GOST R ISO 2553-2017
GOST R ISO 2553−2017 welding and allied processes. The legend on the drawings. Weld
GOST R ISO 2553−2017
Welding and allied processes
Welding and allied processes. Symbolic representation on drawings. Welded joints
OKS 25.160.10, 01.100.20
Date of introduction 2017−10−01
1 PREPARED by limited liability company «national ekspertno-diagnostic company» (NEDK, OOO) on the basis of their own translations into Russian language the English language version of the standard specified in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 31 March 2017 N 238-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 2553:2013* «welding and allied processes. The legend on the drawings. Welded joints» (ISO 2553:2013 «Welding and allied processes — Symbolic representation on drawings — Welded joints», IDT).
An international standard developed by the Technical Committee on standardization ISO/TC 44 «welding and allied processes», Subcommittee SC 7.
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards, the details of which are given in Appendix YES
Rules for the application of this standard is established in article 26 of the Federal law from June 29, 2015 N 162-FZ «On standardization in the Russian Federation», Information on changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)
1 Scope
This standard establishes rules for the designation of welded joints on technical drawings. They can include information about the geometry, performance, quality and testing of the welds. The provisions of this standard can apply to the joints obtained by soldering, hard or soft solder.
There are two ways to indicate connections in the drawings: indicating by the arrow the front side surface of the connection side. In this standard:
— sections, tables and figures with the letter «A» are applicable only to the system of symbols is based on the dual-line shelves;
— sections, tables and figures with the letter «b» are applicable only to the system of symbols based on a single line shelves;
— sections, tables and figures that do not have the letter «A» or «b» apply to both systems.
Notation defined by this standard can be combined with the symbols used in the drawings, for example with the marking requirements surface treatment.
Also presents an alternative method legend that can be used to refer to welded joints on drawings by specifying essential design information such as weld dimensions, quality levels, etc. Preparation connections and the process (es) welding for compliance set by the manufacturer.
Note — Given this standard, including the dimensions, are explanatory and intended to demonstrate the correct application of the provisions of the standard. These examples do not demonstrate best practices in design and do not replace the requirements of the codes of practice or technical specifications.
2 Normative references
For the application of this standard requires the following referenced documents are*. For dated references, only use the specified edition of the referenced document, for undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including all changes):
* The table of conformity of national standards international see the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
ISO 128 (all parts) Technical drawings — General principles of presentation [Technical drawings. The main provisions (all parts)]
ISO 129−1 Technical drawings — Indication of dimensions and tolerances — Part 1: General principles (Technical drawings. Indication of dimensions and tolerances. Part 1: Basic rules)
ISO 1302 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) — Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation [Technical requirements for the sizes of products (GPS). The surface finish symbol in the technical documentation for the products]
ISO 3098−2 Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 2: Latin alphabet, numerals and marks (Technical documentation for the products. Designation. Part 2. Latin alphabet, numerals and marks)
ISO 4063 Welding and allied processes — Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers (welding and allied processes. The list and the symbols of the processes)
ISO/TR 25901:2007Welding and related processes — Vocabulary (welding and allied processes-Vocabulary).
________________Replaced by ISO/TR 25901−1:2016 «welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 1. General terms», ISO/TR 25901−3:2016 «welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 3. Welding processes», ISO/TR 25901 — 4:2016 «welding and allied processes. Dictionary. Part 4. Arc welding».
3 Terms and definitions
This standard applies the terminology in ISO/TR 25901, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1 designation of welded joints (welding symbol): a symbol consisting of a line-callout with arrow and the shelf, which may include major and minor marks, dimensions, and/or «tail» shelf used on technical drawings to determine the type, position and preparation of welded joints.
Note 1 — See. section 4.
3.2 main symbol of the welded connection (basic welding symbol): a symbol consisting of a line-callout with arrow and shelf tail shelf used to denote when requirements for connection are not defined, but should be completed welded joint.
Note 1 — See. 4.2.
3.3 arrow (arrow line): extension line used to indicate connections to be performed, usually drawn at an angle of 135° to the line regiments.
Note — See. 4.6.
3.4 shelf line (reference line): a Part of the legend of the welded joint that represents a line on which the main characters, usually drawn parallel to the bottom edge of the drawing.
Note 1 — See. 4.7.
3.5 «tail» shelf (tail): the Element in the form of «"added to the end of the line regiments.
Note 1 — See. 4.8.
3.6 the direction of the arrow (arrow side): Surface connection, as indicated by an arrow.
Note 1 — See.
3.7 the reverse side (other side): the Surface opposite to the surface of the joint to which the arrow points.
Note 1 — See.
3.8 basic signs (elementary symbol): Signs forming part of the legend of the welded connection and is located on the line shelves to specify weld type and prepare joints.
Note 1 — See. 4.4.
3.9 auxiliary signs (supplementary symbol): Signs used in conjunction with the main signs to specify additional connection information.
Note 1 — See. 4.5.
3.10 additional information (complementary information): Information that does not contain signs and pertains to the welds, which can be incorporated in the «tail» the legend of welded joints.
Note 1 — See. 4.8.
3.11 intermittent weld (weld intermittent): Series of elements, the weld is made at intervals along the length of the connection.
[ISO/TR 25901:2007]
Note 1 — See.
3.11.1 chain intermittent weld (chain intermittent weld): Bilateral intermittent joint (usually fillet welds in T-shaped and lap-joint) which weld seams located opposite one another on both sides of the connection.
Note 1 — See.
3.11.2 a staggered, intermittent weld (weld staggered intermittent): intermittent Bilateral joint (usually fillet welds in T-shaped and lap-joint), which welds alternating with free intervals on one side of the connection, and lying opposite the free spaces the other side of the connection.
Note 1 — See.
3.12 offset (offset): the Distance between the beginning of the welding on one side, the staggered, intermittent weld and begin welding on the other side of the connection.
Note 1 — See.
3.13 podarochny seam (back run): the Final passage for the welding on the root side of the seam.
3.14 the root seam (weld backing): backing welding in a welded seam.
3.15 nominal weld length (nominal weld length): the Estimated length of the weld.
3.15.1 the nominal length of the elements of the weld (nominal length of weld elements): the Estimated length of the elements in an intermittent weld seams.
3.16 nominal thickness of the weld (throat thickness nominal): Calculated value of the height of the largest isosceles triangle that can be inscribed in the cross section of a fillet weld.
Note 1 — you Can use other calculated thickness, but they must be specified.
3.17 leg (leg length): Distance from the actual or anticipated intersection of the welded surfaces to the boundary of a fillet weld on a welded surface.
3.18 the depth of penetration (butt welds) (penetration depth): Thickness of weld metal, eliminating the bulge of a seam.
3.19 the depth of penetration (fillet welds) (deep penetration throat thickness): nominal or actual thickness of the seam, to which is added the amount of penetration.
3.20 weld between curved and flat elements (flare-bevel weld): Butt joint between the connection element with a curved surface and a member with a flat surface.
Note 1 — See. table 5.
3.21 the weld between the rounded elements (flare-weld): Butt joint between two elements of a compound with a rounded surface.
Note 1 — See. table 5.
3.22 Assembly seam (field weld): a Weld made outside the shop, usually at the installation location.
4 designation weld
4.1 General provisions
Line the shelf and the arrow are required elements. Additional elements may be included to transmit the special information.
Designation of a welded joint should be placed on the same side of the joint as the seam, i.e. from the side indicated by the arrow (see 4.6).
The thickness of the line arrows, lines, shelves, the main signs and labels must conform to ISO 128 and ISO 3098−2.
You should provide links in the notes of the drawing or in other project documentation, in order not to overload the drawing.
4.2 Basic parameter of welded joints
If connection details are not defined and the only requirement is that the connection must be welded, use the basic symbol, as shown in figure 1. In this case, for the system (see 4.6.1 A) is not required in the dual-line shelf, because the characteristics of the weld bead is not indicated.
The main symbol of a welded joint must include an arrow, line the shelves and the «tail».
Figure 1 — the Main symbol of the welded connection (detail and connection type not identified)
1 — hand; 2 — line of the butt; 3 — «tail»
Note — This designation is often used to show the location of the tacks.
Figure 1 — the Main symbol of the welded connection (detail and connection type not identified)
4.3 of symbols of welded joints
This standard specifies two systems — and
— to indicate with an arrow the front side and the back side surface of the compound.
The system is based on the dual-line shelf, consisting of a continuous line and the dotted line (see 4.7).
The system is based on one of the line regiments (see 4.7).
Sections, tables and figures with the letter «A» or «b» apply only to the system And or the system In respectively.
Sections, tables and figures without letters applicable to both systems.
System and
should not be confused, the drawings should indicate which system is applied, including the units of measurement in accordance with ISO 129−1.
Detailed examples of the legend of the welded joint, showing the position of the elements shown in figure A. 1.
4.4 the Main characters
4.4.1 General provisions
The main marks, according to table 1 can be added to the line regiments in both systems and
to specify the type of the weld.
The main characters are part of the legend of welded joints and should be placed on the line of the shelf, usually in the middle.
Basic symbols can be added:
auxiliary signs (see 4.5 and table 3);
— dimensions (see section 5);
— for more information.
The position of the major signs should be consistent with this standard.
In Appendix b, the tolerances and the transition point for butt end and corner welds.
If clarification by means of signs is impossible, can be given a cross-section of the seam.
Table 1. Basic signs
N |
Name |
Image connections (the dotted lines show the preparation of joints for welding) |
Marking (mark) |
1 |
Butt joint bevel |
2 |
Butt joint with unilateral V-shaped bevel the two edges |
3 |
Butt joint with unilateral V-shaped bevel with blunt edges |
4 |
Butt joint with unilateral V-shaped bevel |
5 |
Butt joint with unilateral V-shaped bevel and blunt edge |
6 |
Butt joint with unilateral U-shaped curved bevel two edges |
7 |
Butt joint with unilateral J-shaped curved bevel |
8 |
Weld withV-groove cut between the rounded elements |
9 |
The weld between the round and flat items |
10 |
Corner seam |
11 |
Riveted seam (in the slot or in the hole) |
12 |
Point the seam (including the projection welding in the system A) |
13 |
The mirror seam: welded tube is supplied with penetration of the upper connection element (bold welding system In) |
14 |
Roller weld |
15 |
The seam in fusion welding with the penetration of the upper joint member |
16 |
Welded stud |
17 |
Butt joint with unilateral V-shaped steep bevel |
18 |
Butt joint with unilateral V-shaped steep bevel |
19 |
End joints |
20 |
With flange edges/weld gusset |
21 |
Surfacing |
22 |
Columnar seam |
4.4.2 Combinations of base characters
Basic symbols can be combined to indicate a welded joint.
4.4.3 Bilateral butt welds
Main characters should have opposite each other on the line of the shelf, including all required information, if they are used to denote symmetric seams.
In the case of a symmetrical two-sided welds with the same signs and sizes of the dotted line the shelves for the system And should be removed (see table 2).
An example of asymmetric bilateral welded seam are shown in table A. 3.
Table 2 — Combined main signs to indicate bilateral welds
N |
Weld type |
The image of the seam |
Marking (mark) |
1 |
Butt joint bilateral V-shaped (X-shaped) |
2 |
Butt joint bilateral with two bevels one edge (K-shaped) |
3 |
Butt joint bilateral U-shaped |
4 |
Butt joint bilateral with two bevels one edge (with blunt edges) and corner seams |
4.5 Auxiliary signs
4.5.1 General provisions
Additional connection information can be designated auxiliary signs in accordance with table 3. Ancillary signs can give information about the shape of the weld or method for performing a welded joint.
Table 3 — Auxiliary signs
N |
Name |
Marking (mark) |
Application example |
The image of the seam |
1 |
The suture is removed from the convex to a flat surface |
2 |
The convex joint surface |
3 |
Concave joint surface |
4 |
Edge of the front surface of the weld with a smooth transition |
- | ||
5 |
a) Podarochnyi seam |
b) the Root seam |
6 |
Convexity of root weld (butt welds) |
7a |
Lining (not defined) |
7b |
The remaining lining |
7c |
Removable/temporary lining |
8 |
Separator |
9 |
Consumable insert |
| ||
10 |
Welding around the perimeter |
| ||
11 |
The seam between the two points |
12 |
Erection joint |
- | ||
13 |
A staggered, intermittent welds |
4.5.2 Sign of welding around the perimeter
Sign welding around the perimeter, attached to the junction of the arrow line the shelves, can be used for continuous welding, unilateral or bilateral, ongoing around a number of related compounds (see table 3).
A number of compounds may involve different directions and to lie in several planes, but the seam must always be of the same type and size.
Sign of welding on the perimeter does not apply if:
a) the seam starts and ends at the same point, i.e., is not continuous;
b) changes the type of seam, such as a corner on the butt;
C) change the size, e.g. nominal thickness of the fillet weld. In this case, each weld must be identified with separate designations of welded joints.
Note — Sign of a seam around the perimeter is not used to specify that the joints should be done everywhere.
The stitches going around the circumference of circular cross-section/holes or slots, not require the use of a seam around the perimeter to define a continuous seam.