GOST R 56667-2015
GOST R 56667−2015 Technical diagnostics. Acoustic method for determination the technical condition of the brake discs of the high-speed rolling stock. General requirements
GOST R 56667−2015
Group Т59
Technical diagnostics
General requirements
Technical diagnostics. Acoustic method for assessing conditions of high-speed wagons. General requirements
OKS 77.040.10
Date of introduction 2016−07−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Open joint-stock company «Scientific-research center of control and diagnostics of technical systems» (JSC «NIC KD») with the participation of Nizhny Novgorod state technical University n. a. R. E. Alekseev (NSTU them. R. E. Alekseev)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 132 «Technical diagnostics"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology, dated 22 Oct 2015 N 1618-St
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in the upcoming issue of the monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (www.gost.ru)
Determining the actual technical condition of the material responsible parts of rolling stock of railway transport is one of the most urgent problems the solution of which depends the safety of operation of any equipment, technical devices or design. Among these nodes of the design of railway rolling stock that directly affect safety and require increased attention are the brake discs. To ensure safe operation it is unacceptable cracks in the brake disc. The crack nucleation is preceded by structural changes due to external influence of temperature, alternating loads, friction forces. This leads to a change of physico-mechanical characteristics of the material associated with the accumulation of scattered microdamages that are not detected by traditional methods of nondestructive testing.
This standard is designed to ensure methodical bases of application of acoustic methods to determine the technical condition of the material of the brake discs of the high-speed rolling stock with the aim of evaluating the possibility of their further safe operation.
The technical condition of the material of the brake disk is determined according to two criteria — the magnitude of the residual stresses and the value of the performance level of damage used in the calculation methods of the mechanics of a damaged medium.
1 Scope
This standard specifies General requirements for the method of implementation of a set of acoustic measurements to determine the technical state of the material of the brake discs of the high-speed rolling stock for possibility of their further operation.
This document sets out:
— the contents and the order of the procedures of measurements with acoustic monitoring of the technical condition of the material of the brake discs;
— hardware requirements and software used in the measurement process;
— requirements for metrological provision of the method and the equipment used;
— requirements for registration of inspection results.
Note — this standard does not apply to brake disks made by the company «KNORR-ВREMSE».
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST 12.1.001−89 System safety standards. Ultrasound. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.004−91 System safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.038−82 standards System of labor safety. Electrical safety. The maximum permissible values of the touch voltage and currents
GOST 12.2.003−91 System safety standards. Equipment production. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.002−75 System safety standards. The process of production. General safety requirements
GOST 427−75 Rulers measuring metal. Specifications
GOST 2768−84 Acetone. Specifications
GOST 2789−73 surface Roughness. Parameters and characteristics
GOST 6616−94 thermoelectric Converters. General specifications
GOST 10587−84 epoxy-Dianova uncured. Specifications
GOST 17299−78 ethyl Alcohol technical. Specifications
GOST 20415−82 nondestructive testing. Methods acoustic. General provisions
GOST 20799−88 Oils. Specifications
GOST 30489−97* (EN 473:1992) the Qualification and certification of personnel in nondestructive testing. General requirements
* Access to international and foreign documents referred to here and hereinafter, can be obtained by clicking on the link to the site shop.cntd.ru. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST R 8.563−2009 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Techniques (methods) of measurements
GOST R 12.1.019−2009 System of standards of occupational safety. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection
GOST R 55725−2013 nondestructive testing. The ultrasonic transducers. General technical requirements
GOST R ISO 5725−2-2002 Accuracy (trueness and precision) of methods and measurement results. Part 2. The basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Symbols and abbreviations
3.1 this standard applies the following designations: — nominal frequency of the used piezoelectric transducer, MHz;
— delay the k-x of the reflected pulse of longitudinal wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse with n repeated measurements, NS
t — average delay of the k-th reflected pulse of longitudinal wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse, NS;
— delay k-x pulses of the reflected longitudinal wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse in the standard sample with n repeated measurements, NS
t — the average value of the k-th reflected pulse of longitudinal wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse in the standard sample, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— delay k-x of the reflected pulses of the transverse wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse of electromagnetic wave in the tangential direction with nrepeated measurements, NS
t — the average value of the k-th transverse momentum of the reflected wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse when the polarization of the wave in tangential direction, NS;
— delay k-x of the reflected pulses of the transverse wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse of electromagnetic wave in the tangential direction in the standard sample with n repeated measurements, NS
t — the average value of the k-th transverse momentum of the reflected wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse of electromagnetic wave in the tangential direction in the standard sample, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— delay k-x of the reflected pulses of the transverse wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse of electromagnetic wave in radial direction with n repeated measurements, NS
t — the average value of the k-th transverse momentum of the reflected wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse when the polarization of the wave in the radial direction, NS;
— delay k -x the reflected pulses of the transverse wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse when the polarization of the wave in the radial direction in the standard sample with n repeated measurements, NS
— the average value of the k-th transverse momentum of the reflected wave relative to the 1st reflected pulse when the polarization of the wave in the radial direction in the standard sample, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
k, k
, k
, k
— provocations coefficients, MPa;
k, k
, k
— thermoacoustic coefficients, °C
kis the relative change of speed of shear waves when the temperature changes by 1 °C;
k — the same for longitudinal waves;
k — the same as for Rayleigh waves.
— tangential residual stress, MPa;
radial residual stress, MPa;
— the yield strength of the object material, MPa;
— delays of pulses Rayleigh wave at the wave propagation in the tangential direction with n repeated measurements, NS
— the average value of the pulse delay of Rayleigh waves at the wave propagation in the tangential direction, NS;
— delays of pulses Rayleigh wave at the wave propagation in the radial direction with n repeated measurements, NS
t — the average value of the pulse delay of Rayleigh waves at the wave propagation in the radial, NS;
— delay pulse Rayleigh waves relative to a standard sample with n repeated measurements, NS
tis the mean value of pulse of Rayleigh waves for the standard sample of the national Assembly;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
— the value of the delay t
, normalized to 20 °C, NS;
T — temperature of surface, °C;
T — the surface temperature of the standard sample, °C;
the magnitude of pulses Rayleigh wave propagating in the tangential direction with n repeated measurements
R — the average value of scale pulse Rayleigh waves propagating in the tangential direction;
the magnitude of pulses Rayleigh wave propagating in the radial direction with n repeated measurements
R — the average value of scale pulse of Rayleigh waves propagating in the radial direction;
the magnitude of pulses Rayleigh wave propagating in a standard sample with n repeated measurements
R — the average value of scale pulse of Rayleigh waves propagating in a standard sample;
— the characteristics of damaged disc material;
N — the mileage of the car at the time of diagnosis of the material of the brake disc, thousand km;
N — the actual resource of the brake disc — run the car until the threat macrodefects in the material of the brake disc, thousand.
3.2 this standard applies the following abbreviations:
TD — brake disc;
SK — means of control;
PEP — piezoelectric Converter;
Wee — ultrasonic pulse;
PAVR — surface acoustic Rayleigh waves;
Re — operations manual
SOP — standard sample of the enterprise;
CTS — zirconate lead titanate.
4 General provisions
4.1 Method based on the existing dependencies between the parameters of propagation of elastic surface waves from body waves and the level of microdamage and residual stresses in the material structure of TD arising in the course of their operation.
4.2 the method uses a manual method of ultrasonic pulse-echo contact testing with the use of transceivers (a combined or dual) probe waves of different types in accordance with GOST R 55725.
4.3 Control is carried out according to the technical documentation developed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 20415.
4.4 sounding Scheme corresponds to the echo method of ultrasonic testing. Method of excitation of elastic vibrations — pin. The form of the emitted signal is a pulse with high frequency (ultrasonic) filling, with a smooth envelope and effective duration (at the level of 0.6 of the maximum amplitude) 2 to 4 periods of the fundamental frequency.
4.5 the Measured mechanical stresses are averaged over the material thickness and area of the ultrasonic beam.
4.6 Measured characteristics of damage are averaged over the volume of distribution of surface waves determined by the base of the transducer (distance between emitter and receiver), the nominal frequency and the size of its active elements.
4.7 the measured values Directly is the delay (the propagation time in the material) and the scale of acoustic signals.
4.8 the Effect of temperature on the accuracy of measurement of informative acoustic parameters into account using the appropriate thermo-acoustic coefficients with the dimension °C.
Their values are contained in a database of the UK or can be obtained experimentally in accordance with Annex A.
4.9 characteristics of the distortion is determined based on the processing arrays of informative acoustic parameters using the results of preliminary experiments.
4.10 Evaluation of residual life of the material of TD in the zone of measurements carried out on the basis of the use of curves approximating the dependences of the characteristics of the accumulated damage from the relative mileage obtained during preliminary experiments.
4.11 Recommended in this standard method can serve as the basis for the drafting of methods of measurements GOST R 8.563.
4.12 In developing the techniques of measurements must be verified on the basis of a representative base experienced TD.
5 safety Requirements
5.1 measurements allow personnel trained, training deadlines certified in the voluntary certification system on an appropriate level of qualification according to GOST 30489 according to [1].
5.2 Under the control of the technical condition of TD, the operator should be guided by GOST 12.1.001, GOST 12.2.003, GOST 12.3.002 and safety regulations for electrical installations according to GOST R 12.1.019 and GOST
5.3 Measurement is carried out in accordance with the safety requirements specified in the operating instructions of the equipment that is included in the used IC.
5.4 Facilities for measurements shall meet the requirements of the standards [2], [3].
5.5 At the organization of works on technical inspection of TD must be met fire safety requirements according to GOST
6 Requirements for measuring instruments
6.1 as CCS use installation consists of production equipment, or specialized ultrasonic devices that are certified and verified in the prescribed manner.
6.2 In the structure of the IC must contain the following probes:
— the Tr probe PWR type П122−3,0 GOST R 55725 or specialized converters given in [4], [5];
— combined direct transducer of longitudinal waves type П111−5,0, GOST R 55725;
direct combined Converter transverse waves type П111−5,0, GOST R 55725, for example, transducers of the type V 155-RB V155-RM V156-RM or specially made by the technology are given in Appendix B.
6.3 Assistive devices and materials
6.3.1 Grinding tool for surface preparation according to GOST
6.3.2 Thermocouple surface type TPP TPP 10 or 13 according to GOST 6616 for measuring the surface temperature TD.
6.3.3 Degreasing liquid (alcohol according to GOST 17299 or acetone GOST 2768) for surface preparation.
6.3.4 couplant (industrial oil brands-30A,-40A, AND 50A according to GOST 20799, water).
6.3.5 Contact fluid to enter the transverse vibrations (epoxy resin according to GOST 10587, liquid SWC, honey) whose viscosity at temperature of measurement should correspond to the viscosity of the epoxy resin at a temperature of 25 °C from 12 to 25 kg/(m·s) churchyard 10587.
6.3.6 storage Capacity for contact liquid, a brush for applying a contact fluid on the surface of products, rags for wiping of ultrasonic equipment and the operator’s hands, a metal ruler 500 mm according to GOST 427 for marking TD, marker, or chalk for drawing labels on controlled products, log for log control.
6.4 SK must ensure the measurement of the echo method using the UI with a smooth envelope.
6.5 SK must ensure the sampling of the ultrasonic signal with a frequency that exceeds at least 10 times the maximum effective frequency of the used probes.
6.6 SK must contain an analog-to-digital converters have a precision of at least 12.
6.7 Primary acoustic information for each dimension should always be stored on external media, protected from unauthorized access.
6.8 Documentation of SK must contain the measurement procedure and the documents that establish:
— the purpose and scope of the insurance;
— the composition and main characteristics of the hardware and software, including measurement error parameters of the UI;
— methods and means of achieving compatibility of the UK, including data, electrical, energy, software, development, and operational.
6.9 description of the functionality of SC in operational, design and policy papers should contain the specifications of the hardware and software.
6.10 Operational characteristics of the IC must comply with the requirements of the specifications and of this standard.
6.11 in determining the level of operational damage use SOP with the original structure of the material etc. Each SOP must be certified and have certificate of attestation and passport. The SOP shall be periodically and in special cases, extraordinary attestation (Ministerial practice) in the prescribed industry order.
6.12 Distance from the center of the DIS to the side faces should not be less than the value calculated according to the formula
, (1)
where r is the radius of the emitter probe;
V — the speed of the elastic longitudinal waves in the material etc.;
h — thickness of the crown so on.
7 Requirements for building control
TD 7.1 the Material shall not contain unacceptable delamination, inclusions and other visible defects.
7.2 monitoring to be working surfaces (friction surfaces) of the crown etc.
7.3 Zone control choose uniformly along the lengths of the radii in the range of working surfaces with an angular interval of 45°. The number of control zones at each radius is not less than three.
7.4 surface Roughness Ra of TD in the areas of measurement — not more than 2.5 µm according to GOST 2789.
Note — the Method does not guarantee the required accuracy of determination of residual stresses and distortion, if the surface roughness of the TD in the areas of measurement Raexceeds 2.5 µm.
7.5 surface Temperature TD should be in the range from 5 °C to 40 °C.
7.6 Before installing the transducer TD surface cleaned of dirt, scale, rust and degreased.
7.7 Distance from the entry point of the acoustic waves to the side faces of TD should not be less than the value calculated according to the formula (1).
8 the Procedure for preparation of the control
8.1 Preparation for control should include the following organizational and technical measures:
a) training (if necessary) of the metal surface to the control according to 7.2;
b) ensuring security personnel to control, in accordance with the safety instructions;
C) preparation for the work of SK.
8.2 Preparation for the work of the SC should include:
a) the main work on the preparation of SK after transport or storage in accordance with the operating instructions for the IC;
b) the basic works on installation and adjustment of IC before carrying out control in accordance with the operating instructions for the IC;
in) spacer (if required) cable communication lines between sensors and the measuring block of the IC;
g) setting SC to its original state;
d) measuring the surface temperature TD with the maximum permissible error of ±1°C.
8.3 in the absence in the database is SK functional or regression relationships between acoustic parameters and characteristics of damage before the inspection is carried out a set of preliminary experiments.
8.3.1 How to conduct experiments and to prepare the IC used to control the SOP.
8.3.2 SOP is made from a material of TD in the initial state. The surface quality of the DIS must meet the requirements of 7.4.
9 the Procedure for conducting control and processing rules results
9.1 the Process of acoustic control of the technical condition of the material of TD consists of the following steps:
— checking of equipment;
— preparation zone of measurement;
— measuring converters of different types;
— determination of residual stresses in the material etc.;
— calculation of damage material etc.;
— the estimation of the remaining service life of TD based on the results of the measurements.
9.2 verifying SK
The health check is conducted in accordance with re-used SC.
9.3 Determination of residual stresses in the material TD
9.3.1 using a contact thermometer to measure the temperature of the surface SOP of the MT.
9.3.2 In accordance with PE SK carried out the measurement of delays of body waves ,
with the reinstallation of the probe. The number of repetitions n must be at least 10.
9.3.3 For all measured delays are conducting the standard procedure for preliminary statistical analysis to eliminate mistakes of using the Smirnov criterion in accordance with GOST R ISO 5725−2. All parameter values are arranged in a variation row:
. Calculate the average value
and standard deviation
, (3) Determine the values uand u
by the formulas:
, (4)
. (5) Values andand and
compare with the criteria table values
, the values of which depend on the number of measurements and confidence level
When is:
For 2,03 0,90;
For 2,18 0,95;
Of 2.41 for 0,99. When the conditions are met
, (6)
values and
are not considered faults and to calculate the respective average values
are using the full variational series
. If the condition (6) or condition (7) (or both simultaneously) the corresponding values are excluded from the variational series. After the corresponding reduction in the value of n for further calculations use a truncated variational series.
9.3.4 After exclusion of misses for all of the measured parameters to calculate the coefficients of variation .
9.3.5 Verify the following conditions:
, (8)
, (9)
. (10)
9.3.6 If all the conditions (8)-(10) go to 9.3.9 processing of measurement results.
9.3.7 If at least one of the conditions (8)-(10) are not met, then for the corresponding acoustic parameter, a second measurement with a larger number n.
9.3.8 If the increase in the number of measurements n does not lead to fulfillment of the conditions (8−10), then make a decision about the possibility of further measurements with reduced accuracy.
9.3.9 to Calculate the values t, t
, t
9.3.10 In the event that if the surface temperature of the SOP is different from 20 °C by more than 10 °C, instead of the values t, t
, t
in further calculations using the given values
which are calculated according to formulas
, (11)
, (12)
. (13)
In the absence in the database is SK thermoacoustic coefficients k, k
determined experimentally on DIS, in accordance with Annex A.
9.3.11 use the contact thermometer to measure the temperature T of the surface of TD.
9.3.12 For each control zone on the surface of TD are measuring delays of body waves t, t
, t
in accordance with the procedure described in 9.3.2−9.3.9.
9.3.13 In that case, if the surface temperature TD is different from 20 °C by more than 10 °C, instead of the values t, t
, t
for further calculations used the values
which are calculated according to formulas similar to (11)-(13).
9.3.14 Values of tangential and radial residual stresses calculated by the formulae:
, (14)
, (15)
where ,
9.3.15 Check the execution ratio:
, (16)
where is the coefficient assigned technical assignment control.
9.3.16 If the Exhibitor relations (16) residual stress arising in controlled areas are considered dangerous, and the brake disc must be withdrawn from use.
9.3.17 When the relation (16) residual stress arising in controlled areas, considered safe, and assessment of technical condition of material TD is carried out according to the criterion of the accumulated operational damage in accordance with the procedure described in 9.4.
9.4 Determination of operating damage of the material TD
9.4.1 Connected to the IC probe PWR.
9.4.2 using a contact thermometer to measure the temperature of the surface SOP of the MT.
9.4.3 In accordance with PE SK carried out the measurement of the latency and magnitude of the pulses
with the reinstallation of the probe. The number of repetitions n must be at least 10.
9.4.4 carry out a preliminary statistical processing of the values to eliminate mistakes of using the Smirnov criterion, in accordance with the procedure described
9.4.5 After exclusion of misses for all of the measured parameters to calculate the coefficients of variation .
9.4.6 Checking the condition:
. (17)
9.4.7 If the condition (17)
9.4.8 If the condition (17) is not fulfilled, then carry out repeated measurements with a larger number n.
9.4.9 If the increase in the number of measurements n does not lead to fulfillment of the conditions (17), the head of laboratory of nondestructive testing in coordination with the representative of the owner of the car decides about the possibility of further measurements with reduced accuracy.
9.4.10 Calculate the average value t.
9.4.11 In that case, if the surface temperature of the SOP is different from 20 °C by more than 10 °C, instead of the value of tin further calculations, use the value
that is calculated by the formula
. (18)
9.4.12 processing the array of values to determine the average value of scale pulse Rayleigh wave R
propagating in the SOP, conduct similar 9.4.4−9.4.10, while inequality (17) is replaced by
. (19)
9.4.13 Measure the temperature T of the surface of TD.
9.4.14 Similar to claim 9.4.3 take measurements of the delays ,
and the magnitude of the impulses
for the study area to TD.
9.4.15 the Processing of the measurement results for the investigated area TD conduct is similar 9.4.4−9.4.12.
9.4.16 Expect the characteristics of the damage ,
according to the formulas:
, (20)
, (21)
where ,
, D
, D
— marginal (before destruction) the values of the parameters D
, D
, obtained during preliminary experiments.
9.4.17 as the size of the commercial damage choose the maximum of the values
9.4.18 the Brake disc is considered healthy if the following inequality is satisfied
, (22)
where the value (usually in the range from 0.8 to 1) is defined in the specification of the control.
9.4.19 in such cases, inequality (22) of the brake disc must be replaced.
9.5 Assessment of residual life of the brake disc
9.5.1 Assessment of residual life of the disk is performed on the basis of its calculation to the control zone, the material of which the detected maximum value of operational damage .
9.5.2 In this standard under the relative residual disk resource understand the value
. (23)
9.5.3 determination of the relative residual life based on the use obtained in the course of preliminary experiments a dependency
, (24)
. (25)
9.5.4 On the basis of the measurement results at the time of diagnosis of the characteristics of the damage and
using dependences (24) and (25) determine the values of the relative residual resources
, as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1 — Definition of relative residual resource
Figure 1 — Definition of relative residual resource
9.5.5 For the relative residual life take a little of the values
10 Rules for registration of measurement results
10.1 the results of the control record in the journal, the form of which is given in Appendix V.
10.2 Additional information to be logged, the order of registration and storage of the journal (or conclusion) must be installed in the technical documentation for the control.
10.3 If the definition of a technical condition of the material the brake discs are part of the research work, the results of the measurements shall be made in accordance with the General requirements and rules of registration of reports on research work.
10.4 the results of the survey should be maintained until the next control etc.
Annex a (mandatory). Determination of thermo-acoustic coefficients
Appendix A
A. 1 Definition of thermoacoustic coefficients k(k
, k
, k
) is performed on the basis of the study of regression dependences of the delays of pulses of elastic waves of respective types t
on temperature T of SOP.
A. 2 Measurement of temperature dependences is carried out on the SOP material of TD in vitro.
A. 3 the Sample is heated to a temperature of 80 °C, then for a uniform temperature distribution maintained at room temperature to 60 °C.
A. 4 as the cooling of the sample at intervals of 5 °C is performed a measurement of the surface temperature of the sample Tand the corresponding delays
for each i-th temperature value.
A. 5 Thermoacoustic coefficients calculated by the formula
, (A. 1)
where ;
Nis the total number of measurements for a given sample.
A. 6 measured at 3−5 samples averaged results.
Annex B (reference). Manufacture technology of combined direct shear wave transducers
Appendix B
B. 1 Active elements of the original probe is made of semi-type piezoelectric ceramics PZT in the form of polarized plane of the bars by sawing diamond grinding with cooling water emulsion in order to avoid depolarization.
B. 2 Scheme of cutting is shown in figure B. 1
Figure B. 1 — Scheme of cutting polarized semi-finished products in the manufacture of active transducer elements
1 — electrodes of the semi-finished product obtained by viginia silver; 2 — polarization direction; 3 — direction cutting
Figure B. 1 — Scheme of cutting polarized semi-finished products in the manufacture of active transducer elements
B. 3 the Thickness of plates is determined by the formula
, (B. 1)
where Vis the speed of transverse elastic waves in the piezoelectric ceramics.
B. 4 Received piezoelastic sanded, but not polished because polishing reduces the coefficient of Electromechanical connection for shear wave transducers.
B. 5 On one side of the plates by the method of vacuum deposition is applied a contact layer of metal (may be silver or Nickel) thickness not less than 0.5 microns.
B. 6 coated On the metal layer is electrolytically applied a layer of copper of thickness not less than 0.1 mm.
B. 7 Design of the Converter shown in figure B. 2.
Figure B. 2 — construction of the piezoelectric transducer transverse waves
1 — piezoelastic; 2 — a contact layer; 3 — a mechanical damper; 4 — metallic screen5 — compaud; 6 — high frequency cable
Figure B. 2 — construction of the piezoelectric transducer transverse waves
B. 8 Mechanical damper 3 in the form of a pyramid made of plasticized epoxy in which the volume ratio of 1:1 make a filler from fine lead shavings or tungsten balls with an average diameter of 0,05 mm. Sufficiently high density of the material of the pyramid ensures its high damping properties, and created a density gradient along the height of the pyramid helps to reduce the effect of spurious reflections of elastic waves from the lateral faces.
B. 9 Gauge metal screen of copper or brass screen 4, the space between which the damper is filled with viscous compucom 5.
B. 10 Electrical signals to the sensor are fed through a high frequency cable 6. Signal input to the contact surfaces are soldered with wood’s alloy with a melting point of 60 °C, which is a local depolarization of piezoelastic in place of the soldering.
Note — unlike the traditional design of the piezoelectric transducers used in ultrasonic flaw detection, a contact layer of metal is applied only on the inner surface of piezoelastic. The possibility of using such a variant of the Converter due to the fact that only examines conductive materials, so it is enough to ensure the contact of Converter case with the surface of the object. In addition, the absence of the lower layer of the contact coating, which is usually necessary to protect a protective layer, provides increased coefficient of the Electromechanical connection of the Converter.
Annex b (recommended). Form of the control Protocol
The App
«CLAIM» | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Head | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
name of the organization | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
personal signature, | initials, surname | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
« | « | 20 | G. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
PROTOCOL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
determine the technical condition of the material | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
crown brake disc car spectral-acoustic method | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(name, object code control) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 measurement date | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2 the Organization conducting the monitoring | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3 Owner car | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4 information about the object control: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
date of manufacture | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the manufacturer | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
material grade | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
mileage, thousand km. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
for more information about the test object | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
5 Sketch of the test object showing the location of areas of measurements and their | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
the numbering (in the app) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
6 Conclusion about the presence of dangerous macro defects | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7 Conclusion the magnitude of residual stresses | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
8 the surface temperature of the object of control, °C | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9 the values of acoustic characteristics in areas of measurement | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zone number of measurements | R |
R |
R | |||||||||||||||||||||||
10 Name and code of the database | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
11 measurement Results of | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Table 2 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Zone number of measurements | The value characteristics of the power- |
The value characteristics of the power- |
Forecast take- |
Forecast take- |
Relative | |||||||||||||||||||||
The research done by the operator: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
personal signature | initials, surname | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Head of laboratory | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
NDT: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
personal signature | initials, surname |
[1] | PR 32.113−98 | Rules of certification of personnel for nondestructive testing of technical objects of railway transport | |
[2] | SNiP 2.09.03−85 Construction of industrial enterprises. Design standards | ||
[3] | SanPiN 2.2.½.1.1.1200−03 | Sanitary-protective zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, constructions and other objects | |
[4] | Corners of L. A., Batalin O. Yu., Matveev, Y. I., Cities G. F., Panov V. A. peculiarities of design of ultrasonic Rayleigh of the transducer to control the physical and mechanical characteristics of details. // Assembly in mechanical engineering, instrument making. — 2001, N 8, pp. 31−33 | ||
[5] | Angles A. L., Erofeev V. I., Smirnov A. N. Monitoring equipment during production and operation. M.: Nauka, 2009. 280 |
UDC 620.172.1:620.179.16:006.354 | OKS 77.040.10 | Т59 |
Keywords: technical condition, the crown of the brake disc, the echo method, the ultrasonic pulse, delayed pulses, scale pulses, the piezoelectric transducer, the longitudinal elastic wave, a surface acoustic wave of Rayleigh |
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