GOST R 52145-2003
GOST R 52145−2003 combined Materials based on aluminum foil. Specifications
GOST R 52145−2003
Group B54
Combined materials on basis of aluminium foil. Specifications
OKS 77.150.10
GST 18 1119
Date of introduction 2004−07−01
1 DEVELOPED AND SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 106 «Tsvetmetprokat», Scientific-research, project and design Institute for alloys and processing of nonferrous metals (JSC «Institute tsvetmetobrabotka»)
2 ADOPTED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Resolution of Gosstandart of Russia from November 25, 2003 N 329-St
1 Scope
This standard applies to the combined materials based on aluminum foil (hereinafter, a combination of materials) intended for the packaging of food products, including: baby food, dry and bulk products, milk, dairy, meat, fish, oil and fat products, mayonnaise and sauces, ice cream, confectionery, juices, food and alcoholic liquids, frozen products and semi-finished products; medicines, medical devices, production of perfume and cosmetics and tobacco industries, and also used in the manufacture of products in various industries.
2 Normative references
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 745−79 aluminium Foil for packaging. Specifications
GOST 1341−97 vegetable Parchment. Specifications
GOST 1760−86 Parchment. Specifications
GOST 1770−74 laboratory Glassware measuring glass. Cylinders, beakers, flasks, test tubes. General specifications
GOST 2991−85 wooden disposable Boxes for loads up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 3118−77 hydrochloric Acid. Specifications
The Wire GOST 3282−74 General purpose low carbon steel. Specifications
GOST 3560−73 package steel Strip. Specifications
GOST 4165−78 Copper (II) sulfate 5-water. Specifications
GOST 4381−87 Micrometers lever. General specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 6709−72 distilled Water. Specifications
GOST 7376−89 corrugated Cardboard. General specifications
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 7625−86 label Paper. Specifications
GOST 7699−78 potato Starch. Specifications
GOST 8981−78 Esters of ethyl and normal butyl acetic acid technical. Specifications
GOST 9078−84 flat Pallets. General specifications
GOST 9347−74 Cardboard gasket and gasket from him. Specifications
GOST 9557−87 flat wooden Pallet size 800x1200 mm. specifications
GOST 10354−82 polyethylene Film. Specifications
GOST 12026−76 laboratory filter Paper. Specifications
GOST 12423−66 Plastic. Conditions conditioning and testing of specimens (samples)
GOST 13199−88 (ISO 536−76) Semi-finished fiber, paper and cardboard. The method of determining the mass of products with an area of 1 m
GOST 13523−78 Semi-finished fiber, paper and cardboard. Method for conditioning samples
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 16337−77 high-pressure Polyethylene. Specifications
GOST 16338−85 Polyethylene of low pressure. Specifications
GOST 18477−79 Containers are universal. The types, basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 18992−80 Dispersion polyvinyl acetate homopolymer coarse. Specifications
GOST 21140−88 Tara. System sizes
GOST 23683−89 Paraffin oil firm. Specifications
GOST 24104−2001 laboratory Scales. General technical requirements
GOST 24234−80 Film of polyethylene terephthalate. Specifications
GOST 24597−81 the packaged goods. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 25336−82 Glassware and equipment laboratory glass. The types, basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 26663−85 transport Packs. Formation with the use of packaging. General technical requirements
GOST 27492−87 (IEC 648−79) Materials insulating polymer film and sheet. Method for determining coefficients of friction
GOST 29227−91 (ISO 835−1-81) oils. Pipettes are graduated. Part 1. General requirements
3 Types
3.1 Materials combined according to the combination of layers is divided into the following types:
double — layer materials:
F/B — foil, laminated paper, vellum or parchment;
F/PE — foil, on the one hand connected with the plastic film;
F/PP — foil, with one side connected to a polypropylene film;
F/OPP — foil, with one side connected to the oriented polypropylene film;
F/PET foil, with one side connected to the polyethylene terephthalate film;
F/PA — foil, on the one hand connected with polyamide film;
three — layer materials:
PE/f/PE — foil, with the two sides connected with the plastic film;
PP/f/PP — foil, with the two sides connected with a polypropylene film;
OPP/f/OPP — foil, with the two sides connected to the oriented polypropylene film;
PP/f/PE — foil, bonded on one side with polypropylene film and polyethylene film;
OPP/f/PE — foil, bonded on one side with oriented polypropylene film and polyethylene film;
PET/f/PET foil, with the two sides connected with a polyethylene terephthalate film;
PET/f/PP — foil, bonded on one side with polyethylene terephthalate film and the other with a polypropylene film;
PET/f/OPP — foil, bonded on one side with polyethylene terephthalate film and the oriented polypropylene film;
PET/f/PE — foil, bonded on one side with polyethylene terephthalate film and the other with the plastic film;
B/f/PE — foil, with one side laminated with paper and the other side connected with the plastic film;
F/B/PE — foil, laminated paper and connected to a side of the paper with the plastic film;
B/f/PP — foil, with one side laminated with paper and the other side connected to a polypropylene film;
B/f/OPP — foil, one side laminated with paper and the other side connected to the oriented polypropylene film;
F/B/PP — foil, laminated paper and connected to a side of the paper with a polypropylene film;
F/W/OPP — foil, laminated paper and connected to a side of the paper oriented polypropylene film;
F/PH/B — foil combined with plastic film and laminated paper from the plastic film;
F/PH/f — foil-plastic film-foil;
F/PP/f — foil-polypropylene film-foil;
F/AKI/f — foil, oriented polypropylene film-foil;
— four-layer materials:
PET/PE/f/PE — pet film-polyethylene film-foil-plastic film;
PET/PE/f/PP — polyethylene terephthalate film-plastic film-foil polypropylene film;
PET/PE/f/OPP — polietilentereftalatnoy film-plastic film-foil-oriented polypropylene film;
B/PH/f/PE — paper-PE film-foil-plastic film;
B/PH/f/PP — paper-plastic film-foil polypropylene film;
B/PH/f/OPP — paper-plastic film-foil-oriented polypropylene film;
F/PH/B/PE — foil-plastic film, paper-plastic film;
PAT/B/f/PE — pet foil-paper-foil-plastic film.
By agreement with the consumer allowed the production of materials combined with other polymer films and paper in compositions that differ from those listed above.
3.2 When applied to the surface or interlayer printing to correspond to the appropriate layer add the prefix p.
During embossing of the material combined in the symbol MK add the prefix T.
When applied to the surface of the material combined additional coverages to the designation of the corresponding layer is added alphabetic indexes of coating: PR — primer under seal, TL — I, BB — lacquer colourless, LTS — Polish color, LSB — slip varnish colorless, lsz — varnish slip color, KKH — adhesive cold bonding, PF — paraffin, mV — microvasc.
3.3 Letter symbols, indices and their location in the designation of the material correspond to the location of the combined coatings and layers in the structure of the material combined.
Lettering layers separated with a vertical bar (/), alphabetical indexes of the coatings separated by a hyphen (-).
4 Assortment
4.1 the Thickness or weight of 1 mof material and the combined limit deviation is determined by the thickness or weight of 1 m
of the materials that make up its structure, and must be agreed between manufacturer and user.
4.2 combined material Width and maximum deviations in width of all types should correspond to those in table 1.
Table 1 — Width of the combined material and limit deviations on width
In millimeters
Width |
Limit deviation width |
Maximum deviation along the length of the sleeve |
From 10 to 300 incl. |
±1,0 |
±2,0 |
SV. 300 «600 « |
±2,0 |
±2,0 |
«600» 1200 « |
±2,0 |
±3,0 |
4.3 the combined Material of all kinds must be wound on a metal, cardboard or plastic sleeve, the internal diameter 70, 75−77 or 150−154 mm.
Sleeve length should be equal to the nominal width of the combined material. Maximum deviations along the length of the sleeve is shown in table 1.
By agreement with the consumer allowed to use bushings of other sizes.
4.4 Outer diameter of the roll material combined is determined by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.
The symbols of the combined material is placed according to the scheme:
The designation of the material combined starts from the outer layer and ends with the layer in contact with the bagged product.
Examples of symbols:
Combined material consisting of a foil with a thickness of 0.009 mm with printing on foil and paper weight 1 m40 g with a total weight of 1 m:
68 g width 230 mm:
MK p-F0,009/Б40 68х230 GOST R 52145−2003
The same consisting of a foil with a thickness of 0.012 mm with primer under seal alloy 8011 and a polypropylene film of a thickness of 0.04 mm with a double-with a total thickness of 0,058 mm wide 45 mm:
MC PR-F0,012/ПП0,04-TL 0,058х45 8011 GOST R 52145−2003
The same consisting of a foil with a thickness of 0.009 mm laminated on one side with a paper weight of 1 m32 g, and a polypropylene film of thickness 0.02 mm with lacquer slide is colorless with a total mass of 1 m
81 g width 120 mm:
MK B32/F0,009/ПП0,02-LSB 81х120 GOST R 52145−2003
The same consisting of a foil with a thickness of 0.014 mm connected to a polyethylene terephthalate film with thickness of 0.012 mm with inner printing and plastic film with a thickness of 0.015 mm with a total thickness 0,047 mm width 300 mm:
MK ПЭТ0,012 -, n/F0,014/ПЭ0,015 0,047х300 GOST R 52145−2003
5 Technical requirements
5.1 Material combo made in accordance with the requirements of this standard on technological regulations, approved in a prescribed manner.
For the manufacture of the material combined as a basis use the aluminum foil from alloys according to GOST 745.
It is permitted to use aluminium foil from other alloys permitted by the health Ministry of Russia for use in contact with food and drugs.
5.2 For the manufacture of a combined material used the following materials and components:
paper label weight 1 m40
100 g according to GOST 7625 or technical document;
— parchment GOST 1341;
— parchment GOST 1760;
paper sulphite of mass 1 m20
50 g according to the normative or technical document;
paper: apricot packing weight of 1 m30
120 g according to the normative or technical document;
paper grease-proof label and the packing weight of 1 m30
80 g according to the normative or technical document;
paper geroulanou a mass of 1 m20
100 g according to the normative or technical document;
— base paper for packaging of milk and dairy products with a mass of 1 m177
260 g according to the normative or technical document;
the polyethylene film according to GOST 10354;
film of polyethylene terephthalate according to GOST 24234;
— high-density polyethylene according to GOST 16337;
— low-pressure polyethylene according to GOST 16338;
— film polyamide according to the normative or technical document;
film: polypropylene, oriented or undirected according to the normative or technical document;
— glue based on potato starch according to GOST 7699;
— dispersion of polyvinyl acetate homopolymer according to GOST 18992;
— semi-paraffins according to GOST 23683;
— mortar and technology is intended for bonding of polyurethane and polyester adhesives according to the normative or technical document;
— paints and varnishes printed on the technical document;
— heat-sealing according to the technical document.
Allowed the use of other materials, approved by Ministry of health R
5.3 the combined Surface of the material should not have impurities, holes and foreign inclusions. Presence of defects of the constituent layers, which are regulated by the relevant regulatory or technical document on the source materials, as well as traces from the folds of a length of not more than 50 mm in quantity of 2 per 1 meter of the material combined.
Edges of the combined material must be free of burrs or tears. The ends of the roll must be free of nicks, dings and dirt.
5.4 the combined Material should be wound on a sleeve with a tension that does not allow displacement of the individual turns of the coil and the loss or displacement of the bushing while turning the coil 90° or 180°.
When winding all kinds of material combined to the sleeve allowed the displacement of the coils in the ends of the roll not exceeding the limit deviations on width of material combined.
5.5 Winding material combined in the coil should be tight, smooth, without folds and wrinkles. The entire length of the material is combined steel coil should be freely unwound. Valid unwinding properties consider the degree A, b, C, (Appendix B).
5.6 allowed in one roll of the material combined no more than three banknotes. The connection of segments of a cloth roll carried adhesive tape butt or overlap without disrupting the printing pattern and text. The joints must be marked with the bookmark placed at the end of the roll.
5.7 colors of the print, as well as drawings of stamping and printing sets of samples agreed between manufacturer and user. Not allowed dot loss of picture and text. The paint must not be stamped on the inner surface of the material combined.
5.8 across the surface of the material combined the lacquer should be applied evenly. Not allowed swelling and delamination of the lacquer or printing surface, as well as cracking of the lacquer coating at the bend of the material combined.
5.9 Durability of fixing of the printed pattern and the paint should match the grades A and b (attachment a).
5.10 Resistance to delamination between the layers shall comply with the following values:
— between the layers of material f-mV/B and f/PH/B — not less than 40 N/m;
between the foil and polymer film in the presence of the print between layers not less than 50 N/m;
between the foil and polymer film without the seal between the layers not less than 100 N/m;
— between the foil and paper — grades A and b (Appendix d).
The resistance to delamination between the layers of material combined in longitudinal and transverse directions agreed between the manufacturer and the customer, depending on the application.
5.11 weld Strength of the combined material intended for the packaging method of heat sealing, determine the properties of the packaged material and co-ordinate between manufacturer and consumer.
5.12 the coefficient of sliding friction on the surface of the material combined coordinate between customer and manufacturer.
5.13 Mass of coatings is determined by user demand.
5.14 the Smell of the aqueous extracts from the material combined shall not exceed one point. The taste of the aqueous extracts is not allowed.
6 acceptance Rules
6.1 Material combined take parties. The party must consist of a material combined of the same species, one structure, one having a nominal total thickness or mass of 1 mand width shall be furnished in one document about quality that contains:
is the trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the name of the country of manufacture;
— legal address of the manufacturer and (or) the seller;
— basic (or functional) purpose, or usage;
— the symbol of the material or the combined trademark;
— the batch number;
the sign of conformity (for material combo, has a certificate);
— the weight of the batch;
— bar code (if available).
The weight of the batch is not limited.
6.2 Acceptance tests of the combined material is carried out for each monitored party.
To control the size and appearance of the material combined, smell, raskatyvaete, the strength of fixing of the printed pattern and paint, the strength of the weld, determining resistance to delamination of the party take 5% of the rolls of material combined, but not less than two.
6.3 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one indicator thereon, a second test of the doubled sample taken from the same batch. The results of repeated testing are spreading to the entire party.
By agreement with the consumer allowed the manufacturer to conduct the enterprise-consumer sorting of defective products with the control of each roll.
7 control Methods
7.1 All test and measurement, unless otherwise specified, is carried out in the climatic conditions specified in GOST 12423 for the material combined with the polymer film and GOST 13523 for a material combined with paper.
Sampling of finished material combined test is carried out after the acclimatization period established by the manufacturer.
7.2 For inspection and measurement of the material combined from the end of the roll rewind 3 m, removing from the surface of the upper roll of 2−3 turns. Inspection of the combined material is carried out visually without the use of magnifying devices.
7.3 the material Thickness of a combined measure with a micrometer according to GOST 6507 elegost 4381.
7.4 Mass of 1 mof material combined is determined according to GOST 13199.
7.5 the Width of the combined material, diameter and length of the sleeve, the roll diameter and offset of the turns measured by Vernier caliper according to GOST 166, metal ruler according to GOST 427 or metal measuring tape according to GOST 7502.
7.6 permitted to use other means of measurement that provides the required accuracy set by the standard.
If there is disagreement monitoring is carried out by means of measurement specified in the standard.
7.7 a Lot of paint coating is controlled by the method set forth in GOST 745.
7.8 Durability of fixing of the printed pattern and the paint coating is controlled according to the method set out in Annex A.
7.9 the unwinding properties of the material combined control by the method set out in Annex B.
7.10 Resistance to delamination between the foil and the plastic film between the plastic films in the material combined control by the method laid down in Annex V.
7.11 determination of the degree of delamination of the combined material containing paper, the control method set out in Annex G.
7.12 the Strength of the weld material combined control by the method set out in Annex D.
7.13 Continuity of coatings is controlled by the method set out in Annex E.
7.14 the coefficient of friction of the combined material is controlled according to GOST 27492.
8 Packing, marking, transportation and storage
8.1 Each roll should be wrapped in a material protecting its outer surface from contamination.
By agreement with the consumer allowed group packing of coils.
8.2 On each roll shall be tagged, indicating:
— trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the name of the country of manufacturer;
— legal address of the manufacturer and (or) the seller;
— primary (or functional) purpose, or application;
— the legend of the material combined or trademark;
— bar code (if available);
— batch number;
— stamp of technical control;
— the date of manufacture.
8.3 Rolls of material combined packaging are allowed:
a) on pallets according to GOST 9557, GOST 9078 wooden or metal pallets according to regulatory or technical documents;
b) in wooden boxes of types III-1, III-2 according to GOST 2991. Dimensions of boxes — GOST 21140.
8.4 the Rolls close to one another are placed on a pallet or in a box. Each horizontal row pave cushioning material according to GOST 7376 or GOST 9347. The bottom of the pallet or box should be lined with a corrugated cardboard according to GOST 7376 or other cushioning material.
8.5 Rolls stacked on a pallet, the top lid and is Packed in polyethylene film according to GOST 10354, or another polymer film and tied to the longitudinal and transverse directions of the steel packing tape according to GOST 3560размером 0,3х30 mm or polypropylene tape of size not less than 0,3x12 mm. fastening the ends to the castle.
Dimensions of the Packed pallet, mm, not more:
height — 1300;
width — 1200;
length — 1200.
Packed pallets placed in metal containers according to GOST 18477.
8.6 Packaging boxes in transport packets is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26663 on pallets according to GOST 9557 on wooden or metal pallets according to regulatory or technical documents or without pallets with the use of bars not less than 50 mm, with the piping in the longitudinal and transverse directions with wire of diameter not less than 2 mm according to GOST 3282 or tape of size not less than 0,3х30 mm according to GOST 3560. Fasten the ends: wire — strand minimum 5 turns the ribbon to the castle.
Packet size — according to GOST 24597.
8.7 the Weight of cargo must not exceed 1250 kg.
8.8 In agreement with the consumer allowed other methods of packaging and protection of rolls of material combined from mechanical damage and precipitation, their qualities are not inferior to these and ensuring the safety of the quality of the material combined transportation.
8.9 Transport marking under GOST 14192 with the application of manipulation signs: «Protect from moisture», «Fragile. Care», «Food», «Top».
8.10 In each container or box or pallet must be attached to packing list stating:
— trademark or name and trademark of manufacturer;
— the name of the country of manufacturer;
— legal address of the manufacturer and (or) the seller;
— primary (or functional) purpose, or application;
— the legend of the material combined or trademark;
— bar code (if available);
— batch number;
— weight;
— gross mass;
— the number of coils;
— the numbers of packer.
8.11 Material combined transporterowych all types of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with cargo carriage regulations applicable to transport of this species.
8.12 the combined Material should be stored in accordance with storage rules given in Appendix J.
9 manufacturer’s Warranty
9.1 the Manufacturer guarantees the conformity of the material combined the requirements of this standard subject to the compliance by the consumer of conditions of transportation and storage.
9.2 the Warranty period of storage — 12 months from date of manufacture.
9.3 after the warranty shelf life of the combined material before use must be checked for its compliance with the requirements of this standard and compliance can be used by the user to the destination.
Annex a (mandatory). The method of determining the strength of fixing of the printed pattern and the paint coating on the surface of aluminum foil, polymer film, paper in the composition of the material combined
This method establishes the procedure for the qualitative assessment of the strength of fixing of the printed image or paint layer on the surface of aluminum foil, plastic film and paper included in the composition of the material combined.
A. 1 Materials
Adhesive tape with a force of exfoliation from the surface of the layers constituting the material contain not less than 90 N/m.
A. 2 testing
A sample of the combined material selected for testing, placed on a smooth hard surface. The tape length (200±20) mm is applied to the sample print or paint the surface width of the roll in a direction perpendicular to the direction of machining in the manufacture of print (or paint coating), and at a distance of not more than 50 mm from the edge of the canvas material combined, leaving a free portion of the tape to grip.
Smooth the tape tight press of fingers. Quickly pull (not jerking) over the free end of the tape with constant speed at an angle of approximately 135°, but not to cause rupture of the material combined or broken belt. Visually inspect the tape.
The strength of the anchoring of the printed pattern or refinishing estimate the following degrees:
And — not removed the varnish or paint;
In — on the sticky tape remains only a weak glare haze does not remain naked sites of the sealed material;
— Removes up to 10% of all paint or coatings, producing individual sections of sealed material;
D — deletes more than 10% of all paint or coatings with a full exposure of the sealed materials.
APPENDIX B (mandatory). A method of determining raskatyvaete material combined
This method establishes the procedure and rules of carrying out testing of raskatyvaete material combined.
The unwinding properties determine lipomastia between turns.
B. 1 General test conditions
Tests carried out at ambient temperature. Prior to testing cut from the top of the coils with a test roll at least 3 mm.
The test coil is hung high enough that the material combination can be easily unwound by hand.
B. 2 testing
Line raskatyvaete of the test-coil should lie in the same horizontal plane as the axis of the roll. Stub end material combined must be located in a position corresponding to 12 hours on a clock face. Winding the combined material to a position corresponding to 3 or 9 hours on the dial (depending on which way spend the unwinding of the film roll) and let go of the material combined.
If the material is combined spontaneously unwound to a position corresponding to 6 h, the coil is characterized by the degree of raskatyvaete A.
If the material is combined spontaneously unwound, unwound the free end of the material combined for one full revolution to a position corresponding to 3 or 9 hours on the clock, and let him go. In this case, if the material is combined spontaneously unwound to a position corresponding to 6 h, the coil is characterized by the degree of raskatyvaete V.
In that case, if the material is combined spontaneously unwound, unwound the free end of one round and let him go.
In this case, if the material is combined spontaneously unwound to a position corresponding to 6 h, the coil is characterized by the degree of raskatyvaete S.
Acceptable degrees of raskatyvaete think of degree A, b, C.
ANNEX b (mandatory). Method for determination of resistance to delamination between the foil and the plastic film between the plastic films in the material combined, including those made by way of maskirovanija and extrusion lamination
The method consists in splitting the sample and measuring the force required to separate the layers of material combined from each other.
B. 1 Equipment, materials
Testing machine any Tina for:
— measurement of the load in the range test with the error not exceeding 3% of the measured load;
— the speed of the movable clamp (100±10) mm/min.
Device for cutting out samples with a width of (15,0±0,2) mm.
A pair of tweezers.
The ethyl acetate according to GOST 8981.
Band-aid or adhesive tape.
Roulette with a scale division of 1 mm according to GOST 7502.
Measuring with a scale division of 1 mm according to GOST 427.
B. 2 preparations for the testing
In order to efficiently approximate the technological control of the manufacturing process allowed the sampling of the combined material after its manufacture.
For the sampling sheet material combined with roll off at least three top coils and cut sheet across the entire width of the roll and a length not less than 700 mm.
On the selected sheet of material combined with a device for cutting samples cut three samples in the form of strips with a width of (15,0±0,2) mm and length (150±5) mm in the longitudinal and transverse directions at a distance of not less than 50 mm from edges for each pair of layers of material combined.
On the same sample allowed to measure the delamination force for only one pair of layers.
Samples having damaging the edges in the form of burrs, tears, trials are not allowed.
Sample for test is divided into sections:
1 — phase pre-delamination — (30±5) mm;
2 — outside area — not less than 50 mm;
3 — the working area — (50±5) mm;
4 — proslavery area — 15−20 mm.
Phase 1 pre-split manually. To facilitate the delamination of the end of the sample not more than 10 mm is immersed in a solvent that weakens the bond strength between the layers, while phase 2 should not be wet. If the sample cannot be stratified, the test is not carried out, and as a result of the test record: «the Material does not separate».
To prevent stretching of the elastic layer of the sample before the test, allowed him to reinforce on the outer surface of the elastic layer of the sample to stick a band-aid or any tape.
B. 3 testing
Initially set distance between the clamps of the tensile machine, is equal to (50±5) mm.
Sample fixed in the clamps of the tensile machine as follows: a fixed clamp layer with less elongation, of the movable layer with high elongation.
During the test, the sample is split until the end of the third area define at least five values of load on the readings of the recording instrument, read in the splitting of the working area. When delamination outside of the plot to observe the values of the load, as they can be unstable as the result of exposure of the sample in the solvent. The values of the load when the delamination outside of the site do not take into account.
In the process of testing proslavery recommend the site to support the tweezers so that the angle between the stratified and prosloennaya parts of the sample was 90°.
If the testing process is breakage of one of the layers of the sample, it is necessary to re-test for newly prepared samples. If repeated trials, again there is a cliff, record the load at which breakage of the sample. The sample shall be deemed satisfactory.
The delamination resistance of the combined material , N/m, is calculated by the formula
, (B. 1)
where — the average value of the delamination load, N;
— sample width, m.
The average load value of delamination is determined by the results of six parallel measurements.
Test results of a combined material obtained by testing samples taken immediately after its production, are used to approximate process control. Final testing of such material is conducted upon expiration of the conditioning installed by the manufacturer.
APPENDIX d (mandatory). The method of determining the degree of delamination of the combined material containing paper
Test method based on visual assessment of the destruction of the fibrous structure of paper in the bundle of material combined on the basis of aluminum foil and paper or plastic film and paper, with the exception of a combined material made by means of maskirovanija and extrusion lamination.
G. 1 Materials, tools
Adhesive tape with a force of exfoliation of the surface layers, the components of the combined material, not less than 90 N/m.
Knife for cutting samples.
Measuring ruler according to GOST 427.
G. 2 test
Selected sample of the combined material is placed on a smooth horizontal poverhnosti foil up. Using a knife, make incisions with a length of 5 mm greater than the width of tape used for the test. Carefully glued to the surface of the foil tape with a length of at least 200 mm in the direction perpendicular to the incision, zakieva incision and leaving the free end to capture.
The free end of the tape slowly pulling at an angle of approximately 135° with a constant force. When this occurs, the delamination of the test material.
Such tests are made, sticking sticky tape on the edges and in the center of the sample in the longitudinal and transverse directions.
Visually inspect the tape.
G. 3 test Results
The resistance to delamination between the paper and the foil evaluate the following degrees:
A — excellent: all samples see 95% -100% bundle of the fibrous structure of paper or separation paper and foil does not occur;
In — satisfactory: the samples there is a significant destruction of the fibrous structure of the paper with the simultaneous detachment of the paper from the surface of the aluminum foil;
— Poor: destruction of the fibrous structure of paper is practically not observed, the primary separation of paper occurs from the surface of the aluminum foil.
ANNEX D (recommended). A method of determining the strength of the weld material combined
This method establishes the procedure for the quantitative evaluation of the strength of welded joints obtained by thermal welding between:
a) materials combined with heat sealable layers and/or coatings;
b) the materials specified in the listing), and material containers for the food, pharmaceutical or technical products.
The essence of the method lies in the separation from each other of the layers forming the welded joint and the determination of the load required to separate the test sample.
D. 1 Equipment, materials
Testing machine of any type, providing:
— measurement of the load in the range test with the error not exceeding 3% of the measured load;
— the speed of the movable clamp (100±10) mm/min.
Device for cutting out samples with a width of (15,0±0,2) mm.
Heat seal machine, providing:
— the temperature of the presser foot to 250 °C;
the time of contact of the presser foot with the surface of the material being tested from 0.5 to 6;
— the pressure of the presser foot from 1 to 7 kg/cm.
Roulette with a scale division of 1 mm according to GOST 7502.
Measuring ruler with a scale division of 1 mm according to GOST 427.
Material combined.
Material containers for food, pharmaceutical or technical products.
D. 2 preparations for the testing
For testing with the roll material is combined, remove the top round and cut the sheet across the width of roll length of at least 500 mm.
With the help of special devices for cutting samples cut out five samples of the test material to the combined width of (15,0±0,2) mm and a length of not less than 30 mm in the transverse and longitudinal directions.
Using the same device cut the strip of material containers for packaging.
Cut samples of the materials tested combine welded parties with each other and welded between the heat seal machine under the following conditions:
— the temperature of the weld is determined by the source materials and shall be agreed between manufacturer and user;
— contact time — (1,00±0,05);
— pressure — (4,0±0,2) kg/m.
Allowed the seal to hold under conditions agreed between manufacturer and user.
D. 3 testing
For measurements establish the initial distance between the clamps of the tensile machine (30±2) mm.
The free ends welded together samples of the materials tested is clamped in the clamps of the tensile machine. The weld seam should be in the middle between the clamps and at a 90° angle to the surface of the free end of the samples.
The sample is split at the speed of the movable clamp (100±10) mm/min.
According to recording device of one sample determine the force value as the arithmetic mean of at least three measurements at a distance of 5, 10, 15 mm from the beginning rasseyannogo weld.
Weld strength , N/m (g/cm), calculated by the formula
(Doctor 1)
where — the average force value, N;
15 — sample width, mm.
The result of the test take the simple average of six parallel measurements specimens cut in longitudinal and transverse directions.
ANNEX E (mandatory). Method of determination of continuity of lacquer coating
Test method based on the displacement reaction of copper from aqueous solution of its salts by aluminium and qualitative evaluation of continuity of lacquer coating on the foil according to the degree of coverage of the sample recovered copper.
The method is extended to the aluminum foil with termosvarivaniem plated, protective lacquer finish, and combined materials based on paper and foil with lacquer coating.
E. 1 Materials, tools
Laboratory scales according to GOST 24104.
Mechanical stopwatch second accuracy class.
Measuring the price of division of 1 mm according to GOST 427.
Copper sulfate according to GOST pativedha 4165.
Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118.
Distilled water according to GOST 6709.
Volumetric flasks with a capacity of 1000 cmaccording to GOST 1770.
Chemical glass with a capacity of 1000 cmaccording to GOST 25336.
Funnel conical with GOST 25336.
Beaker capacity of 500 cmaccording to GOST 1770.
Measuring pipette with graduations with a capacity of 25 cmaccording to GOST 29227.
Laboratory filter paper according to GOST 12026.
Knife stationery.
E. 2 Preparation for the test
With a roll of test material, remove the top round and cut the sheet across the width of roll length of at least 500 mm. On a sheet for testing there must be no creases, surface dirt, tears.
132,5 g periodnow sulphate of copper is placed in a beaker, dissolve in 500 cmof distilled water, and then slowly added 18.8 cm
of concentrated hydrochloric acid, stirred, the resulting solution was transferred into a measuring flask with volume capacity of 1000 cm
and the volume was adjusted solution to the mark with distilled water.
Filter paper cut into strips of a width not less than 100 mm of arbitrary length.
E. 3 testing
The sheet of test material is placed on a smooth horizontal surface of a laboratory table lacquered up.
Width of the sheet superimposed strips of filter paper. Impregnate strips of filter paper with a solution of copper sulphate, trying to avoid getting the solution on the uncoated side of the foil or paper.
After 3 minutes examine the surface of the filter paper for stains recovered copper.
E. 4 test Results
The continuity of the paint layer on the surface of the foil evaluate the following degrees:
A — excellent: the surface of the filter paper was not observed spots of copper recovered;
In — satisfactory: on the surface of the filter paper are observed without isolated clusters of spots restored of copper;
— Unsatisfactory: on the surface of the filter paper observed multiple spots of the recovered copper.
APPENDIX g (mandatory). Terms of storage of material combined
With the aim of preserving the consumer properties of the combined material shall comply with the following rules.
J. 1 it is Prohibited to discharge the rolls of material combined to the ground. In wet weather and winter time unloading should be carried out in a special vestibule or under a canopy on a clean and dry loading dock, in the conditions, completely eliminates the ingress of moisture to the rolls of material combined.
J. 2 it is Strictly forbidden to dump and turn over the rolls, pallets and boxes with material combo.
J. 3 In the cold season, to avoid condensation of moisture on the surface of coils (sweating), it is prohibited to make and unpack the boxes with the material combined in a warm room. Warehouse space for storage of the combined material should be equipped with a special support facilities air temperature above the outdoor temperature, but below the temperature of the warehouse.
J. 4 to prevent formation of inter-turn inside condensation are not allowed to carry the coils in space temperature above 15 °C ambient temperature.
J. 5 In exceptional cases, when the forced delay boxes or pallets with material combined in an open area, be sure to cover them with tarp to protect from rain. Long-term storage in open areas is strictly prohibited.
J. 6 storage room for long-term storage of the combined material must be heated, ventilated and kept clean. In the warehouse should be maintained minimum possible relative humidity but above 80% and temperature not below + 5 °C.
J. 7 In the warehouse should be no access of moisture, condensates, steam and various gases (chlorine, smoke, ammonia, etc.) that contribute to the reduction of consumer properties of the material combined.
J. 8 Strictly prohibits the storage, along with the material combination of various chemicals, actively influencing the components of the material combined, as well as materials with high humidity.
J. 9 Storing materials combined on the floor of the warehouse is strictly prohibited. Material must be stored uncompressed on clean racks, upholstered in a soft material.
J. 10 racks Laying on the wet coils is strictly prohibited. In case of condensation or coils should be wiped dry with a clean soft material, and only then put on the shelves.
J. 11 Stored in the warehouse, the material combination shall be subjected to periodic inspection.
APP AND (the recommended). The scope of the material combined
Table I. 1
Material combined |
Scope |
F/B, F/PH/B, F/B/PE |
The packaging of tobacco products, chewing gum, cream cheese products, ice cream, meat and fish mince, pastry, coffee, tea, margarine-fat products, butter |
Packaging of baby food, powdered milk, tea, coffee, meat and fish products, cheese, potato products, flour, confectionery and pasta, nuts, mayonnaise, sauces, ketchup, spices, seasonings, mustards, jams, food freeze-drying, food rations, food concentrates, dry and liquid drinks, spices, vegetable snacks, cosmetics and personal care products, health care products |
Packaging of food concentrates, including: soups, tea, coffee, condiments, spices, dry beverages, dry milk, flour, macaroni and confectionery products, potato products, cosmetics, personal care products, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices |
F/PH/F, F/PP/F |
Packaging and decoration of consumer goods, including: alcohol, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, food products, perfumery and cosmetics |
Shielding products cable industry |