GOST 17232-99
GOST 17232−99 Slab of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications
GOST 17232−99
Group В53
Aluminium and aluminium alloys plates.
ISS 77.150.10
GST 18 1114
Date of introduction 2000−09−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate technical Committee for standardization MTK 297 «Materials and semi-finished products of light alloys», JSC «Russian Institute of light alloys» (JSC VILS)
INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 16−99 dated 8 October 1999)
The adoption voted:
The name of the state | The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia |
Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Gosstandart Of Belarus |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyz Republic |
Kyrgyzstandart |
The Republic Of Moldova |
Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Tajikistan |
Tajikistandart |
Turkmenistan | The main state inspection of Turkmenistan |
Uzbekistan |
Standards |
Ukraine |
Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization and Metrology dated February 18, 2000 N 42-St inter-state standard GOST 17232−99 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from September 1, 2000
4 REPLACE GOST 17232−79
1 Scope
This standard applies to plate aluminium and aluminium alloys.
2 Normative references
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 9.510−93 unified system of protection from corrosion and ageing. Semi-finished products of aluminium and aluminium alloys. General requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 3221−85 Aluminium primary. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 4784−97 Aluminum and aluminum deformable alloys. Brand
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 7727−81 aluminum-based Alloys. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 8026−92 Line calibration. Specifications
GOST 11069−74 Aluminium primary. Brand
GOST 11739.1−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of aluminium oxide
GOST 11739.2−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods of boron determination
GOST 11739.3−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of beryllium
GOST 11739.4−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of bismuth
GOST 11739.5−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 11739.6−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods of iron determination
GOST 11739.7−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 11739.8−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method of determining potassium
GOST 11739.9−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of cadmium
GOST 11739.10−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method for the determination of lithium
GOST 11739.11−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of magnesium
GOST 11739.12−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 11739.13−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 11739.14−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 11739.15−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Method for the determination of sodium
GOST 11739.16−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 11739.17−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of tin
GOST 11739.18−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method for determination of lead
GOST 11739.19−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of antimony
GOST 11739.20−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of titanium
GOST 11739.21−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 11739.22−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for the determination of rare earth elements and yttrium
GOST 11739.23−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of zirconium
GOST 11739.24−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of zinc
GOST 12697.1−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 12697.2−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of magnesium
GOST 12697.3−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 12697.4−77 Aluminum. Method for the determination of sodium
GOST 12697.5−77 Aluminum. Method for the determination of chromium
GOST 12697.6−77 Aluminum. Method for determination of silicon
GOST 12697.7−77 Aluminum. Methods of iron determination
GOST 12697.8−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 12697.9−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of zinc
GOST 12697.10−77 Aluminum. Method of determining titanium
GOST 12697.11−77 Aluminum. Method for determination of lead
GOST 12697.12−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 18242−72* Statistical acceptance inspection by alternative feature. Plans control
* In the Russian Federation GOST R 50779.71−99.
GOST 18321−73 Statistical quality control. Methods of random selection of piece products
GOST 19300−86 means of measuring the surface roughness profile method. The profiling-contact profilometers. Types and basic parameters
GOST 24047−80 Semi-finished products from nonferrous metals and their alloys. Sampling for tensile test
GOST 24231−80 non-ferrous metals and alloys. General requirements to selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis
GOST 25086−87 non-ferrous metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis
3 Classification
3.1 the Plates are divided as follows:
the method of manufacture:
— replacerange — without additional marking;
— clad:
1) with technological plating — B,
2) with normal plating;
accuracy of manufacturing according to the thickness:
— normal accuracy — without additional marking;
— high accuracy — P.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 Plate manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard aluminum grades A7, A6, A5 and A0 with the chemical composition according to GOST 11069; AD00, AD0, AD, AD1 with the chemical composition according to GOST 4784; of aluminum alloys: AMC, AMCs, Amg2, Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, 1915, AV, D1, D16, V95, AK4−1 with the chemical composition according to GOST 4784; D19, D20, ВАД1 according to the normative documents.
4.2 Basic parameters and dimensions
4.2.1 Plate depending on the brand of alloy and plating manufactures in the following sizes, listed in table 1.
Table 1 — Sizes of plates of aluminum and aluminum alloys
In millimeters
Brand aluminium or aluminium alloy and plating |
The thickness of the plates |
The width of the plates |
The length of the plates |
A7, A6, A5, A0, AD0, AD00, AD1, AD, AMC, AMCs, Amg2, AB | From 11 to 30 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 | From 3000 to 8000 |
SV. 30 to 60 | 1200, 1500 |
From 3000 to 8000 | |
1800, 2000 |
From 3000 to 6000 | ||
SV. 60 to 200 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 |
Not normalized | |
D1, Д1Б D16, Д16Б, Д16А, D19, Д19Б, Д19А, D20, Д20Б, ВАД1Б | From 11 to 60 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 |
From 3000 to 8000 |
SV. 60 to 200 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 |
Not normalized | |
Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, АМг6Б | From 11 to 60 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 |
From 3000 to 8000 |
SV. 60 to 200 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 |
Not normalized | |
1915 | From 11 to 20 | 1200, 1500, 2000 |
From 3000 to 7000 |
В95Б, В95А |
From 11 to 60 | 1200, 1500 | From 2000 to 6000 |
AK4−1, AK4−1B | From 12 to 40 | 1200, 1500, 1800, 2000 |
From 2000 to 8000 |
SV. 40 to 80 |
Not normalized |
4.2.2 Thickness and width of slabs and limit deviations on thickness depending on thickness and width of plates shall conform to the values given in table 2.
Table 2 — Limit deviations in the thickness of the plates
In millimeters
Maximum deviation in thickness with a width | ||||||
The thickness of the plate | 1200 | 1500 | 1800, 2000 | |||
normal accuracy | increased accuracy |
normal accuracy | increased accuracy | normal accuracy | increased accuracy | |
11 |
±0,5 |
±0,5 |
±0,75 |
±0,6 |
±1,0 |
±0,75 |
12 | ||||||
13 | ||||||
14 | ||||||
15 | ||||||
16 |
±0,5 | ±0,5 | ±0,75 | ±0,7 | ±1,0 | ±0,85 |
17 | ||||||
18 | ||||||
19 | ||||||
20 | ||||||
22 | ||||||
25 |
±0,75 | ±0,7 | ±1,0 | ±0,8 | ±1,25 | ±0,9 |
28 | ||||||
30 | ||||||
Thirty two | ||||||
35 | ||||||
38 |
±1,0 | ±0,8 | ±1,25 | ±0,9 | ±1,5 | ±1,1 |
40 | ||||||
45 | ||||||
50 | ||||||
55 |
±1,5 | ±1,2 | ±1,75 | ±1,3 | ±2,0 | ±1,5 |
60 | ||||||
65 | ||||||
70 | ||||||
75 |
±2,0 | ±1,5 | ±2,5 | ±1,6 | ±3,0 | ±1,8 |
80 | ||||||
85 | ||||||
90 | ||||||
100 | ||||||
120 |
±3,0 | ±2,5 | ±3,5 | ±2,5 | ±4,0 | ±2,0 |
140 | ||||||
160 | ||||||
180 | ||||||
200 |
4.2.3 maximum deviation in width of slabs should be no more than plus 100 mm.
4.2.4 Plate thickness up to 60 mm are made of standard length or a multiple of it within the length stipulated in table 1, at intervals of 500 mm and a trim of the ends.
Maximum deviations along the length of sheared plates, depending on thickness should be:
— plus 30 mm for slabs with a thickness of 11 mm to 35 mm;
— plus 50 mm for plates of thickness greater than 35 to 60 mm.
4.2.5 Plate thickness of 60 mm are made by rolling from a whole bar without cutting to length, and without trimming the ends.
The length of the plates is not standardized.
4.2.6 the Nonplanarity depending on the width of plates shall be as defined in table 3.
Table 3 — Flatness of the plates depending on the width
In millimeters
The thickness of the plate |
The nonplanarity of 1 m length depending on the width | ||
1200 |
1500 | 1800, 2000 | |
From 11 to 20 incl. |
4 | 6 | 8 |
SV. 20 «80 « |
3,5 | 5 | 6 |
«80» 200 « |
3,5 | 4 | 5 |
4.2.7 Theoretical mass of the plate calculated with a density of 2.85 g/cm, which corresponds to the density of the aluminum alloy V95 brand and given in Appendix A.
To calculate the theoretical weight of slabs of aluminium and aluminium alloys other brands should use the conversion factors listed in Annex B.
4.2.8 Brand aluminum or aluminum alloy, plating, dimensions of the plates and the precision manufacturing plates the consumer specifies in the order. In the absence of claims in the order the accuracy of manufacturing determined by the manufacturer.
Legend plates when ordering put in the scheme:
Plate |
XXXXXX | X | . . | X | . . | . . | GOST 17232−99 |
Mark | |||||||
A method of manufacturing (plating) | |||||||
The thickness of the plate | |||||||
The thickness accuracy | |||||||
Plate width | |||||||
The length of the plate | |||||||
The designation of the standard |
Examples of symbols:
Plate of aluminum alloy D16 with a normal plating thickness of 20 mm, width 1200 mm, length 3000 mm, normal precision manufacturing thickness:
Plate D16.20 1200
3000 GOST 17232−99
The same manufacturing high precision in thickness:
Plate D16… 20P 1200
3000 GOST 17232−99
4.3 Characteristics
4.3.1 Basic version plates are made of aluminum and aluminum alloys of all the grades specified in 4.1, the normal precision of fabrication, no plating, technical or normal plating.
The thickness, width and length of slabs and limit deviations should conform to the values given in tables 1, 2 and 4.2.3−4.2.5. Plates are made without heat treatment. For plating plates, depending on the brand plakiruyuschego alloy, used aluminum alloy, the chemical composition of which is given in table 4.
Table 4 — Chemical composition of cladding alloy
Mass fraction of elements,% | |||||||||||
Other | |||||||||||
Mark PLA — cirue — direct alloy | Mark PLA — kirou — present alloy |
Jelly zo |
Copper | Mar Ganz |
MAG- tions |
Zinc | Titan | Each after |
Sum- mA |
Alu- mi- tions |
AMg6, D1, D16, D19, D20, ВАД1, AK4−1 |
Ad1pl |
0,30 |
0,30 |
0,02 |
0,025 |
0,05 |
0,1 |
0,15 |
0,02 |
- |
Not less than 99,30 |
V95 | Acpl |
0,3 | 0,3 | - | 0,025 | - | 0,9- 1,3 |
0,15 | 0,05 | 0,1 | OST- Sal |
Notes 1 allowed the copper content in the alloy Ad1pl set to 0.05%. 2 Mass fraction of elements is the maximum, unless specified limits. | the thickness of the cladding layer on each side of the plate from the nominal thickness shall be:
— no more than 1.5% for the process of plating;
— 2−4% for normal plating. Mechanical properties of specimens cut from plates shall conform to the requirements given in table 5.
Table 5 — Mechanical properties of plates in tension
Mechanical properties tensile | ||||||
Brand aluminum and aluminum — alloy Navaho | The test samples | The direction of cutting out of samples | Thickness plates, mm |
Temporary resistance |
Yield strength |
Regarding elongation |
A7, A6, A5, A0, AD0, AD1, AD00, HELL |
From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «80 « |
78 (8) 64 (6,5) |
- - |
18,0 15,0 | ||
From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «80 « |
120 (12) 110 (11) |
- - |
15,0 12,0 | ||
Amg2 | Without heat treatment | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «80 « |
175 (18) 155 (16) |
- - |
7,0 6,0 | |
Amg3 | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «80 « |
185 (19) 165 (17) |
69 (7) 59 (6) |
12,0 11,0 | ||
AMg5 | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «80 « |
265 (27) 255 (26) |
120 (12) 110 (11) |
13,0 12,0 | ||
AMg6 АМг6Б | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «50 « «25» 80 « |
305 (31) 295 (30) 275 (28) |
145 (15) 135 (14) 130 (13) |
11,0 6,0 4,0 | ||
Hardened and naturally aged for 30 days |
Across the direction of rolling | From 11 to 20 incl. | 315 (32) | 195 (20) | 10,0 | |
1915 | Hardened and naturally aged for 4 days |
From 11 to 20 incl. | 275 (28) | 165 (17) | 10,0 | |
AV |
Hardened and naturally aged |
From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 80 « |
175 (18) 165 (17) 165 (17) |
- - - |
14,0 12,0 10,0 | |
Hardened and artificially aged |
From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 80 « |
295 (30) 285 (29) 275 (28) |
- - - |
7,0 6,0 6,0 | ||
D1, Д1Б | Hardened and naturally aged |
From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 70" «70» 80 « |
370 (38) 365 (37) 345 (35) 315 (32) |
215 (22) 215 (22) 195 (20) 195 (20) |
11,0 8,0 6,0 5,0 | |
Perpendicular to the plane of the plate |
From 40 to 80 incl. | 295 (30) | - | 4,0 | ||
D16, Д16А, Д16Б |
Hardened and naturally aged |
Across the direction of rolling | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 70 « «70» 80 « |
420 (43) 390 (40) 370 (38) 345 (35) |
275 (28) 255 (26) 245 (25) 245 (25) |
7,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 |
Perpendicular to the plane of the plate |
From 40 to 80 incl. | 345 (35) | - | 3,0 | ||
В95А, В95Б | Hardened and artificially aged |
Across the direction of rolling | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 50 « |
490 (50) 490 (50) 470 (48) |
410 (42) 410 (42) 390 (40) |
4,0 3,0 2,0 |
Perpendicular to the plane of the plate |
From 40 to 50 incl. | 390 (40) | - | 2,0 | ||
D19, Д19А, Д19Б |
Hardened and naturally aged |
Across the direction of rolling | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 70" «70» 80 « |
420 (43) 390 (40) 370 (38) 345 (35) |
275 (28) 255 (26) 245 (25) 245 (25) |
7,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 |
Perpendi- colerne to the plane of the plate |
From 40 to 80 incl. | 345 (35) | - | 3,0 | ||
D20, Д20Б |
Tempered |
From 11 to 80 incl. | 275 (28) | - | 12,0 | |
Hardened and artificially aged |
Across the direction of rolling |
From 11 to 80 incl. | 370 (38) | 275 (28) | 8,0 | |
ВАД1Б | Hardened and naturally aged |
From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «40" «40» 70" «70» 80 « |
410 (42) 380 (39) 365 (37) 335 (34) |
265 (27) 245 (25) 235 (24) 235 (24) |
7,0 5,0 4,0 3,0 | |
AK4−1, AK4−1B |
Hardened and artificially aged | From 11 to 25 incl. SV. 25 «80 « |
390 (40) 385 (39.5 C) |
325 (33) 295 (30) |
6,0 6,0 | |
Perpendicu- lerno to the plane of the plate |
SV. 40 to 80 incl. | 370 (38) | - | 4,0 | ||
Notes 1 Mechanical properties of plates with thickness more than 80 mm is not standard. 2, the alloys of 1915, AV, D20 condition of test specimens stipulated in the order, if not set by the manufacturer. | Plates are made without cutting the side edges. On edges and at the ends beyond the nominal dimensions of the plates, allowed dents, nicks, cracks and other defects due to the method of production. On the plates with cut ends should not be bundles. the surface of the plates must be free of cracks, delamination, stains, corrosion of the origin, diffusion spots (plates with normal plating), inclusions and exposed from the plating sections (slabs with normal plating). On the surface of the plates allowed:
metal sunsets, nicks, scratches, and fingerprints in the form of dents and bulges, if the depth does not display plate for maximum deviations in thickness;
— podplavlenie bubbles and naked from the plating areas on the plates with technological plating.
Allowed cleaning of the surface defects within sub-zero deviation in thickness.
4.3.2 Performance at the customer’s request plates are made of aluminum and aluminum alloys of all the grades specified in 4.1, high accuracy on thickness, no plating, technical or normal plating.
Dimensions of slabs and limit deviations should conform to the values given in tables 1, 2 and 4.2.3−4.2.5.
4.3.3 Execution in coordination with the consumer Plates are made with intermediate sizes in thickness, width and length with utmost deviations for the nearest smaller size listed in tables 1, 2 and 4.2.3−4.2.5. it is possible to produce plates with dimensions not listed in table 1. Plates are made of a special precision thickness limit deviations, given in table 2. allowed requirements to the surface quality set according to agreed standards.
5 Marking
5.1 On each plate, at one of the corners, at a distance of not more than 25 mm from edge width of the plate should be stamped with a metal stamp marking indicating the brand of the aluminum or aluminum alloy, plating, plate thickness, the batch number and the mark of the technical control of the manufacturer.
5.2 Transport marking of packages — according to GOST 14192.
5.3 permitted to marking plates in accordance with the requirements of the customer specified in the technical conditions, the agreement or contract.
6 Pack
6.1 Temporary corrosion protection and packaging — according to GOST 9.510.
7 acceptance Rules
7.1 Plate to impose the acceptance of the parties. The party must consist of plates of aluminium or aluminium alloy of the same brand, same bottoms, same size and be furnished by a single document about quality that contains:
— trademark or a trademark and the name of the manufacturer;
— the name of the consumer;
— the symbol plates;
— number of melt;
— the batch number;
the weight of the party;
— test results (mechanical properties indicate only the maximum and minimum values);
— the results of chemical analysis (as required);
— date of shipment;
— the designation of this standard.
The weight of the batch is not limited.
Allowed to complete a batch of plates in different heats.
7.2 Chemical composition of alloying components and the main impurities is determined on one plate from the party.
Other impurities not determined.
Allowed the manufacturer to determine the chemical composition of each cast.
7.3 the dimensional control subjected to each plate.
7.3.1 allowed the sample size to control the size of the plates to establish by statistical methods according to GOST 18321. Plans of control — according to GOST 18242. Level of control II — General. The acceptance level of defects in the control by statistical methods AQL = 4%.
7.4 checking the flatness subjected to each plate.
7.5 testing the quality of edges is subjected to each plate.
7.6 Verification of the stub ends on the lack of bundles is subjected to each plate.
7.7 Checking the quality of the surface subjected to each plate.
7.8 For the control of mechanical properties in tension of plates with thickness up to 80 mm from the party taken:
not less than 10% plate — to control strength and elongation;
not less than 10% plate — to control the yield strength of plates of alloys of Amg3, AMg5, AMg6;
— at least 2% of the plates to control the yield strength of the plates of alloys D1, D16, 1915, D19, D20, AK4−1, V95, ВАД1.
Mechanical properties are ensured by the fabrication technology and are checked by the requirement of the user specified when ordering.
7.9 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators it is carried out re-testing at twice the sample taken from the same batch. The results of repeated tests spread to the entire party.
When unsatisfactory results of a second test piece is allowed control, the result of which is final.
7.10 the Thickness and quality of cladding layer is guaranteed by the manufacturer without further definition.
8 test Methods
8.1 To analyze the chemical composition of each selected 7.2 plate cut out on one sample.
Selection and preparation of samples for chemical composition analysis is carried out according to GOST 24231.
8.2 analysis of the chemical composition of the aluminium plate is carried out by chemical method according to GOST 25086, 12697.1 GOST — GOST 12697.12 or spectral method GOST 3221, plates of aluminum alloys — chemical method according to GOST 25086, 11739.1 GOST — GOST 11739.24 or spectral method GOST 7727.
If there is disagreement in the assessment of the chemical composition analysis carried out by chemical method.
8.3 Control dimensions
8.3.1 Measurement of the plate thickness performed at each selected 7.3 plate at a minimum distance of 115 mm from the vertex of the angle and not less than 25 mm from the edges of the plates with a Vernier caliper according to GOST 166.
8.3.2 the Width and length of plates measure measuring tape according to GOST 7502.
8.4 the Flatness of the plates determine the maximum deflection between the surface of the plate placed on a flat surface, and is attached to the plate metre ruler according to GOST 8026 in any direction by using a measuring ruler according to GOST 427.
8.5 Control of the edges and trimmed ends to the absence of fibre bundles is carried out visually, without the use of magnifying devices.
8.6 Inspection of surface plates is carried out without the use of magnifying devices.
The depth of defects measured by profilometer according to GOST 19300 or flat (special) depth gauge according to the normative document.
8.7 Selection of samples for mechanical testing is carried out according to GOST 24047.
Tensile tests carried out according to GOST 1497.
For tensile testing take one sample from each test plate.
Samples cut from plates across the direction of rolling must be calculated from the initial length or
, as the specimens cut perpendicular to the plane of the plate, the initial estimated length
Samples for tensile tests for plates all alloys with a thickness up to 80 mm cut from the middle layers of the slab in the direction transverse to rolling, and plates of a thickness of from 40 to 80 mm of alloys D1, D16, D19, AK4−1, V95, also in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate.
Samples for tensile testing of plates with a thickness of 25 to 50 mm of alloy grade V95 cut out the middle layers of the heat-treated workpieces in the direction transverse to rolling, and plates of a thickness of from 40 to 50 mm in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the plate. Blank dimensions must be at least 50 to 250
N mm, where N is the thickness of the plate.
Verification of the mechanical properties of plates of alloy grade 1915 manufacturer conducts 2−4 day natural aging, and the consumer is 30−35 days.
9 Transportation and storage
9.1 Transportation plates — according to GOST 9.510.
9.2 When stored plates must be protected from mechanical damage, moisture and active chemical substances.
Under specified conditions of consumer properties of plates in storage do not change.
Annex a (mandatory). Theoretical weight of slabs of normal and high precision manufacturing
Table A. 1
Plate thickness, mm | Theoretical weight of 1 m plate kg width of plate, mm | |||
1200 |
1500 | 1800 | 2000 | |
11 |
39,188 | 49,593 | 57,998 | 64,268 |
12 |
42,750 | 53,010 | 63,270 | 70,110 |
13 |
46,313 | 57,428 | 68,543 | 75,953 |
14 |
49,875 | 61,845 | 73,815 | 81,795 |
15 |
53,438 | 66,263 | 79,088 | 87,638 |
16 |
57,000 | 70,680 | 84,360 | 93,480 |
17 |
60,563 | 76,098 | 89,633 | 99,323 |
18 |
64,125 | 79,515 | 94,905 | 105,165 |
19 |
67,688 | 83,933 | 100,178 | 111,008 |
20 |
71,250 | 88,350 | 105,450 | 116,850 |
22 |
78,375 | 97,185 | 115,450 | 128,535 |
25 |
89,063 | 110,438 | 131,813 | 146,063 |
28 |
99,750 | 123,690 | 147,630 | 163,590 |
30 |
106,875 | 132,525 | 158,175 | 175,275 |
32 |
114,000 | 141,360 | 168,720 | 186,960 |
35 |
124,688 | 154,470 | 184,538 | 204,488 |
38 |
135,375 | 167,865 | 200,355 | 222,015 |
40 |
142,500 | 176,700 | 210,900 | 233,700 |
45 |
160,313 | 198,788 | 237,263 | 262,913 |
50 |
178,125 | 220,875 | 263,625 | 292,125 |
55 |
195,938 | 242,963 | 289,988 | 321,338 |
60 |
213,750 | 265,050 | 316,350 | 350,550 |
65 |
231,563 | 287,138 | 342,713 | 379,763 |
70 |
249,375 | 309,225 | 369,075 | 408,975 |
75 |
267,188 | 331,313 | 395,438 | 438,188 |
80 |
285,000 | 353,400 | 421,800 | 467,400 |
85 |
302,813 | 375,488 | 448,163 | 496,613 |
90 |
320,625 | 397,575 | 474,525 | 525,825 |
100 |
356,250 | 441,750 | 527,250 | 584,250 |
120 |
427,500 | 530,100 | 632,700 | 701,100 |
140 |
498,750 | 618,450 | 738,150 | 817,950 |
160 |
570,000 | 706,800 | 843,600 | 934,800 |
180 |
641,250 | 795,150 | 949,050 | 1051,650 |
200 |
712,500 | 883,500 | 1054,500 | 1168,500 |
ANNEX B (reference). Conversion factors to calculate the theoretical weight of slabs of aluminium and aluminium alloys
Table B. 1
Mark |
The conversion factor |
Aluminium of all grades |
0,950 |
Aluminum alloys: | |
0,958 |
AMCs |
0,958 |
AK4−1 |
0,982 |
Amg2 |
0,940 |
Amg3 |
0,937 |
AMg5 |
0,930 |
AMg6 |
0,926 |
AV |
0,947 |
1915 |
0,972 |
D1 |
0,982 |
D16 |
0,976 |
D19 |
0,968 |
D20 |
0,996 |
VAD-1 |
0,968 |