GOST 1219.0-74
GOST 1219.0−74 calcium Babbits. General requirements for methods of chemical analysis (with Amendments No. 1, 2)
GOST 1219.0−74
Group B59
General requirements for methods of chemical analysis
Lead-calcium bearing alloys.
General requirements for methods of chemical analysis
ISS 77.120.60
AXTU 1709
Date of introduction 1975−01−01
The decision of the State standards Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from January 17, 1974 N 150 date of introduction is established 01.01.75
Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 2−92 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 2−93)
REPLACE GOST 1219−60 in part of sec. 1
EDITION (September 2003) with Changes No. 1, 2 approved in November 1979 and November 1984 (IUS 1−80, 2−85).
1. This standard applies to calcium babbits and sets the General requirements for methods of chemical analysis.
2. The selection and preparation of samples for analysis is carried out according to GOST 1209−90. The surface of ingots of the alloy prior to sampling should be cleaned from dirt and oxide film.
3. Weighing of samples, unless otherwise stated, carried out with the maximum error of 0.0002 g.
4. The content of the element is determined in three parallel batches with two control experiments for inclusion in the definition of the relevant amendment for contamination of reagents.
The arithmetic mean of the results of the three definitions accepted for the final result. The maximum difference between the extreme results of the analysis shall not exceed the permissible values calculated with the confidence probability =0,95. If the difference between the extreme results of the analysis exceeds the allowable value, the determination is repeated.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
5. For the preparation of aqueous solutions and analysis used distilled water according to GOST 6709−72 and reagents qualification not lower than h.d. a.
6. Under the concentration of solutions in percent, you should understand the amount of substance in grams in 100 cmof solution.
7. In the expression «diluted 1:1; 1:2», etc. the first digits stand for the volumetric part of concentrated acid, or any solution, the second volume of the water.
8. Used measuring utensils must be calibrated.
9. Aqueous solutions of reagents must be filtered.
10. The expression «hot water» (or solution) means that the fluid has a temperature of 60−70 °C, and the expression «warm water» (or liquid) of 40−50 °C.
11. The titer of the solution set not less than three batches of a basic substance, used to set the caption and find the average value of three closely matched results.
12. When definitions photocolorimetric measurement of optical density of colored solutions produced by photoelectrocolorimeter indicating wave length of maximum light transmission (use a spectrophotometer).
13. When photocolorimetric definitions build the calibration graphs, the x-axis which lay the contents of the element in milligrams, and on the ordinate — optical density of the corresponding solution.
14. The construction and validation of the calibration graphs produced simultaneously with the analysis.
15. To verify the obtained results of analysis used method of supplementation. To do this, three batches of one of the analyzed samples add a standard solution containing the precise amount of the designated component.
The result of the analysis is considered correct if the value found additives different from the calculated values by no more than 0.5, where
— the permissible discrepancy of the results of parallel measurements in the analysis of the sample without additive and with additive, respectively.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).