GOST 22663-77
GOST 22663−77 termoelektrodnye Materials for low-temperature thermocouples. Test method for homogeneity (with Change No. 1)
GOST 22663−77*
Group В79
Test method for uniformity
Thermoelectrode materials for low-temperature thermocouples.
Method of homogeneity test
AXTU 1909
Date of introduction 1980−01−01
The decision of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR of 12 August 1977 N 1960 the introduction installed from 01.01.80
Proven in 1984 by Decree of the state standard from 10.07.84 2444 N validity extended to 01.01.90**
** Expiration removed by Protocol No. 4−93 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (I & C N 4, 1994). — Note the manufacturer’s database.
* REISSUE (may 1985) with amendment No. 1, approved in July 1984 (IUS 11−84).
This standard applies to termoelektrodnye materials in the form of round wires without coating-diameter 0.1 to 0.7 mm, used for the generation of low-temperature thermocouples with an operating range of measured temperatures from minus 200 to 100 °C, and establishes a test method termoelektrodny materials for homogeneity.
The method is based on registration of changes of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of sections of the wire that occurs when the movement of the test wire in a field gradient of temperatures from room temperature to the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen.
The main indicator of the quality termoelektrodny materials is the value of the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of the material of the wire.
Definition of terms used in the standard is given in the reference Appendix 1.
1.1. Length and number of samples termoelektrodny materials subject to tests for homogeneity, are specified in normative and technical documentation for specific products.
1.2. To test the homogeneity of the test sample of wire in the coil (the Bay) is divided along the length into sections of size 2 m by numbering them the serial number 1,2… N.
1.3. The test of homogeneity should be at least 50-foot plots of all the test sample, the sequence numbers chosen according to GOST 11.003−73.
Note. When the length of the test-piece of wire less than 100 m to test the entire sample.
2.1. Test wire for homogeneity should be done on the installation of UIN-1, passed metrological certification in accordance with the requirements of GOST 8.326−78.
2.2. Installation parameters UIN-1 must meet the following requirements.
2.1; 2.2. (Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
2.2.1. Measuring range T. E. D. S. heterogeneity should not exceed 100 mV.
2.2.2. Measurement error T. E. D. S. heterogeneity wire must not exceed a value equal to 0.75 mV.
2.2.3. The limiting frequency of the transmission mounting (at the level of 0.9) should be not less than 0.9 Hz.
2.2.4. The drift of the installation after 60 min of heating should not exceed 2 µv/h.
2.2.5. The temperature difference between the free ends of the reference sample and the connecting conductor should be not more than 0.1 °C.
2.2.6. The mean square value of noise voltage in the contact system must not exceed 0.2 mV.
2.2.7. The speed of movement of the sections of the wire when tested should not exceed 10 mm/s, and when rewinding — 200 mm/s.
2.2.8. The change in the level of liquid nitrogen in a thermostatic bath during the test shall not exceed ±2.0 mm.
3.1. The feed reel mechanism of movement UIN-1 establish a contact system of the material, the material of the tested wire.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.2. From the beginning of the Bay (coil) test wire and cut off two foot segment that is used later as the reference sample and the connecting conductor.
3.3. Sanded the end sample test the wire is fixed to the terminal contact of the feed drum mechanism movement.
3.4. A sample of wire wound on the feed drum. When rewinding the surface of the wire is wiped with a swab dipped in alcohol-rectified. Consumption of rectified spirit is 1 g per 100 m of the tested wire.
3.5. The other stripped end of the wire sample tested after rewinding is fixed in silver stud contact system of the receiving drum.
4.1. When testing must meet the following conditions:
the temperature of the room in which the test is performed should correspond to a value of 20±5 °C;
the relative humidity should not exceed 80%;
the influence of external electric and magnetic fields, except the earth, should not cause additional error of measurement of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity greater than half the measurement error due to noise in the contact system.
4.2. The resistance of the circuit the reference sample — the test sample of wire — connecting conductor shall not exceed the value specified in the passport of the amplifier to the input resistance of the circuit.
4.3. Include the movement of the diagram tape of the potentiometer and write the curve «electrical zero» on the tape length of about 150 mm. When recording the curve «electrical zero» should be recorded calibration signal. Then disable the movement of the diagram tape.
4.4. Carry out the rewinding of the wire specimen with the feed drum for receiving at a speed of 200 mm/s before the start of the plot, the number of which is selected in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1.3.
4.5. Carry out the movement of the test section of the wire at a speed of not more than 10 mm/s and write history curve of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity along its length.
4.6. The test cycle according to claim claim 4.4 and 4.5, repeat until, until you made the entry curves of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of all selected according to claim 1.3 phase up to 2 m long
5.1. Parallel to the edge of the diagram tape to hold the line (conditional level) on the length of all curves of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity so that it did not cross any curve.
5.2. Determine the maximum () and minimum (
) the deviation of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of the conditional level. Calculate the value of the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity (
) in µv of the tested wire specimen according to the formula
where is the conversion factor, mV/mm, calculated according to the formula
where — the value of the calibration signal, mV;
— the value of the calibration signal on the ribbon diagram, mm.
Define the scope of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of the subject sample in the reference enclosure 3.
Note. An estimation of the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity on a plot of 2 meter length is determined by the maximum value of the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of all sections of the wire subjected to the test.
5.3. The value of the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of the tested sample is entered into the certificate on the wire coil.
Termoelectromotoare strength of the inhomogeneity (T. E. D. S. heterogeneity) — electromotive force arising from the presence of one of the sections of the test wire in the field of temperature gradient, and measured at its ends.
The scope of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity — the difference between extreme members of variation series of the values of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity of wire along the length of the test sample.
The variation of the number — the number of members of samples of multiple measurements, in ascending order, i.e.
where the measurement results.
The curve «electrical zero» — curve of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity fotocomposizione the input circuit of the amplifier in the gap which includes the device for supplying a calibration signal.
ANNEX 2 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).
APPENDIX 3 (reference). Define the SCOPE of T. E. D. S. HETEROGENEITY of the TEST SAMPLE
Example. The drawing shows part of the diagram tape 1 with the recording curve «electrical zero» 2, calibration signal 3, whose voltage is 15 µv and curves of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity, 4, 5, 6, 7 four areas of the test-piece of wire.
To determine the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity in the studied sections of wire to hold the ribbon diagram 1 conditional level 8 parallel to the edge 9 of the diagram tape 1. Find the point on the curves T. E. D. S. heterogeneity, with the maximum and minimum
distance from the conditional level 8. Using the scale ruler to measure the variance
, as well as the value of the calibration signal
40 mm;
15 mm; 2
5 mm.
Calculate the value of the magnitude of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity .
15 µv.
Presentation of the results of the measurements of T. E. D. S. heterogeneity on the ribbon diagram
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M.: Publishing house of standards, 1985