloric acid (7:3) in accordance with table 1.

Table 1

Mass fraction of SB, %

Aliquota part of the solution, seeГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы

The volume of hydrochloric acid, seeГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы

A charge sample corresponding to aliquote part of the solution, g
SV. Of 0.005 to 0.025 incl.
10 0 0,1
«Of 0.025» to 0.05 «
5 5 0,05
1 9 0,01

6.4 separating funnel Add in 1−2 drops of solution of tin chloride (II), mix and leave for 1 min Then add 1 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof a solution of sodium nitrite, a funnel closed with a stopper and shake for 2 min. then the tube of the funnel open. After 2 min add 1 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof a solution of urea and stirred for 30 s. Then add the 68 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof water, 10 drops of crystal violet solution, mix, add 25 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыof toluene and extracted for 1 min. After phase separation, the lower layer is discarded and the organic layer was filtered through a filter into a cuvette.

6.5 To construct the calibration curve five separatory funnels with a capacity of 150 cm,ГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыintroduce respectively 1,0; 2,0; 3,0; 4,0 and 5,0 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыstandard solution B and add solution of hydrochloric acid (7:3) to volume of 10 cmГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы. Add 1−2 drops of solution of tin chloride (II), mix and leave for 1 min Then do as described in 6.4.

6.6 Measured optical density of the extracts of solutions of the samples and solutions for constructing the calibration curve on photoelectrocolorimeter at a wavelength of 590 nm.

Solution comparison is water.

7 Processing of results

7.1 Mass percent of antimony ГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, %, is calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы, (1)

where ГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмыis the mass of antimony, was found in the calibration schedule g;

ГОСТ 6674.3-96 Сплавы медно-фосфористые. Метод определения сурьмы — the weight of the portion of alloy,

7.2 discrepancies in the results of parallel measurements and the results of the analysis shall not exceed allowable (at confidence probability of 0.95) of the values given in table 2.

Table 2


Mass fraction of antimony The absolute maximum discrepancy
  results of parallel measurements
the results of the analysis
From 0,0010 to 0.005 incl.
0,0005 0,0010
SV. 0,005 «0,010 «
0,0010 0,0020
«Of 0.010» to 0.025 «
0,0020 0,005
«Of 0.025» to 0.05 «
0,004 0,010
«0,05» 0,10 «
0,010 0,020
«To 0.10» to 0.20 «
0,020 0,05