GOST R ISO 2560-2009
GOST R ISO 2560−2009 (ISO 2560:2009) welding Materials. The covered electrodes for manual arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
GOST R ISO 2560−2009
(ISO 2560:2009)
Group В05
Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification
OKS 25.160.20
Date of introduction 2011−01−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004"Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Federal state institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at MGTU im. N. Uh. Bauman (FGU NUCS computer. N. Uh. Bauman), the national Agency for control and welding (NAKS) on the basis of their own authentic translation of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology of December 15, 2009 N 1076-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 2560:2009* «Materials and welding. The covered electrodes for manual arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels. Classification» (ISO 2560:2009 «Welding consumables — Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels — Classification»)
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually published index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for classification of covered electrodes and deposited metal in as-welded and postweld heat treatment for manual arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels with a minimum yield strength up to 500 MPa or a minimum ultimate tensile strength of up to 570 MPa.
This standard contains the technical requirements for classification by yield strength of the weld metal and the average impact energy of 47 j (method A) and the limit of the tensile strength of the weld metal and the average impact energy of 27 j (method b).
1 Sections, subsections and tables of numbers that ends with the letter «A» are applicable only to covered electrodes classified by the yield strength of the weld metal and the average impact energy of 47 joules.
2 Sections, subsections and tables of numbers that ends with the letter «b» are applicable only to covered electrodes classified according to the limit of the tensile strength of the weld metal and the average impact energy of 27 joules.
3 Sections, subsections and tables of numbers that have the letter designations «A» or «b» applicable to all covered electrodes classified under this standard.
2 Normative references
In this standard used by dated or undated references to international standards*. With dated references subsequent edition of the international standards or changes to them are valid for this standard only after the introduction of the amendments to this standard or by preparing a new edition of this standard. With undated references the latest edition of the listed standard (including amendments).
* The table of conformity of national standards international see the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
ISO 544 welding Materials. Technical delivery conditions for filler materials. The type of product, dimensions, tolerances and marking
ISO 2401 covered Electrodes. Method of determining efficiency factor of the transition metal of the rod into the seam and ratio afloat
ISO 3690 welding and allied processes. Determination of hydrogen content in the weld metal in arc welding of ferritic steel
ISO 6847 welding Materials. The surfacing layer of metal for chemical analysis
ISO 6947 Welds welded. The operating positions. Definition of angles of slope and rotation
ISO 13916 welding. Manual on the measurement of preheating temperature, temperature of the metal between weld passes and the temperature of the associated heating
ISO 14344 welding and allied processes. The processes of electric welding under flux and in shielding gases. Recommendations for purchase of welding materials
ISO 15792−1:2000 welding Materials. Test methods. Part 1. Test methods samples of weld metal in welding of steel, Nickel and Nickel alloys
ISO 15792−3:2000 welding Materials. Test methods. Part 3. Classification testing of welding materials for the welding position and weld the root pass in fillet welds
ISO 80000−1 Quantities and units. Part 1. General provisions
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards and codes in the information system of General use — on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation on standardization in the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should guide the replacement (modified) document. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Classification
This standard uses two classification methods to specify the properties of the weld metal tensile and impact. Both methods include additional symbols to indicate some other classification requirements, as indicated in the following subparagraphs. In most cases the electrode can be classified by both methods. In these cases you can use either one of the classification symbols, or both.
The classification includes the properties of the weld metal obtained by welding with a covered electrode as given below. It is based on the use of electrode with a diameter of 4.0 mm, used for ISO 15792−3. If the electrode diameter specified is not available, for testing of the weld metal should be used an electrode with a diameter closest to 4.0 mm.
3A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
The classification marking consists of eight characters:
1) first symbol-covered electrode;
2) the second is a symbol of strength and elongation of the weld metal (see table 1A);
3) the third symbol properties of the weld metal when struck (see table 2A);
4) the fourth symbol of the chemical composition of the weld metal (see table 3A);
5) the fifth symbol of the type of electrode covering (see 4.5 A);
6) the sixth symbol of the effective transfer of the metal electrode (the ratio of the mass of metal, deposited under standard conditions to the mass of the electrode rod) and type of current (see table 5A);
7) the seventh symbol welding positions (see table 6A);
8) the eighth character of the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal (see table 7).
The classification marking consists of two parts:
a) compulsory part
This part includes characters indicating an electrode, the strength and elongation properties, impact, chemical composition and type of electrode coating (see 4.1, 4.2 A, 4.3 A, 4.4 A and 4.5 A);
b) an additional part
This part includes symbols indicating efficient transfer of the metal electrode, current type, welding positions for the electrode and the hydrogen (see 4.7 A, 4.8 A and 4.9).
3B Classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j
Classification designation consists of seven characters:
1) first symbol-covered electrode;
2) the second symbol of the strength of the weld metal (see table 1B);
3) third symbol-type of electrode coating, type of current and welding position (see table 4B);
4) the fourth symbol of the chemical composition of the weld metal (see table 3B);
5) the fifth symbol conditions post welding heat treatment, after which it was tested, the weld metal (see 4.6);
6) the sixth symbol indicates that the electrode meets the requirement for impact energy 47 joules at a temperature, which is usually used in the requirement for impact energy 27 j;
7) the seventh symbol of the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal (see table 7).
The classification marking consists of two parts:
a) compulsory part
This part includes characters indicating an electrode strength, type of coverage, type of current, welding position, chemical composition and conditions of heat treatment (see 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6);
b) an additional part
This part includes: the symbol additional symbol impact energy of 47 j, which is defined in 4.3, and a symbol of the level of hydrogen, which is defined in 4.9.
Designation (see section 11) including the compulsory part and any selected optional part must be stated on the packaging and in the technical documentation of the manufacturer. An outline of the full designation of electrodes classified by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j, is shown in figure A. 1 (method A). An outline of the full designation of electrodes classified according to the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j, is shown in figure A. 2 (method b).
4 Symbols and requirements
4.1 the symbol of the covered electrode
Symbol covered electrode for manual arc welding is the letter «E» located at the beginning of the symbol.
4.2 Symbols of strength and elongation of the weld metal
4.2 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
The characters of the yield strength, tensile strength and elongation under tension of the weld metal in the as-welded, defined in accordance with section 5, shown in table 1A.
Table 1A — Symbol for strength and elongation of the weld metal (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Symbol | Minimum yield strength |
The limit of the tensile strength, MPa | Minimum elongation |
35 |
355 | From 440 to 570 incl. | 22 |
38 |
380 | From 470 to 600 incl. | 20 |
42 | 420 | From 500 to 640 incl. | |
46 | 460 | From 530 to 680 incl. | |
50 | 500 | From 560 to 720 incl. |
18 |
4.2 Classification according to the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
The characters limit of the tensile strength of the weld metal in the as-welded or post-weld heat treatment specified in accordance with section 5, shown in table 1B.
Table 1B — Symbol for strength of the weld metal (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
Symbol | The minimum limit of the tensile strength, MPa |
43 |
430 |
49 |
490 |
55 |
550 |
57 |
Five hundred seventy |
The requirements for yield strength and relative elongation depend on the chemical composition, conditions of heat treatment, type of coverage and the requirements for ultimate strength in tension, as shown in table 8B for complete classification.
4.3 the Symbol properties of the weld metal when struck
4.3 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Symbols indicate the temperature at which achieved an average impact energy of 47 j under the conditions given in section 5, are presented in table 2A.
Table 2A — the Symbol properties of the weld metal when struck (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Symbol |
Temperature for minimum average impact energy of 47 j, °C |
Z |
Not regulated |
And |
20 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
minus 20 |
3 |
minus 30 |
4 |
minus 40 |
5 |
minus 50 |
6 |
minus 60 |
Tests should be subjected to three samples, while only one value of the impact energy may be lower than 47 j but not lower than 32 J.
If the weld metal is classified in a certain temperature, then, in accordance with table 2A, the classification automatically applies to any higher temperature.
4.3 Classification according to the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
A special symbol for the properties at the shock is not installed. Complete classification in table 8B determines the temperature at which the achieved impact energy of 27 j in the as-welded or post-weld heat treatment under the conditions given in section 5.
Tests should be subjected to five samples. In this case, two values of the impact energy, the minimum and maximum do not take into account. Two of the three remaining values must be greater than 27 j, one of the three values may be lower, but not less than 20 joules. The average of the three remaining values shall not be less than 27 joules.
The introduction of an additional symbol «U» after the character of the conditions of heat treatment indicates that the additional requirement for impact energy 47 j at a test temperature corresponding to impact energy of 27 j was also satisfied. If the requirements for impact energy 47 j number of samples tested and the values obtained shall meet the requirements of 4.3 A.
4.4 symbol for the chemical composition of the weld metal
4.4 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
The symbols of the chemical composition of the weld metal determined in accordance with section 6, shown in table 3A.
Table 3A — Symbol for chemical composition of weld metal (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Symbol alloy | Chemical composition | ||
Mn |
Mo | Ni | |
Without the symbol |
2,0 | - | - |
Mo | 1,4 | 0,3−0,6 | |
Emo | 1,4−2,0 | ||
1Ni |
1,4 | - | 0,6−1,2 |
Mn1Ni | 1,4−2,0 | ||
2Ni | 1,4 | The 1.8−2.6 | |
Mn2Ni | 1,4−2,0 | 1,2−2,6 | |
3Ni | 1,4 | 2,6−3,8 | |
1NiMo | 0,3−0,6 | 0,6−1,2 | |
Z |
Any other agreed composition | ||
4.4 Classification according to the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
Symbols of main alloying elements and, in some cases, the nominal level of the most important alloying element in the weld metal determined in accordance with section 6, shown in table 3B. Symbol chemical composition immediately follows the symbol type of coverage and not for a symbol of strength. The full classification is given in table 10B, defines specific requirements for chemical composition for the specific classification of electrodes.
Table 3B — Symbol for chemical composition of weld metal (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
Symbol alloy |
Chemical composition | |
The major alloying element |
Nominal level, % (by weight) | |
Without the symbol, -1, -P1 or -P2 |
Mn | 1,0 |
-1M3 |
Mo | 0,5 |
-3M2 |
Mn | 1,5 |
Mo | 0,4 | |
-3M3 |
Mn | 1,5 |
Mo | 0,5 | |
-N1 |
Ni | 0,5 |
-N2 |
1,0 | |
-N3 |
1,5 | |
-3N3 | Mn | |
Ni | ||
-N5 |
Ni | 2,5 |
-N7 | 3,5 | |
-N13 | 6,5 | |
-N2M3 |
Ni | 1,0 |
Mo | 0,5 | |
-NC |
Ni | 0,5 |
Cu | 0,4 | |
-SS |
Cr | 0,5 |
Cu | 0,4 | |
-NCC |
Ni | 0,2 |
Cr | 0,6 | |
Cu | 0,5 | |
-NCC1 |
Ni | 0,6 |
Cr | 0,6 | |
Cu | 0,5 | |
-Type ncc2 |
Ni | 0,3 |
Cr | 0,2 | |
Cu | 0,5 | |
-G |
Any other agreed composition |
4.5 Symbol for type of electrode coating
4.5 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Type of coating of the electrode significantly depends on the composition of slag forming components. Symbols type of coverage should match the symbols shown in table 4A.
Table 4A is the symbol of the type of coverage (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Symbol | Type of coverage |
And |
Sour |
With |
Pulp |
R |
Rutile |
RR |
Rutile thick |
RC |
Rutile-cellulose |
RA |
Rutilo acid |
RB |
Rutile-main |
In |
Main |
Note — the Description of the characteristics of each of these types of coverage are given in Appendix B. |
4.5 Classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j
Type of coating of the electrode significantly depends on the type of slag-forming components. Type of coverage also determines a suitable position of welding and type of current in accordance with table 4B.
Table 4B Symbol type of covering (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
Symbol | Type of coverage | The welding position |
Type of current |
03 | Rutile-main | All |
.with. and d.c. (+) |
10 | Pulp |
All | d.c. (+) |
11 | .with. and d.c. (+) | ||
12 | Rutile |
All |
.with. and d.c. (-) |
13 | .with. and d.c. (±) | ||
14 | Rutile + iron powder | ||
15 | Main | d.c. (+) | |
16 | .with. and d.c. (+) | ||
18 | Basic + iron powder | .with. and d.c. (+) | |
19 | Ilmenite | .with. and d.c. (±) | |
20 | Iron oxide |
RA, RV | .with. and d.c. (-) |
24 | Rutile + iron powder | .with. and d.c. (±) | |
27 | Iron oxide + iron powder | ||
28 | Basic + iron powder |
RA, RV, PC | .with. and d.c. (+) |
40 | Not defined |
According to the manufacturer’s recommendations | |
45 | Main |
All | d.c. (+) |
48 | .with. and d.c. (+) | ||
4.6 Symbol conditions postweld heat treatment of weld metal
4.6 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Classification based on mechanical properties of the weld metal only in the as-welded, so there is no symbol for conditions of post-welding heat treatment.
4.6 Classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j
If the electrode is classified in as-welded, then the symbol should add the symbol «A». If the electrode is classified as post welding heat treatment, then the classification should add the character «P».
When classifying the condition of post-weld heat treatment temperature heat treatment needs to be (620±15) °C, except for chemical compounds N5 and N7, for which the temperature needs to be (605±15) °C, and N13, for which the temperature needs to be (600±15) °C. the dwell Time at temperature and post weld heat treatment should be 1h
If the electrode is classified by both methods, then the symbol should add the symbol «AR».
When the test specimen is placed in a furnace, the furnace temperature must be not more than 300 °C. the heating Rate from that point up to the specified temperature exposure should be in the range of 85 °C/HR to 275 °C/h After exposure of the sample to be cooled in a furnace to a temperature below 300 °C at a speed of not more than 200 °C/h pattern can be removed from the oven at any temperature below about 300 °C and cooled in open air to room temperature.
4.7 the Symbol of the efficient transfer of the metal electrode and current type
4.7 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Symbols transition metal of the electrode, defined according to ISO 2401, and type of current specified in table 5A.
Table 5A Symbol nominal electrode efficiency and type of current (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Symbol | Efficient transfer of electrode metal |
Type of current |
1 |
To 105 incl. |
.with. and d.c. d.c. |
2 | ||
3 | SV. 105 to 125 incl. | |
4 | ||
5 | SV. 125 to 160 a incl. | |
6 | ||
7 | SV. 160 | |
8 | ||
4.7 Classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j
There is no special symbol of the efficient transfer of the metal electrode and current type. The current nature included in the symbol type of coverage (see table 4B). Efficient transfer of the metal electrode is not specified.
4.8 Symbol for welding positions
4.8 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Symbols welding positions in which the electrode is tested in accordance with ISO 15792−3 are shown in table 6A. The testing requirements (see section 7).
Table 6A — Symbol welding positions (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Symbol |
The welding position according to ISO 6947 |
1 |
PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG |
2 |
RA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF |
3 |
RA, RV |
4 |
PA |
5 |
PA, PB, PG |
4.8 Classification in the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
There is no special symbol welding positions. Requirements for the welding position follow from the symbol type of coverage (see table 4B).
4.9 the Character of the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal
Table 7 shows the characters of the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal when using an electrode with a diameter of 4.0 mm, determined by the method described in ISO 3690.
Table 7 — the Symbol of the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal
Symbol | The hydrogen content, ml/100 g weld metal, no more |
H5 |
5 |
H10 |
10 |
H15 |
15 |
Note — Additional information about the diffusive hydrogen is given in Appendix D.
Used the current should be from 70% to 90% of the maximum value recommended by the manufacturer. Electrodes recommended for use on AC and DC currents must be tested with alternating current. Electrodes recommended for use only on direct current, shall be tested for DC reverse polarity.
The manufacturer should provide information on the recommended current and conditions of the re-drying to achieve the permissible level of diffusion of hydrogen.
5 Mechanical testing
5A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Tensile tests and impact, and any necessary re-testing must be performed in a state after welding using a sample from the weld metal of type 1.3 in accordance with ISO 15792−1, when the welding conditions given in 5.1 and 5.2 of this standard.
5B Classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j
Tensile tests and impact, and any necessary re-testing should be performed in the as-welded and/or postweld heat treatment, using a sample from the weld metal of type 1.3 in accordance with ISO 15792−1, when the welding conditions given in 5.1 and 5.2 of this standard.
If the prescribed treatment for removal of hydrogen diffusion, mechanical tests should be performed in accordance with ISO 15792−1.
5.1 preheating Temperature and the temperature between passes
The preheat temperature of the metal and the temperature between passes must be measured with the use of termokeramika, contact thermometers or thermocouples (see ISO 13916).
5.1 A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
Preheating is not required, welding can begin at room temperature. The temperature between passes must be in the range from 90 °C to 175 °C. If, after any pass, the temperature between passes is exceeded, then the test sample should be cooled in air to a temperature below the specified upper limit.
In order to simultaneously achieve the required properties in tension and impact, you may need to maintain the temperature between passes in a narrower range.
5.1 Classification according to the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
The temperature of preheating and between the passages for the electrodes, having no symbol of the chemical composition or with the symbol «-1» (see table 3B and 8B), should be from 100 °C to 150 °C. the preheat Temperature between passes for all other chemical compounds should be from 90 °C to 110 °C.
Table 8 — Requirements for mechanical testing (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
Classification | The limit of the tensile strength |
Yield strength |
Elongation |
The temperature of the test sample with a V-shaped notch Charpy method |
Е4303 |
430 | 330 | 20 | 0 |
Е4310 | -30 | |||
Е4311 | ||||
Е4312 | 16 | - | ||
Е4313 | ||||
Е4316 | 20 | -30 | ||
Е4318 | ||||
Е4319 | -20 | |||
Е4320 | - | |||
Е4324 | 16 | |||
Е4327 | 20 | -30 | ||
Е4340 | 0 | |||
Е4903 | 490 | 400 | ||
Е4910 | From 490 to 650 incl. | -30 | ||
Е4911 | ||||
Е4912 | 490 | 16 | - | |
Е4913 | ||||
Е4914 | ||||
Е4915 | 20 | -30 | ||
Е4916 | ||||
Е4916−1 | -45 | |||
Е4918 | -30 | |||
Е4918−1 | -45 | |||
Е4919 | -20 | |||
Е4924 |
16 | - | ||
Е4924−1 | Twenty | -20 | ||
Е4927 | -30 | |||
Е4928 | -20 | |||
Е4948 | -30 | |||
Е5716 | 570 | 490 | 16 | |
Е5728 | -20 | |||
Е4910-P1 |
490 | 420 | 20 | -30 |
Е5510-P1 | 550 | 460 | 17 | |
Е5518-P2 | ||||
Е5545-P2 | ||||
Е4910−1M3 |
490 | 420 | 20 | - |
Е4911−1M3 | 400 | |||
Е4915−1M3 | ||||
Е4916−1M3 | ||||
Е4918−1M3 | ||||
Е4919−1M3 | ||||
Е4920−1M3 | ||||
Е4927−1M3 | ||||
Е5518−3M2 |
550 | 460 | 17 | -50 |
Е5516−3M3 | ||||
Е5518−3M3 | ||||
E4916-N1 |
490 | 390 | 20 | -40 |
E4928-N1 | ||||
E5516-N1 | 550 | 460 | 17 | |
E5528-N1 | ||||
E4916-N2 | 490 | 390 | 20 | |
E4918-N2 |
490 | 390 | 20 | -50 |
E5516-N2 | 550 | From 470 to 550 incl. | -40 | |
E5518-N2 | ||||
E4916-N3 | 490 | 390 | ||
E5516-N3 |
550 | 460 | 17 | -50 |
E5516−3N3 | ||||
E5518-N3 | ||||
E4915-N5 |
490 | 390 | 20 | -75 |
E4916-N5 | ||||
E4918-N5 | ||||
E4928-N5 | -60 | |||
E5516-N5 | 550 | 460 | 17 | |
E5518-N5 | ||||
E4915-N7 |
490 | 390 | 20 | -100 |
E4916-N7 | ||||
E4918-N7 | ||||
E5516-N7 |
550 | 460 | 17 | -75 |
E5518-N7 | ||||
E5516-N13 | -100 | |||
E5518-N2M3 | -40 | |||
E4903-NC |
490 | 390 | 20 | 0 |
E4916-NC | ||||
E4928-NC | ||||
E5716-NC | 570 | 490 | 16 | |
E5728-NC | ||||
Е4903-SS | 490 | 390 | 20 | |
Е4916-SS | ||||
Е4928-SS | ||||
Е5716-SS | 570 | 490 | 16 | |
Е5728-SS | ||||
E4903-NCC | 490 | 390 | 20 | |
E4916-NCC | ||||
E4928-NCC | ||||
E5716-NCC | 570 | 490 | 16 | |
E5728-NCC | ||||
E4903-NCC1 | 490 | 390 | 20 | |
E4916-NCC1 | ||||
E4928-NCC1 | ||||
E5516-NCC1 |
550 | 460 | 17 | -20 |
E5518-NCC1 | ||||
E5716-NCC1 |
570 | 490 | 16 | 0 |
E5728-NCC1 | ||||
E4916-type ncc2 |
490 | 420 | 20 | -20 |
E4918-type ncc2 | ||||
E49XX-G | 400 | - | ||
E55XX-G | 550 | 460 | 17 | |
E57XX-G | 570 | 490 | 16 | |
5.2 Sequence of passes
The sequence of passes shall be as defined in table 9.
Table 9 — flow passages
Electrode diameter |
A layered seam | ||
Number of layer | The number of passes per layer |
The number of layers | |
4,0 | From first to last |
2 |
7−9 |
The direction of welding when performing the pass must not change. Each pass should be performed at a current ranging from 70% to 90% maximum recommended by the manufacturer. Regardless of the type of coating welding should be carried out on alternating current, if applicable AC and DC current, and direct current recommended polarity, if direct current is required.
6 Chemical analysis
Chemical analysis can be performed on any suitable sample. However, in disputed cases, you should use the samples made in accordance with ISO 6847. Can be used by any analytical method, but in cases of dispute, use of generally accepted published methods.
6A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
The chemical analysis results shall satisfy the requirements given in table 3A.
6B Classification according to the limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
The results of chemical analysis must meet the requirements shown in table 10B.
Table 10B — Requirements chemical composition of weld metal (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j
Content of elements is given in mass percent
Klassi- fication |
With | Mn | Si | R | S | Ni | Cr | Mo | V | Cu | AI |
Е4303 |
0,20 | 1,20 | Of 1.00 | - | - | 0,30 | 0,20 | 0,30 | 0,08 | - | - |
Е4310 | |||||||||||
Е4311 | |||||||||||
Е4312 | |||||||||||
Е4313 | |||||||||||
Е4316 | |||||||||||
Е4318 | 0,03 | 0,60 | 0,40 | 0,025 | 0,015 | ||||||
Е4319 | 0,20 | 1,20 | Of 1.00 | - | - | ||||||
Е4320 | |||||||||||
Е4324 | |||||||||||
Е4327 | |||||||||||
Е4340 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||||
Е4903 | 0,15 | 1,25 | 0,90 | 0,30 | 0,20 | 0,30 | 0,08 | ||||
Е4910 |
0,20 | 0,035 | 0,035 | ||||||||
Е4911 | |||||||||||
Е4912 | 1,20 | Of 1.00 | - | - | |||||||
Е4913 | |||||||||||
Е4914 | 0,15 | 1,25 | 0,90 | 0,035 | 0,035 | ||||||
Е4915 | |||||||||||
Е4916 | 1,60 | 0,75 | |||||||||
Е4916−1 | |||||||||||
Е4918 | 0,90 | ||||||||||
Е4918−1 | |||||||||||
Е4919 | 1,25 | ||||||||||
Е4924 | |||||||||||
Е4924−1 | |||||||||||
Е4927 | 1,60 | 0,75 | |||||||||
Е4928 | 0,90 | ||||||||||
Е4948 | |||||||||||
Е5716 | 0,12 | 0,030 | 0,030 | Of 1.00 | 0,30 | 0,35 | - | ||||
Е5728 | |||||||||||
Е4910-P1 | 0,20 | 1,20 | 0,60 | 0,50 | 0,10 | ||||||
Е5510-P1 | |||||||||||
Е5518-P2 | 0,12 | 0,90−1,70 |
0,80 | 0,20 | 0,05 | ||||||
Е5545-P2 | |||||||||||
Е4910−1M3 | 0,60 | 0,40 | - | - | 0,40−0,65 |
- | |||||
Е4911−1M3 | |||||||||||
Е4915−1M3 | 0,90 | 0,60 | |||||||||
Е4916−1M3 | |||||||||||
Е4918−1M3 | 0,80 | ||||||||||
Е4919−1M3 | 0,40 | ||||||||||
Е4920−1M3 | 0,60 | ||||||||||
Е4927−1M3 | Of 1.00 | ||||||||||
Е5518−3M2 | 1,00−1,75 | 0,80 | 0,90 | 0,25−0,45 | |||||||
Е5516−3M3 | 1,00−1,80 | 0,40−0,65 | |||||||||
Е5518−3M3 | |||||||||||
E4916-N1 | 0,60−1,60 | 0,90 | 0,30−1,00 |
0,35 | 0,05 | ||||||
E4928-N1 | |||||||||||
E5516-N1 | |||||||||||
E5528-N1 | |||||||||||
E4916-N2 | 0,08 | 0,40−1,40 |
0,50 | 0,80−1,10 | 0,15 | ||||||
E4918-N2 | |||||||||||
E5516-N2 | 0,12 | 0,40−1,25 |
0,80 | ||||||||
E5518-N2 | |||||||||||
E4916-N3 | 0,10 | 1,25 | 0,60 | 1,10−2,00 |
- | - | |||||
E5516-N3 | - | ||||||||||
E5516−3N3 | 1,60 | ||||||||||
E5518-N3 | 1,25 | 0,80 | |||||||||
E4915-N5 | 0,05 | 0,50 | 2,00−2,75 | ||||||||
E4916-N5 | |||||||||||
E4918-N5 | |||||||||||
E4928-N5 | 0,10 | Of 1.00 | 0,80 | 0,025 | 0,02 | ||||||
E5516-N5 | 0,12 | 1,25 | 0,60 | 0,030 | 0,030 | ||||||
E5518-N5 | 0,80 | ||||||||||
E4915-N7 | 0,05 | 0,50 | 3,00−3,75 | ||||||||
E4916-N7 | |||||||||||
E4918-N7 | |||||||||||
E5516-N7 | 0,12 | 0,80 | |||||||||
E5518-N7 | |||||||||||
E5516-N13 | 0,06 | Of 1.00 | 0,60 | 0,025 | 0,020 | 6,00−7,00 | |||||
E5518-N2M3 | 0,10 | 0,80−1,25 | 0,020 | 0,80−1,10 |
0,10 | 0,40−0,65 | 0,02 | 0,10 | 0,05 | ||
E4903-NC | 0,12 | 0,30−1,40 |
0,90 | 0,030 | 0,030 | 0,25−0,70 | 0,30 | - | - | 0,20−0,60 | - |
E4916-NC | |||||||||||
E4928-NC | |||||||||||
E5716-NC | |||||||||||
E5728-NC | |||||||||||
Е4903-SS | - | 0,30−0,70 | |||||||||
Е4916-SS | |||||||||||
Е4928-SS | |||||||||||
Е5716-SS | |||||||||||
Е5728-SS | |||||||||||
E4903-NCC | 0,05−0,45 | 0,45−0,70 |
0,30−0,70 | ||||||||
E4916-NCC | |||||||||||
E4928-NCC | |||||||||||
E5716-NCC | |||||||||||
E5728-NCC | |||||||||||
E4903-NCC1 | 0,50−1,30 |
0,35−0,80 | 0,40−0,80 | 0,30−0,75 | |||||||
E4916-NCC1 | |||||||||||
E4928-NCC1 | 0,80 | ||||||||||
E5516-NCC1 | 0,35−0,80 | ||||||||||
E5518-NCC1 | |||||||||||
E5716-NCC1 | |||||||||||
E5728-NCC1 | 0,80 | ||||||||||
E4916-type ncc2 | 0,40−0,70 |
0,40−0,70 | 0,025 | 0,025 | 0,20−0,40 | 0,15−0,30 | 0,08 | 0,30−0,60 | |||
E4918-type ncc2 | |||||||||||
E49XX-G | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | ||
E55XX-G | |||||||||||
E57XX-G | |||||||||||
7 Test of a fillet weld
Sample for test fillet weld shall conform to the sample shown in figure 1 of ISO 15792−3.
7A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
The plate material must be selected from a number of materials for which the electrode is recommended by the manufacturer. The surface should be cleaned from dross, rust and other contaminants. The plate thickness should be from 10 to 12 mm, the width
shall be not less than 75 mm, the length
shall be not less than 300 mm. the diameters of the electrode for testing each type of coating, welding positions when testing and required test results shown in table 11A.
Table 11A — test Requirements fillet welds(classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Dimensions are in millimeters
Symbol welding positions for classification |
Type of coverage | The welding position | The diameter of the electrode |
The theoretical thickness of fillet weld |
The difference of the other two sides | The bulge |
1 or 2 | With | RV | 6,0 | 4,5 min. | 1,5 max. | 2.5 m max. |
RX |
5,0 min. | 2,0 max. | A 3.0 max. | |||
In |
The same | The same | The same | |||
3 | And RR |
5,0 min. | 2,0 max. | 3,0 max | ||
5 | R In |
4,5 min. | 1,5 max. | 2.5 m max. | ||
5,0 | ||||||
1 or 2 | With |
PF | 4,0 | 4,5 max. | - | 2,0 max. |
RX |
The same | |||||
In |
5,5 max. | |||||
1 or 2 | With | PD | 4,5 max. | 1,5 max. | 2.5 m max. | |
RX |
The same | The same | The same | |||
In | 5,5 max. |
2,0 max. | A 3.0 max. | |||
5 | In | PG | 5,0 min. | - | 1,5 max. | |
7B Classification limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
The plate material must be of non-alloy steels with a carbon content of not more than 0.30 g/100 g. the Welding surfaces must be cleaned. The plate thickness should be from 10 to 12 mm according to table 11B. Width
, length
, welding positions, when testing each type of coating and the required test results are shown in tables 11B and 12B.
Table 11 — test Requirements fillet welds (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
Dimensions are in millimeters
Type of coverage | Type of current and polarity | The diameter of the electrode |
The welding position | The minimum width of the plate |
The minimum length of the plate |
The size of the leg of a fillet weld |
03 | .with. and d.c. (+) | 5,0 6,0 |
75 | 300 400 |
10,0 max. 8,0 min. |
10 | d.c. (+) | 8,0 max. 6,5 min. | ||||
11 | .with. and d.c. (+) | |||||
12 | .with. and d.c. (-) | 10,0 max. 8,0 min. | ||||
13 | … d.c. (-) and d.c. (+) | |||||
14 | 4,0 6,0 |
8,0 max. 8,0 min. | ||||
15 | d.c. (+) | |||||
16 | .with. and d.c. (+) | |||||
18 | ||||||
19 | 5,0 6,0 |
10,0 max. 8,0 min. | ||||
20 | … and d.c. (-) | 6,0 | RV | 400 | 8,0 min. | |
24 | .with. and d.c. (-) and d.c. (+) |
400 or 650 | ||||
27 | .with. and d.c. (-) | |||||
28 | .with. and d.c. (+) | |||||
40 | - |
- | - | - | - | |
45 | d.c. (+) | 4,0 5,0 |
PE, PG | 300 | 8,0 max. 6,5 min. | |
48 | .with. and d.c. (+) | PD, PG PB, PG |
300 | |||
Table 12 — Allowable difference of the legs and the maximum bulge
Dimensions are in millimeters
Measured fillet weld leg |
The maximum difference of the other two sides | The maximum bulge |
Not more than 4.0 |
1,0 | 2,0 |
4,5 | 1,5 | |
5.0 or 5.5 | 2,0 | |
A 6.0 or 6.5 | 2,5 | |
7,0; 7,5 or 8,0 |
3,0 | 2,5 |
8,5 | 3,5 | |
Not less than 9,0 | 4,0 |
8 Requirements for rounding values
In determining compliance with the requirements of this standard for the real value obtained when testing shall be rounded in accordance with the rules laid down in ISO 80000−1 (V. 3, rule A).
If the measured values obtained on equipment that is calibrated in units different from the units of this standard, the measured values before rounding must be converted into units of the standard. If the arithmetic mean value should be compared with the requirements of this standard, the rounding must only be done after the calculation of this arithmetic mean value.
If any of the given in section 2 of standards for test methods, contains instructions for rounding that are contrary to the requirements of this standard, we must be satisfied to rounding in accordance with standard test methods. The rounding results shall meet the requirements of the appropriate table.
9 Re-test
If the test has not confirmed the compliance with the requirements specified in this standard, it should be repeated twice. The results of both retests must meet the necessary requirements. Samples for re-tests can be taken from the initial connection, or from the new weld. For chemical analysis, retest need only for those individual items that do not meet the requirements of the tests. If one or both re-tests meet the requirements of this standard, the test material should be considered as not satisfying the requirements of this classification.
In case if during preparation or after completion of any test it is well established that the prescribed or appropriate methodology violated in the preparation of the weld or sample (s) to the test, or when tested, such a test should be considered invalid, regardless of what this test is actually performed, and its results meet or do not meet the requirements of this standard. This test should be repeated in compliance with the prescribed methods. In this case, does not require doubling the number of samples for testing.
10 Technical delivery conditions for
Technical conditions for supply should meet the requirements of standards ISO 544 and ISO 14344.
11 Examples of designations
11A Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j
The designation of the covered electrode includes a room of this standard, the letter a should follow the principle shown in example 1A.
Example 1A
The weld metal, weld stick electrode for manual arc welding (E) has a minimum yield strength of 460 MPa (46) and a minimum average impact energy of 47 j at a temperature of minus 30 °C (3), chemical composition 1.1 g/100 g of Mn, and 0.7 g/100 g Ni (1Ni). The coating of the electrode main (). The electrode can be used on AC and DC currents with an effective transfer of the metal electrode 140% (5) when welding butt and fillet welds in the down position (3). The content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal is determined according to ISO 3690 and does not exceed 5 ml/100 g deposited weld metal (H5).
The designation of this electrode:
GOST R ISO 2560-A-E 46 3 1Ni 5 3 H5.
Mandatory part:
GOST R ISO 2560-A-E 46 3 1Ni,
where is the GOST R ISO 2560-a — number of this standard (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j);
E covered electrode for manual arc welding (see 4.1);
46 — yield strength and elongation (see table 1A);
3 — properties at impact (see table 2A);
1Ni — chemical composition of weld metal (see table 3A);
In — type electrode coating (see 4A);
5 — the effective transfer of the metal electrode and type of current (see table 5A);
3 — welding position (see table 6A);
H5 — hydrogen (see table 7).
11B Classification limit of the tensile strength and impact energy of 27 j
The designation of the covered electrode includes a room of this standard, the letter «b» should follow the principle shown in example 1B.
Example 1B
The weld metal, weld stick electrode for manual arc welding (E) has a minimum tensile strength of 550 MPa (55) and meets the requirement for impact energy 47 joules at minus 40 °C (U) in a state after welding. Impact energy exceeds 27 j at a temperature of minus 40 °C as-welded (A). Chemical composition: 1.1 g/100 g manganese and 1 g/100 g Ni (-N2). Of the electrode coating — basic with iron powder. The electrode can be used on AC and DC reverse polarity in all positions except vertical down (18). The content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal is determined according to ISO 3690 and does not exceed 5 ml/100 g deposited weld metal (H5).
The designation of this electrode:
GOST R ISO 2560-B-E5518-N2 A U H5.
Mandatory part:
GOST R ISO 2560--E5518-N2 A,
where is the GOST R ISO 2560- a room of this standard (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j);
E covered electrode for manual arc welding (see 4.1);
55 — the limit of the tensile strength (see table 1B);
18 — basic type coating with iron powder for welding on AC and DC reverse polarity in all positions except vertical down (see table 4B);
-N2 — 1 g/100 g — major alloying element (see table 3B);
E5518-N2 A — full description of the requirements for limit values of elements of the chemical composition and mechanical properties (see table 8B and 10B) in a state after welding;
U — additional requirement for impact energy 47 j at the basic temperature test, the corresponding impact energy 27 j;
H5 — hydrogen (see table 7).
Annex a (informative). Classification methods
Appendix A
A. 1 GOST R ISO 2560-A
Method for classification of covered electrodes for welding non-alloy and fine grain steels for yield strength and a minimum impact energy of 47 j, in accordance with GOST R ISO 2560-A, shown in figure A. 1.
Figure A. 1 — Designation of the electrodes according to the GOST R ISO 2560-A (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
Figure A. 1 — Designation of the electrodes according to the GOST R ISO 2560-A (classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
_______________The combination of these designators constitutes the covered electrode classification.
These designations, as optional were not part of the classification of covered electrodes.
A. 2 GOST R ISO 2560-
Method for classification of covered electrodes for welding non-alloy and fine grain steels according to the limit of the tensile strength and minimum impact energy 27 j, in accordance with GOST R ISO 2560-shown in figure A. 2.
Figure A. 2 — Marking of the electrodes according to the GOST R ISO 2560-B (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
Figure A. 2 — Marking of the electrodes according to the GOST R ISO 2560-B (classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
_______________The combination of these designators constitutes the covered electrode classification.
These designations, as optional were not part of the classification of covered electrodes.
Annex b (informative). A description of the types of electrode coating
The App
(Classification by yield strength and impact energy of 47 j)
B. 1 General provisions
Welding-technological properties of the covered electrode and mechanical properties of the weld metal is largely dependent on its coating. Homogeneous mixture of substances of the coating typically contains the following six main components:
— slag-forming materials;
the deoxidizers;
— protective gas-forming materials;
— ionizing substances;
— binder;
— alloying elements (if necessary).
In addition, you can add iron powder to increase the effective transfer of the metal electrode (see 4.6 A), which may have an impact on the welding-technological properties depending on the welding positions.
The term «heavy coating» means a coating, which is the ratio of the diameter of the coating to the diameter of the electrode rod is greater than or equal to 1.6.
V. 2 Electrodes with acid coating
This type of coverage is characterized by the large amount of iron oxide and, as a consequence, the high oxidizing ability against the scavengers (ferromanganese). The electrodes with thick coating of acidic slag provides atomized transfer and forms a flat and smooth welds. However, electrodes with acid coating have limited application for welding in different spatial positions and more sensitive to crystallization cracks than other types of electrodes.
V. 3 cellulosic Electrodes
A coating of this type contains a large quantity of combustible organic substances, particularly cellulose. Thanks to a deeply penetrating arc and electrodes with such a coating especially suited for welding in the vertical position from top to bottom.
V. 4 rutilic Electrodes
Electrodes with this type of coatings provide globular metal transfer, making them suitable for sheet metal welding and for welding in all spatial positions, except vertical down.
V. 5 Electrodes with rutile thick coated
Electrodes with this type of coating have a ratio of the diameter of the coating to the diameter of the rod is 1.6 or more. They were characterized by a high content of rutile in the coating, good performance with re-initiation of the arc and even small welds.
V. 6 Electrodes with rutile-cellulose coating
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrode with rutile type coating, except for the content of a larger amount of cellulose. Electrodes with this type of coating is suitable for welding in vertical position from top to bottom.
V. 7 Electrodes with rutile-acid coating
Welding characteristics of coated electrodes of the mixed type is comparable to the electrodes with acid coating.
However, in the coating of these electrodes, a substantial portion of the iron oxide replaced by rutile. Therefore, these electrodes, having mostly a thick covering, suitable for all positions welding except vertical down.
V. 8 Electrodes with rutile-basic coating
Characteristic features of this type of coverage are a large number of rutile and an increased content of components in the base view. These electrodes, having mostly a thick covering, are characterized by high mechanical properties. They have the same weldability in welding in all positions, except vertical down
V. 9 Electrodes with basic coating
A characteristic feature of the heavy coating of these electrodes is the large amount of carbonates of alkaline earth metals, for example, marble (calcium carbonate) and fluorspar (calcium fluoride). To improve the welding-technological properties may be required a higher concentration of minor components (e.g. rutile and/or quartz), especially when welding with alternating current.
Electrodes with main type of coating have two distinctive properties: a) impact energy of the weld metal made with these electrodes is higher, especially at low temperatures, than the impact energy of weld made with electrodes of another type; b) the weld metal performed by these electrodes has a high resistance against cracks than made electrodes of all other types.
Resistance of welded joints against formation of crystallization cracks due to high metallurgical purity of the weld metal. Low probability of cold cracking is due to low hydrogen content, which is achieved by using dry electrodes. The hydrogen content in the deposited metal is lower than when using electrodes of all other types, and must not exceed the allowable upper limit equal to 15 ml/100 g deposited metal.
Typically, the electrodes with main type of coating used for welding in all spatial positions, except vertical down. Electrodes with a basic type coating, specially designed for welding in vertical position from top to bottom, have a specific composition of the slag.
Application (reference). A description of the types of surface electrodes
(Classification by tensile strength tensile and impact energy of 27 j)
C. 1 General provisions
Welding-technological properties of the covered electrode and mechanical properties of the weld metal is largely dependent on its coating. Homogeneous mixture of substances of the coating typically contains the following six main components:
— slag-forming materials;
the deoxidizers;
— protective gas-forming materials;
— ionizing substances;
— binder;
— alloying elements (if necessary).
In addition, you can add iron powder to increase the nominal electrode efficiency, which can have an impact on the welding-technological properties depending on the welding positions.
Some brands of electrodes are suitable for welding, both AC and DC currents of one or both polarities can be optimized by the manufacturer for specific kinds of current depending on market requirements.
C. 2 Coating type 03
This type of coverage contains a mixture of titanium dioxide (rutile) and calcium carbonate (marble), so the electrodes with this type of coatings have some of the characteristics of electrodes with rutile and some characteristics of basic electrodes (see p. 6 and p.9).
C. 3 Coating type 10
A coating of this type contains a large quantity of combustible organic substances, particularly cellulose. Thanks to a deeply penetrating arc, electrode with such a coating are suitable for welding in vertical position from top to bottom. Arc stabiliziruemost primarily due to the presence of sodium, therefore these electrodes are mainly suitable for welding on D.C. and, as a rule, reverse polarity (+pole).
C. 4 Coating type 11
A coating of this type contains a large quantity of combustible organic substances, particularly cellulose. Thanks to a deeply penetrating arc, electrode with such a coating are suitable for welding in vertical position from top to bottom. Arc stabiliziruemost primarily due to the presence of potassium, so the electrodes are suitable for welding both on AC and DC reverse polarity (+pole).
5 p. Cover type 12
A coating of this type contains a large amount of titanium dioxide (usually in the form of the mineral rutile). Electrodes with this coating provide a soft arc and is suitable for the connection of the root joints with large gaps in conditions of poor installation.
C. 6 Coating type 13
A coating of this type contains a large amount of titanium dioxide (rutile) and stable potassium. The electrode with such a coating provide a smooth, quiet arc at lower currents than the electrodes coated type 12, and particularly suitable for sheet metal welding.
C. 7 Coating type 14
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrodes with coatings of the type 12 and 13, except that they have small additions of iron powder that allow you to increase the current and increase deposition rates. Electrodes with this type of coating can be used in all positions of welding.
C. 8 covered 15
This type of coverage is highly basic and contains large amounts of marble and fluorspar. Arc stabilization is provided mainly by the presence of sodium, and electrodes with this type of coverage is usually suitable for use with direct current reverse polarity (+pole). Electrodes with this coating provide a weld metal of high metallurgical quality with low hydrogen.
C. 9 Cover type 16
This type of coverage is highly basic and contains large amounts of marble and fluorspar. Arc stabilization is provided mainly by the presence of potassium, which allows the use of these electrodes for welding with alternating current. They provide a weld metal of high metallurgical quality with low hydrogen.
S. 10 Coating type 18
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrodes with a coating type 16, except that they have a slightly thicker coating containing iron powder, which allows to increase the current and increase deposition rates compared to the electrodes with a coating type 16.
P. 11 Cover type 19
The coating contains oxides of titanium and iron usually in the form of the mineral ilmenite. Although electrodes with this type of coverage are basic low hydrogen, they produce weld metal with relatively high toughness.
P. 12 Coating type 20
A coating of this type contains large amounts of iron oxide. The slag is very flowable, so the welding electrodes with this type of coverage is only possible in the lower and horizontal positions. Electrodes designed primarily for welding tee and lap joints.
Page 13 Coating type 24
Electrodes of this type are similar to electrodes of covering type 14, except that the coating is thicker and contains a large proportion of iron powder. They are mainly suitable for welding in the flat and horizontal positions t-and lap joints.
P. 14 Cover type 27
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrodes with a coating type 20, except that the coating is very thick and contains large quantities of iron powder in addition to iron oxide in the coating type 20. Electrodes with a coating 27 is designed for welding tee and lap joints at high speed.
P. 15 Cover type 28
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrodes with the covering type 18, except that the coating is very thick and contains large quantities of iron powder. In this regard, their use is usually limited to the lower and horizontal positions. The electrodes provide a weld metal of high metallurgical quality with low hydrogen content.
P. 16 Coating type 40
Electrodes with this type of coverage, unlike others, cannot be classified under this standard. They are manufactured according to user requirements. The welding position is determined by agreement between the supplier and the consumer. A specific example is an electrode specially designed for welding inside the holes (welding holes) or grooves.
Since the coating type is not specified 40, electrodes with coatings of this type can be very different from each other.
P. 17 Coating type 45
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrodes with a coating type 15, except that the coating is specially developed for welding in the vertical position from top to bottom.
C. 18 covered 48
Electrodes with this type of coating such electrodes with the covering type 18, except that coating specially designed for welding in vertical position from top to bottom.
Annex D (informative). Notes on the diffusion of hydrogen and prevent the formation of cold cracks
Appendix D
Assuming that external conditions are satisfactory (the weld area is clean and dry), hydrogen enters the weld metal from hydrogen-containing chemical substances in welding materials and from the ambient air. When using basic electrodes, where the main source of hydrogen is water contained in the coating*. Dissociation of water in the arc causes an increase of the content of atomic hydrogen that is absorbed in the weld metal. For a given material and stress state, the danger of cold cracking decreases with decreasing hydrogen content in the weld metal.
* The text of the document matches the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
By lowering the level of hydrogen in the weld to an acceptable level to avoid cracks preheating is used connection to a predetermined temperature and concomitant heating at a temperature not below the set. Allowable level of hydrogen depends on the specific conditions of application of the electrodes. To ensure this level must be performed in conditions of transportation, storage and drying recommended by the manufacturer of the electrodes.
For batch testing of electrodes can be used and other methods of collection and measurement of hydrogen diffusion, if they have the same reproducibility and calibrated according to the method given in ISO 3690. The content of diffusion hydrogen in the weld metal depends on the current type.
Cracks in welded joints can be caused by the diffusion of hydrogen or largely determined by his influence. Such cracks mostly develop after cooling connections and therefore referred to as cold cracks.
When welding carbon where the mn containing steels is most likely the formation of cracks in the heat affected zone. These cracks are approximately parallel to the fusion boundary. The danger of cracks caused by hydrogen diffusion, increases with the number of alloying and stress level. With increasing amount of alloying more probable place of crack formation becomes the weld metal. In this case, the crack is oriented perpendicular to the direction of the weld and the base metal surface.
Application YES (compulsory). Information about the compliance of the referenced international standards reference the national standards of the Russian Federation (and acting in this capacity inter-state standards)
Table YES.1
Marking the reference international standard |
The degree of compliance | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 544 | MOD | GOST R 53689−2009 (ISO 544:2003) welding Materials. Technical delivery conditions for filler materials. Type of product, dimensions, tolerances and marking |
ISO 2401 | - | * |
ISO 3690 | - | * |
ISO 6847 | - | * |
ISO 6947 | - | * |
ISO 13916 | - | * |
ISO 14344 | - | * |
ISO 15792−1:2000 | IDT | GOST R ISO 15792−1-2009 Materials welding. Test methods. Part 1. Test methods samples of weld metal from steel, Nickel and Nickel alloys |
ISO 15792−3:2000 | - | * |
ISO 80000−1 | - | * |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the Federal information Fund of technical regulations and standards. Note — In this table the following symbols have been used the degree of conformity of standards: — IDT — identical standards; — MOD — modified standard. |