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GOST R 53006-2008

GOST R 53006−2008 Estimation of a resource of potentially dangerous objects on the basis of Express methods. General requirements

GOST R 53006−2008
Group Т59



General requirements

Estimation of potential dangerous objects lifetime on the basis of express methods

OKS 77.040.10

Date of introduction 2009−09−01


The objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation established by the Federal law of 27 December 2002 N 184-FZ «On technical regulation», and rules for the application of national standards of the Russian Federation — GOST R 1.0−2004"Standardization in the Russian Federation. The main provisions"

Data on standard

1 was DEVELOPED by limited liability company «Energodiagnostika» (LLC «Energodiagnostika»)

2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 132 «Technical diagnostics"

3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 13 November 2008, N 309-St


Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annually issued reference index «National standards», and the text changes and amendments — in monthly indexes published information «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a monthly information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet


Currently, the feature class for which the problem of estimation of a residual resource are key, have increased considerably. In such industries as atomic energy, transport (especially aviation), the problem of determining the residual life of individual units, and separate critical components or structural elements is of particular importance, as their premature failure can lead to unacceptable environmental consequences and huge financial losses. Decommissioning of objects, formally reached the end of its assigned life, but not exhausted its actual longevity, leads to unnecessary additional costs.

An objective assessment of the health and safety of operating responsible of the technical object, in a significant number of practically important cases is impossible without using non-destructive methods of control of the state, which is its material.

This standard applies to objects and structures for various purposes, to develop a set of project resource, as well as on the objects after accidents and repair.

This standard complements the provisions set forth in the documents of the GOST R 52330, [1], [2], and establishes requirements to the content of the developed standards or procedures for evaluation of technical state and definition of a residual resource of potentially dangerous objects in the course of their operation using modern non-destructive Express methods of technical diagnostics.

1 Scope

This standard applies to facilities (pipelines, vessels and structures for various purposes and their elements, including the weld joint of any design), to develop a set project (producer) resource requiring assessment of resource characteristics to the expiration of the appointed term of service, as well as on the objects after accidents and remedial repairs.

This standard specifies the basic requirements for the contents of the standards or practices, regulatory procedures for the assessment of a residual resource of potentially dangerous technical objects using non-destructive Express methods of technical diagnostics.

2 Normative references

This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:

GOST R 52330−2005 non-destructive Control. Control of the stress-strain state of objects of industry and transport. General requirements

GOST 27.002−89 reliability of the technique. Basic concepts. Terms and definitions

GOST 27.004−85 Reliability engineering. System technology. Terms and definitions

Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or published annually by the information sign «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year and related information published monthly indexes published in the current year. If the reference standard is replaced (changed), when using this standard should be guided by replacing (amended) standard. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, then the situation in which the given link applies to the extent that does not affect this link.

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations

3.1 this standard applies the terminology according to GOST 27.002, GOST 27.004, GOST 52330, as well as the following terms with respective definitions:

3.1.1 rapid methods: Passive physical methods of nondestructive testing, used as informative parameters of physical fields characterizing their own (internal) energy of metal object monitoring (acoustic emission, the method of metal magnetic memory, thermal control, etc.).

Note — These NDT methods have the control without any surface preparation, without entering in OK artificial physical fields and therefore the execution speed of control when using them is much higher compared to the active NDT methods.

3.1.2 expert examination: the examination of industrial safety, the result of which is the conclusion.

3.1.3 operational diagnostics: the Analysis of functional (working) parameters of this OK (temperature and pressure, metal temperature, etc.) and comparing them with design parameters.

3.1.4 the limiting state of the metal: the state of the metal, determined by the initial value of the average density of internal energy and not dependent on the size of the product and conditions of its loading.

Note — a Limiting state of the metal is characterized by the formation of microcracks at the level of the structural element and corresponds to the tensile strength.

3.1.5 the ultimate state of the item (node): Condition of the item (node), defined by the ratio of the size of the local region to which the metal has reached the limit condition and size of the product.

3.1.6 technical diagnostics: Area of expertise includes the theory, methods, and means of determining the technical condition of objects.

3.1.7 area of stress concentration: Local area products in which there is a large deformation compared to the average deformation over the entire volume of the product resulting from the unfortunate combination of design features of the heterogeneous structure of the material and workloads.

3.1.8 criterion for safe operation: the Absence of control of local areas of stress concentration in which the condition of the metal has reached the limit.

3.1.9 design-expert assessment of a residual resource: the decision on the safe operation life OK based on a comprehensive analysis of the results of the expert survey and performed checking calculations of strength.

3.2 this standard applies the following abbreviations:

OK — the object of control;

NDT — non-destructive testing;

KN is the stress concentration;

IPRA — stress concentration zone;

VAT — the stress-strain state.

4 requirements for the content standards or methods

4.1 Standards or procedures shall contain the following obligatory sections:

— the introductory part (introduction);

— the main provisions;

— training requirements OK to test;

— requirements for personnel conducting the examination;

— requirements for methods and means of verification;

operational (functional) diagnostics;

— analysis of technical documentation;

— expert examination;

— evaluation of VAT to non destructive testing and determination of the IPRA;

— determination of actual structural-mechanical characteristics of metal in the IPRA;

— analysis of the results of expert examination;

— calculation of a residual resource;

— the decision on the future operation of the facility;

— an expert opinion.

4.2 Standards or methods, if necessary, may contain sections specific to the operating conditions and diagnosing the object (for example, evaluation of physico-mechanical properties of the metal on the basis of special test samples, etc.).

4.3 Key terms and definitions used in the standards or techniques, should correspond to GOST 27.002 and GOST 27.004. New terms, symbols and definitions should be included in the appropriate section.

5 requirements for the content sections of the standards or methods

5.1 the introductory part

In the introduction indicate the purpose of the standard or methodology, the name of a specific object or group of objects subject to standard or methods.

5.2 the Main provisions of the

5.2.1 the guideline disclose the concept of determining the residual life, which is in accordance with GOST 27.002 take the time object from the time of control of the technical condition before moving in unhealthy or limiting condition.

In the General case, as the base concept uses the principle of «safe operation on a technical condition», according to which the evaluation of the technical state of the object is carried out according to the parameters of the technical condition, ensuring its reliable and safe operation in accordance with the regulatory and (or) design (project) documentation, and residual service life — determining parameters of the technical condition. As parameters of technical state accept parameters, changing of which (separately or together) causes the object in an unhealthy or limiting condition.

5.2.2 Estimation of residual life or the establishment of an assigned resource based on the patterns of change in the defining parameters of the technical condition established in the analysis of the identified mechanisms of development of damage and (or) by measuring functional performance.

5.2.3 estimation of the parameters of the technical condition and the choice of the governing parameters is carried out by results of the analysis of technical documentation, operational (functional) diagnostics and expert inspection.

5.2.4 Except as prescribed in the normative and (or) design (project) documentation, may be introduced additional criteria limit state, in which the transition determines the residual life of the inspected object.

5.2.5 the Main stages of the process of definition of a residual resource of potentially dangerous objects under control of Rostechnadzor, as shown in the block diagram in Appendix A. the Structural scheme involves a full examination OK with the use of Express-methods of technical diagnostics.

5.2.6 Criteria limit state is determined according to the guidance document (RD), operating in the industry.

5.2.7 depending on the criteria of limit state and conditions of operation as parameters of its technical condition are used:

— gradient of internal stresses, which characterize the change in the density of the internal energy of the material in IPRA (integrated parameter VAT);

the basic material properties (mechanical properties — yield strength, tensile strength, hardness, fracture toughness, fatigue limits, long-term strength, creep, etc., chemical composition, microstructure characteristics, etc.);

— factors of safety (yield stress, strength, long-term strength, creep, cracking resistance, resistance, number of cycles or the stress calculations on the cyclic strength);

— the technological parameters (temperature, pressure, output of product, the vibration parameters, operating modes, etc.);

— characteristics of defects of the metal (minimum thickness of walls, presence of cracks, pores, lack of fusion, etc.).

5.3 Operational (functional) diagnostics

5.3.1 the Purpose of rapid diagnosis — obtaining data on the technical condition of the examined object, its technological options, terms of interaction with the environment.

5.3.2 Operational diagnosis is carried out on the test object continuously or discretely in accordance with the pre-designed (see 5.4.3) and coordinated with the services and bodies responsible for the operation of the object program, using the standard instrumentation of the complex.

In the process operational diagnostics to determine (measure) the parameters of the technical condition of the OK register process performance that serve as the parameters of the technical state of the object (temperature, pressure, power, vibration, cost and output product of the process, etc.), and carry out statistical treatment of the data.

5.3.3 programmes for operational diagnostics provide special modes of operation of the facility and the installation of special test and diagnostic equipment, allowing to detect deviations of process parameters from the estimated damage in the elements of OK, and (or) the possibility of failure.

5.3.4 results of the operational diagnostics are issued in the form of measurement protocols, additions to the database and (or) are in the form of technical advice or report.

5.4 Analysis of technical documentation

5.4.1 the purpose of the analysis of technical documentation — establishing the item’s technical parameters, limiting conditions, identify the most probable failures and damage, as well as of structural elements and sections, the growth of damage and that their deficiency can lead to failure. Pay special attention to the analysis of criteria, causes, consequences and criticality of failures, the prediction of the possibility of sudden failures.

5.4.2 analysis of the subject:

regulatory, engineering (design) and operational, including installation and repair, documentation;

— technical documentation and scientific and technical information on failures and damage to Park facilities and similar equipment;

— program (plan) of rapid diagnosis of the test object;

— protocols: results of surgical diagnosis.

5.4.3 Results analysis of the technical documentation are the following documents:

— list of analyzed documents;

form object in the form of a sketch and table showing the elements and plots that are a result of features of their design or technological realization and (or) conditions of operation and loading are most susceptible to the appearance of the lesions and (or) failures (especially the latent, dependent and sudden);

programs (change or addition) rapid diagnosis of the test object;

databases on the technical parameters of the object and (or) technical opinion based on the results of the analysis;

— list of elements and areas of the facility subject to expert examination, specifying the features of their design or technological realization (sketches and tables);

program for an expert examination of the specific elements and sections of the test object.

5.5 Expert inspection

5.5.1 the Purpose of the expert survey is to obtain information about the real technical condition of the object, the presence of damage, identify the causes and mechanisms of their emergence and development.

5.5.2 the Expert examination is carried out in accordance with the program developed on the basis of the analysis of technical documentation and operational diagnostic data (see 5.4.3) in relation to a particular object.

5.5.3 the program include:

visual (internal and external) monitoring, including measurement of geometrical parameters;

Express-diagnostics of the selected control areas in the amount determined by the survey program;

— defectoscopy, including the method, in volume and on sections, established according to the results of Express diagnostics;

control of the strength properties of metal OK.

5.5.4 For the detailed examination of the test object used non-destructive Express methods to determine the actual VAT and to identify zones of stress concentration.

5.5.5 Experimental determination of the actual stresses, strains, indigenous knowledge in non-destructive physical methods must be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 52330.

5.5.6 To perform the flaw detection control in the IPRA apply methods and equipment regulated for these purposes, the regulatory documentation with the requirements of the design, installation and maintenance documentation on the surveyed object.

5.5.7 In cases where to conduct inspection of current normative documentation for the test object requires the application of different physical methods, take into account the physical compatibility of these methods and, if necessary, revise the sequence of applying the methods to the exclusion of one or more of the methods recommended by the documentation, after agreement with the specialized organizations and approval of the bodies of Rostekhnadzor.

5.5.8 the Results of expert examination issued in the form of measurement protocols, forms or maps of the distribution of IPRA, defects and damage of the test object with data tables stored in the database at the object and reflect in the report or technical conclusion.

5.5.9 During the examination of defective or non-functioning, but repairable object, control the procedure for conducting operational diagnostics and expert examination may be changed upon agreement with Rostechnadzor.

5.6 analysis of the results of the expert survey

5.6.1 the purpose of the analysis of the results of the expert survey was to establish the actual condition of object of control on the basis of a comparison of the results of the inspection and characterization of metal IPRA identified by the methods of Express-diagnostics.

5.6.2 based On the analysis of the results of the expert examination conclusions, including:

— classification and evaluation of existing and newly identified indigenous knowledge according to their degree of hazard;

— classification and evaluation of nature of newly identified defects and the dynamics of changes in the existing (previously identified) defects;

model (working hypothesis) mechanisms of formation and growth of damage;

— options of possible failures (gradual degradation, flash, including categories, effects and criticality) as a result of development of defects and damages, with special attention to prediction of the possibility of sudden failure;

— assessment of compliance of parameters of the technical state of the object to requirements of normative and design documentation;

— conclusion on the need to further revised calculations and experimental studies VAT and characteristics of materials in case of deviations of the parameters of the technical state of the object from the requirements of normative and design documentation, with the object or in its form indicate which areas (region, local area) for additional research.

5.6.3 Experimental determination of actual mechanical properties of the material are partially destructive (taking the «replica», «chips» of metal hardness measurement) or destructive (cutting of samples for study of structural-mechanical properties of the metal) methods is carried out in accordance with the requirements of normative documents in the field defined by the results of expert surveys (e.g., IPRA, where the presence of discontinuities is not confirmed by testing).

5.6.4 in determining the actual material properties in the specimens cut from the structure elements, or witness-samples the tests are carried out in accordance with the normative documentation and research programmes, tailored to the specifics of the damage and the operating conditions of the structural element.

5.6.5 List of characteristics of materials may include, in addition to standard private characteristics of the strength properties (depending on the operating conditions of the characteristics of low cycle and high cycle fatigue, long-term strength, fracture toughness, corrosion resistance and stress corrosion cracking, etc.), integral energy characteristics that determine the ability of a material to withstand loads — for example, the gradient of the stress field.

5.6.6 the results of the analysis of the expert survey the damage and parameters of the technical condition make the database (see 5.4.3) and is formalized in the form of technical findings with decision to continue further studies VAT and characteristics of materials.

5.7 estimation of a condition of metal in IPRA

5.7.1 an assessment performed to determine the degree of closeness of metal to the ultimate in IPRA as revealed by the use of non-destructive Express methods of technical diagnostics, and for comparison, out of IPRA. In this case use the calculation methods for the diagnostic parameters describing the actual state of the metal.

5.7.2 in the absence of sufficiently precise or tested in practice by algorithms for complex calculations allowed the independent use of physical non-destructive methods of determining the parameters of a VAT having a scientific basis and convincing experimental confirmation.

5.7.3 the results of calculations or experimental studies VAT and characteristics of the materials should clarify the mechanisms of occurrence and development of damage.

5.7.4 Revised General determine parameters of the technical condition must be an interval characteristics of reliability: a predetermined (selected) interval of possible values of the parameters that determines the probability of their being in this interval, or a predetermined (chosen) probability that defines the value of the interval of possible values of the parameters.

5.7.5 the Results of calculations performed according to the normative documents, are compared with the results of the expert survey with the aim of forecasting the residual resource of the object of control.

5.8 Calculation and expert evaluation of the resource

5.8.1 Determination of residual resource of the object is the forecast of change of its technical condition in time for determining the parameters until reaching the ultimate limit state should be based on estimates and expert survey.

5.8.2 When choosing a prediction algorithm take into account the accuracy and reliability of the values of the parameters and characteristics used in the calculations and determine, ultimately, the accuracy and reliability of the assessment of the resource object.

5.8.3 When a continuous (or discrete) control parameters of the technical condition allowed to use simplified algorithms in which the prediction is carried out by one parameter of the technical condition.

Simplified algorithms of forecasting of a residual resource used, for example, to:

object operating under conditions of static loading and corrosive environment and reduce the carrying capacity by reducing the thickness, when the main damaging factor — the General corrosion;

object operating under conditions of cyclic loading in the absence of a corrosive environment, reduce the carrying capacity due to low cycle fatigue.

Allowed forecasting of a residual resource of object, functional parameters when there is information on the parameters for the operation period sufficient for the extrapolation of these values for the subsequent operation period in the project (full-time) modes.

5.8.4 Simplified forecasting algorithms may be applied also for the assessment of residual life of various facilities (pipelines, vessels and structures) that are in long-term operation in a real environment, if the criterion for safe operation of the specific element of the object is its integrity. The need for an individual assessment of each resource a specific element or site (including the similar and identical), including each weld joint, is determined by the survey program.

5.8.5 Results of the calculations for forecasting of a residual resource are issued in the form of a report which serves as the basis for decision-making.

5.9 the decision on possibility of further operation of the facility

5.9.1 based On the data for the assessment of technical state and residual resource you take an informed decision about the possibility of further operation of the facility in accordance with the residual or assigned resource or its repair, reduction in operating parameters, the removal. The decision is made by the company or the organization conducting the technical diagnosis and residual life assessment together with the customer in the prescribed manner.

5.10 Conclusion

5.10.1 the Results of all completed studies (including calculations) and the decision made as a Conclusion with applications that include materials referred to in 5.4.3, 5.5.7, 5.6.2, 5.7, 5.8 and 5.9.

5.10.2 Conclusion about the timing of further safe operation of facilities under Rostekhnadzor, are experts, certified in the prescribed manner, in accordance with [2].

5.10.3 Conclusion in the form recommended by [2], shall contain the signatures of performers (experts) of the work and the approving signature of the head of the organization conducting the survey, and an estimation of residual resource of the object.

5.10.4 Conclusion the object of control is an integral part of the documentation for equipment should be made by the owner in the passport equipment.

5.10.5 Conclusion the object of control is the basis for the adoption by the head of the organization of the decision on further operation of the control object. The operating permit of the facility make according to the requirements of normative documents of Rostekhnadzor.

6 Approval and adoption of the standards or methods

6.1 the Right to develop standards or methods of evaluation resource is provided to the specialized organizations and interested parties in accordance with articles 11 and 17 of Chapter 3 of the Federal law «On technical regulation».

6.2 Standards organizations, including commercial, public, scientific, associations of legal entities allowed to develop and approve its own, based on the need of their use for the purposes specified in article 11 of the Federal law «On technical regulation».

Annex a (mandatory). Block diagram of definition of a residual resource of potentially dangerous objects under control of Rostechnadzor

Appendix A

ГОСТ Р 53006-2008 Оценка ресурса потенциально опасных объектов на основе экспресс-методов. Общие требования


[1] RD 09−102−95
Methodical instructions by definition of a residual resource of potentially dangerous objects controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
[2] PB 03−246−98

Change N 1[BRP 03−490 (246)-02]
Rules of carrying out of examination of industrial safety. The resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation No. 64 from 01.11.1998

The electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC «Code» and checked by:
the official publication of the