GOST 21488-97
GOST 21488−97 pressed Bars of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Technical specifications (as Amended by Change No. 1)
GOST 21488−97
Group W55
Pressed bars of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specifications
ISS 77.150.10*
GST 18 1160
* Changed the wording, Rev. N 1.
Date of introduction 1999−01−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate technical Committee MTC 297 «Materials and semi-finished products from light and special alloys», JSC «Russian Institute of light alloys (VILS JSC)
INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 12−97, dated 21 November 1997)
The adoption voted:
The name of the state | The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia |
Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Gosstandart Of Belarus |
Georgia |
Gosstandart |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyz Republic |
Kyrgyzstandart |
The Republic Of Moldova |
Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Tajikistan |
Tajikistandart |
Turkmenistan | The main state inspection of Turkmenistan |
Ukraine | Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization, Metrology and certification dated 14 April 1998 No. 120 interstate standard GOST 21488−97 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from January 1, 1999
4 REPLACE GOST 21488−76
5 REISSUE. August 2001
MADE: amendment published in IUS N 3, 2002; amendment published in IUS N 8, 2002; amendment published in IUS N 2, 2003; amendment published in IUS N 12, 2003; the amendment is published in IMS No. 6, 2004.
The amendments made by the manufacturer of the database
The Change N 1, approved and put into effect by Order of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology
Change No. 1 made by the manufacturer of the database in the text IUS N 4, 2017
This standard applies to extruded bars with round, square and hexagonal sections from aluminium and aluminium alloys used in various industries.
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 9.510−93 ESSEX. Semi-finished products of aluminium and aluminium alloys. General requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 166−89 (ISO 3599−76) Calipers. Specifications
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 1131−76 aluminum deformable Alloys in ingots. Specifications
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 3221−85 Aluminium primary. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 4381−87 Micrometers lever. General specifications
GOST 4784−97 Aluminum and aluminum deformable alloys. Brand
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
GOST 5009−82 emery Cloth abrasive cloth and paper. Specifications
GOST 6456−82 emery Cloth sanding paper. Specifications
GOST 6507−90 Micrometers. Specifications
GOST 7502−98 metallic measuring tape. Specifications
GOST 7727−81 aluminum-based Alloys. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 11069−2001 primary Aluminium. Brand
GOST 11739.1−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of aluminium oxide
GOST 11739.2−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods of boron determination
GOST 11739.3−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of beryllium
GOST 11739.4−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of bismuth
GOST 11739.5−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 11739.6−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods of iron determination
GOST 11739.7−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 11739.8−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method of determining potassium
GOST 11739.9−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of cadmium
GOST 11739.10−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method for the determination of lithium
GOST 11739.11−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of magnesium
GOST 11739.12−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 11739.13−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 11739.14−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 11739.15−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Method for the determination of sodium
GOST 11739.16−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 11739.17−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of tin
GOST 11739.18−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method for determination of lead
GOST 11739.19−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of antimony
GOST 11739.20−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Method of determining titanium
GOST 11739.21−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of chromium
GOST 11739.22−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for the determination of rare earth elements and yttrium
GOST 11739.23−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of zirconium
GOST 11739.24−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of zinc
GOST 11739.25−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of scandium
GOST 11739.26−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for the determination of gallium
GOST 12697.1−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of vanadium
GOST 12697.2−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of magnesium
GOST 12697.3−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 12697.4−77 Aluminum. Method for the determination of sodium
GOST 12697.5−77 Aluminum. Method for the determination of chromium
GOST 12697.6−77 Aluminum. Method for determination of silicon
GOST 12697.7−77 Aluminum. Methods of iron determination
GOST 12697.8−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 12697.9−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of zinc
GOST 12697.10−77 Aluminum. Method of determining titanium
GOST 12697.11−77 Aluminum. Method for determination of lead
GOST 12697.12−77 Aluminum. Methods for determination of arsenic
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 18321−73 Statistical quality control. Methods of random selection of piece products
GOST 19300−86 Means of measurement of surface roughness by profile method. The profiling-contact profilometers. Types and basic parameters
GOST 24047−80 Semi-finished products from nonferrous metals and their alloys. Sampling for tensile test
GOST 24231−80 non-ferrous metals and alloys. General requirements to selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis
GOST 25086−2011 non-ferrous metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 26877−2008 metal Products. Methods of measuring form deviations of
GOST 27333−87 Control nerazrushaushsii. Measurement of the specific electrical conductivity of non-ferrous metals eddy-current method
GOST 27637−88 Semi-finished products of wrought aluminum alloys termouprochnennyh. Control of the microstructure on burnout by metallographic methods
OST 1 92070.1−78* Alloys aluminum termouprochnenija. Control of semi-finished products for the absence of burnout eddy current
OST 1 92070.2−78* Alloys aluminum termouprochnenija. Control of mechanical properties of semi-finished eddy current
* Documents are not given, here and hereafter. For additional information, please refer to the link. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
3.1 the Rods are divided as follows:
in the form section:
for precision manufacturing:
normal exactly
high accuracy,
high precision;
by state of material:
without heat treatment (hot-pressed),
soft (annealed),
hardened and naturally aged
hardened and artificially aged;
mind strength:
normal strength,
high tensile strength.
4.1 Bars manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.
4.2 the Diameters of round bars, limit deviation on them, and theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod should correspond to the values given in table 1.
Table 1
Nomi- tional diameter, mm |
Maximum deviation of diameter, mm | The cross-sectional area, mm |
Theoretical weight of 1 m of wire, kg | ||||||
normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | normal accuracy | increased accuracy |
high precision | |
8 |
-0,58 | ±0,22 | -0,36 | 46,7 | 50,24 | 48,0 | 0,126 | 0,136 | 0,130 |
10 |
-0,58 | ±0,22 | -0,36 | 74,1 | 78,54 | 75,7 | 0,200 | Of 0.212 | 0,205 |
12 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 106,6 | 113,1 | 109,1 | In 0.288 | 0.305 per | 0,295 |
14 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | The Republic of Uzbekistan 146.3 | 153,9 | 149,2 | 0,395 | 0,416 | 0,403 |
16 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 192,4 | 201,1 | 195,7 | 0,519 | 0,543 | 0,528 which |
18 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 244,7 | 254,5 | 248,4 | 0,661 | 0,687 | 0,671 |
20 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 301,0 | 314,2 | 306,0 | 0,813 | 0,848 | 0,826 |
25 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 474,5 | 490,9 | 480,7 | 1,28 | 1,33 | 1,30 |
30 |
-0,84 | ±0,30 | -0,52 | 687,2 | 706,9 | 694,7 | 1,86 | Of 1.91 | Of 1.88 |
35 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 934,8 | 962,1 | 945,1 | 2,52 | 2,60 | 2,55 |
40 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 1225 | 1257 | 1237 | 3,31 | 3,39 | 3,34 |
45 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 1555 | 1590 | 1569 | 4,20 | 4,29 | 4,24 |
50 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 1924 | 1964 | 1939 | 5,20 | 5,30 | 5,24 |
55 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 2324 | 2376 | 2344 | 6,27 | Of 6.41 | 6,33 |
60 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 2771 | 2827 | 2793 | Of 7.48 | 7,63 | 7,54 |
65 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 3257 | 3318 | 3281 | 8,79 | Of 8.96 | 8,86 |
70 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 3783 | 3848 | 3808 | 10,2 | 10,4 | 10,3 |
75 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 4347 | 4418 | 4374 | 11,7 | 11,9 | 11,8 |
80 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 4949 | 5027 | 4980 | 13,3 | 13,6 | 13,4 |
90 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | -1,00 | Six thousand two hundred sixty three | 6362 | 6291 | 16,9 | 17,2 | 17,0 |
100 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | -1,00 | 7744 | 7854 | 7776 | 20,9 | 21,2 | 21,0 |
110 |
-1,40 | ±0,70 | -1,00 | 9383 | 9503 | 9417 | 25,3 | 25,7 | 25,4 |
120 |
-1,40 | ±0,70 | -1,00 | 11178 | 11310 | 11216 | 30,2 | 30,5 | 30,3 |
130 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 13110 | 13273 | - | 35,4 | 35,8 | - |
140 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 15218 | 15394 | - | 41,1 | 41,6 | - |
150 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 17484 | 17672 | - | 47,2 | 47,7 | - |
160 |
-1,60 | ±1,00 | - | 19906 | 20106 | - | 53,7 | 54,3 | - |
180 |
-1,60 | ±1,00 | - | 25221 | 25447 | - | 68,1 | 68,7 | - |
200 |
-2,00 | ±1,10 | - | 31103 | 31416 | - | 84,0 | 84,8 | - |
250 |
-2,00 | ±1,30 | - | 48696 | 49088 | - | 131,5 | 132,5 | - |
300 |
-2,50 | ±1,60 | - | 70098 | 70686 | - | 189,3 | 190,9 | - |
350 |
-4,00 | ±2,00 | - | 95115 | 96212 | - | 256,8 | 259,8 | - |
400 |
Of -6.00 | - | - | 123786 | - | - | 334,2 | - | - |
4.3 Ovality of round bars should not display their dimensions for limit deviation for diameter.
4.4 the Diameter of the inscribed circle of square bars, tolerances for them, and theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod should correspond to the values given in table 2.
Table 2
Nomi- national the diameter of the inscribed circle is ness, mm |
Tolerance for inscribed circle diameter, mm | The cross-sectional area, mm |
Theoretical weight of 1 m of wire, kg | ||||||
normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | |
8 |
-0,58 | ±0,22 | -0,36 | 58,6 | 64 | 60,3 | 0,158 | 0,173 | 0,163 |
10 |
-0,58 | ±0,22 | -0,36 | 93,4 | 100 | 95,6 | 0,252 | 0,270 | 0,258 |
12 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 134,8 | 144 | 138,0 | 0,364 | 0,389 | 0,373 |
14 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 185,5 | 196 | 189,1 | 0,501 | 0,529 | 0,511 |
16 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 244,0 | Two hundred fifty six | Of 248.3 | 0,659 | 0,690 | 0,670 |
18 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 310,6 | 324 | 315,4 | 0,839 | 0,875 | 0,852 |
20 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 382,5 | 400 | 388,8 | 1,033 | 1,080 | 1,050 |
25 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 603,3 | 625 | 611,2 | 1,630 | 1,685 | 1,650 |
30 |
-0,84 | ±0,30 | -0,52 | 874,1 | 900 | 883,6 | 2,360 | 2,430 | 2,386 |
35 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 1188 | 1225 | 1201 | 3,21 | 3,31 | 3,24 |
40 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 1558 | 1600 | 1573 | 4,21 | 4,32 | 4,25 |
45 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 1978 | 2025 | 2005 | 5,34 | 5,47 | The 5.39 |
50 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 2453 | 2500 | 2467 | 6,62 | 6,75 | Of 6.66 |
55 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 2956 | 3025 | 2981 | 7,98 | 8,17 | 8,05 |
60 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 3535 | 3600 | 3552 | 9,52 | Of 9.72 | 9,59 |
65 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | Four thousand one hundred forty six | 4226 | 4174 | 11.1 V | 11,4 | 11,3 |
70 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 4813 | 4900 | 4845 | 13,0 | 13,2 | 13,1 |
75 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 5532 | 5625 | 5566 | 14,9 | 15,2 | 15,0 |
80 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 6301 | 6400 | 6338 | 17,0 | 17,3 | 17,1 |
90 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | -1,00 | 7971 | 8100 | 8007 | 21,5 | 21,9 | 21,6 |
100 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | -1,00 | 9857 | 10000 | 9897 | 26,6 | 27,0 | 26,7 |
120 |
-1,40 | ±0,70 | -1,00 | 14229 | 14400 | 14277 | 38,4 | 38,9 | 38,5 |
130 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 16685 | 16900 | - | 45,0 | 45,6 | - |
140 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 19369 | 19600 | - | 52,3 | 52,9 | - |
150 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 22253 | 22500 | - | 60,1 | 60,8 | - |
160 |
-1,60 | ±1,0 | - | 25337 | 25600 | - | 68,4 | 69,1 | - |
180 |
-1,60 | ±1,0 | - | 32105 | 32400 | - | 86,7 | 87,5 | - |
200 |
-2,00 | ±1,10 | - | 39593 | 40000 | - | 106,9 | 108,0 | - |
4.5 Longitudinal edges of square rods can be rounded.
The largest fillet radii of the edges should correspond to the values given in table 3.
Table 3
In millimeters | ||
The nominal diameter of the inscribed circle | The radius of the rounded edges of the bars, not more | |
normal and high precision manufacturing |
manufacturing high precision | |
To 10 |
1,0 |
1,0 |
SV. 10 «30 |
2,0 |
1,0 |
«30» 50 |
2,5 | 1,5 |
SV. 50 to 100 |
3,0 |
2,0 |
«100» 120 |
3,5 |
2,5 |
«120» 200 | 3,5 | 3,0 |
4.6 the Diameters of the incircle hexagonal bars, tolerances for them, and theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod should correspond to the values given in table 4.
Table 4
Nominal the diameter of the inscribed — tion of the circle, mm |
Tolerance for inscribed circle diameter, mm |
Area |
Theoretical weight of 1 m of wire, kg | ||||||
normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | normal accuracy | increased accuracy | high precision | normal accuracy | increased accuracy |
high precision | |
8 |
-0,58 | ±0,22 | -0,36 | 51,16 | 64,00 | 52.63 per | 0,139 | 0,173 | 0,142 |
10 |
-0,58 | ±0,22 | -0,36 | 81,33 | 86,60 | 83,19 | 0,220 | 0,234 | 0,225 |
11 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 97,9 | 104,8 | 100,4 | 0,264 | 0,283 | 0,271 |
12 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 117,2 | To 124.7 | 120,0 | 0,317 | 0,337 | 0,329 |
13 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 138,2 | 146,4 | 141,2 | 0,373 | 0,395 | 0,381 |
14 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 161,0 | 169,9 | 164,2 | 0,435 | 0,458 | 0,443 |
15 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 185,5 | 194,8 | 189,0 | 0,501 | 0,526 | 0,510 |
16 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | Of 211.8 | 221,4 | Was 215.4 | 0,572 | 0,598 | 0,582 |
17 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 240,0 | 250,3 | Of 243.6 | 0,647 | 0,676 | 0,658 |
18 |
-0,70 | ±0,22 | -0,43 | 269,4 | 281,6 | 273,6 | 0,728 | 0,757 | 0,739 |
19 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 299,0 | 312,6 | 303,8 | AZN 0.806 | 0,844 | 0,820 |
21 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 366,5 | 381,6 | 372,2 | 0,984 | 1,03 | 1,005 |
22 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 403,3 | 419,2 | 409,9 | Of 1.09 | 1,13 | 1,10 |
24 |
-0,84 | ±0,25 | -0,52 | 481,2 | 498,3 | 488,0 | 1,30 | 1,35 | 1,32 |
27 |
-0,84 | ±0,30 | -0,52 | 611,5 | 631,3 | 619,0 | 1,65 | 1,70 | 1,67 |
30 |
-0,84 | ±0,30 | -0,52 | 757,4 | 779,0 | Of 765.6 | Of 2.05 | 2,10 | 2,07 |
32 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 858,5 | 886,8 | 869,0 | 2,32 | 2,39 | 2,35 |
34 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 971,1 | 1000 | 982,2 | 2,62 | 2,70 | 2,65 |
36 |
-1,00 | ±0,30 | -0,62 | 1091 | 1122 | 1102 | 2,94 | Of 3.03 | Of 3.00 |
41 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 1420 | 1456 | 1434 | 3,83 | 3,93 | 3,87 |
46 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 1792 | 1833 | 1808 | 4,84 | 4,95 | 4,88 |
50 |
-1,00 | ±0,35 | -0,62 | 2121 | 2165 | 2138 | 5,73 | 5,85 | 5,77 |
55 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 2562 | 2620 | 2583 | Of 6.92 | Of 7.07 | Of 6.97 |
60 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 3054 | 3118 | 3078 | 8,25 | Of 8.42 | 8,31 |
65 |
-1,20 | ±0,40 | -0,74 | 3590 | 3659 | 3616 | 9,70 | For 9.88 | 9,76 |
70 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -0,74 | 4170 | 4243 | 4199 | 11,3 | 11,5 | 11,3 |
75 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -1,00 | 4792 | 4871 | 4805 | 12,9 | 13,2 | 13,0 |
80 |
-1,20 | ±0,50 | -1,00 | 5458 | 5542 | 5472 | 14,7 | 15,0 | 14,8 |
85 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | -1,00 | 6158 | 6257 | 6182 | 16,6 | 16,9 | 16,7 |
90 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | -1,00 | 6920 | 7015 | 6936 | 18,6 | 18,9 | 18,7 |
100 |
-1,40 | ±0,60 | - | 8538 | 8660 | - | 23,1 | 23,4 | - |
110 |
-1,40 | ±0,70 | - | 10344 | 10479 | - | 27,9 | 28,3 | - |
120 |
-1,40 | ±0,70 | - | 12324 | 12470 | - | 33,3 | 36,7 | - |
140 |
-1,60 | ±0,85 | - | 16777 | 19600 | - | 45,3 | 52,9 | - |
160 |
-1,60 | ±1,00 | - | 21946 | 25600 | - | 59,3 | 69,1 | - |
180 |
-1,60 | ±1,00 | - | 27807 | 32400 | - | 75,1 | 87,5 | - |
200 |
-2,00 | ±1,10 | - | 34292 | 40000 | - | 92,6 | 108 | - |
4.7 Longitudinal edges of the hex rods can be rounded.
The largest fillet radii of the edges should correspond to the values given in table 5.
Table 5
In millimeters | |
The nominal diameter of the inscribed circle | The radius of the rounded edges of bars (normal, increased and high precision manufacturing), not more |
To 10 |
0,5 |
SV. 10 «30 |
1,0 |
«30» 50 |
1,2 |
SV. 50 to 100 |
1,5 |
«100» 120 |
2,0 |
«120» 200 |
3,0 |
4.8 Limit deviations of the diameter of the rods, including the diameter of the inscribed circle of square and hexagonal rods of aluminum alloys of Amg3, AMg5 and AMg6 should not exceed 1.5 times the standards set out in tables 1, 2 and 4.
4.9 the Largest radii of square and hexagonal rods of aluminum alloys of Amg3, AMg5 and AMg6 should not exceed 2 times of standards are shown in tables 3 and 5.
4.10 the Opposite plane square and hexagonal rods should be parallel.
4.11 the twist Angle around the longitudinal axis 1 m of length of any plot of square and hexagonal rod with a nominal inscribed circle diameter more than 25 mm normal and high precision manufacturing in all States of the material, with the exception of soft (annealed), shall not exceed 5°.
1 Torsion of bars with a nominal inscribed circle diameter up to 25 mm inclusive and soft (annealed) rods is not standardized.
2 the Total allowable twist should not exceed the twists per 1 m length of the rod in meters.
4.12 Twisting square and hex bars in high precision manufacturing in all States of the material, with the exception of soft (annealed), shall not exceed the values given in table 6.
Table 6
In millimeters | |||
The nominal inscribed circle diameter, mm | Maximum deviation of torsional | ||
1 m the length of the rod |
for the total length of the bar | ||
up to 5000 | St. 5000 | ||
Up to 30 | 1,5 | 2,5 | By appointment |
SV. 30 «80 | 2,0 | 4,0 | |
«80» 120 | 2,5 | 5,0 | |
«120» 200 | 2,5 | 6,0 |
4.13 Theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod normal and high precision manufacturing is calculated based on ½ of the magnitude of limit deviations on size and rod manufacturing high precision computed on nominal sizes when density of aluminum is equal to 2.70 g/cm.
To calculate the theoretical weight of bars of other brands should use the conversion factors given in Appendix A.
4.14 the Kind of strength and precision manufacturing of bars in business-to-consumer specifies in the order.
In the absence of the ordering instructions on the form strength and precision manufacturing of bars last produce normal strength and precision.
Symbol of bars when ordering is put on the scheme
Rod … | XX | XX | XX | … | X | … | XX | GOST 21488 | ||||||
Grade | ||||||||||||||
The condition of the material | ||||||||||||||
The kind of strength | ||||||||||||||
Sectional shape | ||||||||||||||
Section dimensions | ||||||||||||||
Precision manufacturing | ||||||||||||||
Length | ||||||||||||||
Feature length | ||||||||||||||
The designation of the standard |
when the following abbreviations:
The condition of the material:
without heat treatment — without designation;
soft (annealed) — M;
tempered and naturally aged — T;
tempered and artificially aged — TI.
View strengths:
normal strength — no symbol;
high tensile strength PP.
Sectional shape:
round — CU;
square — KV;
hex — SHG.
Precision manufacturing:
normal — without designation;
increased — P;
high — V.
random — no symbol;
measuring point specified size.
Feature length:
dimensional, multiple lengths — KD (showing multiplicity);
off-gage length of not shorter than a predetermined — NK (indicating the given size);
off-gage length of not more than the specified — NB (indicating the given size);
not dimensional in the bays — BT (without the length).
Examples of symbols:
Rod of alloy D16 in tempered naturally aged condition, normal strength, circular section, diameter 50 mm, normal precision manufacturing length 3000 mm:
Rod D16. T КР50х3000 GOST 21488−97
The same high-strength, square-section, high-precision manufacturing, random length:
Rod D16.T.PP КВ50П GOST 21488−97
The same hexagonal cross-section, high manufacturing precision, with length a multiple of 2000 mm:
Rod D16.T.PP ШГ50Пх2000КД GOST 21488−97
Rod of D16 alloy without heat treatment, normal strength, circular section, diameter 50 mm, normal precision manufacturing, with a length no shorter than 1500 mm:
Rod D16 КР50Пх1500НК GOST 21488−97
The same, high manufacturing precision, length not exceeding 2500 mm:
Rod D16 КР50Пх2500НБ GOST 21488−97
Rod of aluminum brand AD0, without heat treatment, of circular cross section with a diameter of 12 mm, normal precision manufacturing in the Bay:
Rod AD0 12БТ GOST 21488−97
5.1 Characteristics of the underlying execution
5.1.1 Bars are made from aluminum brands AD0, AD1, HELL, and aluminum alloys AMC, AMCs, Amg2, Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, AD31, AD33, AD35, AB, D1, D16, AK4, AK4−1, AK6, AK8, B95, 1915, 1925 with the chemical composition according to GOST 4784, aluminum alloys VD1, B95−2, AKM with the chemical composition according to GOST 1131.
By agreement between manufacturer and consumer is permitted to manufacture bars and rods of other brands of aluminum and high technical purity according to GOST 11069.
5.1.2 Bars are made of normal accuracy.
The diameters of round, square and hexagonal bars in a normal fabrication precision, limit deviations and theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod should correspond to the values given in tables 1, 2 and 4.
The fillet radii of the edges square and hex rods must match to the values given in tables 3 and 5.
5.1.3 Bars are made of random length:
from 1.0 m to 6.0 m for diameters up to 80 mm;
from 1.0 m to 5.0 m for diameters over 80 mm to 110 mm;
from 0.5 to 4.0 m for diameters above 110 mm.
In the party of bars with variable length are allowed the cropped bars: not more than 10% of the mass of the party, length of at least 0.5 m, for bars with diameter up to 110 mm. round Bars with a diameter up to 15 mm, inclusive, in the condition without heat treatment or in soft (annealed) is manufactured in coils of random length.
5.1.4 Bars must be straightened.
The curvature of bars in normal and high precision manufacturing of 1 m of length in all States of the material, with the exception of soft (annealed), must not exceed:
for bars with diameter up to 100 mm — 3 mm;
for bars with diameter over 100 mm up to 120 mm — 6 mm;
for bars with diameter over 120 mm up to 150 mm — 9 mm;
for bars with diameter over 150 mm to 200 mm — 12 mm;
for bars with diameter over 200 mm to 300 mm — 15 mm;
for bars with diameter over 300 mm to 400 mm — 20 mm.
1 For bars with a nominal diameter not exceeding 15 mm are allowed curvature that is fixed to a standard value of 3 mm, by applying a force not exceeding 50 N (5 kgf) to the rod mounted on the flat plate.
2 the curvature of the soft (annealed), bars and rods without heat treatment of aluminum all grades, aluminum alloys AMC, AD31 and AMCs, as well as bars in the bays is not standardized.
3 Total allowable curvature should not exceed the local curvature of 1 m to the length of the rod in meters.
5.1.5 Bars are made of normal strength.
5.1.6 According to the condition of the material the bars are made:
without heat treatment of aluminium brands AD0, AD1, HELL, and aluminum alloys AMC, AMCs, Amg2, Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, AD31, AD33, AD35, AB, D1, D16, AK4, AK4−1, AK6, AK8, B95, 1915, 1925, VD1, B95−2, AKM;
soft (annealed) aluminum alloys of Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, 1915, 1925, AKM;
hardened and naturally aged aluminium alloys brands AD31, AD33, AD35, AB, D1, D16, 1915, 1925, VD1, AKM, V95−2;
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
hardened and artificially aged aluminium alloys brands AD31, AD33, AD35, AB, AK4, AK4−1, AK6, AK8, V95.
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
5.1.7 Mechanical properties of bars in a normal tensile strength shall conform to values given in table 7.
Table 7
Grade | The condition of the material bars in the manufacture of | The condition of the material specimens under test | Diameter of bars, mm | Temporary resistance |
Yield strength |
Regarding elongation |
not less than | ||||||
AD0, AD1, HELL |
Without heat treatment | Without heat treatment | From 8 to 300 incl. | 60 (6) | - | 25 |
AMC AMCs | Without heat treatment |
Without heat treatment | 8 350 incl. | 100 (10) | - | 20 |
Amg2 | Without heat treatment |
Without heat treatment | From 8 to 300 incl. | 175 (18) | - | 13 |
Amg3 | Without heat treatment |
Without heat treatment | From 8 to 300 incl. | 175 (18) | 80 (8) | 13 |
Annealed | Annealed | From 8 to 300 incl. |
175 (18) | 80 (8) | 13 | |
AMg5 | Without heat treatment | Without heat treatment |
From 8 to 300 incl. | 265 (27) | 120 (12) | 15 |
SV. 300 to 400 incl. | 245 (25) | 110 (11) | 10 | |||
Annealed | Annealed | From 8 to 300 incl. |
265 (27) | 120 (12) | 15 | |
AMg6 |
Without heat treatment |
Without heat treatment | From 8 to 300 incl. | 315 (32) | 155 (16) | 15 |
SV. 300 to 400 incl. | 285 (29) | 120 (12) | 11 | |||
Annealed | Annealed | From 8 to 300 incl. | 315 (32) | 155 (16) | 15 | |
AD31 |
Without heat treatment | Without heat treatment |
From 8 to 300 incl. | 90 (9) | 60 (6) | 15 |
Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 300 incl. | 135 (14) | 70 (7) | 13 | ||
Tempered and naturally aged | Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. | 135 (14) | 70 (7) | 13 | |
Tempered and artificially aged | Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. | 195 (20) | 145 (15) | 8 | |
AD33 |
Without heat treatment | Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 300 incl. | 175 (18) | 110 (11) | 15 |
Tempered and naturally aged | Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. | 175 (18) | 110 (11) | 15 | |
Tempered and artificially aged | Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. | 265 (27) | 225 (23) | 10 | |
AD35 |
Without heat treatment |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 195 (20) | 110 (11) | 12 |
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 195 (20) | 110 (11) | 12 | |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 315 (32) | 245 (25) | 8 | |
AV |
Without heat treatment |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 175 (18) | 100 (10) | 14 |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 300 incl. | 295 (30) | - | 12 | ||
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 175 (18) | 100 (10) | 14 | |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 295 (30) | 225 (23) | 12 | |
D1 | Without heat treatment |
Without heat treatment |
From 8 to 300 incl. |
195 (20) |
110 (11) |
12 |
Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 130 incl. |
375 (38) |
215 (22) |
12 | ||
SV. 130 to 300 incl. |
355 (36) |
195 (20) |
10 | |||
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
375 (38) |
215 (22) |
12 | |
D16 | Without heat treatment |
Without heat treatment |
From 8 to 300 incl. |
245 (25) |
120 (12) |
12 |
Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 22 incl. |
390 (40) |
275 (28) |
10 | ||
SV. 22 to 130 incl. |
420 (43) |
295 (30) |
10 | |||
SV. 130 to 300 incl. |
410 (42) |
275 (28) |
8 | |||
SV. 300 to 400 incl. |
390 (40) |
245 (25) |
6 | |||
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 22 incl. |
390 (40) |
275 (28) |
10 | |
SV. 22 to 100 incl. |
420 (43) |
296 (30) |
10 | |||
AK4 |
Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 300 incl. |
355 (36) |
- |
8 |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
355 (36) |
- |
8 | |
AK4−1 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
390 (40) |
315 (32) |
6 |
SV. 100 to 300 incl. |
365 (37) |
275 (28) |
6 | |||
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
390 (40) |
315 (32) |
6 | |
AK6 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 355 (36) | - | 12 |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 355 (36) | - | 12 | |
AK8 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 150 incl. | 450 (46) | - | 10 |
SV. 150 to 300 incl. | 430 (44) | - | 8 | |||
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 450 (46) | - | 10 | |
V95 | Without heat treatment | Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 22 incl. | 490 (50) | 390 (40) | 6 |
SV. 22 to 130 incl. |
530 (54) | 420 (43) | 6 | |||
SV. 130 to 300 incl. |
510 (52) | 420 (43) | 6 | |||
SV. 300 to 400 incl. |
490 (50) | 390 (40) | 4 | |||
Tempered and artificially aged | Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 22 incl. | 490 (50) | 390 (40) | 6 | |
SV. 22 to 100 incl. | 530 (54) | 420 (43) | 6 | |||
1915 | Without heat treatment | Hot-pressed with natural aging for 30−35 days |
From 8 to 15 incl. | 345 (35) | 195 (20) | 10 |
Hot-pressed with natural aging for 2 to 4 days |
From 8 to 15 incl. | 275 (28) | 165 (17) | 10 | ||
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 130 incl. |
375 (38) | 245 (25) | 8 | ||
SV. 130 to 200 incl. |
355 (36) | 245 (25) | 8 | |||
Annealed | Annealed | From 8 to 300 incl. |
275 (28) | - | 12 | |
Tempered and of course aged |
Tempered and of course aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
345 (35) | 215 (22) | 10 | |
Tempered and of course aged |
Tempered and of course aged in for 2−4 days |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
275 (28) | 175 (18) | 10 | |
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
380 (39) | 245 (25) | 8 | ||
1925 | Without heat treatment | Hot-pressed with natural aging for 30−35 days |
From 8 to 15 incl. | 345 (35) | 195 (20) | 10 |
Hot-pressed with natural aging for 2 to 4 days |
From 8 to 15 incl. | 275 (28) | 167 (17) | 10 | ||
Tempered and artificially aged |
From 8 to 130 incl. |
375 (38) | 245 (25) | 8 | ||
SV. 130 to 200 incl. |
355 (36) | 245 (25) | 8 | |||
Annealed | Annealed | From 8 to 300 incl. |
295 (30) | - |
12 | |
Tempered and of course aged |
Tempered and of course aged in for 30−35 days |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
355 (36) | 245 (25) | 10 | |
Tempered and of course aged in for 2−4 days |
From 8 to 100 incl. |
285 (29) | 175 (18) | 10 | ||
VD1 | Without heat treatment | Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 335 (34) | - | 8 |
SV. 100 to 160 incl. |
335 (34) | - | 6 | |||
Tempered and naturally aged | Tempered and naturally aged |
From 8 to 100 incl. | 335 (34) | - | 8 | |
V95−2 | Without heat treatment | Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 355 (36) | - | 8 |
SV. 100 to 160 incl. |
355 (34) | - | 8 | |||
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 355 (36) | - | 10 | |
Without heat treatment |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 315 (32) | - | 12 |
Annealed | Annealed | From 8 to 300 incl. |
No more 245 (25) |
- | 12 | |
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 315 (32) | - | 14 | |
Notes 1. Mechanical properties of bars with diameter over 300 mm of aluminium brands AD0, AD1, HELL, and aluminum alloys Amg2, Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, AD31, AD33, AD35, AB, D1, AK4, AK4−1, AK6, AK8, 1915, 1925 as well as mechanical properties of bars with a diameter more than 160 mm of aluminum alloys VD1 and V95−2 is not regulated. 2 Bars in hardened and naturally or artificially aged condition are made with a diameter not exceeding 100 mm. |
(Amendment. ICS N 12−2003), (Revised edition, Edit. N 1).
5.1.8 Surface bars should not have cracks, delamination, non-metallic inclusions, spots of corrosion origin and traces of nitrate.
5.1.9 On the surface of rods permitted:
— slivers, nicks, dents, scratches, risks, single bubbles of various kinds of pressing, if the depth does not show a rod for the minus tolerances for dimensions;
— color tint, dark and light spots and stripes, including circular and spiral forms, which are the traces of edits. allowed local gentle sweep of bars, if it does not display the sizes of bars for negative maximum deviations. Cleaning of the cracks is not allowed.
5.1.10 the Macrostructure of bars should not have cracks, rihlat, bundles and utain.
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
For all alloys, except alloys of grades AMg5 and AMg6, the macrostructure of the bars should not have inclusions of intermetallides.
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
5.1.11 On the macrostructure of bars allowed:
— non-metallic inclusions in the form of points, not larger than 0.5 mm or in the form of strokes with a length of not more than 3 mm, if their number does not exceed:
2 PCs. — for bars with diameter up to 50 mm
3 PCs. — for bars with diameter over 50 to 300 mm,
5 PCs. — for bars with diameter over 300 mm;
— intermetallics on the bars and rods of alloy AMg5 brand size 0.5 mm not more than 5 lines, and bars and rods of alloy AMg6 brand, not larger than 0.1 mm in the form of single disparate points.
— coarse grain bezel or partially around the perimeter, the value of which is not limited to;
— surface defects with depth within the limits of deviation.
5.1.12 Microstructure of bars, hardened, should not have signs of burnout.
5.2 Characteristics of performance at the customer’s request
5.2.1 Bars are made of high precision.
The diameters of round, square and hexagonal bars in a high-precision, limit deviations and theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod should correspond to the values given in tables 1, 2 and 4.
The fillet radii of the edges square and hex rods must match to the values given in tables 3 and 5.
5.2.2 the length of the bars produce dimensional dimensional length shorter than or not more than specified in the size range of random length, specified Bars multiple lengths to produce subject to the allowance for each cut is 5 mm. maximum deviations along the length of bars dimensional and multiple lengths shall not exceed:
+10 mm for rods ø 8 to 300 mm;
+20 mm for bars with diameter over 300 mm. Bars should be cut with the ends at right angles.
Cut end Squareness, mm should not exceed 3°, and the output of rods beyond the sample length. Bars with a diameter of over 50 mm shall not have burrs.
5.2.3 Bars and rods, of alloy grades AB, D1, D16, AK6, AK8, and V95 produce increased strength.
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
5.2.4 as material rods of increased strength are manufactured:
without the heat treatment of the alloys of AB, D1, D16, AK6, AK8, V95;
hardened and naturally aged — out of alloys D1, D16;
hardened and artificially aged — grades AB, AK6, AK8, V95.
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
5.2.5 Mechanical properties of rods of high tensile strength shall conform to values given in table 8.
Table 8
Grade | The condition of the material bars in the manufacture of | The condition of the material specimens under test | Diameter of bars, mm | Temporary resistance |
Yield strength |
Regarding elongation |
not less than | ||||||
AV | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 315 (32) | 225 (23) | 8 |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 315 (32) | 225 (23) | 8 | |
D1 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 420 (43) | 275 (28) | 8 |
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 420 (43) | 275 (28) | 8 | |
D16 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 450 (46) | 325 (33) | 8 |
Tempered and naturally aged |
Tempered and naturally aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 450 (46) | 325 (33) | 8 | |
AK6 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 375 (38) | 265 (27) | 10 |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 375 (38) | 265 (27) | 10 | |
AK8 | Without heat treatment |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 300 incl. | 460 (47) | 335 (34) | 8 |
Tempered and artificially aged |
Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 100 incl. | 460 (47) | 335 (34) | 8 | |
V95 |
Without heat treatment | Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 22 incl. | 510 (52) | 400 (41) | 7 |
SV. 22 to 130 incl. | 550 (56) | 430 (44) | 6 | |||
SV. 130 to 300 incl. | 530 (54) | 430 (44) | Six | |||
Tempered and artificially aged | Tempered and artificially aged | From 8 to 22 incl. | 510 (52) | 400 (41) | 7 | |
SV. 22 to 100 incl. | 550 (56) | 430 (44) | 6 |
(Amendment. ICS N 8−2002).
5.2.6 On the macrostructure of bars increased strength allowed limited large-crystal bezel located partly or all around the perimeter, if its depth does not exceed:
3 mm for rods of alloys D1, D16 and V95;
5 mm for rods from the alloys of AB, AK6 and AK8.
5.3 Characteristics of performance established by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer
5.3.1 Bars are made of high accuracy.
The diameters of round, square and hexagonal bars in manufacturing high precision, limit deviations and theoretical weight of 1 m of the rod should correspond to the values given in tables 1, 2 and 4.
The radius of the edges square and hex rods must match to the values given in tables 3 and 5.
5.3.2 Bars produce intermediate sizes not listed in tables 1, 2 and 4.
Tolerances for these dimensions are taken as for the next larger size.
5.3.3 Rods are made longer than specified
The requirements for Cochin cutting, curvature, torsion, radius of curvature of the longitudinal edges of bars and surface quality set by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.
5.3.4 Bars of square and hexagonal normal and high precision, with a nominal inscribed circle diameter up to 25 mm inclusive manufactured with a normalized magnitude of twisting.
5.3.5 Curvature of bars in manufacturing high precision in all States of the material, with the exception of soft (annealed), shall not exceed the values given in table 9.
Table 9
In millimeters | ||
Nominal diameter | Maximum deviation for straightness | |
1 m length of the rod | 300 mm | |
Up to 80 |
2 | 1 |
SV. 80 «120 |
3 | 1,5 |
«120» 200 |
4 | 2 |
«200» 350 |
8 | 5 |
5.4 Marking
5.4.1 To each bundle of bars with diameter up to 30 mm, inclusive, or the Bay must be attached to the metal or plywood the label, which indicate:
trademark or the name and trademark of manufacturer;
the symbol of the rod;
batch number;
the mark of the technical control Department or the number of controller quality control of the manufacturer.
At the end or on the surface of rod with diameter more than 30 mm at a distance of not more than 50 mm from the end of the rod at the output end is applied to the stamp of the technical control Department of the manufacturer and labeled brand of aluminum or aluminum alloy, condition of material and batch number.
(Amendment. ICS N 2−2003).
Apply marking paint or a sticker label.
5.4.2 On the bars, from which were taken samples for mechanical testing, further cause the marking of the serial number.
5.4.3 Marking of bars intended for export, is carried out in accordance with the order of foreign trade enterprises.
5.5 Packaging
5.5.1 Temporary corrosion protection, packaging of bars — according to GOST 9.510.
6.1 Bars take parties. The party must consist of bars of the same brand of aluminium or aluminium alloy, one state, one melting or heat treatment batch, one strength, one cross-sectional shape, same size, same precision of manufacture and executed by one document on quality.
Allowed to make a batch of heat-treated rods, taken from several batches of heat treatment, or bars without heat treatment, taken from several swimming trunks, provided that each cage or melting meets the requirements of this standard.
The document about quality should contain:
trademark or name of the manufacturer and trademark;
the name of the consumer;
the symbol bars;
batch number;
the weight of the party;
test results (mechanical properties only specify the maximum and minimum values);
the date of shipment;
the designation of this standard.
Permitted by agreement with the consumer to make a single document the quality of several lots shipped at the same time to the same consumer.
6.2 For the verification of chemical composition selected two rods or two bays from the party. Allowed the manufacturer checks the chemical composition of spending for each cast.
In each test the melt alloying elements and main impurities. Other impurities do not check.
6.3 Verification of dimensions subjected to 10% bars or coils from each party or bar party.
6.4 For quality control surface bars from the party selected bars (Bay) «blind» (by the greatest objectivity) according to GOST 18321. Number of control rods (coils) is determined by the table 10.
Table 10
The number of bars (bays) in the party | Number of control rods (coils) |
Rejection the number |
2−8 |
2 | 1 |
9−15 |
3 | 1 |
16−25 |
5 | 1 |
Correspond 26−50 |
8 | 2 |
51−90 |
13 | 3 |
91−150 |
20 | 3 |
151−280 |
32 | 4 |
281−500 |
50 | 6 |
501−1200 |
80 | 8 |
1201−3200 |
125 | 11 |
The party is considered usable if the number of bars (bays) that do not meet the requirements of 5.1.8 and 5.1.9, less than the acceptance number given in table 10. If the rejection number is equal to or greater given in table 10, the batch is rejected.
Allowed to the manufacturer upon receipt of unsatisfactory results in control of every bar.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
6.5 To check the curvature and twisting is taken 5% of the bars from the party, but not less than two bars.
6.6 To check the macrostructure of bars in normal strength larger than 20 mm are selected 5% of the bars from the party, but not less than three rods of each to be met by the delivery party.
Bars normal strength a size of up to 20 mm checking the macrostructure are not subjected to.
To check the macrostructure of bars in high tensile strength larger than 20 mm are selected 10% of the bars from the party and up to 20 mm inclusive — 5% of the bars from the party, but not less than three rods of each to be met by the delivery party.
6.7 To test the mechanical properties of bars in normal strength aluminum alloys of AMCs, Amg2, Amg3, AMg5, AMg6, and AK4, AK4−1, 1915 and 1925 in all States of the material, and rods from the alloys of AB, D1, D16, V95, AK6 and AK8 in the soft (annealed) and hardened States to select 5% of the bars from the party, but not less than three rods from each batch.
6.7.1 For testing mechanical properties of bars in high-strength selected 10% of the bars from the party, but not less than three rods from each batch.
6.7.2 Mechanical properties of bars in normal strength grades of aluminium AD0, AD1, HELL, and aluminum alloys AMC, AD31, AD33, AD35, VD1, B95−2 in all States of the material and of aluminum alloys AB, D1, D16, V95, AK6, AK8 without heat treatment shown in table 7, the manufacturer does not control, but are guaranteed by the technology of their production.
(Amendment. ICS N 6−2004), (Revised edition, Edit. N 1).
6.8 From the party, consisting of several tank heat treatment or multiple trunks, to check the mechanical properties and macrostructure selected not less than two bars from each batch heat treatment or melting.
6.9 To check the microstructure of bars, to be quenched, burnout select one bar from each heat in the cage heat treatment.
Bars and rods of alloys brands AD31, 1915, 1925, to be quenched on the press, the verification of the microstructure on the lack of burnout are not subjected to.
6.10 To test bars, quenched in Salitre baths, for the presence of surface nitrate is taken 1% of bars from the party, but at least one bar from each batch.
6.11 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators, except for indicators of appearance, it is carried out a re-test of the doubled sample taken from the same batch.
The results of repeated tests spread to the entire party.
Allowed the manufacturer to conduct routine testing of bars.
7.1 To check the chemical composition of the selected one sample from each selected 6.2 rod or Bay.
Selection and preparation of samples for determining the chemical composition — GOST 24231.
7.2 determination of the chemical composition of rods of aluminum is carried out by chemical method according to GOST 25086, 12697.1 GOST — GOST 12697.12 or spectral method GOST 3221, rods of aluminum alloys is carried out by chemical method according to GOST 25086, 11739.1 GOST — GOST 11739.26 or spectral method GOST 7727.
If there are disagreements chemical composition determined by chemical method.
7.3 control the size
7.3.1 dimensional control is carried out on each selected 6.3 the rod or Bay.
7.3.2 Dimensions of the cross section of bars measured with a micrometer with a scale division of 0.01 mm according to GOST 6507 or GOST 4381, caliper according to GOST 166.
Measurements performed at a distance of not less than 150 mm from the end of the rod.
7.3.3 the length of the bars measured by tape according to GOST 7502 or metal ruler according to GOST 427.
7.3.4 Radius of the longitudinal edges square and hex bars are guaranteed by the technology of their production.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
7.3.5 (Deleted, Rev. N 1).
7.3.6 Ovality, cosine of the cut, the curvature and torsion test according to GOST 26877.
To determine the twisting rod is placed on the surface charge, measured by size (figure 1).
Figure 1. Twist definition
Figure 1
7.3.7 allowed to use other methods and measuring tools that provide required accuracy set out in this standard. If there is disagreement in the definition of the indicator monitoring is carried out by the method specified in the standard.
7.4 quality Control surface bars in carry out statistical technique that provides the specified surface quality with a probability of 96% (the acceptance level of defects = 4%).
Inspect the surface of the rods without the use of magnifying devices.
7.4.1 the Depth of defects measured by profilometer according to GOST 19300 or depth indicator (special) according to the technical documentation.
7.4.2 sweep of the bars is carried out only in the longitudinal direction with an abrasive, scraper or sanding cloth is not larger than the 6-th number of grain according to GOST 5009.
The final Stripping of bars to smooth the surface of the abrasive cloth is carried out on paper no larger than 10-th number of grain according to GOST 6456.
7.5 Selection and preparation of samples for tensile testing is carried out according to GOST 24047.
Testing of mechanical properties carried out by destructive testing according to GOST 1497или NDT (eddy current) according to GOST and OST 27333 1 92070.2.
If there is discrepancy testing of mechanical properties carried out according to GOST 1497.
7.5.1 For testing of mechanical properties by the method of destructive testing of each check rod from the output end in the longitudinal direction, cut one sample. The estimated length of the sample in millimeters is calculated by the formula = 5
is the estimated diameter of the specimen, mm.
7.5.2 Validation of mechanical properties of eddy current is performed on the surface of the bars in state after quenching and aging.
7.6 Macrostructure of bars on the cross check microtemplate carved with utrennego the end of the check rod.
In the presence of utiny to check the bars (subject to compliance with the macrostructure of the other requirements) it should be completely removed, while the rest of the bars cut at an amount equal to the length of the cut end of the check rod.
7.7 the Presence of coarse grain bezel control on the quenched samples (Templeton) with a minimum thickness of 30 mm, is designed to determine the macrostructure.
In the manufacture of microtemplate cut from a rod of hot-pressed and subjected to hardening, remove the layer of metal to a depth of not less than 10 mm.
In the manufacture of microtemplate cut from annealed or tempered rod, the depth of removal of the metal layer is not limited.
7.8 the Microstructure of bars checked by metallographic method on the same sample according to GOST 27637 or eddy current according to GOST and OST 27333 1 92070.1.
7.9 the Presence of nitrate on the surface of bars to check by applying on the surface of the rod at any place drops of 0.5% solution of diphenylamine in sulfuric acid (to the sample 0.5 g of diphenylamine poured 10 cmof distilled water and 25 cm
of sulphuric acid of density 1.84 g/cm
Upon dissolution of diphenylamine solution volume is adjusted to 100 cmby the addition of sulfuric acid density 1.84 g/cm
Intense blue drops of solution with 10−15 points to the presence in a given location nitrate. After the test drop is removed with filter paper and the tested area is washed thoroughly with water and wipe off.
Upon detection of nitrate batch of bars must be re-washing and re-control in the presence of nitrate on the surface of bars.
(Changed edition, Rev. N 1).
8.1 Transportation and storage — by GOST 9.510.
8.2 Transport marking of packages — according to GOST 14192 with an additional label: the name of the semi-finished product, grade, condition of material, the kind of strength, size of bars, number of the party.
8.3 When storing the rods should be protected from mechanical damage, moisture and active chemical substances.
Under specified storage conditions properties of bars during storage are not changed.
Grade |
Density, g/cm |
The conversion factor |
2,73 | 1,011 |
AMCs |
2,73 | 1,011 |
Amg2 |
2,68 | 0,992 |
Amg3 |
2,67 | 0,988 |
AMg5 |
2,65 | 0,981 |
AMg6 |
2,64 | 0,977 |
AD31 |
Of 2.71 | 1,004 |
AD33 |
Of 2.71 | 1,004 |
AD35 |
Of 2.72 | 1,007 |
AV |
2,70 | 1,000 |
D1 |
2,80 | 1,037 |
D16 |
Of 2.78 | 1,030 |
AK4 |
2,77 | 1,026 |
AK4−1 |
2,80 | 1,037 |
AK6 |
2,75 | 1,018 |
AK8 |
2,80 | 1,037 |
V95 |
2,85 | 1,055 |
1915 |
2,77 | 1,026 |
1925 |
2,77 | 1,026 |
VD1 |
2,77 | 1,026 |
V95−2 |
2,85 | 1,055 |
2,69 | 0,996 |
(Amendment. ICS N 3−2002).