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GOST 193-79

STATE P 57376-2016 GOST 193-2015 GOST 27981.5-2015 GOST 27981.2-2015 GOST 27981.1-2015 GOST 13938.11-2014 GOST P 56240-2014 GOST 859-2014 GOST P 55685-2013 STATE P 54922-2012 STATE STANDARD P 54310-2011 GOST 31382-2009 STATE R 52998-2008 GOST 859-2001 GOST 6674.4-96 GOST 6674.3-96 GOST 6674.2-96 GOST 6674.1-96 GOST 4515-93 GOST 28515-97 GOST 17328-78 GOST 614-97 GOST 15527-70 GOST 13938.13-77 GOST 13938.13-93 GOST 1020-77 GOST 5017-2006 GOST 1652.11-77 GOST 15027.12-77 GOST 15027.11-77 GOST 493-79 GOST 1953.9-79 GOST 23859.2-79 GOST 1953.5-79 GOST 1953.3-79 GOST 1953.12-79 GOST 1953.6-79 GOST 15027.18-86 GOST 27981.2-88 GOST 27981.5-88 GOST 15027.5-77 GOST 1652.12-77 GOST 15027.8-77 GOST 1652.7-77 GOST 15027.6-77 GOST 15027.7-77 GOST 1652.2-77 GOST 1652.4-77 GOST 15027.2-77 GOST 1652.8-77 GOST 1652.3-77 GOST 13938.6-78 GOST 13938.7-78 GOST 13938.1-78 GOST 13938.2-78 GOST 13938.4-78 GOST 13938.8-78 GOST 13938.10-78 GOST 13938.12-78 GOST 23859.8-79 GOST 1953.1-79 GOST 613-79 GOST 9716.2-79 GOST 23912-79 GOST 23859.1-79 GOST 23859.4-79 GOST 1953.2-79 GOST 20068.1-79 GOST 9717.3-82 GOST 9717.1-82 GOST 27981.4-88 GOST 28057-89 GOST 6674.5-96 GOST 23859.11-90 GOST 24978-91 GOST 15027.14-77 GOST 15027.10-77 GOST 15027.4-77 GOST 1652.6-77 GOST 1652.10-77 GOST 15027.9-77 GOST 13938.5-78 GOST 13938.11-78 GOST 18175-78 GOST 13938.3-78 GOST 23859.6-79 GOST 1953.4-79 GOST 1953.8-79 GOST 1953.7-79 GOST 23859.9-79 GOST 1953.11-79 GOST 1953.15-79 GOST 1953.10-79 GOST 1953.16-79 GOST 23859.5-79 GOST 23859.3-79 GOST 9716.3-79 GOST 1953.14-79 GOST 15027.16-86 GOST 15027.17-86 GOST 27981.6-88 GOST 27981.1-88 GOST 15027.20-88 GOST 17711-93 GOST 1652.1-77 GOST 15027.13-77 GOST 1652.5-77 GOST 15027.1-77 GOST 1652.13-77 GOST 1652.9-77 GOST 15027.3-77 GOST 13938.9-78 GOST 23859.10-79 GOST 193-79 GOST 20068.2-79 GOST 1953.13-79 GOST 23859.7-79 GOST 9716.1-79 GOST 20068.3-79 GOST 24048-80 GOST 9717.2-82 GOST 15027.15-83 GOST 15027.19-86 GOST 27981.3-88 GOST 20068.4-88 GOST 27981.0-88 GOST 13938.15-88 GOST 6674.0-96

GOST 193−79 (ISO 431−81) copper Ingots. Specifications (with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3)

GOST 193−79
(ISO 431−81)

Group W51




Copper ingots. Technical requirements

GST 3410 17

Date of introduction 1980−01−01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of nonferrous metallurgy of the USSR


A. Babacan, doctor. tech. Sciences; E. N. Gazalov; V. A. Kozlov, Cand. tech. Sciences; D. M. Fomin, A. A. Novoselov, V. P. Moiseev, E. A. Savicheva

2. APPROVED AND promulgated by the Decree of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR from 17.10.79 N 3955

Change No. 3 adopted by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 12, 21.11.97)

Was the Technical Secretariat of MGS N 2670

The adoption of the changes voted:

The name of the state The name of the national authority for standardization
The Republic Of Azerbaijan
The Republic Of Armenia
The Republic Of Belarus
Gosstandart Of Belarus
The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz Republic
Russian Federation
Gosstandart Of Russia
The Republic Of Tajikistan
Turkmenistan The main state inspection of Turkmenistan
The Republic Of Uzbekistan
Gosstandart Of Ukraine

3. INSTEAD 193−67 GOST, GOST 5.657−70, GOST 5.1073−71


The designation of the reference document referenced
The number of the paragraph, subparagraph, apps
GOST 546−88
GOST 859−78
GOST 7229−76
GOST 9717.1−82 — GOST 9717.3−82
GOST 13938.1−78 — GOST 13938.12−78
GOST 13938.15−88
GOST 14192−96
GOST 19200−80
Annex 4
GOST 24048−80
GOST 24231−80
GOST 25086−87

5. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 4−93 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 4−94)

6. EDITION (March 2000) with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, approved in August 1984, March 1988, March 1998 (IUS 12−84, 6−88, 6−98)

This standard covers ingots, remelted electrolytic copper used for the manufacture of wire rods, tires and other products primarily for electrical purposes.

This standard fully complies with ISO 431−81.

The estimated table mass of copper ingots is given in Appendix 2.

OKP codes are given in Annex 3.

Terms and definitions of defects of copper ingots is given in Appendix 4.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).


1.1. Depending on the method of casting, processing and forms of copper bullion should be produced in the following types:

SV — vertical continuous casting;

CH — horizontal casting with unremoved layer upper surface;

SS — horizontal casting with a remote layer of the upper surface.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

1.2. The symbol of the ingot should include the kind and nominal sizes: ingots for vertical continuous casting ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), horizontal casting of ingots ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)and stamp copper.

SV — M0b 90 90−1400 GOST 193−79

SN — M1 111 102−1372 GOST 193−79

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).


2.1. Shape, dimensions and limit deviations of ingots shall conform to the requirements specified on the devil.1−2 and in table.1, 2, 4.

By agreement with the consumer it is allowed manufacture of ingots of different shapes and sizes.

Damn.1. Bars vertical continuous casting of a kind of SV

Bars vertical continuous casting of a kind of SV

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)


Table 1



ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

Nomin. Pred. off.
Nomin. Pred. off. Nomin. Pred. off. Nomin. Pred. off.
±2 1300 ±6 15 ±3 55 ±3
  1300       60  

Note. It is possible to manufacture bars with pointed ends. The angle of the cut or the shape of the taper is determined by agreement between manufacturer and consumer. By agreement with the consumer allowed to install other extreme deviation from the specified dimensions.

Damn.2. Copper ingots horizontal casting of types SN and SS

Copper ingots horizontal casting of types SN and SS

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)


Table 2

Marking The size of the ingot to mass, kg Limit deviation
  91 102 113 120 125 136  

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

1370 mm
1370 mm 1370 mm 1370 mm 1370 mm 1370 mm ±1%

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

150 mm
150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

90 mm
100 mm 100 mm 110 mm 110 mm 120 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

25 mm
25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

100 mm
100 mm 110 mm 110 mm 110 mm 110 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

90 mm
90 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm 100 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

16 mm
16 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

16 mm
16 mm 16 mm 16 mm 16 mm 16 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

40 mm
40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm ±6 mm

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

10° 10° 10° 10° 10° ±2°

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

10° 10° 10° 10° 10° ±2°

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)


(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).


3.1. Copper ingots should be manufactured from copper cathodes GOST 546* in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
* Standards 546−2001. — Note the CODE.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

3.2. Electrical resistivity of copper ingots should conform to the standards specified in table.4.

Table 4*


* Table 3. (Deleted, Rev. N 3).

The ingot was Mark
according to the GOST 859*
ISO 431−81
The content of copper, %, not less Electrical resistivity, Ohm·m, not more
SV M00b Cu-OFE 99,99

Is 17.07·10ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

SV M1B Cu-OF 99,95

17,24·10ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

SN, SS M1 Cu-ETP 99,90

17,24·10ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

* Valid GOST 859−2001 (here and below). — Note the CODE.


1. The content of impurities in copper grades: M00b (Cu-OFE), M1B (Cu-OF), M1 (Cu-ETR) under GOST 859, is a reference and may be adjusted by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.

2. The increased resistivity is required only if the supply of products for the electrical industry.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2, 3).

3.3. Bars must be straight. The curvature along the entire length of the ingot in any plane should not exceed 0.8% of the length for horizontal casting of ingots and 0.7% for vertical casting of ingots.

For vertical casting of ingots at the request of the consumer, the curvature along the entire length of the ingot in any plane should not exceed 0.5% of its length.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

3.4. The upper surface of the ingots of the form SN should not have blisters, outages, cavities, cracks, and foreign inclusions.

The upper surface of the ingots of the kind of MOP and the surface of the ends of the bars form SV must be flat, without gradation, burrs, snags and sharp edges. The upper edge of the bars of the SS shall be rounded with a radius not less than 5 mm or be removed by milling.

On the lower and side surfaces of the horizontal bars of the casting and on the surface of ingots vertical casting should be no holes, cracks, foreign inclusions, visible without the use of magnifying tools and flows, stratification and spatter.

Allowed for ingots of all kinds the presence of bare areas to a depth of not more than 5 mm and bumps with size not more than 3 mm with smooth edges. For ingots of the form SV allowed the ring intersecting to a depth of not more than 1 mm.

For ingots of the form SV at the request of the consumer, the value of permissible concavity with sloping edges should not exceed 1 mm.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

3.5. Bars in its cross-section should not have cleavage, cracks, foreign inclusions, cavities. Bullion is allowed porosity, provided that the average density of the vertical casting of ingots of oxygen-free copper should be not less than 8.9 g/cmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), and the rest of the ingots not less than 8.4 g/cmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3).

3.6. At customer’s request bars of the form SV must be able to withstand the test of absence of hydrogen embrittlement, while the samples of copper grade M00b must withstand a ten-fold excess, and copper stamps M0b — a single fold through 180° to contact opposite sides of the sample. On the outer surface of the bend should be no cracks visible to the naked eye.

3.7. The sample ingot of the copper grade M00b must be able to withstand the test of adhesion with the oxide film.

3.6, 3.7. (Added, Rev. N 3).


4.1. Bars take parties. The party shall consist of ingots of one bottoms, of the same type and size, one brand of copper and decorated by one document on quality.

The document about quality should contain:

— trademark and name of the manufacturer or his trademark;

— name, symbol and number of bars;

— number of melt;

mass and batch number;

the results of determination of chemical composition and electrical resistivity;

— date of manufacture;

— the designation of this standard.

Note. In the continuous methods of melting and casting ingots melting ingots is considered to be the totality of one kind, cast in a furnace (mixer) for one work shift.

The mass of the party must be at least 20 T.

By agreement with the consumer allowed the weight of the batch is less than 20 tonnes and consisting of several heats.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

4.2. Quality control of the surface subjected to every ingot.

4.3. To control the shape, size and straightness of the party selected 1% of the ingots.

4.4. To control the chemical composition, internal defects, density and specific electric resistance from the party collected 0.1% bars, but not less than two ingots.

The manufacturer controls the mass fraction of copper, oxygen and the specific resistivity in each batch; mass fraction of impurities in the ingots of types SS, SN from copper grade M1 in each instalment.

By agreement between manufacturer and consumer in ingots from oxygen-free copper view ST is allowed to determine the oxygen in each instalment.

At the factory the control of the density and internal defects is carried out on every hundredth melting.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2, 3).

4.5. If unsatisfactory test results of at least one indicator thereon, a second test of the doubled sample taken from the same batch. The results of repeated tests apply to the entire party.


5.1. Sampling and sample preparation

5.1.1. For the determination of chemical composition sampling and sample preparation is carried out according to GOST 24231.

Allowed the selection and preparation of samples for spectral analysis with a method of cutting blanks from the investigated template and its plastic deformation up to a diameter of 9 mm.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

5.1.2. To determine the oxygen content in the average length of the ingot types SN, SS or at either end of the plate SV view at a distance of not less than 20 mm from the surface of the cut specimen of the following size:

— metallographic method 10х20х20 mm;

for methods of extraction in vacuum or in a stream of neutral gas: the analysis of ingots of copper grades M00b and M0b — diameter 7.8 mm, length at least 70 mm;

— in the analysis of ingots from the copper of grades M0, M1 with a diameter of 4−5 mm, a length of at least 40 mm.

The enterprises-consumers is allowed to determine the mass fraction of oxygen in the ingots of types SN and SS metallographic method, after rolling the ingot in the Central part of thin section of sample rod selected no closer than 2 m from the end of the rebellion.

Mass fraction of oxygen is determined according to GOST 13938.13.

If there is disagreement in the determination of the mass fraction of oxygen is used the method of reductive melting of the sample, selected from the ingot.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

5.2. The inspection of the surface of the ingots is carried out without the use of magnifying devices.

5.3. Dimensional control and straightness of ingots is carried out using a measuring instrument that provides measurement accuracy up to 1 mm.

Allowed the use of templates.

5.4. The test bars on the absence of internal defects is carried out on the transverse templeto cut from the middle part along the length of the bars of types SN, SS or any of the end bars of the form SV.

Inspection shall be conducted without the use of magnifying devices.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

5.5. Chemical composition analysis is carried out according to GOST 9717.1 — GOST 9717.3 or 13938.1 GOST — GOST 13938.12, 13938.15 GOST, GOST 25086.

On the manufacturer is allowed to analyze by other methods, if they provide the accuracy of the definition established by the relevant state standards.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).

5.6. The density of the ingot is determined by weighing in air and in distilled water investigated template transverse thickness of 10 mm cut from the Central part of the ingot, and is calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3),

where ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)is the mass of the investigated template, suspended in air, g;

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)is the mass of the investigated template, suspended in distilled water, g;

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)is the density of distilled water at 20 °C, g/cmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3).

Allow the definition of medium density hydrostatic weighing as much as ingots.

5.7. For determination of electrical resistivity of the ingot from the investigated template, selected according to claim 5.6, is cut sample with a diameter of at least 10x10 mm.

Allowed selection of samples and the angle between the side and bottom surfaces of ingots of types SN, SS, or from the angle between any faces of the type bars of the SV. Sample size 10х10х90 mm. From the sample prepared wire 2 mm in diameter. Wire is subjected to annealing at a temperature of 500−550 °C for 1 h.

Measurement of specific resistance conducted on a piece of annealed wire length of (1000±1) mm by the double bridge according to GOST 7229. The results of the measurements lead to 20 °C within ±0.5 °C.

The cross-sectional area of the test specimen ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), mmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), is calculated by the formula

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3),

where ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)is the mass of sample, g;

ГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3) — length of specimen, mm;

Of 8.89 is the density of copper at 20 °C, g/cmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 3).

5.8. At customer’s request bars vertical continuous casting of oxygen-free copper test annealing in a medium of hydrogen in the absence of hydrogen embrittlement according to GOST 24048 in terms of training and testing.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

5.9. At the request of the consumer test bars M00b on the adhesion strength of the oxide film carried out on the untreated wire of 2 mm diameter.

With the sample surface and remove the grease, then the sample is etched in 10% strength sulfuric acid, you get a shiny clean surface, washed with cold water, rinsed with distilled water and dried by wiping with alcohol or acetone.

The prepared sample is heated to a temperature of 850−870 °C in air for 30 min, while the cleaned sample surface do not touch with your hands. After heating the sample is immediately dipped in cold water and cooled to room temperature.

The sample is considered to pass the test, if the black oxide film is not destroyed, adheres to the copper, and has an even tone.

(Added, Rev. N 3).


6.1. (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

6.2. On the end of the matrix or side of each ingot shall bear stamp containing the trademark of the manufacturer.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

6.3. The ingots are formed into packages. In forming the package of two bars on opposite sides of the package with indelible paint batch number and grade of copper. By agreement with consumer it is permitted not to apply the batch number and grade of copper.

For long-term storage on one of the upper bars of each package with indelible paint marking containing:

is the trademark or symbol of the manufacturer and its trademark;

— the batch number;

— the number of the package;

— brand copper;

— the net weight of the package.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

6.4. The design of the package and means for packaging is determined by the normative-technical documentation.

6.5. Overall dimensions of the package are the dimensions of the ingots, design and weight of the package.

The mass of the package shall not exceed:

— for packages intended for transportation by covered means of transport, — 1500 kg;

— for packages intended for transport by open transport, — 5000 kg;

— for packages intended for long-term storage of up to 1,500 kg.

6.4, 6.5. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

6.6. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

6.7. Transport marking under GOST 14192. Transport marking shall be applied to plywood or metal labels. The package must be marked with the manipulation sign «sling here» according to GOST 14192.

When shipping packages ingots carload shipments transport the marking shall be not less than four packages. Transport is allowed on the marking to indicate the weight of the package.

During the transportation of products intended for long-term storage, transport the marking shall be on each package.

6.8. On the top bar of the package for ingots, which awarded the state quality Mark, shall bear the image of the state seal.

6.7, 6.8. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).

6.9. Copper ingots are transported by railway, water and automobile transport in accordance with the rules of cargo transportation applicable to transportation of each type.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

6.10. Copper ingots stored in covered warehouses or open areas.




* ANNEX 1. (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

Marking ingot
Weight, kg
SV 90x90−1300
90x90 SV-1400
SV 90x90−2800
ST 100x100−1300
ST 100x100−1400
ST 100x100−2800
SV 110х110−1300
110х110 SV-1400
SV 110х110−2800
CH 98х92−1372
CH 98х102−1372
CH 111х102−1372
CH 111х111−1372
CH 111х121−1372
98х82 CC-1362
98х92 CC-1362
111х92 CC-1362
111х101 CC-1362
111х111 CC-1362


1. Deviation from the nominal weight of ingots approximately ±5%.

2. To calculate the accepted density of copper: ingots of form SV — of 8.90 g/cmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), ingots of types of CH, CC — 8.4 g/cmГОСТ 193-79 (ИСО 431-81) Слитки медные. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3).

APPENDIX 2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

ANNEX 3 (informative)


Marking ingot
Code And-OKP KCH
SN-M1 98х92−1372
17 3321 0101 04
SN-M1 98х102−1372
17 3321 0102 03
SN-M1 111х102−1372
17 3321 0103 02
SN-M1 111х111−1372
17 3321 0104 01
SN-M1 111х121−1372
17 3321 0105 00
CC-M1 98х82−1362
17 3321 0206 07
CC-M1 98х92−1362
17 3321 0207 06
CC-M1 111х92−1362
17 3321 0208 05
CC-M1 111х101−1362
17 0209 3321 04
CC-M1 111х111−1362
17 3321 0210 00
SN-98х92 M0−1372
17 3321 0401 06
SN-98х102 M0−1372
17 3321 0402 05
SN-111х102 M0−1372
17 3321 0403 04
SN-111х111 M0−1372
17 3321 0404 03
SN-111х121 M0−1372
17 3321 0405 02
SS-M0 98х82−1362
17 3321 0502 02
SS-M0 98х92−1362
17 3321 0503 01
SS-M0 111х92−1362
17 3321 0504 00
SS-M0 111х101−1362
17 3321 0505 10
SS-M0 111х111−1362
17 3321 0506 09
SN-M00 98х92−1372
17 3321 2001 10
SN-M00 98х102−1372
17 3321 2002 09
SN-M00 111х102−1372
17 3321 2003 08
SN-M00 111х111−1372
17 3321 2004 07
SN-M00 111х121−1372
17 3321 2005 06
SS-M00 98х92−1362
17 3321 2101 07
SS-M00 98х92−1362
17 3321 2102 06
SS-M00 111х92−1362
17 3321 2103 05
SS-M00 111х101−1362
17 3321 2104 04
SS-M00 111х111−1362
17 3321 2105 03
SV-M0b 90x90−1300
17 3322 0101 10
SV-M0b 90x90−1400
17 3322 0102 09
SV-M0b 90x90−2800
17 3322 0103 08
SV-M0b 100x100−1300
17 3322 0104 07
SV-M0b 100x100−1400
17 3322 0105 06
SV-M0b 100x100−2800
17 3322 0106 05
SV-M0b 110х110−1300
17 3322 0107 04
SV-M0b 110х110−1400
17 3322 0108 03
SV-M0b 110х110−2800
17 3322 0109 02
SV-M00b 90x90−1300
17 3322 0201 07
SV-M00b 90x90−1400
17 3322 0202 06
SV-M00b 90x90−2800
17 3322 0203 05
SV-M00b 100x100−3300
17 3322 0204 04
SV-M00b 100x100−1400
17 3322 0205 03
SV-M00b 100x100−2800
17 3322 0206 02
SV-M00b 110х110−1300
17 3322 0207 01
SV-M00b 110х110−1400
17 3322 0208 00
SV-M00b 110х110−2800
17 3322 0209 10

APPENDIX 3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

ANNEX 4 (informative)


The term
Bloating Protrusion of arbitrary shape in erysipelas (upper) surface of the ingot with voids and sinks under the upper crust
According to GOST 19200
Sink The defect on the surface or in the body of the ingot in the form of a cavity formed by the separated metal or embedded in metal gases, larger than 3 mm in diameter
Crack A defect in the form of a tear or strain of the body of the ingot due to constrained shrinkage of the metal
The influx A defect in the form of protrusion of arbitrary shape with smooth edges, formed by local damaging of the mold and flowing the molten metal on the frozen surface of
Layering The defect in the form of distinct layers of metal, formed as a result of interruption or uneven filling of the mold with hot metal
Wren metal According to GOST 19200
Gradation A defect in the form of protrusions formed by cutting bars not exceeding 2 mm
Burrs Defects on the edges of the ingots in the form of sharp protrusions of irregular shape with a height (length) of not more than 1 mm
Porosity A defect in the form of small pores (point), recesses or through holes with a diameter of less than 3 mm, formed as a result of gas emissions from the metal when it hardens
Time A point recess or a through hole with a diameter not exceeding 3 mm

ANNEX 4. (Added, Rev. N 2).