GOST 17367-71
GOST 17367−71 Metals. Method of abrasion test by friction on fixed abrasive particles
GOST 17367−71
Group B09
Method of abrasion test
the friction of the fixed abrasive particles
Method of abrasion test by friction against embedded abragant grain
Date of introduction 1973−01−01
DEVELOPED by all-Union scientific-research Institute for normalization in mechanical engineering (VNIINMASH)
Director of the Institute PhD. tech. Sciences, Verchenko V. R.
The head of the candidate. tech. Sciences Kubarev A. I.
Scientific consultant Dr. tech. Sciences M. M. Khrushchev
Performers: Karasik, I. I. And Davydenko, V. K., Alferova T. K., Rogov A. K.
MADE of all-Union scientific-research Institute for normalization in mechanical engineering (VNIINMASH)
Director of the Institute PhD. tech. Sciences, Verchenko V. R.
PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the Department of technical standards the Technical management of State Committee of standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
Head of Department A. I. Antonov
St. engineer Borovkova L. N.
APPROVED by the State standards Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers on 29 March 1971 (report No. 54)
The Chairman of the branch scientific and technical Committee Deputy Chairman of Gosstandart of the USSR Vladimir Tkachenko
Members: Diamond, I. A., Burenkov G. K., Virchenko V. R., Derbiser A. V., Romanov A. D.
Promulgated by Decree of the State Committee of standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on 31 December 1971 N 2199
This standard applies to metals (ferrous and non-ferrous) and their alloys and specifies a method for testing abrasion.
The essence of the method is that produce friction of the test and reference samples on the surface fixed thereto abrasive particles (abrasive cloth) under static load and the lack of heating, and the obtained results are compared.
Application of the method provided for in the standards and specifications that establish technical requirements for products.
1.1. Friction machine for testing must meet the requirements of PP.3.2, 3.3, 3.5 and 3.6.
1.2. As the material of the reference model are:
when testing metals with a hardness of at least HV 150 — technically pure aluminum according to GOST 11069−64* in the annealed condition;
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 11069−2001. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
when testing metals with a hardness of HV 150 and above — iron commercially pure annealed, manufactured according to the specifications approved in the prescribed manner.
1.3. The type of abrasive material abrasive skin are chosen as follows:
a) the detection of when the relative durability of the tested material with its physical properties the hardness of the abrasive particle must exceed the hardness of the test material not less than 1.6 times;
b) in determining the relative wear resistance of the test material by the action of quartz sand use flint sandpaper GOST 5009−68 grit abrasive material No. 6 according to GOST 3647−59.
Type of abrasive sandpaper is indicated in the test reports.
1.4. The hardness of the abrasive grains and structural elements of the materials tested was determined by testing microhardness by indentation diamond pyramid GOST 9450−60*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 9450−76. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
1.5. In the measurement of linear wear use a micrometer with a scale division of 0.01 mm; when measuring the weight of wear — analytical balance with a scale division of 0.1 mg.
Note. To exclude systematic errors all measurements produce the same measuring tools.
1.6. Absolute minimum wear being measured, shall be:
in linear unit — 200 mm;
in weight units to 5 mg.
2.1. Used for tests of smooth cylindrical specimens with a diameter of 2±0.1 mm and length of 15−20 mm.
2.2. The roughness of the working and the side surfaces should be no rougher 6-th class of purity according to GOST 2789−59* and they should be free of corrosion, scale and tint, if it is not provided by the testing conditions.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 2789−73. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
2.3. In preparing the surface of the reference and test samples to the test you must take precautions to avoid any structural changes and physical-chemical transformations in the metal due to heating during the mechanical treatment.
2.4. In one series of tests, the technology of manufacturing the samples should be the same.
2.5. Measurement of the final dimensions of the specimen before the test should not cause damage.
2.6. Before the test, the reference and test specimens must be running to achieve full conformance to the skin samples under conditions identical to the test conditions.
3.1. All samples of one series of test on the same machine, manufactured according to technical documentation approved in the established order.
3.2. The test is performed by friction of the end face of a cylindrical sample over the surface of the abrasive sandpaper in a spiral of Archimedes in the direction from the disk center to the periphery.
3.3. Radial feed samples for each revolution of the disk is 1 mm.
3.4. Wear of the test and reference samples should be obtained under identical conditions: the samples should pass the same way friction within the entire series of tests.
3.5. Friction velocity samples on the abrasive cloth should be such that heating of the material during the test did not affect its properties.
3.6. The test is performed under static load of 9.55 kg/cm(at the rate of 0.3 kg on the sample with a diameter of 2.0 mm).
If necessary it is possible to conduct tests at other loads, but not above the critical value that should be specifically stated in the test reports.
3.7. The relative error of the load should not exceed ±1%.
3.8. Wear of the test and reference samples is carried out on the same sheet of abrasive paper.
Note. Testing is recommended for abrasive emery cloth from the same roll.
3.9. On each sheet abrasive skin test is performed only once.
3.10. Experiments are performed on two sheets of abrasive sandpaper in the following order: one sheet for the first half of the experience a reference sample, the second test sample; on another worksheet in the order in which the tests should be reversed.
4.1. The relative wear resistance () is calculated according to the formula:
where: — absolute linear wear of the reference sample, in mm;
— absolute linear wear of test sample in mm;
— the actual diameter of the reference sample, in mm;
is the actual diameter of the test specimen in mm.
In case of equality of densities of reference materials and test samples the ratio of the absolute linear wear in the formula can be replaced with respect to the absolute weight of wears.
Allowed to count the weight wears on linear given the densities of the samples when it is impossible to accurately measure the absolute linear wear, as well as various densities of the reference and test samples.
4.2. The result of the test material take the relative wear resistance (), calculated as the arithmetic average of results of two identical experiments.
ANNEX to GOST 17367−71
1. Reference sample — a sample of the resulting material, with wear in the same conditions to compare the wear of test specimens.
2. Critical load — the load on the sample is determined by the beginning of the deformation of the sample or mechanical strength of the abrasive sandpaper.
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M.: Publishing house of standards, 1972