GOST R 56855-2016
GOST R 56855−2016 Profiles extruded from aluminium alloys for shipbuilding. Specifications
GOST R 56855−2016
Extruded shapes of aluminium alloys for shipbuilding. Specifications
OKS 77.150.10
GST 18 1140
Date of introduction 2016−11−01
1 DEVELOPED by JSC «Russian Institute of light alloys» (JSC «VILS») and FSUE CRISM «PROMETEY"
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 297 «Materials and semi-finished products from light and special alloys"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology from February 16, 2016 N 39th St
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a future issue of monthly index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)
1 Scope
This standard applies to solid extruded profiles of aluminum alloys 1561 (АМг61), 1980 (В48−4), 1985ч, 1941 (K48−2), 1943 (K48−2пч) with the cross-sectional area of 200 cmand a diameter of circumcircle up to 350mm with the ratio of the thickness of the shelves not more than 1:4, designed for use in shipbuilding.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 9.510 unified system of protection from corrosion and ageing. Semi-finished products of aluminium and aluminium alloys. General requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 8617−81 extruded from aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications
GOST 13616 extruded rectangular-section strips of aluminium, aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13617 extruded bulbous angle section of aluminium, aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13618 extruded oblique-angled fitting angle section of aluminium, aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13619 extruded rectangular z-section shapes of aluminium, aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13620 extruded rectangular z-section angle of aluminum and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13621 extruded rectangular beam angle sections of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13622 extruded rectangular angle t-section of aluminum and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13623 extruded rectangular angle channel sections of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13624 extruded rectangular flanged channel-section of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13737 extruded rectangular angle angle section of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 13738 extruded rectangular angle angle section of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 14192 Marking of goods
GOST 17575 extruded rectangular taurocholate section of aluminum and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 17576 extruded oblique-angled trapezoidal flanged-section of aluminium, aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 29296 extruded rectangular angle t-section of aluminum and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST 29303 extruded rectangular beam angle sections of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST R 50066 extruded rectangular angle channel sections of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST R 50067 extruded rectangular z-section angle of aluminum and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST R 50077 extruded oblique angle section shapes of aluminium and magnesium alloys. Assortment
GOST R 55395 extruded strips of curved cross-section of aluminum alloy. Assortment
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Classification
3.1 Profiles divided by state of material:
a) without heat treatment (hot-pressed) — no symbol [1561 (АМг61), 1980 (В48−4), 1985ч, 1941 (K48−2), 1943 (K48−2пч)];
b) annealed — M [1561М (АМг61М)];
C) hardened and naturally aged — T (1985чТ);
d) hardened and artificially aged — T1 [1980Т1 (В48−4Т1), 1941Т1 (K48−2Т1), 1943Т1 (K48−2пчТ1)].
4 Basic parameters and dimensions
4.1 the Shape and dimensions of profiles of square cross-sections, the diameters of the circumscribed circle and the theoretical weight of 1 m length according to GOST 13616, 13617 GOST, GOST 13618, 13619 GOST, GOST 13620, 13621 GOST, GOST 13622, 13623 GOST, GOST 13624, GOST 13737, 13738 GOST, GOST 17575, 17576 GOST, GOST 29296, 29303 GOST, GOST R 50066, 50067 GOST R, GOST R 50077, GOST R 55395, catalogs and drawings, agreed by the manufacturer and the consumer.
4.2 maximum deviations in thickness of shelves and other cross-sectional dimensions of covering monolithic metal profiles made of alloys 1980 (В48−4), 1985ч, 1941 (K48−2), 1943 (K48−2пч) — in accordance with GOST 8617−81 (table 1). For profiles made of alloy 1561 (АМг61) — in accordance with GOST 8617−81 (table 2) or in accordance with the drawings.
Maximum deviations in thickness of the walls forming hollow space in accordance with GOST 8617−81 (tables 1 and 2) with a coefficient of 1.5, or in accordance with the drawings.
Other requirements for geometry in accordance with GOST 8617.