GOST 9.510-93
GOST 9.510−93 unified system of corrosion protection and ageing (ESSEX). Semi-finished products of aluminium and aluminium alloys. General requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection, packing, transportation and storage
GOST 9.510−93
Group T95
Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging
General requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection,
packing, transportation and storage
Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection.
Aluminium and aluminium alloys semifinished products.
General requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection,
packing, transportation and storage
AXTU 0009
Date of introduction 1996−01−01
1 DEVELOPED by TC 297 «Materials and semi-finished products from light and special alloys"
INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification of March 15, 1994 (report of the Technical Secretariat N 1)
The adoption voted:
The name of the state | The name of the national standardization body |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Belstandart |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
The Republic Of Moldova |
Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Turkmenistan |
Glavgosekspertiza Turkmenistan |
Ukraine |
Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Decree of the Russian Federation Committee on standardization, Metrology and certification from
4 REPLACE GOST 9.011−79 and GOST 9.081−77 (in part of semi-finished aluminium and aluminium alloys)
This standard applies to semi-finished products of aluminium and aluminium alloys, and establishes General requirements to the choice of the means of temporary corrosion protection, packaging, transportation and storage.
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 9.010−80 ESSEX. Compressed air to atomize coating materials. Technical requirements. Control methods
GOST 9.014−78 ESSEX. Temporary corrosion protection products. General requirements
GOST 9.031−74 ESSEX. Coating the anode-oxide semi-finished products from aluminium and its alloys. General requirements and methods of control
GOST 201−76 trisodium phosphate. Specifications
The zinc White GOST 202−84. Specifications
GOST 515−77 Paper, wrapping bituminosa and tarry. Specifications
GOST 645−89 cable Paper for insulation of power cables for voltage from 10 to 500 kV. Specifications
GOST 745−79 aluminium Foil for packaging. Specifications
GOST 1012−72 aviation Gasoline. Specifications
GOST 1760−86 Parchment. Specifications
GOST 1931−80 the insulating winding Paper. Specifications
GOST 2228−81 Paper sack. Specifications.
GOST 2263−79 Sodium hydroxide technical. Specifications
GOST 2477−65 Oil and petroleum products. Method for the determination of water content
GOST 2488−79 Ceresin. Specifications
GOST 2695−83 Sawn hardwood. Specifications
GOST 2991−85 wooden disposable Boxes for loads up to 500 kg. General specifications
GOST 3134−78 white spirit. Specifications
The Wire GOST 3282−74 General purpose low carbon steel. Specifications
GOST 3553−87 Paper phone. Specifications
GOST 3560−73 package steel Strip. Specifications
GOST 3956−76 Silica gel technical. Specifications
GOST 4028−63 building Nails. The design and dimensions
Nails GOST 4034−63 container is round. The design and dimensions
GOST 4598−86 woodworking tools. Specifications
GOST 5100−85 Soda ash technical. Specifications
GOST 5530−81 Tissue packaging and technical purposes. Specifications
GOST 5959−80 Boxes made of wood-based panels for non-separable loads weighing up to 200 kg. General specifications
GOST 6009−74 hot-rolled steel strips. Specifications
GOST 6370−83 Oil, petroleum products and additives. Method of determination of mechanical impurities
GOST 6449.1−82 Products from wood and wood materials. Tolerances for linear dimensions and landing
GOST 6707−76 Grease. Method for the determination of free alkalies and free organic acids
GOST 6659−83 Cardboard water-resistant upholstery. Specifications
GOST 7016−82 Products made from wood materials. The parameters of surface roughness
GOST 8273−75 wrapping Paper. Specifications
GOST 8433−81 Substance auxiliary OP-7 and OP-10. Specifications
GOST 8486−86 Sawn softwood. Specifications
GOST 8505−80 Nefras C50/170. Specifications
GOST 8828−89 base Paper and paper double-layer waterproof packaging. Specifications
GOST 9078−84 flat Pallets. General specifications
GOST 9557−87 flat wooden Pallet size 800x1200 mm. specifications
GOST 9569−79 waxed Paper. Specifications
GOST 9570−84 box Pallets and rack. General specifications
GOST 10198−91 Boxes, wooden, for loads of over 200 kg. to 2000 General specifications
GOST 10354−82 polyethylene Film. Specifications
GOST 10396−84 crepe cable Paper. Specifications
GOST 10877−76 conservation Oil K-17. Specifications
GOST 11382−76 Petroleum products. Method for determination of neutralization number by potentiometric titration
GOST 11836−76 Paper tickets. Specifications
GOST 13078−81 Glass of liquid sodium. Specifications
GOST 13726−78 Sheets of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Specifications
GOST 13843−78 Rod of aluminium. Specifications
GOST 14192−77 Marking of goods
GOST 14838−78 Wire of aluminum and aluminum alloys for cold upsetting. Specifications
GOST 15102−75 the universal metal closed Container of nominal gross mass 5,0 t Technical specifications
GOST 15150−69 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic areas. Categories, conditions of use, storage and transportation of the impact of climatic factors
GOST 15171−78 Additive AKOR-1. Specifications
GOST 15846−79 Products that are sent to the far North and remote areas. Packing, marking, transportation and storage
GOST 16295−93 Paper anticorrosive. Specifications
GOST 16711−84 Basis of waxed paper. Specifications
GOST 17308−88 Twines. Specifications
GOST 29231−91 Cords cotton twisted wire. Specifications
GOST 18477−79 Containers are universal. The types, basic parameters and dimensions
The Rosin pine GOST 19113−84. Specifications
GOST 30090−93 Cloth sack. Specifications
GOST 19537−83 Grease gun. Specifications
GOST 19667−74 a specialized group Container of gross mass 5,0 t, for unit loads
GOST 20435−75 the universal metal closed Container of nominal gross mass 3,0 t specifications
GOST 20799−88 Oils. Specifications
GOST 21488−76 pressed Bars of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specifications
GOST 21650−76 means of fastening of package cargoes in transport packages. General requirements
GOST 22225−76 universal Containers with a gross weight 0,625 and 1,25 t. specifications
GOST 22831−77 a flat wooden Pallets gross weight 3,2 t size 1200х1600 and 1200х1800 mm. specifications
GOST 23436−83 cable Paper for insulation of power cables for voltage up to 35 kV. Specifications
GOST 24454−80 Sawn softwood. Dimensions
GOST 24634−81 wooden Boxes for products delivered for export. General specifications
GOST 24597−81 the packaged goods. Basic parameters and dimensions
3.1 Requirements of this standard are taken into account in the manufacture, storage and transportation of semi-finished products from aluminum and aluminum alloys are the basis for development of normative-technical documentation (NTD) on the semi-specific.
3.2 Materials semi-finished products subject to storage and transportation, must comply with the requirements of NTD.
3.3 Means and methods of temporary corrosion protection must provide protection from corrosion of semi-finished products for the entire period of transportation and storage at the consumer within 15 days under conditions preventing precipitation and long-term storage by the consumer.
3.4 Tools, surface preparation, temporary protection, packaging means and packaging shall comply with the requirements of NTD.
3.5 Preservation of semi-finished products includes surface preparation, application (applying) means of temporary corrosion protection and packaging.
3.6 Preservation of semi-finished products is carried out in specially equipped rooms or specially equipped areas of the shops.
Requirements for areas of conservation according to the GOST 9.014.
3.7 safety — according to GOST 9.014.
4.1 Temporary corrosion protection by the manufacturer for the period of transportation and storage at the consumer within 15 days under conditions preventing precipitation, are part (ends), sheets, circles (disks), cold-formed profiles, extruded bars with a diameter not exceeding 22 mm, extruded profiles with a diameter of circumcircle up to 350mm aluminum alloys with a copper content of more than 0.5%, except for grade 1925, extruded panel, cold-deformed pipe, wire in coils, stamped forgings weighing not more than 2.5 kg, stamped forgings with machined, surface consumer, forgings and stamped forgings after machining (roughing).
By agreement with consumer it is permitted these semi-finished products not subjected to temporary corrosion protection.
1 At the customer’s temporary corrosion protection is subjected to extruded bars with a diameter more than 22 mm of aluminum alloys with a copper content of more than 0.5%.
2 By agreement with consumer it is permitted oiling the entire surface of the strip of technological lubricant «Urinal-202"*.
* Here and hereinafter the materials marked with * are manufactured according to NTD.
3 Cold tubes of all brands of aluminium and aluminum alloys brands AD31, AMC, and allowed to put a temporary corrosion protection only on the outer surface.
4.2 Not subject of temporary corrosion protection by the manufacturer for the period of transportation and storage at the consumer within 15 days following the semi-finished products: rolled strip, sheet rolling-welded blanks for heat exchangers, plates, extruded bars with a diameter more than 22 mm, extruded bars and rods in coils, extruded profiles with circumscribed circle diameter up to 350 mm of aluminum in all grades and aluminum alloys with a copper content up to 0.5% and from alloys of 1925, VD1, AVD1−1, AKM, profiles: extruded to a diameter of circumscribed circle is more than 350 mm, for electrical purposes, profiles flange width is more than 4.0 mm, with nominal dimensions over 100 mm, extruded tyres: for electrical purposes, in coils, extruded strips, extruded pipe (including large), in coils, cold-drawn pipe in coil, welded tubes in coil, stamped forgings weighing more than 2.5 kg, as well as semi-finished products, machined on all sides.
In coordination with the consumer specified semi-finished products are subjected to temporary corrosion protection.
4.3 When sending all types of semi-finished products in the far North and remote areas they are subject of temporary corrosion protection, in addition to drill pipe, where corrosion protection is subjected to just drill the locks.
4.4 semi-finished products before long-term storage are subject of temporary corrosion protection.
Allowed to conserve the semi-finished products with the shelf life up to 1 year in heated storage.
4.5 means of temporary corrosion protection of semi-finished products for the period of transportation and storage at the consumer within 15 days are shown in table 1.
Table 1
The means of temporary corrosion protection |
Protect prefabricated | Application features |
1 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 90−95%; additive AKOR-1 GOST 15171при concentration 5−10% | Tape in rolls; sheets; profiles; rods; pipes; wire; panel; stamped forgings |
Unheated or heated to a temperature of 313−353 K (40−80 °C) |
2 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 90−95%; additive AKOR-1 GOST 15171при concentration of 5−10%; petrolatum technical* at a concentration of 10−15% | Tape in rolls; sheets; profiles; rods; pipes; panels; stamped forgings Wire |
Heated to a temperature of 313−353 K (40−80 °C) Heated to a temperature of 368 K (95 °C) |
3 For use in the winter (temperature not more than +5 °C): oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 70%; petrolatum technical* at a concentration of 30% |
Tape in rolls; sheets; tubes; stamped forgings | Heated to a temperature of 333−353 K (60−80 °C) |
For use in the summer (temperature not exceeding +5 °C): oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 50%; petrolatum technical* at a concentration of 50% |
The same | The same |
4. the Oil conservation grade K-17 GOST 10877 | Stamped forgings |
- |
5 Paper, oiled or nepomucena the following varieties: telephone GOST 3553; for tickets according to GOST 11836; cushioning packaging for rubber boots in NTD; waxed paper stamps ODP-35 according to GOST 16711 |
Tape in rolls; sheets; circles | Oiling the paper is the compositions of paragraphs 1−3 of this table |
6 Paper sticky following varieties: telephone GOST 3553; insulating winding according to GOST 1931; cable according to GOST and GOST 645 23436 | Leaves | The sticky layer on the paper is formed by coating the surface of rubber or glue polyisobutylene |
7 Coating anodic-oxide according to GOST 9.031 | Profiles; panel; pipe; stamped forgings |
- |
8 Lenacil IFKHAN-1H* | The same | Required additional packaging in pouches from polyethylene film with a thickness of 0,10−0,20 mm according to GOST 10354. |
9 Silica gel technical GOST 3956 | « | |
10 Paper anticorrosive brands of MBHE-3−40 and MBHI-8−40 according to GOST 16295 |
» | |
4.6 means of temporary corrosion protection of semi-finished products during prolonged storage are given in table 2.
Table 2
The means of temporary corrosion protection | Shelf life, a year at most |
1 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799при concentration of 90−95%; additive AKOR-1 GOST 15171 at a concentration of 5−10% |
10 |
2 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799при concentration of 80−85%; additive AKOR-1 GOST 15171 at a concentration of 5−10%; technical vaseline* at a concentration of 10−15% |
10 |
3 Oil conservation grade K-17 GOST 10877 or NG-203 (B, C)* | 10 |
4 the Coating is anodic-oxide according to GOST 9.031 | 10 |
5 Paper anticorrosive brands of MBHE-3−40 or MBGI-8−40 according to GOST 16295 | 3 |
6 Lenacil IFKHAN-1H* | 10 |
The term of protection of semi-finished products, canned oils, shown with their gasket paper, oiled with these oils.
Storage is allowed without strips paper.The term of protection of semi-finished products with the use of anticorrosive paper or linesis given at their packaging in polyethylene film thickness 0.15−0.20 mm according to GOST 10354 ensuring seal and protect from mechanical damage.
4.7 surface Preparation of semi-finished products before conservation is carried out in accordance with Annex A.
4.8 Technology temporary anticorrosive protection of semi-finished tools installed are given in Appendix B.
4.9 Ways of reactivating the semi-finished products are given in Appendix B.
4.10 quality Control of depositing the temporary anticorrosive protection is carried out in compliance with all stages of the technological process in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
4.11 Additional requirements for temporary anticorrosive protection of semi-finished products installed in the NTD to the semis of a specific kind.
5.1 Packing serves to prevent or limit the effects of climatic factors, for saving money temporary anticorrosion protection, protection against pollution and mechanical damage, creating comfort and convenience when loading and unloading, transportation and storage.
5.2 Semi-finished products are divided in the following way:
Packed in containers;
Packed loose (tied in bundles, bundles, bales, Bay);
without packaging.
5.3 For the packaging of semi-finished products are used:
paper packaging bituminou according to GOST 515;
parchment GOST 1760;
paper bag brands-and 70−78 GOST 2228;
paper telephone according to GOST 3553;
the two-layer waterproof packing paper stamps DB GOST 8828;
the wrapping paper And stamps and In colors of natural fiber according to GOST 8273;
the waxed paper according to GOST 9569;
crepe paper cable according to GOST 10396;
paper tickets according to GOST 11836;
paper cushioning-packaging for rubber boots in NTD;
basis of waxed paper stamps ODP-35 according to GOST 16711;
paper cable grade K-080 GOST 23436;
cardboard upholstery is water-resistant according to GOST 6659;
tissue packaging and technical purposes according to GOST 5530;
fabric linen and semi-linen bag according to GOST 30090;
synthetic or non-woven materials*;
aluminum foil for packing according to GOST 745;
strip of aluminium or of all brands of aluminum alloy grade AKM, annealed according to GOST 13726;
the ribbon annealed planirovaniyu of alloy grade as MUCH* or Amg2*;
a polyethylene film thickness of 0.10−0.20 mm according to GOST 10354.
5.4 permitted to use other types of packaging materials subject to the security requirements of this standard.
5.5 When loading and unloading, storage and transportation apply:
plank disposable boxes for loads up to 500 kg according to GOST 2991;
boxes made of wood-based panels for non-separable loads weighing up to 200 kg according to GOST 5959;
wooden boxes for goods weighing over 500 up to 20000 kg according to GOST 10198;
wooden boxes for products delivered for export, GOST 24634;
boxes for wooden lattice sheets in accordance with Annex G (figure 1);
boxes wooden for combined sheets in accordance with Annex G (figure 2);
boxes wooden lattice for bars, rods, profiles and pipes in accordance with Appendix G (figure 3);
boxes wooden combination for bars, rods, profiles and pipes in accordance with Appendix G (figure 4);
wooden boxes for sheets*;
boxes wooden for bars, rods, profiles and tubes*;
universal metal containers closed nominal gross mass 5,0 t according to GOST 15102;
universal containers according to GOST 18477;
a specialized group container of gross mass 5,0 t for unit loads according to GOST 19667;
universal metal containers of nominal gross mass 3,0 t according to GOST 20435;
universal containers with a gross weight 0,625 and 1,25 t according to GOST 22225;
specialized containers*;
flat pallets according to GOST 9078;
a flat wooden pallet size 800x1200 mm according to GOST 9557;
box pallets and rack according to GOST 9570;
the flat wooden pallets gross weight 3,2 t, size 1200х1600 and 1200х1800 mm according to GOST 22831;
flat pallets for reusable wooden sheets weighing up to 4000 kg*;
collapsible reusable containers for leaves weighing up to 10000 kg*;
cassette bunching metal multi-turn actuator for leaves weighing up to 7000 kg* 10,000 kg*;
collapsible reusable containers for strips in coils*;
collapsible reusable containers for bars, rods, profiles, tubes and products, in coils weighing up to 3000 kg*;
collapsible reusable containers for panels weighing up to 10,000 kg*;
collapsible reusable containers, metal stampings*;
the special reusable containers, metal, for blanks of sheet rolling-for welded heat exchangers*;
crates (Mat), wooden bars, rods, profiles and tubes*;
Tara soft*.
Box wooden lattice type I
* Dimensions for reference.
1 — transom, 2 pieces; 2 — the longitudinal strap; 3 — lateral plate; 4 — longitudinal beam, 2 PCs; 5 — nails К3х70; 6 — nails К2х40; 7 — nails К4х100; 8 — steel tape 0,4−0,5 x 20.
Figure 1
The wooden box combo type II
* Dimensions for reference.
1 — transom, 2 pieces; 2 — the longitudinal strap; 3 — lateral plate; 4 — longitudinal beam, 2 PCs; 5 — nails К3х70; 6 — nails К2х40; 7 — nails К4х100; 8 — steel tape 0,4−0,5 x 20; 9 — plywood
Figure 2
Box wooden lattice type III
* Dimensions for reference.
1 — plank, 4-piece; 2 — Board, 4 PCs; 3 — upper plate; 4 — longitudinal strap, 8 PCs; 5 — lateral plate; 6 — nail К3х70; 7 — steel tape 0,4 -0,5 x 20
Figure 3
Box combo wooden type IV
* Size for reference.
1 — plank, 4-piece; 2 — Board, 4 PCs; 3 — upper plate; 4 — longitudinal strap, 8 PCs; 5 — lateral plate; 6 — nail К3х70; 7 — steel tape 0,4−0,5 x 20; 8 — plywood
Figure 4
5.6 permitted to use other types of containers, made according to the drawings of the manufacturer, provided that the requirements of this standard.
5.7 the Containers must have: mooring fixtures (hooks, eyelets, beams, planks, podstropilnye bars or other elements) that allows for the strapping of packages during loading and unloading.
In the absence of sling devices allowed in girth strapping for semi-finished products, Packed in soft containers, crates, bundles, and without packing with wood or metal braces used for the separation of packages, stacking the packages on the floor of a warehouse or vehicle.
Do not use strapping for the mooring of cargo during loading and unloading.
5.8 During the installation of semi-finished products in containers all the free space between the walls of the box and semi-finished products should be filled with bundles of paper.
5.9 For packing of semi-finished products and packages used:
twine according to GOST 17308;
twine polypropylene film filament*;
cord cotton twisted wire according to GOST 29231;
the low-carbon steel wire of General purpose according to GOST 3282, or another NTD diameter 2.0−7.0 mm;
wire of aluminum of all grades, annealed according to GOST 14838 or another NTD, diameter 7.0−10.0 mm;
soft aluminum wire rod according to GOST 13843 diameter of 9.0 to 12.0 mm;
rod extruded from aluminum of all grades, annealed or no heat treatment according to GOST 21488 diameter 7,0−10,0 mm.
the soft steel packing strip according to GOST 3560;
hot-rolled steel tape according to GOST 6009 or another NTD thickness of 0.5−2.0 mm and width up to 30 mm;
strip of aluminium or of all grades of aluminum alloys VD1, AKM, V95−1, B95−2, annealed according to GOST 13726 thickness 0.5−6.0 mm and a width of 20−50 mm.
Note — strapping is supposed to apply cold rolled strip of carbon structural steel cold-worked or polonikeman condition of the thickness of 0,7−1,0 mm and width up to 32 mm*.
5.10 is allowed to use other tying materials while maintaining the integrity of the piping package.
5.11 Tying wire or rod depending on the weight of the package and the diameter of the used wire or rod is carried out in one to three turns of steel wire, or in two or three turns of aluminum wire or rod with a tight akruthi all.
The ends of the wire or rod connecting strand at least five turns.
5.12 the ends of the tape with the strapping should be connected by means of locks or double spot weld.
5.13 Weight of cargo space, and lots of neuvasync products (semi-finished product without packaging) with manual loading and unloading should be no more than 80 kg; if weighing more than 80 kg should be applied mechanized loading and unloading.
5.14 Packaging of semi-finished products sent to the far North and remote areas, is carried out in accordance with GOST 15846.
5.15 Packaging tapes in rolls
5.15.1 Rolls ribbons pull together around the circumference of the crimping machine or manually with a steel tape or ribbon of aluminum or of all grades of aluminum alloys VD1, AKM, V95−1, B95−2 or steel wire (5.9).
The number of ties in the circumferential direction (longitudinal) is determined at the rate of one tie per 600 mm width of the roll.
5.15.2 pulled Each coil pack one of the following ways:
wrapped on a lateral surface two layers of two-layer waterproof packing paper or packing bituminoase paper by wrapping it on the ends, then one layer of aluminum foil or aluminum tape all brands, or aluminum alloy brand AKM (5.3);
wrap one layer of aluminum foil or strip of aluminum or of all brands of aluminum alloy grade AKM (5.9);
wrap the ends of the roll with two layers of two-layer waterproof packing paper or packing bituminoase of paper, or one layer of aluminum foil, or strips of aluminum all grades, or aluminum alloy brand AKM or waterproof cardboard (5.3).
5.15.3 Packed the rolls of tape are placed in a collapsible or non-collapsible, returnable containers (prefabricated wooden or metal shields, pulled bolts or studs with nuts), or a wooden or metal pallets laying on its side.
May be placed in the same container several rolls of strips made by cutting; the total width of the packaged kit must not exceed the width of the cut roll.
5.15.4 Rolls of tape weighing not more than 80 kg is placed standing in wooden boxes (solid or lattice) or the universal or specialized group containers, pre-laying out the bottom and sides of a two-layer waterproof packing paper or packing bituminoase paper. The same paper to cover the rolls of ribbons on top. Each row has to be shifted cushioning material (5.3).
5.15.5 Weight of cargo space in a collapsible reusable containers or on a pallet should be not exceeding 5000 kg, in boxes — not more than 800 kg.
By agreement with consumer it is permitted to increase the mass of the package in a collapsible reusable containers of up to 10,000 kg.
5.15.6 In coordination with the consumer the rolls of strips can be Packed. Depending on the width of rolls must be wrapped with one or two lateral straps and at least two longitudinal tie-rods when the width of the roll is 1000 mm.
5.16 Packing sheets
5.16.1 Each sheet of aluminium alloys of all grades and all conditions of the material, except for the state without heat treatment and annealed, after applying the means of temporary corrosion protection must be additionally shifted one layer of oiled paper or nepromokaemoy.
Each sheet of aluminum of all grades and all States of the material, as well as of aluminium alloys of all grades in the state without heat treatment and annealed after depositing the temporary corrosion protection additionally, the paper does not shift.
Note — it is allowed not to shift the paper sheets at packing in special containers or collapsible reusable containers.
5.16.2 Leaves a special purpose, pasted with the front side adhesive paper, in agreement with the customer to shift a single layer of oiled paper.
5.16.3 Leaves, not subjected to (by agreement of the parties) temporary corrosion protection must be shifted one layer of oiled paper or nepromokaemoy.
5.16.4 Sheets of the same size, same brand and same state of the material placed in the forefoot with a maximum height of 0.5 m.
5.16.5 the foot of the leaves should be wrapped in two layers of oiled paper (5.3) and single layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase of paper or a single layer of waxed paper and another layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper.
5.16.6 Wrapped stack of sheets are placed in wooden boxes (dense lattice and combined), collapsible reusable containers, bunching tapes or on pallets (5.5) and additionally the top and sides are covered with a strip of aluminum all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM (5.3).
The stack of sheets on pallets must be linked by a steel tape having a thickness of 1.2 to 1.5 mm and a width of 30 mm along at least two places when the sheet length up to 2 m inclusive and down three to five areas in the sheet length more than 2 m.
5.16.7 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 800 kg, in a collapsible reusable container — no more than 10,000 kg, bunching tapes — not more than 7000 kg, on pallets up to 2000 kg.
In coordination with the consumer the mass of the cargo space when packing in boxes can be increased.
5.17 the Packing of circles (disks)
5.17.1 Circles (discs) one size, one brand and one state of the material placed in the forefoot with a maximum height of 0.5 m.
5.17.2 Each stack of circles (disks) must be wrapped in two or three layers of oiled paper or nepromokaemoy (5.3) and one-two layers double layer waterproof packaging, or bituminoase paper.
Allowed foot circles (disks) or more stop packaging in plastic wrap and pass through a drying oven, where the film firmly adheres to the stack of circles, or the entire package.
5.17.3 Wrapped foot circles (disks) are placed in wooden boxes (solid or plywood) or containers (5.5) and divide by two or three layers of double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper and seal wooden spacers that install between the walls, the lid and feet of the circles (disks).
5.17.4 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 500 kg.
5.18 Packing rolled strips
5.18.1 Rolled strips of the same size, same brand and same state of the material placed in the forefoot with a maximum height of 0.5 m.
5.18.2 Forefoot bands are placed in wooden crates of types I, II according to GOST 10198 or containers (5.5), pre-lined with a single layer double-layer waterproof paper and one layer of wrapping paper.
When packaging the strips in a universal container floor must be lined with a single layer double-layer waterproof packing paper. This paper is available foot lanes.
5.18.3 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes or universal containers should be no more than 3000 kg.
5.19 the Packing blanks of sheet rolling-for welded heat exchangers
5.19.1 Each piece should be wrapped in a single layer cushioning-wrapping paper to rubber shoes or the phone, or for tickets.
5.19.2 Wrapped blanks collected in packages of 10 pieces and tie with string or cord (5.9).
5.19.3 Packs of blanks are placed in wooden crates, special metal reusable containers or special containers (5.5).
Wooden crates before stacking of workpieces must be pre-lined inside (except end walls) one layer of wrapping paper bituminoase.
5.19.4 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 50 kg, in a special metal reusable containers — no more than 3000 kg.
5.20 the Packing plates
5.20.1 Each plate (by agreement of the parties) must be shifted two layers of oiled paper.
5.20.2 Plate placed in the forefoot with a maximum height of 0.5 m.
5.20.3 Each stack of plates is placed in a collapsible reusable container (5.5) or directly at the vehicle relaying wooden spacers.
5.20.4 Weight of the package is packaged in a collapsible reusable container should be no more than 10,000 kg.
5.21 Packaging of bars
5.21.1 Bars of the same nominal diameter, same brand and same state of the material tied into bundles.
Each bundle of bars with a diameter up to 30 mm inclusive link any material (5.9) is not less than two evenly distant from each other when the length of the rod up to 3 m inclusive, or in three to five places the length of the bar more than 3 m
5.21.2 Each bundle of bars shall be wrapped in two layers of oiled paper or nepromokaemoy (5.3) and single layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase of paper or a single layer of waxed paper and another layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper.
5.21.3 Wrapped bundles of bars are placed in wooden boxes (solid or lattice), reusable collapsible containers, crate or universal containers (5.5).
Associated bundles of bars or individual bars can be Packed in boxes, crates, containers or collapsible, returnable containers, pre-lined with the same paper and in the same amount
5.21.4 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 500 kg in a collapsible reusable container — not exceeding 5000 kg, in the crate — not exceeding 2000 kg, in soft containers — no more than 200 kg.
5.21.5 Bars with a diameter up to 30 mm are allowed to be Packed in soft containers, wrapping the associated bundles (one or more) two layers of oiled paper or nepromokaemoy (5.3) and one layer of two-layer waterproof packing paper or two layers of wrapping paper bituminoase.
Packaging place should be connected with the steel wire or ribbon, the ribbon of all grades aluminium or aluminium alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9) in at least three uniformly spaced from one another.
5.21.6 When sending one user bars in soft containers are allowed packages weighing not more than 200 kg to associate one piece of cargo weighing not more than 1000 kg.
Package must be associated not less than two places when the length of bars up to 3 m inclusive, or in three or five locations at the length of bars 3 m tape or steel wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9).
Bars of 30 mm diameter when sending to the consumer in a direct transport without transhipment in transit are allowed to be Packed in soft containers with a lot of cargo space not more than 2000 kg.
Note — When you send the rods to the consumer in covered wagons or wagons with universal metal roof without transshipment on the way the weight of cargo space can be increased to 2000 kg of cargo is to be associated in three to five places with steel wire (5.9).
5.21.7 Bars with a diameter of more than 30 mm, tied into bundles three to five areas with tape or steel wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM, or wire, or round rod of aluminium (5.9).
5.21.8 Weight of the package should be no more than 3,500 kg.
5.21.9 Bars wound in coils should be tied with string or cord, or wire of aluminum of all grades in at least three uniformly spaced from one another places (5.9).
Associated Bay rods can be stowed in the foot and tied with wire or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9).
5.21.10 Each associated stop bays must be Packed in a collapsible reusable containers, pre-lined paper.
5.21.11 the Weight of one Bay to the foot shall be not more than 50 kg.
The mass of the foot should be no more than 350 kg.
Weight of cargo space in a collapsible reusable containers must be no more than 3000 kg.
5.21.12 allowed bars in coils packaging 5.26.
5.22 Packaging profiles
5.22.1 Profiles of the same size, one number and cipher, one brand, one state, one strength and one destination placed in bundles.
Profiles with a diameter of circumcircle up to 350mm tied in bunches any material (5.9) is not less than two places when profile length up to 3 m inclusive, or in three to five places the length of the profile is more than 3 m
5.22.2 Each of the associated beam profiles should be wrapped in two layers of oiled paper or nepromokaemoy (5.3) and single layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase of paper or a single layer of waxed paper and another layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper.
5.22.3 Wrapped bundles of sections are placed in wooden boxes (solid or lattice), collapsible, returnable packaging, crate or universal containers (5.5).
Associated bundles of profiles or individual profiles can be laid in boxes, collapsible, returnable packaging, crate or containers, previously lined with the same paper and in the same amount that
Note — When sending profiles, one user is allowed package to collapsible reusable containers to form multiple beams profiles of different sizes or ciphers; each bundle should consist of profiles of the same size, one number or cipher.
5.22.4 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 500 kg in a collapsible reusable container — not exceeding 5000 kg, in the crate — not more than 2000 kg.
5.22.5 Profiles flange width is more than 2 mm are allowed to be Packed in soft containers, avertive associated bundles (one or more) two layers of oiled or nepromokaemoy paper and one layer of two-layer waterproof packing paper or two layers of wrapping paper bituminoase (5.3).
Packaging place should be connected with tape or steel wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or rod of aluminum of all grades (5.9) in at least three places.
5.22.6 a Lot of packing space in flexible containers should be no more than 200 kg.
5.22.7 When sending profiles to the same user in soft containers are allowed packages weighing not more than 200 kg to tie into one package weighing no more than 800 kg.
Package must be associated not less than two places when the length of the profiles up to 3 m inclusive, or in three to five places the length of profiles 3 m tape or steel wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9).
5.22.8 Profiles flange plate thickness greater than 5 mm, when sending the consumer directly without transshipment in transit are allowed to be Packed in soft containers cargo area not more than 1500 kg.
Note — When sending profiles, in boxcars or gondola cars with universal metal roof without transshipment on the way the weight of cargo space can be increased to 2000 kg.
5.22.9 Profiles flange plate thickness more than 4 mm with a nominal overall size of more than 100 mm, and large profiles with a diameter of circumscribed circle is more than 350 mm, and profiles for electrical purposes associated with tape or steel wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9) is not less than two places when the length of the profiles up to 3 m inclusive, or in three to five places the length of the profile is more than 3 m
Weight of cargo space-related profiles should be no more than 3,500 kg.
5.22.10 Large profiles weighing up to 800 kg are not tied in bunches and placed directly on the pad with rows in wagons with induced temporary roof*.
5.22.11 formed sections are tied in bunches weighing 30 to 40 kg of twine or cord (5.9). The bundles are collected into bundles and tie with ribbon or wire of aluminum of all grades (5.9) is not less than two places when profile length up to 3 m inclusive, or in three places the length of the profile is more than 3 m
Associated bundles should be wrapped in two layers of oiled or nepromokaemoy paper and one layer of double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase of paper or a single layer of waxed paper and another layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper (5.3).
Wrapped bundles of roll-formed sections are placed in wooden boxes (solid or lattice) or in a collapsible reusable container (5.5).
Weight of cargo space stacked bundles should be no more than 1500 kg.
5.23 Packaging panels
5.23.1 Each panel should be wrapped in an envelope consisting of two layers of oiled paper and a single layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper (5.3).
Depending on the weight of the panels is permitted in one envelope to wrap multiple panels of the same size.
5.23.2 Wrapped in the envelope panel put feet in wooden boxes (thick and narrow), collapsible reusable containers, universal or specialized containers (5.5) or pull in packages of steel strapping (5.9).
Between the panels lay one layer of oiled paper (5.3) and any special non-metallic or rubber seals, put on the ribs. The distance between the pads should be no more than 3 m; the distance from the outermost strips to the ends of the panels must not be more than 0.5 m.
The top panel serves a single layer of oiled paper and one layer of double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper (5.3).
Allowed to apply a single layer of aluminum foil instead of the outer layer of paper.
5.23.3 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 500 kg, collapsible reusable containers — no more than 10,000 kg.
5.24 Packaging of tires and extruded tapes
5.24.1 Tires and extruded strips of the same size, same brand and same state of the material stacked into bundles or wound in coils.
5.24.2 Each bundle of tires and extruded ribbon tie ribbon of aluminum all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9) is not less than two places when the length of the tire and tape up to 3 m inclusive, or in three or five places with a length of more than 3 m
5.24.3 Weight of cargo space-related tires and belts should be no more than 4000 kg.
5.24.4 Each Bay tire or molded ribbon tie at least three uniformly spaced from each other places a strip of aluminum all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM, wire or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9).
Associated bays tire and tapes are placed in the forefoot that connect with a wire or round steel bar, aluminium all grades of tape from aluminium or aluminium all grades grade AKM (5.9).
5.24.5 the Weight of one Bay of tires and belts should be no more than 350 kg.
The load of tyres should be no more than 1000 kg.
5.25 Packaging tubes
5.25.1 Cold-drawn pipe of the same size, one brand and one state of material is laid in bundles and tied with twine or wire of aluminum of all grades (5.9) is not less than two places when the length of the pipe up to 3 m inclusive, or in three to five places the length of the pipe more than 3 m
5.25.2 Every associated bundle of tubes wrapped in two layers of oiled or nepromokaemoy paper and one layer of double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase of paper or a single layer of waxed paper and another layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper (5.3).
5.25.3 Wrapped bundles of tubes are placed in wooden boxes (solid or lattice), collapsible, returnable packaging, crate or universal containers (5.5).
Associated bundles of pipes or individual pipes can be laid in boxes, collapsible, returnable packaging, crate or containers, previously lined with the same paper and in the same amount that
5.25.4 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 500 kg in a collapsible reusable container — not exceeding 5000 kg, in the crate — not more than 2000 kg.
5.25.5 Cold pipes are allowed to be Packed in soft containers, wrapped associated bundles (one or more) two layers of oiled or nepromokaemoy paper and one layer of two-layer waterproof packing paper or two layers of wrapping paper bituminoase (5.3).
Package should be bound by the ribbon of all grades aluminium or aluminium alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9) in at least three places.
The weight of the package in flexible containers should be no more than 200 kg.
When sending one user cold-deformed tubes in soft containers are allowed to form a package weighing no more than 800 kg.
Package must be associated not less than two places when the pipes length up to 3 m inclusive, or in three or five places with a length of more than 3 m tape or steel wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM, or wire, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9).
5.25.6 Extruded tube (except large), including electrical purposes, and welded pipe bind tape, or greasy wire or strip made of aluminium all grades or aluminum alloy brand AKM or wire of aluminum of all grades, or round rod of aluminium of all grades (5.9) is not less than two places when the length of the pipe up to 3 m inclusive, or in three to five places the length of the pipe more than 3 m
Weight of cargo space-related thin-walled extruded pipes should be no more than 1500 kg, and the thick-walled extruded and welded tubes — no more than 3000 kg.
Pressed and welded pipes can be Packed in accordance with 5.25.1−5.25.3.
5.25.7 Pipes wound in coils should be tied with string or cord, or wire of aluminum of all grades (5.9) in at least three uniformly spaced from one another.
Any related Bay must be Packed in a collapsible reusable containers of cargo space is not more than 3000 kg.
5.25.8 large-size Extruded pipe of an external diameter exceeding 290 mm supply without packing and the formation of bundles.
5.26 Packing wire
5.26.1 Wire of the same size, one brand and one state of material is wound into a coil and tie in at least three uniformly spaced from each other places with twine, cord or wire of aluminum of all grades (5.9).
5.26.2 Each Bay, the associated wire is to be wrapped in two layers of oiled or nepromokaemoy paper and packing tissue, wrapping bituminou paper, synthetic or non-woven material or polyethylene film with a thickness of 0,10−0,20 mm (5.3).
5.26.3 Wrapped Bay should be tied with twine or cord, or wire of aluminum of all grades (5.9) in at least three uniformly spaced from one another.
The ends of the wire connected by twisting at least five turns.
Allowed associated Bay wire tuck it in the containers.
5.26.4 the mass of the cargo Bay of the wire should be no more than 50 kg.
5.27 the Packing of the forgings
5.27.1 Stamped forgings weighing not more than 2.5 kg, stamped forgings with machined, consumer and forgings and stamped forgings supplied after machining (roughing) one size, one brand and one state of material is laid in bundles.
5.27.2 Each bundle of forgings needs to be wrapped in two layers of oiled paper and a single layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase of paper or a single layer of waxed paper and another layer double-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper (5.3).
5.27.3 Wrapped packs of forgings are placed in a collapsible reusable metal packagings or containers (5.5).
Note — When laying the bundles in containers are allowed not to wrap them in paper.
5.27.4 allowed stacking of forgings in wooden crates, previously lined with two-layer waterproof packaging, or packaging bituminoase paper.
The paper is laid in two layers overlap, with one layer placed along the box, the second across.
5.27.5 Weight of cargo space when packing in boxes should be no more than 500 kg, collapsible reusable metal container — not exceeding 3000 kg.
5.27.6 Stamped forgings weighing more than 2.5 kg, stamped forgings and forgings, subject to the consumer machined on all sides, same size, same brand and same state of the material placed without packing in paper in a collapsible reusable metal packagings or containers (5.9) or directly into wagons.
5.28 Semi-finished products, Packed in containers or without containers, and semi-finished products without packaging can be formed into transport packets.
5.29 Consolidation packages based on their mass, dimensions is carried out in accordance with GOST 24597 and shipping Rules in force for transport of the relevant species.
5.30 For packaging semi-finished products are used:
multi-tools — universal flat pallets according to GOST 9078, trays, and rack the pallets according to GOST 9570, pallets for NTD, the lining according to GOST 22322 and magazines for NTD;
disposable funds — simplified flat pallets (plywood and other lightweight), tape, strapping and wire.
5.31 fastening Means packages must meet the requirements of GOST 21650.
Mount packages is a steel tape with a cross-section of 1.2−1. 8x30 mm according to GOST 3560 or soft steel wire of diameter not less than 5 mm according to GOST 3282.
Bond tips: twisting wire — not less than 5 turns, the tape is in the castle.
5.32 the Ways and means of packaging, weight and dimensions of the packages must be installed in the NTD to the semis of a specific kind.
5.33 According to the customer’s semi-finished products can be transported without packaging.
5.34 Additional packing requirements set in the NTD to the semis of a specific kind.
5.35 the Rules for labelling of goods — according to GOST 14192.
6.1 Semi transporterowych all types of vehicles (indoors and outdoors) in compliance with goods transportation Regulations applicable to transport of this form:
road transport (side cars, trailers, semi-trailers, covered with tarpaulin).
Prohibited in semi-finished products in boxes, if their size is greater than the length of the body of the car;
rail (indoor and outdoor rolling stock);
water transport (in the holds of ships and river vessels).
6.2 Weight of cargo space when transporting in boxcars should be no more than 1250 kg, length — not more than 3 m.
6.3 During the transportation of semi-finished cars target destination must be induced temporal or universal roof by NTD.
Allowed the transport of semi-finished products, Packed in containers, without the guidance of a temporary roof, in addition to the strips in rolls and sheets, sealed with tape or aluminum foil.
6.4 the Loading, stowage and securing of cargo on the semi, as well as unpackaged products in rail transport must comply with the technical conditions of loading and fastening of cargoes in force on that vehicle.
7.1 Conditions of storage of semi-finished products in the impact of climatic factors — according to GOST 15150.
7.2 storage Requirements
7.2.1 the Warehouse must be heated and have an auxiliary (also heated) room.
7.2.2 the Floors in the vault must be made of wood, asphalt, tile or xylolite covers.
Earth floors are not permitted.
Note — While cleaning it is necessary to use wet sawdust or a vacuum cleaner. Sweeping dry floors, and to water or spray of water is strictly prohibited.
7.2.3 Walls, roof, floors, doors and Windows should be OK. Special attention should be paid to timely sealing of cracks, crevices and potholes.
Doors and Windows must be tight-fitting.
Window openings should be equipped with blinds or curtains to avoid direct sunlight on stored foods.
7.2.4 Lighting in storage is permitted only electric. Wiring shall conform to the requirements of the Rules of device of electrical equipment.
7.2.5 Storage rooms should be fire-fighting equipment according to the norms of fire control.
7.2.6 In storage should be set of weight and measuring devices.
7.2.7 display Racks and stands for storage of semi-finished products shall be made of metal or wood having a moisture content not exceeding 18%.
Not allowed padding of the rack textiles, or other hygroscopic materials.
Wooden shelves and metal racks must be painted with oil paint or glyptal enamel and constantly kept clean.
Racks should not join the walls of the vault. Around the perimeter of the store between the shelves and walls should be a pass in width from 0.4 to 0.5 m. In the middle of the store should be the main aisle with a minimum width of 2.5 m.
Positioning the bottom shelf of the shelves directly on the floor is not allowed.
7.2.8 Storage should be well ventilated, to be protected from penetration of atmospheric precipitation, pollutants, corrosive agents, contributing to the formation and development of corrosion (chloride ions, ammonia fumes), smoke, dust.
Storage should be separated from the outdoor courtyard vestibule.
7.2.9 the air Temperature in the store must be from 5 °C to 35 °C. the Daily temperature difference should be no more than 5 °C.
The relative humidity should not exceed 75%.
Be temporarily to raise the relative humidity to 80% (a total of no more than 1 month per year).
7.2.10 Storage should be ventilated with a relative humidity of more than 75%, subject to the following conditions:
the absence of precipitation;
the relative humidity of the outside air lower the relative humidity in the repository;
the wind speeds less than 5 m/s.
Ventilation should be stopped if the relative humidity in the storage will be close to the relative humidity of the outside air and will not change within 1 h after ventilation.
7.2.11 Control of temperature and air humidity in the storage should be performed daily at the beginning and the end of the day with the log data.
For continuous registration of temperature and air humidity in the storage can be installed recording instruments — temperature recorders and gigography.
7.3 Preparation of semi-finished products to storage
7.3.1 Semi-finished products have to unload on the unloading asphalt or wooden pad with a canopy.
When unloading it is necessary to avoid damage to the container. Boxes should be stacked on dry wooden coasters, planks, or metal bars in neat stacks of carload lots.
7.3.2 Unloaded semi in a period of 24 hours should be listed in the auxiliary storage room and soaked there until, until you take the temperature of the auxiliary space.
The humidity in the auxiliary room should be the same with the main storage room.
When the temperature of the outside air is below 0 °C semi-finished products should be kept in the auxiliary room from 1 to 2 days.
Note — the Presence of conserved semi-finished products on the loading dock for no more than 10 days, after which they should be placed in the auxiliary room.
7.3.3 All incoming storage semi-finished products are subjected to consumer test to determine:
the state of packaging and preservation;
the presence of markings, stamps and seals;
the availability and correctness of registration supporting documentation.
7.3.4 In the auxiliary room, all semi-products must be extracted, reactivated, inspected and, if necessary, further long-term storage — canned again.
Note — Inspection of semi-finished products, canned oils and greases, may be performed without reopening or partial reopening of the only places of examination with obligatory subsequent preservation.
7.3.5 Inspection of semi-finished products is carried out carefully to avoid damage to the surface and means of conservation.
To shift or move the semi-finished products from one place to another should be carefully to prevent mechanical damage to the surface.
If relocation sheets each sheet should be removed from the total pack (foot), and not to move it to the adjacent sheet.
7.3.6 re-entry and inspection sheets should be carried out on tables, upholstered bakelizirovannoj plywood, plastic or linoleum.
Inspection of other types of semi-finished products can be conducted at a regular or special racks.
7.3.7 Illumination of the workplace under the control of semi-finished products must be at least 200 Lux. The light should be diffused or reflected.
7.3.8 Surface of semi-finished must be clean, dry, no corrosion damage, salt precipitation, and dust.
In the presence of traces of moisture or condensation or, and in the presence of salt precipitation and dust semi-finished products should be immediately wiped clean tips, or rags.
7.3.9 When working with semi-finished products should use lined gloves, gloves, oiled or waxed paper or appropriate devices (tongs, nets, etc.). Never touch the metal with bare hands.
7.4 requirements for the placement of semi-finished products during storage
7.4.1 Semi-finished products in storage need to be placed on the item (sheets, plates, strip in rolls, rods, profiles, tubes, forgings, etc.), brands, bottoms and size (thickness, diameter).
Prohibits storage of semi-finished products in bulk, unsorted.
Note — it is allowed to place semi-finished products according to grades and without regard to bottoms.
7.4.2 Semi-finished products are placed on shelves, stands or stored in stacks.
Do not store the semi-finished products on the floor.
7.4.3 the Leaves are stored on racks on the edge or in a horizontal position (the stack is not more than 200 mm).
Not allowed laying sheets of different sizes together (to avoid scratches).
7.4.4 Rods, profiles, and pipes are stored on racks in a vertical or horizontal position.
7.4.5 Wire in coils are stored on racks in a vertical position with an inclination in the direction of the adjacent Bay.
7.4.6 Strip in coils stored on a support stand placed under the protruding ends of the core.
7.4.7 it is Not allowed for joint storage of semi-finished products from aluminum and aluminum alloys with the materials of ferrous metal, non-metallic materials, and materials affected by corrosion.
Not allowed for joint storage of semi-finished products with chemical, easily flammable and flammable substances.
7.5 Control of semi-finished products during storage
7.5.1 In the process of storage is carried out visual inspection at least once per year 3−5% of the batch of semi-finished products.
7.5.2 Upon detection of corrosion damage to the semis of this party and other parties, received on storage at the same time, subjected to 100% control. In case of detection of corrosion products, corrosion, replace the entire tab.
1 Cleaning of all types of grease and mechanical impurities is carried out with aqueous solutions or organic solvents.
2 Composition of aqueous solutions and degreasing of semi-finished products depending on the type of pollution are shown in table 1.
Table 1
The nature of the contamination | But — measures of the solution | Component concentration, g/DM |
Processing mode | ||||||||
The caustic soda according to GOST 2263 |
Soda calcium — Niro — bathroom GOST 5100 | Glass sodium — soybean liquid according to GOST 13078 | Trina — tree — phosphate according to GOST 201 | Assisted Ghat Sal substance OP — 7, OP-10 GOST 8433 |
Sulfanol on NTD | The drug of type ML in NTD | Manoeto — elamin for NTD | Temperature, K (°C) | Continued resident concerns, min. | ||
Fat (techno — logical and conservation oil and grease) | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | 10−30 | - | 323−343 (50−70) |
5−8 |
2 |
- | - | 25−30 | 20−70 | - | - | - | - | 333−343 (60−70) |
10−15 | |
Three | - | - | - | - | - | 5−15 | - | - | 323−333 (50−60) |
- | |
4 | - | - | - | - | 5−6 | - | - | 1−2 | 323−333 (50−60) |
1−10 | |
Polishing — shaft paste | 5 |
- | 26−30 | 2−5 | 20−50 | - | - | - | - | 333−343 (60−70) |
3−5 |
6 | 3−5 | - | 20−30 | 30−50 | - | - | - | - | 333−343 (60−70) |
2−3 |
1 For improving the degreasing ability of solution 2 and 5 you can add 2−5 g/DMexcipients grades OP-7 or OP-10 GOST 8433.
2 In solution 2, the concentration of trisodium phosphate is 20−50 g/DMshould be applied for minor pollution; 50−70 g/DM
with a significant.
3 it is possible to use other similar aqueous solutions, providing a clean surface.
3 Degreasing of semi-finished products is carried out in stationary baths, jet devices or washing machines.
4 the Intensity of cleaning of semi-finished products in the stationary bath is accomplished by stirring the solution, the mechanical action of brushes, etc.
5 the Duration of treatment by any method set depending on the degree of contamination of the surface of the semifinished product.
6 Semi-finished products after degreasing in aqueous solutions washed with hot water at a temperature (60−80)5 °C and dried until completely dry air or in dryers, or blowing compressed air at a temperature (75
5) °C.
The air used for drying should be purified from dust, oil and moisture.
7 When cleaning organic solvents used:
kerosene technical*;
the aviation gasoline according to GOST 1012;
nefras brands C2−80/120, and C3−80/120 for NTD and C50/170 GOST 8505;
white-spirit GOST 3134.
To reduce fire risk in organic solvents is allowed to introduce an antistatic additive («Signal"*, etc.).
8 quality Control the degreasing is carried out visual inspection on the wettability of the surface water film: a complete degreasing ensures a uniform coating on the entire surface of the water film without gaps.
9 Control solutions is carried out by chemical analysis of the composition of baths for the production of NTD.
Solutions containing organic drugs (sulfanol, excipients OP-7 and OP-10 GOST 8433), not control.
By reducing the ability of degreasing solutions replace.
1 Conservation conservation oils
1.1 Conservazione oil applied to the surface of semi-finished products (depending on size and weight) by immersion, spraying or brush.
1.2 Oils applied is heated to a temperature of 313−353 K (40−80 °C) or 368 K (95 °C).
1.3 When applying the oils dip the excess oil allowed to drain.
1.4 Oil in the bath is necessary to monitor once a week according to the following criteria:
the mass fraction of water according to GOST 2477;
mechanical impurities according to GOST 6370;
acidity according to GOST 11362;
the concentration of free alkali GOST 6707.
1.5 When spraying the compressed air must meet the requirements of GOST 9.010.
1.6 Layer of oil after coating should be continuous, without air bubbles and foreign inclusions.
Defects are eliminated by re-applying the oil.
2 Preservation of volatile inhibitors
2.1 Volatile inhibitors used in the media (papers) or as a dry powder with a mandatory subsequent packaging in polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 thickness 0.15−0.20 mm.
2.2 the Quantity of inhibitor introduced into the volume of packaging space depends on the area of the surface to be protected should be:
from 50 to 100 g/mwhen using anti-corrosive paper brands of MBHE-3−40 and MBHI-8−40 according to GOST 16295;
from 10 to 50 g/cmwhen using linesis IFKHAN-1 or IFKHAN-1N.
2.3 Conservation inhibited paper hold one of the following methods:
wrapping of semi-finished products (for one or several pieces) with the subsequent packing in the case of plastic film;
laying of semi-finished products in waterproof container, lined with inhibited paper;
placement of leaves and bundles of inhibited paper between the semi-finished products, followed by packaging (shelter) in containers lined with water resistant material;
room inhibited paper inside the tubes, followed by the closure of openings with stoppers or plugs.
The distance from the inhibited paper to the surface to be protected shall be not more than 0.1 M.
2.4 Conservation linacre IFKHAN-1H is carried out by placing it in the packaging space of the cover or containers with perforated cartridges made of Plexiglas or bags (gauze, coarse calico etc.).
Lenacil can be placed at a distance of not more than 100 cm from the surface of the semi-finished product.
2.4.1 In the preservation of the leaves is necessary to ensure access of the vapors of the inhibitor to each sheet.
For preservation of internal surfaces of pipes need to be sealing the holes.
2.5 the Technology of preservation of volatile inhibitors depending on placement in storage is installed in the NTD for prefabricated concrete.
Table 1
The means of temporary corrosion protection | Method of reactivating |
1 conservation Oil K-17 GOST 10877 2 Oil conservation NG-203 (B, C)* 3 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 90−95%; additive AKOR-1 GOST 15171 at a concentration of 5−10% 4 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 80−85%; additive AKOR-1 GOST 15171 at a concentration of 5−10%; petrolatum technical* at a concentration of 5−10% 5 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 70%; petrolatum technical* at a concentration of 30% 6 Oil industrial brand AND 12A AND I-20A GOST 20799 at a concentration of 50%; petrolatum technical* at a concentration of 50% 7 Grease gun PVK GOST 19537 |
Wiping with a rag soaked with solvent according to GOST 1012, GOST 3134, GOST 8505 and subsequent blowing of warm air or wiping dry Immersion in a solvent with subsequent drying or wiping it dry Processing by steam jet or flushing with hot water or detergent solution with a sequestering and subsequent drying Treatment of aqueous solutions based drugs ML*, KM* |
8 Silica gel technical GOST 3956 | Depressurization of the containers, deleting containers and bags of silica gel |
9 Lenacil IFKHAN-1H* 10 Paper anticorrosive brands of MBHE-3−40, MBGI-8−40 according to GOST 16295 |
The depressurization and destruction of containers, removing paper and bags with inhibitors, blowing warm air |
11 Paper sticky* | Remove paper and rinse with gasoline |
Note — When storing semi-finished products in the packaging includes re-entry and removal of the packaging means.
1 depending on the design and ultimate weight of the semi-boxes are made of four types:
type I — a wooden lattice with four beams, assembled in a frame, the outer longitudinal and the transverse boards of the outer belts of planks, stitched with metal staples (figure 1);
type II hardwood combo with four bars, collected, in frame, with the outer longitudinal planks, outer transverse belts of planks, fastened with metal clamps, lid and bottom, sheathed with plywood (picture 2);
type III — a wooden lattice with a dense end walls, with external transverse zones of the strips, fastened by a metal band (figure 3);
type IV — plank combined with dense end walls, the outer transverse zones of the strips, fastened by a metal band, with bottom, sides and lid, covered with plywood (figure 4).
Boxes of types I and II are used for the packaging sheets, types III and IV — plastics profiles, rods and pipes.
2 Sizes of boxes installed:
for a type I in table 1;
for type II in table 2;
for types III and IV in table 3, and their limit deviations in table 4.
In the boxes of the types III and IV apply laths (figures 3, 4, positions 1, 3, 4, 5) of size mm. 25х50 allowed to use straps size 32х40 mm.
On each box use strap-only one section.
3 For the manufacture of boxes shall apply to the softwood lumber 3−4 grade according to GOST 8486 and GOST 24454 and sawn hardwood 2−3rd grade according to GOST 2695.
4 in the absence of lengthy material at a length of over 3000 mm box allowed the docking of the longitudinal beams, planks and laths.
5 For the manufacture of boxes of types II and IV used plywood with a thickness of 3−4 mm brands FSF and FC varieties or
Allowed to use wood fibreboard with a thickness of 3.2−4.0 mm brands T-350 and T-400 GOST 4598.
6 the Moisture content of wood boxes and their parts should not exceed (22+3)%.
7 surface Roughness of parts boxes should be no more than 1250 µm according to GOST 7016.
8 Wane allowed on one edge of the parts is not more than its thickness and width without length limitations.
When assembling boxes and shields the edge of the part with wane should not adhere to the plywood or wood-fiber plate.
9 Drawers are knocked together by nails types К4х100 according to GOST 4028, К2х40 and К3х70 according to GOST 4034, U-shaped metal straps, manufactured according to NTD, or combined method (nails and staples).
10 Mount corner joints with the use of parallel bars with a height of less than 60 mm spend one nail. Allowed to apply uomini in the extreme zones of the drawer is of type III.
11 When assembling the bottom and lid with end and side panels hammer nails in boxes of types I and II in a straight line, types III and IV is staggered, that is one nail in the bar, another to the Board.
When assembling longitudinal planks longitudinal timber in boxes of types I and II the distance between nails should not exceed 380 mm when the length of the box to 4000 mm more than 250 mm — with a length of over 4000 mm.
When assembling the drawers are U-shaped brackets back brackets should be placed across the grain of boards or at a 30−45° angle to the fibers of nailed the details.
Nails or staples should be placed from the end of the laths or planks not less than 15 mm from the longitudinal edges is not less than 10 mm.
The bottom and the lid fastened to the side boards between the cross belts of nails type К3х70 according to GOST 4034 two for bottom and one for the cover.
12 When assembling the drawers with the use of plywood hammer nails into the plywood. The ends of the nails should be bent and recessed into the wood on the outside of the box.
13 the Heads of nails must not protrude or be recessed more than the height of the head, the wire clamps must be of the correct form, without loops, cuts and other defects.
14 Belt and drawer fronts shall be solid bonded steel tape or staples thickness 0.4−0.8 mm and a width of 20 mm according to GOST 3560.
15 Zone of the steel band set band strapping machines, mechanical devices or by hand.
Tape during the mechanical close-fitting should be tightly stretched on a box so that the edges she cut into the wood.
Manual solid-tight steel tape nailed at the ends of the box connection ends overlap.
16 Docking of plywood in the drawers of types II and IV shall be carried out under the transverse belts at the butt or anywhere overlapping overlapping sheets of plywood not less than 100 mm.
17 boxes of types III and IV in the Assembly of the end walls of lath should be nailed to the boards two nails type К3х70 according to GOST 4034 to each connection.
18 Slinging containers is carried out in accordance with Annex D.
19 End wall of boxes types III and IV it is possible to produce from a solid Board thickness of 40 mm.
20 Boxes with the inner side of the square end wall equal to 300, 350, 400 and 450 mm, it is possible to produce with four additional longitudinal bars.
21 Boxes of types III and IV with the end wall 100x100, 150x150, 200x200 and 250х250 mm made in four longitudinal bars.
Table 1
But Mer yaschi — ka | The size of the leaves, packing — vivae required in the boxes, mm |
The height of the beam |
Internal — Ren — year-old Shih — Rina drawers — ka |
Internal |
The total length of the box
The number Prodo — sick boards. | The number of belts, PCs | Distance between AP — themselves
If Sanchez is your priest — PEQ — tion to the juice. | Weight, kg, for the nails types | Number of staples, pieces, (steel — Naya tape) | Mas — sa — len- you, kg | The volume Dre — ve — Sina. — Thoth, m |
Udel — tion mate — RIA — forefront — bone |
Mas — sa section ka, kg | |||
Shi — Rin | Long — on |
К4х100 | К2х40 | К3х70 | ||||||||||||||
1 | 600 | 1500 |
205 | 620 | 1540 | 1620 | 6 | 3 | 690 | 6 | 0,356 | 0,03 | 0,158 | 8 | 0,31 | 0,083 | 4,2 | 50 |
2 | 2000 |
155 | 2040 | 2120 | 3 | 940 | 6 | 0,356 | 0,03 | 8 | 0,28 | 0,094 | 4,7 | 57 | ||||
3 | 2500 |
125 | 2540 | 2620 | 4 | 770 | 8 | 0,474 | 0,04 | 10 | 0,33 | 0,108 | 5,4 | 66 | ||||
4 | 3000 |
110 | 3040 | 3120 | 4 | 930 | 8 | 0,474 | 0,04 | 10 | 0,31 | 0,122 | 5,8 | 74 | ||||
5 | 800 | 1500 |
155 | 820 | 1540 | 1620 | 3 | 690 | 6 | 0,356 | 0,03 |