GOST 10821-2007
GOST 10821−2007 Wire of platinum and platinum-rhodium alloys for thermoelectric converters. Specifications
GOST 10821−2007
Group В74
Wire made of platinum and platinum-rhodium alloys for
thermoelectric temperature transducers. Specifications
ISS 77.150.99
GST 18 6500
Date of introduction 2008−06−01
Goals, basic principles and main procedure of works on interstate standardization have been established in GOST 1.0−92 «interstate standardization system. Basic provisions» and GOST 1.2−97 «interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. The procedure of development, adoption, application, renewal and cancellation"
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate technical Committee for standardization MTK 304 «Noble metals, alloys and industrial products thereof», the Ekaterinburg factory on processing of nonferrous metals
2 as AMENDED by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology
3 ACCEPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 31 dated June 8, 2007)
The standard was accepted by voting:
Short name of the country on MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Country code by MK (ISO 3166) 004−97 |
Abbreviated name of the national authority for standardization |
Armenia |
AM |
Intergeneratsiya |
Belarus |
BY |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
Kazakhstan |
KZ |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG |
Kyrgyzstandard |
Moldova |
MD |
Moldova-Standard |
Russian Federation |
EN |
Federal Agency on technical regulation and Metrology |
Tajikistan |
TJ |
Tajikstandart |
Uzbekistan |
UZ |
Uzstandard |
Ukraine |
UA |
Derzhspozhyvstandart Of Ukraine |
4 by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from August 24, 2007 No. 212-St interstate standard GOST 10821−2007 introduced as a national standard of the Russian Federation from June 1, 2008
5 REPLACE GOST 10821−75
Information about introduction in action (termination) of this standard is published in the index «National standards».
Information about the amendments to this standard is published in the index «National standards», and the text changes — in the information sign «National standards». In case of revision or cancellation of this standard the appropriate information will be published in the information index «National standards»
1 Scope
This standard applies to the wire from platinum and platinum-rhodium alloys for the manufacture of thermoelectrodes of thermoelectrical transducers.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following international standards:
GOST 8.338−2002 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The thermoelectric converters. Verification procedure
GOST 8.461−82 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The RTDs. Methods and means of verification*
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 8.624−2006, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 3479−85 tissue Paper. Specifications
GOST 4381−87 Micrometers lever. General specifications
GOST 8273−75 wrapping Paper. Specifications
GOST 10446−80 (ISO 6892−84) Wire. Test method tensile
GOST 12342−81 Rhodium powder. Specifications
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 15150−69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic areas. Categories, conditions of use, storage and transportation of the impact of climatic factors of the external environment
GOST 21007−75 platinum Wire for resistance thermometers. Specifications
GOST 24104−2001 laboratory Scales. General technical requirements
GOST 28798−90 Head of the measuring spring. General specifications
GOST 29329−92 Scales for static weighing. General technical requirements
GOST 31290−2005 Platinum affilirovannaja. Specifications
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards for the sign «National standards» drawn up as of January 1 of the current year and related information signs, published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Symbols and abbreviations
This standard applies the following symbols and abbreviations:
NSC — nominal static conversion characteristic;
PLT — platinum termoelektrodny;
PR — rhodium alloy; — the ratio of the electrical resistance of the same section of the wire at a temperature of 100 °C its electrical resistance at a temperature of 0 °C (
TPR — platinite/platinum / rhodium thermoelectric Converter;
CCI — platinite/platinum thermoelectric Converter;
TEDS — thermoelectric power;
In the notation NSC TPR;
R, S — designations NSH chamber of Commerce.
Examples of symbols (in the order):
Wire of platinum / rhodium alloy grade PR-10, with a diameter of 0.50 mm complete with wire made of platinum brand PMT with a diameter of 0.50 mm, the 2nd class of admission TEDS from NSH:
Wire PR-10/PMT 0,50/0,50 2 GOST 10821−2007
The same brand PR-13, with a diameter of 0.40 mm, incomplete:
Wire PR-13 0,40 GOST 10821−2007
4 Technical requirements
4.1 the Basic parameters and characteristics (properties)
4.1.1 Wire made of platinum and platinum-rhodium alloys (hereinafter, wire) shall conform to the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
Recommendations for use of wire given in Appendix A.
4.1.2 Diameter of the wire and limit deviation should conform to the values specified in table 1.
Table 1 — Diameter of wire
In millimeters
Wire diameter | |
The nominal value |
Limit deviation |
0,10 |
-0,02 |
0,20 | |
0,30 | |
0,40 0,50 |
-0,025 |
0,80 |
-0,03 |
Of 1.00 |
-0,04 |
Note — by agreement with the customer (consumer) is allowed to produce other wire diameter with extreme deviation to the nearest larger diameter |
4.1.3 out-of-Roundness of the wire must not exceed half of the maximum deviations in diameter.
4.1.4 Wire for platinum thermoelectrode must be made of platinum brand PMT a value of not less than to 1.3910 according to GOST 21007.
4.1.5 Wire platinum / rhodium thermoelectrodes must be made of alloys of PR-6, PR-10, PR-13, PR-30.
The nominal mass fraction of components in alloys given in table 2.
Table 2 — nominal mass fraction of components in a platinum-rhodium alloys
Grade |
Mass fraction, % | |
Platinum |
Rhodium | |
PR-6 |
94 |
6 |
PR-10 |
90 |
10 |
PR-13 |
87 |
13 |
PR-30 |
70 |
30 |
Note — as the source of materials used platinum and rhodium with a mass fraction of basic substance is no less than 99.95% according to GOST and GOST 31290 12342. |
4.1.6 TEDS developed by the thermocouples, formed of wire, according to table 3, must meet the requirements [1], [2]*.
* In the Russian Federation GOST R 8.585−2001 «State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Thermocouple. Nominal statistical characteristics of transformation».
Table 3 — Equipment wire
Type designation thermocouple / NSH convert | The designation marks the picked wire | |
Positive electrode «+" |
The negative electrode «-" | |
CCI/S | PR-10 |
TPP/R | PR-13 |
TPR/IN | PR-30 |
PR-6 |
Note — by agreement with the manufacturer is allowed incomplete supply wire. |
4.1.7 By the values of permissible deviations from NSC TEDS skomplektovana on 4.1.6 wire should correspond to 1, 2 or 3-th tolerance classes, the characteristics of which are given in table 4.
Table 4 — Characteristics of classes of admission TEDS from NSC
The designation marks the picked wire (NSC conversion) |
Class of admission |
Measurement range, °C |
The limits of permissible deviations TEDS |
PR-10/PMT (S), PR-13/PMT ® |
2 |
From 0 to 600 incl. |
1,5 |
SV. 600 to 1600 incl. |
0,0025 | ||
1 |
From 0 to 1100 incl. |
1,0 | |
SV. 1100 to 1600 incl. |
1+0,003 ( | ||
PR-30/PR-6 (IN) |
3 |
From 600 to 800 incl. |
4,0 |
SV. 800 to 1800 cyl. |
0,005 | ||
2 |
From 600 to 1800 cyl. |
0,0025 | |
Note — Wire 1-class tolerance is suitable for the manufacture of reference thermocouples. |
4.1.8 the difference between the maximum and minimum values of TEDS (heterogeneity) along the entire length of a coil of wire shall be as defined in table 5.
Table 5 — Heterogeneity wire on TEDS
Mark metal, alloy |
The difference between the maximum and minimum values of TEDS (heterogeneity) the length of the coil wire, mV, not more |
7 |
PR-30 |
10 |
PR-13, PR-10 |
15 |
PR-6 |
20 |
4.1.9 Wire shall be supplied in annealed condition. The amount of change TEDS samples subjected to repeated annealing, must not exceed that stated in table 6.
Table 6 — Completeness of annealing wire
Mark metal, alloy |
The amount of change TEDS after re-annealing (the completeness of the annealing), mV, not more |
7 |
PR-6, PR-10, PR-13, PR-30 |
10 |
4.1.10 the surface of the wire must be free of captivity, cracks, delamination, cavities. Allowed individual surface damage, do not strip wire at reference sweep for tolerances for diameter, waviness, opacity of the surface resulting from heat treatment.
4.1.11 Mechanical properties of the wire shall be as given in table 7.
Table 7 — Mechanical properties of the wire
Mechanical properties |
Mark metal, alloy | ||||
PR-6 |
PR-10 |
PR-13 |
PR-30 | |
Rupture strength |
14 (137) |
26 (255) |
32 (314) |
50 (490) |
4.1.12 Mechanical properties of the wire at operating temperatures, the physical properties (electrical resistivity, the calculated density) and the estimated weight of 1 m of wire are given in appendices B, C, d, respectively.
4.1.13 Wire with a diameter less than 0.4 mm is wound on a metal or plastic coil with a diameter of 20 mm. Wire diameter of 0.4 mm or more supply rolls. Internal diameter of coil shall be not less than 60 mm. Coil (coil) (on) consist of one segment wire length less than 50 m.
1 it is possible to supply the wire into segments of length less than 10 m in a quantity not exceeding 15% of the batch weight.
2 are allowed by agreement with the manufacturer supply wire of shorter length.
4.1.14 Wire in rolls (coils) must be wound in rows, providing free spooling. A coil should be tied in two places with the ends of the wire in the same bundle. The end of the wire on the coil should be mounted on the flange.
4.1.15 Length of wire formed in a pair must be the same. The permissible difference between the lengths of wire in the picked pair must not exceed 2%. The number of coils (coils) in each pair is not limited.
4.2 Labeling, packaging
4.2.1 On the sides of each coil should be marked with a number and the mass of the coil (in hundredths of a gram).
4.2.2 To each coils (the coil) of wire, attach the label, which must be specified:
— brand of metal (alloy);
— wire diameter, mm;
room winding (coil);
— the designation of this standard.
4.2.3 Coils wrapped tissue paper according to GOST 3479 Packed in plastic or cardboard boxes, and rolls of barbed wire, wrapped in paper according to GOST 8273, must be Packed in solid wooden boxes.
Can be applied to other types of packaging and materials, ensuring the safety of wire during the transportation and storage.
4.2.4 the Boxes are sealed, or seal the wax seals. The seal (stamp) needs to have a clear impression of the manufacturer.
Transport marking under GOST 14192.
4.2.5 gross weight of the box should be no more than 10 kg.
4.2.6 Each batch of wire is accompanied by the picking list and certificate of quality containing:
is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— brand metal grade (grades);
the diameter of the wire;
— the batch number (number of samples);
— ground wire g;
— number of coils (coils) in the party.;
— number of coils (coils);
— number of coils (coils), which they complement;
value for platinum wire;
— the difference between the maximum and minimum values of TEDS (heterogeneity), mV;
deviation TEDS picked a pair from the nominal values at reference temperatures, mV;
— rupture strength , kgf/mm
— the designation of this standard;
— date of issue;
— the stamp of the technical control Department.
The document about quality and picking list Packed in the last box, which makes the note «here Document».
5 acceptance Rules
5.1 Wire present to the acceptance of the parties. The party should consist of the picked pairs of wire of the same diameter, held at the same time the entire technological cycle, and to be executed by one document on quality.
The weight of the batch is not limited.
Note — By agreement with consumer it is permitted to match pairs of wire of different diameters.
5.2 Verification of surface condition on 4.1.10 and measurement of wire diameter on 4.1.2, 4.1.3 subjected to each coil (coil).
5.3 the value of the platinum wire at 4.1.4 check on the two coils (the coils), taken from each batch.
5.4 TEDS on 4.1.6 check for one picked a pair selected from the party.
5.5 the difference between the maximum and minimum values of TEDS (heterogeneity) wire on 4.1.8 check on each reel (reel).
5.6 Completeness of annealing on 4.1.9 check on the two coils (coils) of wire for both the marks taken from each batch annealed wire.
5.7 rupture strength at 4.1.11 check on three rolls (coils) of wire for both the marks taken from each batch.
5.8 If unsatisfactory results at least in one of the figures on it a second check for twice the number of coils (coils), selected from the same batch.
The results of the repeated checking are final and apply to the entire party.
While obtaining satisfactory results, the party accepted, if unsatisfactory marriage.
5.9 quality Control, labeling and packaging (4.2) is subjected to each coil (coil), box.
6 Methods to control
6.1 the wire Diameter and the ovality (4.1.2, 4.1.3) is measured in three places at a minimum distance of 100 mm from each other in two mutually perpendicular directions in each measured cross-section lever-type micrometer according to GOST 4381 with basic accuracy of ±3.0 mm spring or measuring head according to GOST 28798 with basic accuracy of ±0,60 µm.
Allowed the use of other measuring instruments providing the required accuracy.
6.2 the surface of the wire (4.1.10) and the quality of the winding (4.1.13, 4.1.14) check external examination. The surface of the wire with a diameter less than 0.4 mm check with an increase of 7.
6.3 the value of the platinum wire (4.1.4) is determined according to GOST 8.461 or method of manufacturer, duly approved.
6.4 Mass fraction of components in a platinum-rhodium alloys (4.1.5) is guaranteed TEDS matched pairs.
6.5 the Value of TEDS and TEDS deviation from NSC (4.1.6, 4.1.7) is determined according to GOST 8.338 at a temperature of:
for pairs of wire PR-10/, PtRh-13/PMT — 300 °C, 600 °C, 900 °C, 1200 °C;
— for a pair of wire PR-30/PR-6 — 600 °C, 900 °C, 1200 °C And 1500 °C.
6.6 Heterogeneity wire (4.1.8) is determined by measuring TEDS wire and permanent sample comparison of the respective brand wire every 5 m along the entire length of a coil (coils). Determining the heterogeneity of the wire held by:
— for platinum at a temperature of (800±20) °C,
for platinum-rhodium alloys at a temperature (1200±20) °C.
6.7 Completeness of annealing (4.1.9) is determined by measuring TEDS at a temperature of (1200±20) °With the pair composed of the sample of wire has not been subjected to repeated annealing, and the sample of wire of the same brand, re-annealed for 30 min in a low-inertia tubular resistance furnace with thermostatic control:
— for platinum at a temperature of (1000±20) °C,
for platinum-rhodium alloys at a temperature (1200±20) °C.
6.8 rupture strength (4.1.11) check according to GOST 10446 on the sample length of 100 mm.
6.9 the Mass of the wire is determined on laboratory weights, high precision class according to GOST 24104. The gross weight of the boxes (4.2.5) to define the weights according to GOST 29329.
6.10 the Length of wire on a reel (reel) (4.1.15) is determined by dividing the mass of wire on a reel (bobbin) weight of 1 m of wire, is given in Appendix G.
7 Transportation and storage
7.1 Transportation and storage of wire is carried out in accordance with the requirements of transportation and storage as approved by the appropriate Agency of the state of the manufacturer.
Storage conditions — 1 according to GOST 15150.
8 manufacturer’s Warranty
8.1 the Manufacturer shall guarantee the conformity of the wire of platinum and platinum-rhodium alloys the requirements of this standard when compliance with this standard storage conditions.
A storage warranty period — 20 years from the date of manufacture.
Annex a (recommended). Recommendations for use metal wire and alloy brands, PtRh-6, PR-10, PR-13, PR-30
Appendix A
Table A. 1
The designation of a thermoelectric transducer (type designation thermocouple) |
Material name wire termoelektrodny pair |
The range of measured temperatures with prolonged use, °C |
Temperature limit short-term use, °C |
TPR (IN) |
Platinum / rhodium alloy (PR-30) — rhodium alloy (PR-6) |
From 600 to 1700 |
1800 |
CCI 10 (S) |
Platinum (PLT) — rhodium alloy (PR-10) |
From 0 to 1300 |
1600 |
CCI 13 ® |
Platinum (PLT) — rhodium alloy (PR-13) |
From 0 to 1300 |
1600 |
Annex B (reference). Mechanical properties of the wire at operating temperatures
Appendix B
Table B. 1
Mark metal, alloy |
Temperature test, °C |
Tensile strength |
Elongation |
800 |
4,0 (39) |
5 |
1300 | 1,2 (12) |
8 | |
PR-6 |
800 |
11,9 (117) |
17 |
1300 |
3,5 (34) | 20 | |
PR-10 |
800 |
12,0 (118) |
15 |
1300 | 4,0 (39) | 12 | |
PR-13 |
800 |
12,4 (122) |
15 |
1300 | 4,5 (44) |
12 | |
PR-30 |
800 | 24,0 (235) | 17 |
1300 |
9,0 (88) |
20 |
Annex b (informative). Physical properties of wire
The App
Table B. 1
Mark metal, alloy |
Electrical resistivity, Ohm·mm |
The calculated density, g/cm |
Melting point, °C |
0,11 |
21,45 |
1769 |
PR-6 |
0,18 |
Grew 20.56 |
1820 |
PR-10 |
0,20 |
20,00 |
1840 |
PR-13 |
0,20 |
19,61 |
1860 |
PR-30 |
0,19 |
17,63 |
1935 |
Appendix d (reference). Estimated weight of 1 m of wire
Appendix D
Table G. 1
Wire diameter, mm | Estimated weight of 1 m of wire, g, of metal, alloy grades | ||||
PR-6 |
PR-10 |
PR-13 |
PR-30 | |
0,10 |
0,168 |
0,161 |
0.157 inch |
0,154 |
0,138 |
0,20 |
And 0.674 |
0,646 |
0,628 |
0,618 |
0,554 |
0,30 |
1,516 |
1,453 |
1,414 |
1,391 |
1,246 |
0,40 |
2,695 |
2,584 |
2,513 |
To 2.472 |
2,215 |
0,50 |
4,212 |
4,036 |
3,926 |
3,864 |
3,461 |
0,80 |
10,732 |
10,333 |
10,053 |
9,245 |
8,862 |
Of 1.00 |
16,846 |
16,148 |
15,708 |
15,455 |
13,846 |