GOST R ISO 14174-2010
GOST R ISO 14174−2010 Materials welding. Fluxes for arc welding. Classification
GOST R ISO 14174−2010
Materials welding
Welding consumables. Fluxes for submerged arc welding. Classification
OKS 25.160.20
Date of introduction 2012−01−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004 «Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 PREPARED by the Federal state institution «Scientific-educational center «welding and control» at MGTU im. N. Uh. Bauman (FGU NUCS computer. N. Uh. Bauman), the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS), LLC Certification centre «Alloy» based on their own authentic translation into the Russian language of the standard referred to in paragraph 4
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 364 «welding and allied processes"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 30 November 2010 N 605-St
4 this standard is identical to international standard ISO 14174:2004* «Materials and welding. Fluxes for arc welding. Classification» (ISO 14174:2004 «Welding consumables — Fluxes for submerged arc welding — Classification»)
In applying this standard it is recommended to use instead of the referenced international standards corresponding national standards of the Russian Federation and interstate standards, details of which are given in Appendix YES
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard specifies requirements for classification of fluxes for arc welding and surfacing of unalloyed and fine-grained steels, high strength steels, steels resistant to creep, corrosion-resistant and heatresistant steels, Nickel and Nickel-based alloys using welding wire and strip electrodes.
1 Used in this standard, the name of steel «non-alloy and fine grain steels» in accordance with the system of designation of steels and alloys, accepted in the Russian Federation, is related to the concept of «carbon and low-alloy steel pearlitic class," name «steels resistant to creep» refers to «heat resistant steels».
2 Scope this standard part of groups and brands of base metals for welding which use classified in this standard, welding materials, determined in accordance with the system of grouping of the metals adopted in ISO/15608 ISO/20172.
2 Normative references
The following normative reference is indispensable for the application in this standard.
ISO 3690 welding and allied processes. Determination of hydrogen content in the weld metal in arc welding of ferritic steels (ISO 3690 Welding and allied processes. Determination of hydrogen content in ferritic steel arc weld metal)
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Classification
Fluxes for arc welding are made in various ways. Fluxes consist of a specific mixture of substances of mineral (natural) origin which have the ability to melt during welding and have the form of granules (grains) of a given size. Fluxes depending on the destination can have a different effect on the chemical composition and mechanical properties of weld metal. On the welding-technological properties of flux to some extent influenced by this property of the flux, as conductivity in molten form. However, the above properties of fluxes were not taken into consideration when establishing the classification in this standard.
Classification designation of fluxes is a group of indices consisting of six separate indices:
1) the first index denotes the method of welding;
2) the second index denotes the method of manufacturing a flux (see 4.2);
3) the third index indicates the type of flux that characterizes the chemical composition (see table 1);
4) the fourth index refers to the class of flux (see 4.4);
5) the fifth index denotes type of current (see 4.5);
6) the sixth index indicates the level of hydrogen content in the deposited metal (see table 2).
The classification marking for the convenience of its application has conventional division into two parts — required and optional:
a) a mandatory part of the classification (the indexes described in 4.1−4.4) includes indexes to indicate the method of welding, method of manufacture, type and class of flux;
b) an optional part of the classification notation (indexes, described in 4.5 and 4.6) includes indexes to indicate the current type and level of hydrogen content in the deposited metal.
4 Indexes
4.1 Index to indicate the method of welding
The index with the symbol «S» indicates that the applied method of welding arc welding under flux.
4.2 Index to denote a method of manufacturing a flux
Depending on the method of manufacture of flux in the classification designation apply the following indexes:
— the fused flux F;
— agglomerated flux;
— mixed flux — M.
Fused fluxes are manufactured by melting all ingredients required, followed by casting and crushing after curing. Agglomerated fluxes are made by grinding the mineral (natural) substances, their mixing, adding binder and subsequent granulation. Mixed fluxes are manufactured by mixing fused and agglomerated fluxes.
The requirements for grading are given in section 5 of this standard.
4.3 Index to denote the type of flux characterizing the chemical composition
Indices, given in table 1 refer to the types of fluxes according to their chemical composition.
Table 1 — Indices to denote the type of flux characterizing the chemical composition
Index (flux type) |
The main chemical composition | Allowed content, % |
MS |
MnO+SiO |
At least 50 |
(Manganese silicate) |
CaO | Not more than 15 |
CS |
CaO+MgO+SiO |
Not less than 55 |
(Calcium-silicate) |
CaO+MgO | At least 15 |
CG |
CaO+MgO | Not more than 50 |
(Calcium-magnesium) |
At least 2 |
Fe | Not more than 10 | |
CB |
CaO+MgO |
40−80 |
(Calcium-magnesium-basically) |
At least 2 |
Fe | Not more than 10 | |
Cl |
CaO+MgO | Not more than 50 |
(Calcium-magnesium-iron) |
At least 2 |
Fe | 15−60 | |
IB |
CaO+MgO | 40−80 |
(Calcium-magnesium-iron-basically) |
He is less than 2 |
Fe | 15−60 | |
ZS |
ZrO |
He is less than 45 |
(Zirconium-silicate) |
ZrO |
He less than 15 |
RS |
TiO |
He is less than 50 |
(Rutile-silicate) |
TiO |
He is less than 20 |
AR (Aluminate-rutile) |
Al |
He less than 40 |
AV |
Al |
He less than 40 |
(Aluminate-basic) |
Al |
He is less than 20 |
CaF |
He, more than 22 | |
AS |
Al |
He less than 40 |
(Aluminate-silicate) |
CaF |
He is less than 30 |
ZrO |
He is less than 5 | |
AF (Aluminate-fluoride-basic) |
Al |
He less than 70 |
FB |
CaO+MgO+CaF |
He is less than 50 |
(Fluoride-basic) |
SiO |
He more than 20 |
CaF |
He less than 15 | |
Z |
Any other composition | |
4.4 Index to denote the class of flux
4.4.1 Flux-class 1
Fluxes for arc welding and surfacing of unalloyed and fine-grained steels, high tensile steels and creep resistant steels. Fluxes generally don’t contain components, alloying the weld metal with the exception of Mn and Si. Thus, the chemical composition of the weld metal is mainly determined by the chemical composition of the welding wire and the base metal, and appropriate metallurgical processes occurring in welding. Fluxes of this class in most cases can be used for both single-pass and multi-pass welding and surfacing.
In the classification designation flux-class 1 indicate the digit 1.
4.4.2 Flux class 2
Fluxes for arc welding and surfacing of corrosion resistant and heat resistant steels and/or Nickel and Nickel-based alloys. This should take into account that not all fluxes intended for arc welding and surfacing of corrosion resistant and heat resistant steels applicable for arc welding of Nickel and Nickel-based alloys.
Neutral fluxes of this class can be applied for surfacing layers with special properties.
In the classification designation flux of class 2, denoted by numeral 2.
4.4.3 Flux class 3
Fluxes of this class is mainly intended for wear resistant surfacings, due to the transfer from the flux to the weld metal alloying elements (e.g. Cr or Mo) and in some cases carbon.
In the classification designation flux class 3 designated by the numeral 3.
4.4.4 Flux class 4
Fluxes of this class have an area of use covering the scope of the fluxes class 1 and class 2.
In the classification designation flux class 4 denoted by the numeral 4.
4.5 Index to indicate the kind of current
Depending on the kind of current used during welding, in the classification designation of the following indexes:
— DC is used to denote direct current (d.with.);
— AC is used to denote alternating current (a.with.).
As a rule, in cases where the flux is designed for welding with alternating current (a.with.), it allowed the use of direct current (d.c.).
4.6 Index to indicate the level of hydrogen content in the deposited metal
The indices are shown in table 2, indicate the levels of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal, determined in accordance with the methods described in ISO 3690.
Table 2 — Indices to indicate the level of hydrogen content in the deposited metal
Index | The hydrogen content, ml/100 g weld metal, no more |
H5 |
5 |
H10 |
10 |
H15 |
15 |
The use of other methods to determine the level of hydrogen present, if they ensure the reproducibility of the measurement results relative to the method described in ISO 3690.
In case of disagreement arbitration is the method described in ISO 3690.
In those cases where the classification designation given index that indicates the level of content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal, the manufacturer must specify in the accompanying documentation the content of diffusion hydrogen in 100 g deposited metal (not more than 15 ml, 10 ml or 5 ml). At this point the welding conditions (welding current, arc voltage, electrode extension, etc.) and requirements for storage conditions of flux, which provide the levels of diffusion hydrogen.
If the operating conditions of the welded products require low hydrogen content in the deposited metal, the producer on-demand provides information about the conditions of the re-calcination of the flux before use.
If no special requirements, then apply the following modes of re-calcination: for the fused flux — 2 hours at a temperature of (250±50) °C, agglomerated flux for 2 h at a temperature of (350±50) °C.
4.7 Metallurgical behaviour of the flux
Metallurgical behaviour of the flux must be described in reference books or accompanying documentation of the manufacturer.
Metallurgical behavior characterized by transition and/or burnout of alloying elements of the flux, which is defined as the difference between the chemical composition of the weld metal and chemical composition of the welding wire. General guidance on the metallurgical behavior of various types of fluxes are given in Appendix A.
5 particle size distribution
Data on granulometric composition is not included in the classification designation of a flux, but it must be specified in the marking on each package for information purposes.
Granulometric composition of the flux is determined by any available method. Granulometric composition specified on the packaging must reflect the range of diameters of the grains (granules), which constitutes at least 70% of the flux. The numerical values of grain size (granules) should be rounded to 0.1 mm (for example, «the range of grain size from 0.2 mm to 1.6 mm»).
6 Technical delivery conditions
The flux must have sufficient flowability to ensure a smooth move it along fluropolymer systems welding systems. Flux in different packages must be homogeneous in granulometric composition. Granulation flux can be produced by any means.
Fluxes should be put in the package. Packaging must be strong enough to ensure the safety of the flux during transportation and storage in accordance with technical regulations on products.
7 Marking
The packaging must be marked with the following information:
a) brand;
b) the classification designation in accordance with this standard (see section 8);
c) the batch number;
d) net weight;
e) the name of the manufacturer or supplier;
f) particle size distribution in accordance with section 5 of this standard.
8 Classification marking
The order of formation of the classification of fluxes disclosed in the examples below:
Example — Flux for arc welding (S), fused (F), calcium silicate types (CS), with the scope corresponding to the class 1 (1) used for welding on AC (and.with.) and/or permanent (d.c.) current (AC) and allows to obtain hydrogen of not more than 10 ml / 100 g deposited metal (H10), has the following classification notation:
Welding flux ISO 14174 — S F CS 1 AC H10,
where the welding Flux ISO 14174 — S F CS 1 — a mandatory part of the classification designation.
The indices in this example indicate:
ISO 14174 — number of this standard;
S — flux for arc welding (see 4.1);
F — fused flux (see 4.2);
CS — type flux (see table 1);
1 — the scope of the class flux (see 4.4);
AC — current type (see 4.5);
H10 — the level of hydrogen content (see table 2).
a) Carbonates
The content of carbonates (e.g. CaCO, MgCO
) the flux is calculated according to content of Cao and MgO, without regard to CO
(see table 1, footnote
Example agglomerated flux (SASOand/or Mdso
usually are contained in the fluxes of the type CG, SV, CI and IB, see table 1):
SiO(20%), MnO (10%), SASO
(25%), MgCO
(15%), Al
(15%), CaF
The molecular weight of CACO, to Cao and co
is 100, 56 and 44, respectively, therefore, 25% of CACO
is decomposed to 14% Cao and 11%
The molecular weight of MgCO, MgO and
make 84, 40 and 44, respectively, therefore, the 15% MgCO
decomposes 7.1% MgO and 7.9%
The composition of the flux without taking into account WITH:
20 (SiO)+10 (MnO)+14 (CaO)+7,1 (MgO)+15 (Al
)+10 (CaF
)=81.1 Per Cent.
Chemical composition of flux, %:
SiO(20/81,1=24,7%), MnO (10/81,1=12,3%), CaO (14/81,1=17,3%),
MgO (7,1/81.1 Per=8,8%), AlO
(15/81,1=18,5%), CaF
The composition of the flux refers to the type of flux CG in accordance with table 1.
b) Silicon and its components
The content of Si and Mn in the flux is determined by the contents of SiOand MnO (see table 1, footnotes
Example agglomerated flux (SiOand MnO are part of the fluxes of the type CG, SV, CI and IB, see table 1):
SiO(15%), MnO (10%), SASO
(37%), MgCO
(23%), CaF
(7%), Fe-Si (5%), Mn (3%).
The molecular weight of CACO, to Cao and co
is 100, 56 and 44, respectively, therefore, 37% of CACO
is decomposed by 20.7% Cao and 16.3%
The molecular weight of MgCO, MgO and
make 84, 40 and 44, respectively, therefore, 23% MgCO
decomposes 11.0% MgO and 12.0%
In that case, if the Si content in the Fe-Si alloy is 60%, the 5% Fe-Si alloy in the flux consists of 2% Fe and 3% Si. Molecular weight of Si and SiOare 28 and 60 respectively, therefore 3% Si gives 6.4% of SiO
The molecular weight Mn and MnO is 55 and 71, respectively, therefore, 3% metal Mn gives a 3.9% MnO.
The composition of the flux excluding WITHand Fe:
15 (SiO)+10 (MnO)+20,7 (CaO)+11,0 (MgO)+7 (CaF
)+6,4 (SiO
)+3,9 (MnO)=74,0%.
Chemical composition, %:
SiO(15/74,0+6,4/74,0=28,9%), MnO (10/74,0+3,9/74,0=18,8%),
CaO (20,7/74,0=28,0%), MgO (11,0/74,0=14,9%), CaF(7/74,0=9,5%).
The composition of the flux refers to the type of SV in accordance with table 1.
c) the iron Content
A large number of iron powder is added to fluxes of types CI and IB in order to increase deposition rates. It should be borne in mind that the content of components agglomerated flux is determined without regard to the content of Fe (see table 1, footnotesand
Example agglomerated flux:
SiO(20%), MnO (10%), SASO
(25%), MgCO
(15%), CaF
(7%), Fe (20%), Si (3%).
The molecular weight of CACO, to Cao and co
is 100, 56 and 44, respectively, therefore, 25% of CACO
is decomposed to 14% Cao and 11%
The molecular weight of MgCO, MgO and
make 84, 40 and 44, respectively, therefore, the 15% MgCO
decomposes 7.1% MgO and 7.9%
Molecular weight of Si and SiOare 28 and 60 respectively, therefore 3% Si gives 6.4% of SiO
The composition of the flux excluding WITHand Fe:
20 (SiO)+10 (MnO)+14 (CaO)+7,1 (MgO)+7 (CaF
)+6,4 (SiO
Chemical composition, %:
SiO(20/64,5+6,4/64,5=40,9%), MnO (10/64,5=15,5%), CaO (14/64,5=21,7%),
MgO (7,1/64,5=11,0%), CaF(7/64,5=10,9%).
The composition of the flux is of type CI in accordance with table 1.
If agglomerated flux contains at the same time, CACO, MgCO
, Si, Mn and Fe, the composition of the flux is determined by the content of Cao, MgO, SiO
and MnO, as, firstly, CACO
and MgCO
decomposes to Cao and MgO, respectively; second, Si and Mn pass into the SiO
and MnO, respectively, and, thirdly, WITH
Fe and do not take into account (as mentioned above in a), b) and C)).
Annex a (informative). A description of the types of fluxes
Appendix A
A. 1 Manganese-silicate type MS
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of MnO and SiO. As a rule, they have a high ability it possible to dope the deposited metal is manganese, so preferably they are used in combination with the welding wire with low manganese content. The ability of the transport of silicon in the weld metal is also high. The weld metal obtained when using the majority of fluxes of this type has a relatively low impact strength, due in part to high oxygen content.
The manganese-silicate fluxes have a relatively high conductivity, that allows to provide high speed welding. The use of a flux of this type allows for welding on surfaces that have rust, due to its high resistance to the formation of pores. This provides a uniform bead without undercutting.
Relatively low toughness, resulting in multi-pass welding, exclude the possibility of using data flux for thick-walled parts. These fluxes are well suited for welding at high speeds of thin-walled parts, and for welding fillet welds.
A. 2. Calcium-silicate type CS
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of CaO, MgO and SiO. Fluxes of this type belonging to the group of acidic flux, have the highest electrical conductivity and also have the greatest ability it possible to dope the deposited metal is silicon. The data fluxes are suitable for two-run welding of thick-walled parts which do not have stringent requirements for mechanical properties.
Fluxes of this type belonging to the group of basic fluxes, the less ability it possible to dope the deposited metal with silicon, consequently, can be used for multipass welding, where the requirements for strength and toughness more tough. With increasing basicity of the flux, its conductivity decreases, but it is a uniform bead without undercutting.
A. 3 Calcium-magnesium type CG
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of CaO, MgO, CaFand SiO
and the manufacturing method are agglomerated. The source of Cao in the flux is CACO
, which during welding WITH highlights
that reduces the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal. Data fluxes is widely used for welding non-alloy and fine grain steels, high strength and creep resistant steels in multi-pass welding or when welding with a large heat input.
A. 4 Calcium-magnesium-basically the type of SV
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of CaO, MgO, CaFand Al
— O
and method of manufacture are agglomerated. The source of Cao in the flux is CACO
, which during welding WITH highlights
that reduces the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal. Data fluxes generally reduce the amount of oxygen which allows to obtain a weld metal (weld metal) with high toughness. The data fluxes are widely used for multi-pass welding and when welding with large heat input, but not suitable for high speed welding because of the tendency to the formation of undercuts.
A. 5 Calcium-magnesium-iron type CI
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of Cao, MgO, CaFand SiO
with the addition of iron powder to increase deposition rates and method of manufacture are agglomerated. The source of Cao in the flux is CACO
, which during welding WITH highlights
that reduces the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal. Data fluxes is widely used for welding with a large heat-input thick-walled parts which do not have stringent requirements for mechanical properties.
A. 6 Calcium-magnesium-iron-core type IB
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of Cao, MgO, CaFand Al
with the addition of iron powder to increase deposition rates and method of manufacture are agglomerated. The source of Cao in the flux is CACO
, which during welding WITH highlights
that reduces the content of diffusion hydrogen in the deposited metal. This flux is usually slightly legeret weld metal (weld metal) silicon, and also allows you to obtain low oxygen content and provides a high impact strength. Data fluxes is widely used for welding with a large heat-input thick-walled parts, which have high requirements for strength and toughness.
A. 7 Zirconium-silicate type ZS
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of ZrOand SiO
The data fluxes are recommended for high speed single pass welding of thin-sheet rolled at a pre-cleaned surface. The increased wettability of slag, allows to obtain uniform seams without undercutting when welding at high speed.
A. 8 Rutile-silicate type RS
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of TiOand SiO
. These fluxes greatly alloyed weld metal (weld metal) silica, however, due to the high burnout of manganese in the welding process should be used in combination with welding wires with high or medium content of manganese. The toughness of the weld metal (weld metal) is reduced due to the relatively high oxygen content.
Typical of these fluxes are high electrical conductivity gives the opportunity to use them in single and multiple arc welding high speed. The most typical application of this flux is a double-sided weld (one pass each side) in the production of large diameter pipes.
A. 9 the Aluminate-rutile type AR
Welding fluxes of this type are composed mainly of AlO
and TiO
. The level of transfer of manganese and silicon in the weld metal (weld metal) these fluxes are above average. Due to the high viscosity of the slag fluxes of this type allow to obtain a good appearance of weld, high welding speed and very good separability of the slag crust, especially when welding fillet welds. Fluxes designed for single and multiple arc welding of both permanent and alternating current. Weld metal (weld metal) has average values of mechanical properties due to the relatively high oxygen content.
The primary use of fluxes of this type is the welding of thin-walled vessels (reservoirs) and pipes, welding tubes to the tubes, corner joints steel fabrication, and shipbuilding.
A. 10 the Aluminate-basic type of AV
The main component fluxes of this type is AlO
with the addition of a sufficient amount of MgO and Cao. The level of migration of manganese in the weld metal (weld metal) these fluxes are above average. Due to the high Al content
liquid slag is «short» and there is an optimal ratio between the performance of the deposited metal (weld metal) and the performance when carrying out welding work. Good welding-technological properties of these fluxes, in combination with the average level of oxygen, characteristic for the basic fluxes, allow to obtain a good toughness of the weld metal (weld metal), especially when bilateral welding.
Fluxes of this type are widely used for welding unalloyed and low alloyed structural steels. Flux is designed for multipass welding or bilateral both permanent and alternating current.
A. 11 the Aluminate-silicate type AS
Welding fluxes of this type are characterized by a content of highly basic components, such as MgO and CaF, and approximately the same content of the silicate, Al
, and ZrO
. Metallurgical behavior of these fluxes are most often neutral, but maybe the fading of manganese, it is preferable to use welding wire with high manganese content, such as the type S3.
Due to the fact that fluxes of this type have a relatively high basicity is achieved by a low level of oxygen content in the deposited metal. Along with the low viscosity data demonstrate the inherent fluxes of highly basic fluxes properties: low conductivity, and the welding speed. Data fluxes provide good separability of the slag crust and low spatter, even when welding in a narrow gap. In order to obtain a low hydrogen content in the deposited metal, the welding must be performed on direct current, however, some fluxes of this type can be used for welding with alternating current, including multiple arc welding.
Fluxes of this type along with fluoride-basic fluxes are recommended for multi-pass welding in those applications requiring high toughness, so they are widely used for welding high-strength fine-grained steels and vessels working under pressure, objects of use of atomic energy and of the facilities being constructed offshore.
A. 12 Aluminate-fluoride-basic type AF
The main components of fluxes of this type are AlO
and CaF
. These fluxes are preferably used in combination with stainless steel wires and wires of Nickel-based alloys. Fluxes of this type is not alloyed with the weld metal (are neutral) Mn, Si and other alloying elements. Due to high levels of fluoride, they have good wettability and gives welds of good appearance. The arc voltage should be set higher than for fluxes of aluminate-basic type.
A. 13 Fluoride-basic FB type
Fluxes of this type are characterized by high content of basic components such as Cao, MgO, MnO and CaF, but low levels of SiO
. Metallurgical behavior is mostly neutral, but maybe the fading of manganese, therefore, it is preferable to use welding wire with high manganese content, such as the type S3.
Due to the fact that fluxes of this type have a high basicity is achieved by a low level of oxygen content in the deposited metal (weld metal). The maximum value of impact toughness decreases with decreasing temperature. Along with the low viscosity data demonstrate the inherent fluxes of highly basic fluxes properties: low conductivity, and the welding speed. Data fluxes provide good separability of the slag crust and low spatter, even when welding parts with narrow gap. In order to obtain a low hydrogen content in the deposited metal, the welding must be performed on direct current, at the same time, some fluxes of this type can be used for welding with alternating current, including for multiple arc welding.
Fluxes of this type are recommended for multi-pass welding, in particular when you want to get a high toughness, so they are widely used for welding high-strength fine-grained steels and vessels working under pressure, objects of use of atomic energy and of the facilities being constructed offshore.
Fluxes of this type can be used for welding corrosion-resistant steels and Nickel-based alloys.
14 A. the Types of any other compositions of Z
Other types of fluxes that are not mentioned in this standard.
App YES (reference). Information about the compliance of the referenced international standards reference the national standards of the Russian Federation (and acting in this capacity inter-state standards)
Table YES.1
Marking the reference international standard | The degree of compliance | Designation and name of the relevant national standard |
ISO 3690 |
- | * |
* The corresponding national standard is missing. Prior to its adoption, it is recommended to use the translation into Russian language of this international standard. The translation of this international standard is the National Agency for control and welding (NAKS). |