GOST R 54151-2010
GOST R 54151−2010 Mesh catalyst alloy based on platinum. Specifications
Gostrem 54151−2010
Group В76
Platinum alloys catalytic gauzes. Specifications
OKS 77.150.99
OKP 19 9564
Date of introduction 2012−01−01
The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004"Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"
Data on standard
1 DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee on standardization TC 304 «Noble metals, alloys, industrial and jewelry products made of them; secondary resources containing noble metals», Open joint-stock company «Ekaterinburg plant for processing non-ferrous metals» (JSC «enfmpp»)
2 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology of December 21, 2010 # 908-St
Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet
1 Scope
This standard applies to woven and knitted mesh catalyst of alloys based on platinum (hereinafter — the grid) used in the chemical industry as catalysts.
The designation catalyst gauzes are given in Appendix A.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST R 52599−2006 Precious metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 3193−74 Mesh catalyst of platinum alloys. Specifications
GOST 4381−87 Micrometers lever. General specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 8273−75 wrapping Paper. Specifications
GOST 10197−70 Stands-tripods for the measuring heads. Specifications
GOST 10354−82 polyethylene Film. Specifications
GOST 11007−66 Tips to measuring devices for linear measurements. Specifications
GOST 12556.1−82 Alloys platinum-rhodium. Method for the determination of rhodium
GOST 12556.2−82 Alloys platinum-rhodium. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 13498−2010 Platinum and alloys on its basis. Brand
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 15150−69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic areas. Categories, conditions of use, storage and transportation of the impact of climatic factors of the external environment
GOST 28798−90 Head of the measuring spring. General specifications
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is replaced without replacement, the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.
3 Classification
3.1 the method of making mesh divided into:
— woven — educated cross-weave wires of the base (wires running along the mesh) with the weft wires (wires perpendicular to the fiber mesh);
— knitted — formed by bending the wire in loops, with the subsequent interweaving of them together.
3.2 According to the method of preparation of the surface mesh is divided into:
— activated (activating the surface);
— non-activated (without activation of the surface).
4 Technical requirements
4.1 the Basic parameters and characteristics (properties)
4.1.1 Mesh shall conform to the requirements of this standard and be manufactured according to the technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
4.1.2 produce Woven wire mesh plain weave with square cells — like SPP. Parameters and basic dimensions of the mesh shall be as specified in figure 1 and in table 1.
Figure 1 — Mesh-type SPP
* Reference dimension.
Figure 1 — Mesh-type SPP
Table 1
In millimeters
The size of woven wire | Side of the cell in the light and | Wire diameter d | The number of cells per 1 cm | ||
(reference size) |
Nomin. | Pred. off. | Nomin. | Pred. off. | |
SPP 0220 |
0,220 | 0,092 | ±0,004 | 1024 | ±65 |
SPP 0236 |
Of 0.236 | 0,076 | ±0,003 | ||
SPP 0253 |
0,253 | 0,060 | |||
Note — By agreement with consumer it is permitted to produce mesh from wire of other diameters and with different number of cells per 1 cm |
4.1.3 Type of meshes and wire diameters for the manufacture of a knitted mesh shall be as specified in table 2.
Table 2
In millimeters
Type knit mesh | Wire diameter | |
Nomin. |
Pred. off. | |
1X1; 2X1; 3X1; 3 | From 0,050 0,082 to incl. |
±0,003 |
SV. To 0,082 0,092 incl. | ±0,004 | |
Note — By agreement with consumer it is permitted to produce meshes of other types of knitting. |
4.1.4 Form and dimensions of the grids must meet the requirements of table 3.
Table 3
In millimeters
Mesh shape | Mesh diameter |
The width of the weld, forging, | The maximum number of stitches | |
Nomin. | Pred. off. |
edging | ||
Round | Up to 1000 incl. |
±5 | 6±2 | 0 |
SV.1000 to 2500 incl. |
±10 | 10±2 | 1 | |
SV. 2500 to 5000 |
±15 | 2 | ||
Note — By agreement with consumer it is permitted to produce meshes of other shapes and sizes. |
4.1.5 Grid on the perimeter needs to be expanded, hammered or framed by the Board of the same mesh. The width of the border shall conform to the requirements of table 3.
4.1.6 Mesh diameters of 1000 to 2500 mm inclusive can be manufactured from two parts, connected by a suture, mesh with diameter more than 2500 mm of three parts connected by two joints. Joint width shall conform to the requirements of table 3.
4.1.7 Mesh shall be manufactured from alloys based on platinum brands Plrd 95−5, Plrd 92,5−7,5, Plpdrd 92,5−4-3,5, Plpdrdru 81−15−3,5−0,5 with the chemical composition according to GOST 13498.
Note — By agreement with consumer it is permitted to make a grid consisting of other alloys.
4.1.8 Mesh is manufactured with the activation of the surface. The specific surfaces of the grids are given in Appendix B.
Note — By agreement with the consumer grid is allowed to produce without any surface activation.
4.1.9 the Surface mesh must be free of contamination and mechanical damage.
The surface of the wire, used to produce the mesh must be captured, shells and bundles. Allowed opacity, local darkening of the wire, as well as surface damage, do not strip wire at reference sweep for tolerances for diameter.
4.1.10 allowed the connection of the individual wires by twisting the ends, and seal damaged areas and torn threads, if their area does not exceed 4.5 cmper 1 m
of the finished mesh.
4.1.11 Pass wires for woven meshes are not allowed, knitted meshes, the total length of absences should not exceed 15% of the diameter of the finished mesh, but the rate of not more than four permits per 1 mof the finished mesh.
4.1.12 weight of 1 DMthe catalyst grid are given in Appendix B. the Mass of the mesh can vary up to 10% depending on the limit deviations on size.
4.2 Labeling, packaging
4.2.1 piping for each grid shall be securely attached a plate material corresponding to alloy mesh, no larger than 18x6x0,2 mm, indicating the sequence number of the grid. To mesh with a diameter of 1950 mm must be attached to two plates on opposite sides of the diameter.
4.2.2 Mesh with a diameter of 600 mm and more rolled into rolls, winding aluminium, wooden or cardboard cores, pre-wrapped paper churchyard 8273. One core may be wound multiple meshes of the same diameter, same brand alloy.
Rolls of net wrap paper according to GOST 8273, polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 and Packed in wooden boxes, filling the free space soft packaging material that protects the grid from mechanical damages during transportation.
You can use other types of packaging and materials, providing safety nets for transportation.
Note — allowed mesh with a diameter of less than 600 mm packaging without collapsing.
4.2.3 Packing place sealed with a sealing or seal the wax seals of the manufacturer. The seal (stamp) needs to have a clear impression.
Transport marking under GOST 14192.
4.2.4 Each grid is accompanied by a quality document (certificate of quality), which indicate:
— trademark and name of the manufacturer;
— the symbol grid;
— mesh number;
— a lot of mesh, g;
— chemical composition, %;
— date of manufacture (month, year);
stamp of technical control.
4.2.5 Each batch of grids is accompanied by a document containing:
is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the symbol of meshes;
— the batch number;
— chemical composition, %;
the numbers of nets and their quantity;
— a lot of meshes in batch, g;
— date of manufacture (month, year);
— signature and stamp of technical control.
5 acceptance Rules
5.1 Mesh take parties. The party should consist of a grid of one brand of alloy, of the same size and diameter. The weight of the batch is not limited.
5.2 Monitoring for compliance with requirements 4.1.1−4.1.6, 4.1.9−4.1.11, 4.2.1 subjected to each grid.
The number of cells per 1 cmof the mesh is ensured by the fabrication technology.
5.3 To determine the chemical composition of selected samples from each heat by the method of the manufacturer.
5.4 quality Control of labeling, packaging, packing are subjected to every place.
6 Methods to control
6.1 the Diameter of the wire measured before manufacturing the mesh in two places at a minimum distance of 100 mm from each other in two mutually perpendicular directions in each measured cross-section of a micrometer according to GOST 4381, GOST 6507 or spring probes according to GOST 28798 with rack mount-the tripod according to GOST 10197 using the tip flat or tape measuring surface according to GOST 11007.
The diameter of the mesh, width of weld, forging, edging, dimensions of the damaged area measured measuring tape according to GOST 7502 or metal ruler according to GOST 427.
Allowed the use of other measuring instruments providing the required accuracy.
6.2 surface quality of the wire and meshes checked by visual inspection without the use of magnifying devices.
6.3 Quality weave wires checked by visual inspection of the grids on the light or on the frosted glass with illumination.
6.4 Chemical composition of meshes determined according to GOST 3193, GOST 12556.1, 12556.2 GOST, GOST R 52599 or techniques, certified in the prescribed manner.
6.5 the Mass of the grid determines the scales that provide accurate weighing in accordance with the rules [1].
6.6 Marking and packaging checks visual inspection.
7 Transportation and storage
7.1 When transporting or storing mesh must be protected from mechanical impacts, moisture and aggressive media.
Conditions of transportation and storage of meshes in the impact of climatic factors — 1 (L) according GOST 15150.
7.2 Transport, storage and accounting of meshes is carried out in accordance with the rules [1].
8 operating Instructions
8.1 For meshes with an activated surface in the delivery state without any further processing, before installing into the unit.
8.2 the Formation of catalytic systems it is recommended that only grids with an activated surface. Perhaps the fitting of catalytic systems nets with non-activated surface. In this case, mesh with the activated surface should be installed first along the gas.
8.3 the Installation, start-up mode and operation of the grids must be conducted according to the current technological regulations of the enterprise-the consumer, approved in a prescribed manner.
8.4 During storage, installation, mode and operation of the grids may not be getting to the surface of foreign particles, moisture, including condensate, etc.
8.5 In the event of contamination of the surface mesh is allowed its treatment of hydrogen flames. The effect of electrochemical activation of grids is retained.
9 manufacturer’s Warranty
The manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the meshes to the requirements of this standard, under the conditions of transportation and storage prescribed by this standard.
Warranty period of storage of meshes — 20 years from the date of manufacture.
Annex a (mandatory). The designation catalyst gauzes
Appendix A
A. 1 the catalyst Woven mesh
Example of designation mesh of alloy grade Plrd 92,5−7,5, size of SPP 0220, diameter 2900 mm, without surface activation:
Mesh Plrd 92,5−7,5 0220 2900 SPP BA GOST R 54151−2010
A. 2 Knitted mesh catalyst
Example of designation mesh of alloy grade Plpdrdru 81−15−3,5−0,5, 3 binding type, wire diameter 0,092 mm, 1680 mm diameter, with the activation of the surface:
Mesh Plpdrdru 81−15−3,5−0,5 3/92 1680 GOST R 54151−2010
Annex B (reference). The specific surface of catalyst gauzes
Appendix B
Table B. 1
Method of preparation of a surface mesh | The specific surface of the mesh, cm |
Activation |
At least 150 |
Without activation |
20−30 |
Annex b (informative). Weight of 1 sq. DM catalyst gauzes
The App
Estimated weight of 1 DMcatalyst gauzes
Table B. 1
The size of the grid | The diameter of the wire, | Estimated weight of 1 DM | |||
mm |
Plrd 95−5 | Plrd 92,5−7,5 | Plpdrd 92,5−4-3,5 | Plpdrdru 81−15−3,5−0,5 | |
SPP 0253 |
0,060 | 3,87 | 3,81 | 3,80 | Of 3.51 |
SPP 0236 |
0,076 | 6,36 | 6,25 | 6,24 | 5,76 |
SPP 0220 |
0,092 | At 9.53 | 9,37 | 9,36 | 8,64 |
3X76/1 |
0,076 | 5,8 | 5,8 | 5,8 | 5,8 |
3X82/1 |
0,082 | Of 6.78 | Of 6.78 | Of 6.78 | Of 6.78 |
3X86/1 |
0,086 | 7,57 | 7,57 | 7,57 | 7,57 |
3X92/1 |
0,092 | 8,7 | 8,7 | 8,7 | 8,7 |
1X1/76 |
0,076 | 6,20 | 6,11 | 6,15 | - |
1X1/82 |
0,082 | Of 7.22 | - | - | - |
1X1/86 |
0,086 | - | - | - | - |
1X1/92 |
0,092 | - | - | - | - |
2X1/76 |
0,076 | 9,25 | - | 9,62 | - |
2X1/82 |
0,082 | Of 10.54 | - | - | - |
3X1/76 |
0,076 | - | - | 12,50 | - |
3X1/82 |
0,082 | - | - | - | - |