GOST 20580.0-80
GOST 20580.0−80 (ST SEV 905−78) Lead. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis (with Amendments No. 1, 2)
GOST 20580.0−80*
(CT CMEA 905−78)
Group B59
General requirements for methods of chemical analysis
Lead. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis
AXTU 1709**
** Changed revision, Rev. N 2.
Date of introduction 1980−12−01
Resolution of the USSR State Committee for standards, dated April 29, 1980, N 1976 the period of validity set with 01.12.80
Proven in 1983 by the Decree of Gosstandart from
** Expiration removed by Protocol No. 7−95 Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (I & C N 11, 1995). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
REPLACE GOST 20580.0−75
* REPRINT December 1984, Change No. 1, approved in December 1983 (ICS 4−84)
The Change N 2 approved and put into effect by the Decree of Gosstandart of the USSR from
Change No. 2 made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 11, 1990
This standard establishes General requirements for methods of chemical analysis of lead (99,992−99,5%).
Standard is fully consistent with CT CMEA 905−78.
1.1 a. General requirements for methods of analysis of lead — GOST 25086−87.
(Added, Rev. N 1, Modified edition, Rev. N 2).
1.1. The selection and preparation of samples is carried out according to GOST 24231−80 and GOST 3778−77*.
* Valid GOST 3778−98. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).
1.2. For the results analysis be the arithmetic mean of results of three determinations.
Allowable absolute differences between the highest and lowest results of three parallel measurements (rate of convergence) and the results of the two tests (index of reproducibility) with confidence probability of 0.95 does not exceed the values specified in the appropriate table of standards.
1.3. Simultaneously with the analysis under the same conditions is carried out three follow-up experience for inclusion in the analysis result of the relevant amendment for contamination of reagents.
1.2, 1.3. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).
1.4−1.12. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).
1.13. Control the correctness of the results of the analysis of samples is carried out according to GOST 25086−87 by comparing them with the results of the analysis of the same samples obtained with a different methodology, are included in the standard method of analysis, standard samples of composition of the lead or by a method of additives.
Control of the correctness of the results of the analysis carried out at least once a month, and also when replacing the reagents, solutions and equipment, after long interruptions and other changes that affect the results of the analysis.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1, 2).
2.1. Chemical analyses must be performed in accordance with the rules of safe work in chemical laboratories.
2.2. The analysis of lead used chemicals with harmful effects on the human body: acids (nitric, boric, sulfuric, hydrochloric, acetic), ammonia, diethyl ether, potassium cyanide, copper, sodium hydroxide, and oxide of arsenic (III), mercury, lead, lead acetate, secondary butyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, strontium nitrate, antimony, toluene, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform. In working with these substances must comply with the safety requirements of normative-technical documentation for specific products.
Lead and its inorganic compounds are toxic, are substances hazard class 1. The MPC of lead in air of working zone — maximum single 0.01 mg/m, time-weighted average of 0.005 mg/m
Lead pozharovzryvobezopasnost.
2.3. Preparation of samples for analysis must be carried out in fume cupboards or boxes. The speed of air flow when the hood out of the closet and open work wings, must be in the current opening at least 1.2 m/s.
Chemical reagents used for analysis must be stored in cabinets or boxes equipped with ventilation.
2.1−2.3. (Changed edition, Rev. 2).
2.4. Samples of lead submitted for analysis should be stored in glass buksh or plastic bags. Residue sample analysis is returned to the customer.
2.5. General sanitary-hygienic requirements to air of working zone of production areas — according to GOST 12.1.005−76*.
* Valid GOST 12.1.005−88, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
2.6. Control of content of harmful substances in the air of working zone — according to GOST 12.1.005−88.
Concentration of harmful substances in the air of working zone is determined by the methods in accordance with GOST 12.1.016−79 and approved by the USSR Ministry of health.
Control of parameters of dangerous and harmful production factors — according to GOST 8.010−72.
Basic provisions and requirements for the organization and carrying out of works on metrological support in the field of occupational safety — according to GOST 12.0.005−84.
(Changed edition, Rev. 2).
2.7. Chemical laboratory must have a common supply and exhaust ventilation in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.021−75.
2.8. Electrical installations and electrical equipment used in the tests shall conform to the requirements of GOST 12.1.019−79, GOST
* On the territory of the Russian Federation there are «Rules of technical operation of electrical installations», approved by order of Ministry of energy of Russia from
** In the territory of the Russian Federation act «Interbranch Rules on labor protection (safety rules) for electrical installations» (SWEAT P M-016−2001, RD 153−34.0−03.150−00). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. 2).
2.9. To prevent contamination of wastewater and air by toxic substances, recycling, disposal and destruction of production waste analyses should be conducted in the prescribed manner, by agreement with the sanitary-epidemiological service of the Ministry of health of the USSR.
2.10. All work in the test should be performed in overalls and means of individual protection according to GOST 24760−81, GOST 3−88, GOST 12.4.041−89*, GOST 12.4.013−85**, GOST 12.4.011−89.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12.4.041−2001;
** On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.013−97. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. 2).
2.11. When using compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases in process analysis is required to observe the rules of arrangement and safe operation vessels working under pressure, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor of the USSR.
2.12. (Deleted, Rev. 2).
2.13. When working with flammable liquids and flammable substances should be guided by the requirements of GOST 12.1.004−85*.
* GOST 12.1.004−91, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. 2).
2.14. Fire safety laboratory facilities must meet the requirements of GOST 12.1.004−85 and GOST 12.4.009−83.
(Changed edition, Rev. 2).
2.15. In areas where work with lead is not allowed to store food, to eat, to smoke.
2.16. The organization of training working safety — according to GOST 12.0.004−79*.
* Valid GOST 12.0.004−90. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
Requirements to professional selection and testing of knowledge of employees — according to GOST 12.3.002−75.
Sec. 2. (Added, Rev. N 1).