GOST 25.503-97
GOST 25.503−97 Calculations and strength tests. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of compression testing
GOST 25.503−97
Group B09
Calculations and strength tests. Methods of mechanical testing of metals
Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of compression testing
ISS 77.040.10
AXTU 0025
Date of introduction 1999−07−01
1 DEVELOPED by Voronezh state forestry Academy (VGLTA), all-Russian Institute of light alloys (VILS), Central research Institute of building structures (tsniisk im. Kucherenko), all-Russian research Institute of standardization and certification in engineering (VNIINMASH) of Gosstandart of the Russian Federation
INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (minutes No. 12 dated November 21, 1997)
The adoption voted:
The name of the state | The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan |
Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia |
Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus |
Gosstandart Of Belarus |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
Kyrgyz Republic |
Kyrgyzstandart |
The Republic Of Moldova |
Moldovastandart |
Russian Federation |
Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Tajikistan |
Tajikistandart |
Turkmenistan |
The main state inspection of Turkmenistan |
The Republic Of Uzbekistan |
Standards |
Ukraine |
Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Decree of the Russian Federation Committee on standardization, Metrology and certification dated June 30, 1998 N 267 interstate standard GOST 25.503−97 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 1999
4 REPLACE GOST 25.503−80
1 Scope
This standard establishes methods of static compression tests at a temperature of 20°C to characterize the mechanical properties of ferrous and nonferrous metals and alloys.
The standard defines the method for testing samples in compression to construct the curve of hardening, determine the mathematical relationship between the flow stress and the strain degree
and estimate the parameters of power law equation
— voltage current if
the index of strain hardening).
The mechanical properties of hardening curve and its parameters defined in this standard, can be used in the following cases:
— choice of metals, alloys and justification of design solutions;
— statistical acceptance control regulation of mechanical characteristics and quality assessment of metal;
— development of technological processes and product design;
— strength calculation of machine parts.
The requirements set out in sections 4, 5 and 6 are mandatory, other requirements are recommended.
2 Normative szybki
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 1497−84 (ISO 6892−84) Metals. Test methods tensile
GOST 16504−81 System of state testing products. Testing and quality control. Key terms and definitions
GOST 18957−73* strain gauges for measuring linear deformations of building materials and structures. General specifications
* On the territory of the Russian Federation is cancelled.
GOST 28840−90 Machine for testing materials in tension, compression and bending. General technical requirements
3 Definitions
3.1 In this standard apply, the following terms with respective definitions:
3.1.1 diagram of test (compression): Graph of load of absolute deformation (shortening) of the sample;
3.1.2 hardening curve: a Graph of the voltage current from the logarithmic strain;
3.1.3 axial compressive load: the Load acting on the specimen at the moment of the test;
3.1.4 conditional nominal voltage : Voltage, determines the ratio of load to initial cross sectional area;
3.1.5 the flow stress : Stress, exceeding the yield strength, determined by the ratio of the load to effect for the time of testing, the cross sectional area of the specimen at a uniform deformation;
3.1.6 the limit of proportionality in compression : stress at which a deviation from a linear relationship between load and absolute shortening of the sample reaches a value at which the tangent of the angle formed by the tangent to the graph
at the point
with axle loads increased by 50% of its value at the linear elastic portion;
3.1.7 the limit of elasticity under compression : the Stress at which a relative residual deformation (shortening) of the sample (
) reaches 0.05% of the original calculated height of the sample;
3.1.8 yield point (physical) compression : the Lowest voltage at which the sample is deformed without any appreciable increase in the compressive load;
3.1.9 yield strength in compression : stress at which a relative residual deformation (shortening) of the sample reaches 0.2% of the initial calculated specimen height;
3.1.10 limit of compressive strength : the Stress corresponding to the highest load just before the fracture;
3.1.11 the rate of strain hardening : Power indicator approximating curves hardening equation
, characterizes the ability of a metal to hardening during uniform plastic deformation.
4 Shape and dimensions of samples
4.1 Tests carried out on samples of four types: cylindrical and prismatic (square or rectangular), smooth the ends of I-III types (figure 1) and the end undercut type IV (figure 2).
Figure 1 — Experimental models I-III types
Figure 1 — Experimental models I-III types
Figure 2 — Experimental models of type IV
Figure 2 — Experimental models of type IV
4.2 Type and size of the sample chosen in table 1.
Table 1
Sample type | The initial diameter of the cylindrical- |
The initial thickness of prismati- |
Working (initial calculated) sample height |
Define feature | Note |
I | 20 | 20 | 100 | The modulus of elasticity, limit of proportionality |
Figure 1 |
II | 6−30 | 5−30 | The limit of proportionality, elastic limit | ||
III | 6; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30 | 5; 10; 15; 20; 25; 30 | Determined by the application And | Physical yield point, yield strength. The curve of hardening up to values of the logarithmic strain | |
IV | 6 10 15 20 25 30 |
- | The curve of hardening |
Figure 2. The thickness and height of the collar is determined by the application And | |
* The height of the prismatic sample set on the basis of its area |
4.3 the place of cutting of blanks for samples and the direction of the longitudinal axis of the sample relative to the workpiece should be given in the normative document on the rules of sampling, blanks and samples for the products.
4.4 Samples are processed on machine tools. Depth of cut in the last passage should not exceed 0.3 mm.
4.5 Heat treatment of metals should be carried out before the finishing operations of machining of the samples.
4.6 measurement error of the diameter and cross-sectional dimensions of the prismatic specimen before test should not be more than, mm:
0,01 — for sizes up to 10 mm;
0,05 — for dimensions above 10 mm.
The measurement of the diameter of the samples before the test is carried out in two mutually perpendicular sections. The measurement results are averaged, we calculate the cross-sectional area of the specimen, rounded in accordance with table 2.
Table 2
The cross-sectional area of the specimen, mm |
Rounding values |
SV. 20 to 100 incl. |
0,1 |
«100» 200 « |
0,5 |
«200 |
1,0 |
4.7 measurement Error of height of specimen before test should not be more than, mm:
0,01 — for samples I and II types;
0,01 — for samples of type III, if the type test sample is carried out at a strain of 0.002 and 0.05 mm to
>0.002 inch;
0,05 — for samples of type IV.
5 equipment Requirements and equipment
5.1 Tests carried out on compression machinery of all systems and machines stretching (compression zone), meeting the requirements of this standard and GOST 28840.
5.2 When tested in compression testing machine shall be equipped with:
the force transducer and a strain gauge or transducers of force and displacement with a recording device — for determining the mechanical characteristics ,
. However, the installation of strain gauge is carried out on the sample in its theoretical part, and recording devices for recording chart
— transducers and displacement with a recording device — for determining the mechanical characteristics ,
and building hardening curve for specimens type III. The transducer of displacement installed on the active grip of the testing machine. Allowed to measure the absolute deformation (shortening) of the sample,
measuring instruments and tools;
the force transducer and measuring instruments and tools — when building a curve of hardening of the samples type IV
5.2.1 strain gauges must meet the requirements of GOST 18957.
5.2.2 the total error of the measurement and registration of displacements with a recording instrument of the absolute deformation should not exceed ±2% of measured value.
5.2.3 Recording device must provide a chart record with the following parameters:
the height of the ordinate of the diagram, corresponding to the highest limit value of the measurement range of loads, not less than 250 mm;
— extent of record-axis absolute deformation from 10:1 to 800:1.
5.2.4 the Price of division of scales of measuring instruments and tools when measuring the final specimen height should not exceed, mm:
0,002 — at |
( |
0,050 — at | |
0,002 — upon | |
0,050 — upon |
5.2.5 measurement Error of the final diameter of the specimen and cross-sectional dimensions of the prismatic specimen should not be more than, mm:
0,01 — for sizes up to 10 mm;
0,05 — for dimensions above 10 mm.
6 Preparation and testing
6.1 the Number of samples to estimate the average values of the mechanical characteristics ,
must be at least five* if the instrument for the supply of materials not specified a different number.
* If the difference is determined by the characteristics does not exceed 5%, we can restrict the three samples.
6.2 the Number of samples to construct the curve of hardening
6.2.1 To build a curve of hardening of the samples III, IV-type with the subsequent processing of test results by correlation analysis the number of samples is selected depending on the intended curve of hardening and its sites (see Appendix B). For phase I of the curve of hardening (see figure B. 1A) have at least six designs for phase II — not less than five samples for phase III — depending on the value of deformation corresponding to this phase (at least one sample to a range of degrees of deformation =0,10). Hardening curves shown in figures B. 1B and B. 1D and B. 1E B. 1K, the number of samples should be at least 15, and for the curves presented in figure B. 1D, at least eight samples for each of the sections of the curve, separated from each other the highs and lows.
6.2.2 in a limited amount of testing to construct the curve of hardening on samples of type III with a subsequent regression analysis of test results the number of samples should be at least five.
6.3 sample Tests in compression carried out under conditions that provide minimum eccentricity of load application and the safety of the experiments. It is recommended to use the device are given in Appendix B.
6.4 Hardness of the deforming plates must exceed the hardness of the hardened during the test samples of not less than 5 HRC.
The thickness of the deforming plates set depending on the effort created in the sample and taken as equal to 20−50 mm.
6.5 it is Necessary to monitor compliance with the uniformity of deformation in the test specimens in compression (no bochkoobraznye and concavity).
6.5.1 in determining the modulus of elasticity , limit of proportionality
and elastic
control is carried out with instruments mounted on opposite sides of the prismatic and cylindrical samples, while the normalized difference in the readings of the two instruments should not exceed 10 (15)%.
6.5.2 in determining the yield strength , tensile strength,
and when building a curve of hardening of the control is carried out on the equations for cylindrical and prismatic samples:
where — the initial estimated height of cylindrical and prismatic specimens used to determine the shortening (base strain gauge), mm;
— the final design height of cylindrical and prismatic specimens after the test to a specified strain or at fracture, mm.
— the initial cross-sectional area of the cylindrical specimen, mm
— the ultimate cross-sectional area of the cylindrical sample after the test to a specified strain or at fracture, mm
— the ultimate cross-sectional area of the prismatic specimen after the test to a specified strain or at fracture, mm
, where
is the ending thickness of the prismatic sample,
— the finite width of the prismatic sample, mm);
— the initial cross-sectional area of the prismatic sample
6.6 testing of I, II types are the ends of the samples degreased. Lubrication of the ends of the lubricant is unacceptable.
6.7 During the testing of specimens type III allowed the use of lubricant, and testing IV-type lubricant is required.
6.7.1 testing of a type III as the lubricant used engine oil with graphite, lubricant-coolant of the brand-32K and Acrinol 5/5.
6.7.2 testing of type IV as the lubricant used stearin, paraffin, paraffin-stearin mixture or wax. The samples of the lubricating material is applied in a liquid state. The thickness of the lubricant must match the height of the ribs.
6.7.3 permitted use of other lubricants that reduce friction between the samples and the deforming plate.
6.8 testing compression up to the yield limit of the relative speed of deformation choose from 10with
to 10
, for a yield point of not more than 10
, and to build the curves of hardening sets of 10
up to 10
. The relative velocity of deformation, it is recommended to take into account the elastic compliance of the system «testing machine — sample» (see GOST 1497). If you selected a speed of relative deformation in the yield could not be achieved directly by the regulation of the testing machine, then it is set from 3 to 30 MPa/s [(0.3 to 3 kgf/mm
·s)] regulation of speed of loading before the start of the yield arr
6.9 determination of the mechanical properties
6.9.1 Mechanical properties ,
, define:
using strain gauges with manual and automated removal of information (analytical and calculation method of processing);
— recorded test machine autodiaphragm in the coordinates «stress — deformation absolute » given the scale of the recording.
Record charts is done with a step loading with cycles of unloading and continuous application of increasing efforts in these ranges of loading rates and deformation. The scale of the recording:
— axis deformation of at least 100:1;
— axis 1 mm load chart must correspond to not more than 10 MPa (1,0 kgf/mm).
Entry effort and strain should be generally not less than 250h350 mm.
6.9.2 test Results of each sample are recorded in the test Protocol (Appendix G), and the test results of batch samples in a consolidated test report (Annex D).
6.9.3 the Modulus of elasticity in compression is determined on samples of the I type. The procedure of sample testing and a method of constructing a chart of test readings of the force transducer and strain gauge is shown below.
The sample is loaded to a voltage (the voltage
corresponds to the expected value of the limit of proportionality).
When the voltage on the sample set strain gauges and load speed-increasing voltage up to (0,70−0,80)
. The difference between adjacent voltage steps
is 0.10
According to test results build a diagram (figure 3). The modulus of elasticity at compression , MPa (kgf/mm
), calculated by the formula
, (1)
where a step load, N (kgf);
the average absolute deformation (shortening) of the specimen during loading at
Figure 3 — Diagram of test to determine modulus of elasticity in compression
Figure 3 — Diagram of test to determine modulus of elasticity in compression
To determine the modulus of elasticity in compression according to the chart , recorded on the recording instrument (see 4.2), the sample is loaded continuously until
. The voltage
corresponds to the expected value of the limit of proportionality.
According to the chart, using the formula (1) defined by the modulus of elasticity in compression .
6.9.4 the Limit of proportionality in compression is determined on samples of I and II types. The order of testing of the sample and the method of plotting the readings of the force transducer and strain gauge is shown below.
The sample is loaded to a voltage (the voltage
corresponds to the expected value of the limit of proportionality).
When the voltage on the sample set strain gauges and load speed-increasing voltage up to (0,70−0,80)
, while the difference between adjacent voltage steps
is equal to (0,10−0,15)
. Next, a sample of the load voltage steps equal to 0.02
. When the value of the absolute deformation (shortening) of the sample
stage voltage is equal to 0.02
, will exceed the average value of the absolute deformation (shortening) of the sample
(with the same level voltage) in the initial linear elastic portion, 2, to 3 times, the test is stopped.
According to test results build a graph and determine the limit of proportionality in compression (figure 4). For plotting draw , coincident with the initial straight section. Point
hold the y-axis
, and then directly
to an arbitrary level, parallel to the x-axis. On this line lay the cut is
equal to half cut
. Through the point
and the origin is carried out straight
, and parallel to it is tangent
to the curve. The tangent point determines the load
corresponding to the proportionality limit at compression
, MPa (kgf/mm
), calculated according to the formula
. (2)
Figure 4 — Diagram of test to determine the limit of proportionality in compression
Figure 4 — Diagram of test to determine the limit of proportionality in compression
To determine the limit of proportionality in compression according to the chart , recorded on the recording instrument (see 4.2), the sample is loaded continuously to a voltage in excess of the expected value of the limit of proportionality
. According to the chart, using the formula (2) and having the above construction, determine the limit of proportionality in compression
6.9.5 the elastic Limit in compression is determined on samples of type II. The test procedure according to indications of the force transducer and strain gauge is shown below.
The sample is loaded to a voltage of 0.10(voltage matches the expected value of the elastic limit in compression).
When the voltage on the sample set strain gauges and load speed-increasing voltage up to (0,70−0,80)
. The difference between adjacent voltage steps
is equal to (0,10−0,15)
. Next, the voltage (0,70−0,80)
a sample of the load voltage steps of 0.05
. The test is stopped when the residual shortening of the sample exceeds the tolerance value.
According to test results build a graph and determine the limit of elasticity under compression (figure 5).
Figure 5 — Diagram of test to determine the limit of elasticity under compression
Figure 5 — Diagram of test to determine the limit of elasticity under compression
To determine the load calculated absolute deformation (shortening of the specimen)
on the basis of the strain gauge base. The value found to increase in proportion to the scale of the graph axis absolute deformation and cut the resulting length of
delay on the x-axis to the right of the point
. From point
parallel straight
. The point of intersection
with the graph determines the height of the ordinates, i.e. the load
corresponding to the limit of elasticity at compression
, MPa (kgf/mm
), calculated according to the formula
. (3)
To determine the limit of elasticity under compression at the diagram
, recorded on the recording instrument (see 4.2), the sample is loaded continuously to a voltage in excess of the expected value of the limit of elasticity
. According to the chart, using the formula (3) and figure 5, determine the limit of elasticity under compression
6.9.6 yield strength (physical) in compression is determined on samples of type III.
The sample is continuously loaded to a voltage that exceeds the expected value , and write the chart on recording instrument (see 4.2).
Example determine the load corresponding to the yield strength (physical), shown in figure 6.
Figure 6 — Determination of the load corresponding to the yield strength in compression
Figure 6 — determination of the load corresponding to the yield strength in compression
Yield strength (physical) , MPa (kgf/mm
), calculated by the formula
. (4)
6.9.7 yield strength in compression is determined on samples of type III.
The sample is continuously loaded to stresses in excess of the expected value of the conditional yield strength , and write down the chart on recording instrument (see 4.2).
The scale along the axis of deformation of at least 100:1, and the axis of the load — 1 mm diagrams should correspond to not more than 10 MPa (1,0 kgf/mm). Define
the diagrams, recorded with the scale on the axis of elongation 50:1 and 10:1, if the initial height of the sample is greater than or equal to 25 and 50 mm, respectively. The resulting chart is rebuilt taking into account the stiffness of the testing machine. The chart (figure 7) define a load corresponding to conventional yield strength (physical) in compression
, calculated according to the formula
. (5)
Figure 7 — Diagram of test to determine the conditional yield strength in compression
1 — the characteristic stiffness of the testing machine; 2 — chart recorded on a recording device; a 3 — diagram
, are written with allowance for stiffness testing machine
Figure 7 — Diagram of test to determine the conditional yield strength in compression
According to test results build a diagram (figure 8) and determine the load corresponding to conventional yield strength at compression, which is calculated by the formula (5).
Figure 8 — Diagram of test to determine the conditional yield strength in compression
absolute residual deformation (shortening) of the sample
Figure 8 — Diagram of test to determine the conditional yield strength in compression
6.9.8 the Limit of compressive strength is determined on samples of type III.
The sample is continuously loaded until fracture. The greatest load prior to failure of the specimen, taking the load corresponding to the ultimate strength in compression
, MPa (kgf/mm
), calculated according to the formula
. (6)
6.10 the test procedure for constructing a curve of hardening
6.10.1 To build a curve of hardening of experiencing a series of identical cylindrical samples of types III and IV (see section 3) at several levels of the specified load.
6.10.2 hardening Curve constructed in the coordinates: y — coordinate the flow stress , the abscissa is a logarithmic deformation
(figure 9) or in double logarithmic coordinates
(figure 10).
Figure 9 — Experimental hardening curve in the coordinates «Sigma"(s)-Epsilon (l)
Figure 9 — Experimental hardening curve in the coordinates
Figure 10 — Experimental hardening curve in logarithmic coordinates
Figure 10 — Experimental hardening curve in logarithmic coordinates
The flow stress , MPa (kgs/mm
), calculated by the formula
, (7)
where — axial compression load
The flow stress , MPa (kgs/mm
), is determined graphically from the experimental hardening curve in the logarithmic strain (shortening) of the sample
, equal to 1.
Logarithmic deformation (shortening) is calculated by the formula:
for samples of type III
; (8)
for samples of type IV
. (9)
The test results of each sample are recorded in the test Protocol (Appendix G), and the test results of batch samples in the summary report (Annex D).
Note — it is allowed the curve of hardening on relative deformation (shortening) .
6.10.3 the Order of sample testing is shown below.
Load the specimen to a predetermined load. Unload the sample to zero load and measure the final diameter of the specimen in two mutually perpendicular directions, and for the samples of a type III final height of the sample
. The final diameter
for the samples of type IV measure upset in the middle of the sample (at a distance of 0.5 m from face).
To determine the samples of a type III measure the diameters of the treated samples at both ends in two mutually perpendicular directions and set the arithmetic average of the final diameter of the ends
and in the middle of the sample is measured, the maximum value of the final diameter of the upset billet
, mm, is calculated by the formula
. (10)
The results of the measurements and
averaged. The final cross-sectional area of the sample
rounded off as given in table 2.
For samples of type IV one-time test is carried out until the disappearance of the ribs.
With the aim of achieving a higher degree of uniform deformation used a two-stage slump, the value of the logarithmic strain between rainfall should not be less than 0.45.
When two-stage test is carried out after the first upsetting perekachivanie samples for the formation of a cylindrical recess (type IV). The dimensions of the ribs of the sample chosen in table 1. The ratio of height of the sample re-drilled to the diameter accepted by the application A.
For samples of type III are allowed to apply the intermediate perekachivanie for two-stage separation, with a logarithmic degree of deformation between treads shall be not less than 0.45.
6.10.4 the flow Stress and the corresponding values of logarithmic deformations
for given levels of loads determined
6.10.5 Build hardening curve (see figures 9, 10). Methods of processing experimental data are outlined in Annex E.
6.10.6 In justified cases (with a limited number of samples or when using the results for calculations of the processes associated with step loading) samples of type III are allowed to test with stepwise increasing load (figure 11). The results of the tests to construct the curve of hardening of the treated by regression analysis (see Annex E).
Figure 11 — testing for a given step increase in load
1 — loading; 2 — unloading
Figure 11 — testing for a given step increase in load
6.10.7 the Test specimens are considered invalid:
— when separation of the fillets in samples of type IV during loading;
— with the destruction of the sample for defects of metallurgical production (rassai, gas shells, slivers, etc.).
The number of test samples recognized as invalid instead of it should be the same.
6.11 in testing samples of all types comply with all the rules of technical security required when working on this equipment. Test samples of type IV fulfill the must fit (see Appendix C).
Annex a (informative). Determining the size of the samples III, IV types
Samples of type III to construct the curve of hardening produce a height exceeding the diameter
. For samples of type IV is allowed
. The initial attitude
should be as possible while ensuring longitudinal stability. The height of the sample
is determined by the formula
, (A. 1)
where — the rate of strain hardening;
— coefficient of reduction of height (
=0.5 — for samples of type III; a
=0,76 — sample type IV).
The height of the sample after the determination by the formula (A. 1) rounded to the nearest whole number. Attitude
to resharpen samples taken equal to 1.0.
Values for commonly used metals and alloys are given in table A. 1. The thickness of the flange
(section 4) is taken as equal to 0.5−0.8 mm for samples of ductile and medium strength materials 1,0−1,2 mm — for brittle materials. Large values are
chosen for the samples made from materials with high strength properties, and in the manufacture of samples for re-precipitation.
Table A. 1 — value of the indicator strain hardening in compression bar material
Material | The condition of the material | The indicator strain hardening | |||
Iron | Annealing the usual |
0,27−0,28 | |||
Annealing in vacuum |
0,23 | ||||
Aluminium | Annealing |
0,17−0,22 | |||
Copper | Annealing |
0,47−0,49 | |||
Nickel | Annealing |
0,36 | |||
Silver | Annealing |
0,435 | |||
Zinc | Annealing |
0,218 | |||
Molybdenum | Annealing recrystallization |
0,04 | |||
Magnesium | Pressing |
0,9 | |||
Tin | - |
0,139 | |||
Uranium | - |
0,3 | |||
2 CARBON STEEL | |||||
With a carbon content of 0.05−0.10% |
Hot rolling |
0,25−0,21 | |||
With a carbon content of 0.10% to 0.15% | Annealing |
0,25−0,21 | |||
Incomplete annealing |
0,21 | ||||
Normalization |
0,23 | ||||
With a carbon content of 0,20−0,35% | Annealing |
0,23 | |||
Incomplete annealing |
0,19−0,185 | ||||
Normalization |
0,22−0,175 | ||||
Hot rolling |
0,22−0,18 | ||||
With a carbon content of 0.40 to 0.60% | Annealing |
0,20−0,17 | |||
Incomplete annealing |
0,185−0,163 | ||||
Normalization |
0,195−0,18 | ||||
Hot rolling |
0,17−0,16 | ||||
With a carbon content of 0.70−1.0 percent | Annealing |
0,19−0,18 | |||
Incomplete annealing |
0,177−0,163 | ||||
Hot rolling |
0,153−0,15 | ||||
With a carbon content of 1.1 to 1.3% | Incomplete annealing |
0,17−0,15 | |||
15X | Hot rolling |
0,18−0,20 | |||
20X | Annealing |
0,204 | |||
Normalization |
0,191 | ||||
Hardening+vacation at |
0,113 | ||||
Hardening+vacation if |
0,112 | ||||
35X | Hot rolling |
0,166 | |||
40X | Annealing |
0,153 | |||
Normalization |
0,128 | ||||
Hardening+leave in |
0,134 | ||||
Hardening+leave in |
0,104 | ||||
45KH | Hot rolling |
0,148 | |||
20G | Annealing |
0,225 | |||
Normalization |
0,160 | ||||
10G2 | Annealing |
0,19 | |||
65G | Hot rolling |
0,156 | |||
15ХГ | Annealing |
0,16−0,17 | |||
Hot rolling |
0,14−0,15 | ||||
40KHN | Annealing |
0,144 | |||
35ХС | Annealing |
0,175 | |||
Normalization |
0,145 | ||||
12KHN3A | Annealing |
0,193 | |||
Normalization |
0,174 | ||||
Hardening+leave in |
0,1 | ||||
Hot rolling |
0,17 | ||||
4ХНМА | Annealing |
0,134 | |||
Normalization |
0,123 | ||||
Hardening+leave in |
0,1 | ||||
Hot rolling |
0.157 inch | ||||
30KHGSA | Annealing |
0,17 | |||
Normalization |
0,19 | ||||
18HGT | Annealing |
0,174 | |||
17ГСНД | Normalization+aging |
0,22 | |||
17ГСАЮ | Normalization |
0,27 | |||
Annealing |
0,23 | |||
Of 0.146 | ||||
7X3 |
0,160 | ||||
Х12Ф |
0,135 | ||||
3Х3В8Ф |
0,165 | ||||
R18 |
0,135−0,147 | ||||
20X13 |
Annealing |
0,21 | |||
12KH18N9 | Normalization |
0,625 | |||
12X18H9T | Quenching in oil |
0,370 | |||
Quenching in water |
0,390−0,395 | ||||
20Х13Н18 | Quenching in oil |
0,328 | |||
10X17H13M2T | Quenching in water |
0,365 | |||
Austenitic steel type 09KH17N7JU, 08Н18Н10, 10Х18Н12, 10Х23Н18 | |||||
17−7 |
Hardening | 0,63−0,71 | |||
18−8 |
0,45−0,60 | ||||
18−10 |
0,37−0,53 | ||||
23−20 |
0,33−0,34 | ||||
Amg2m | Annealing |
0,19 | |||
AMg6 | Annealing |
0,26 | |||
D1 | Annealing |
0,16−0,17 | |||
Quenching+natural aging |
0,26 | ||||
Aging at t =180 °C |
0,08 | ||||
Aging at t =200 °C |
0,10 | ||||
1915 | Hardening |
0,27 | |||
Conditioning aging |
0,235 | ||||
Aging at maximum strength (stable state) |
0,11 | ||||
Pressing |
0,134-of 0.146 | ||||
AK4−1 | Annealing |
0,114 | |||
Quenching+aging |
0,15 | ||||
AV | Pressing |
0,14−0,16 | |||
D20 | Pressing |
0,16−0,21 | |||
D16 | Pressing |
0,162−0,190 | |||
Brass L63 | Annealing |
0,406 | |||
Brass LS59−1V | Annealing |
0,277 | |||
CuZn15 Brass (15% Zn) | - |
0,41 | |||
CuZn30 Brass (30% Zn) | - |
0,51 | |||
Bronze ОФ7−0,25 | Annealing |
0,45−0,46 | |||
Bronze CuАl41 (41% Al) | - |
0,565 | |||
OT4 | Annealing in vacuum |
0,128 | |||
ВТ16 | Annealing in vacuum |
0,034 |
The height of flange , mm (section 4) determined by the formula*
, (A. 2)
where is the Poisson’s ratio, which values of some metals are given in table A. 2.
* In the case of re-precipitation samples are made with the height of the ribs by 0.02−0.03 mm less than estimated.
Table A. 2 — Values of the Poisson’s ratios of metals and alloys
Name of metals and alloys |
Carbon steel with high manganese content (15G, 20G, 30G, 40G, 50G, 60G, 20G2, 35G2) |
0,22 |
Iridium |
0,26 |
Steel 20X13, 30ХНМ |
0,27 |
Austenitic steel |
0,27−0,29 |
Iron, low carbon steel and high-alloy steel of grade 30X13, 20Н5, 30ХН3 |
0,28 |
Zinc, tungsten, hafnium, steel with high carbon content, steel 40ХН3 |
0,29 |
Chrome molybdenum |
0,31 |
Cobalt |
0,32 |
Aluminum, duralumin, Nickel, zirconium, tin |
0,33 |
Titanium, magnesium alloys |
0,34 |
Tantalum |
0,35 |
Vanadium |
0,36 |
Silver |
0,37 |
Copper |
0,37 |
Niobium, palladium, platinum |
0,39 |
Gold |
0,42 |
Lead |
0,44 |
Indium |
0,46 |
For samples with a =0.5−1.2 mm from metals and alloys
=0,22−0,46 calculated values
is shown in figure A. 1 and table A. 3.
Table A. 3 — the height of the collar
| |||||
| |
0,22 |
0,138 | 0,166 | 0,221 | 0,276 | 0,331 |
0,23 |
0,147 | 0,176 | 0,235 | 0,294 | 0,353 |
0,24 |
0,156 | 0,187 | 0,250 | 0,312 | 0,374 |
0,25 |
0,165 | 0,198 | 0,264 | 0,330 | 0,396 |
0,26 |
0,174 | 0,209 | 0,279 | 0,349 | 0,419 |
0,27 |
0,184 | 0,221 | 0,294 | 0,368 | 0,441 |
0,28 |
0,194 | 0,232 | 0,310 | 0,387 | 0,464 |
0,29 |
0,203 | 0,244 | 0,325 | 0,407 | To 0.488 |
0,30 |
0,213 | 0,256 | 0,341 | 0,426 | 0,512 |
0,31 |
0,223 | 0,268 | 0,357 | 0,446 | 0,536 |
0,32 |
0,233 | 0,280 | 0,373 | 0,467 | 0,560 |
0,33 |
0,244 | 0,292 | 0,390 | 0,487 | 0,585 |
0,34 |
0,254 | 0.305 per | 0,406 | 0,508 | 0,610 |
0,35 |
0,264 | 0,317 | 0,423 | 0,529 | 0,635 |
0,36 |
0,275 | 0,330 | 0,440 | 0,550 | 0,660 |
0,37 |
0,286 | 0,343 | 0,457 | 0,572 | 0,686 |
0,38 |
0,297 | 0,356 | 0,475 | 0,594 | 0,712 |
0,39 |
0,308 | 0,369 | 0,492 | 0,615 | 0,739 |
0,40 |
0,319 | The 0.383 | 0,510 | 0,638 | 0,765 |
0,41 |
0,330 | 0,396 | 0,528 which | 0,660 | 0,792 |
0,42 |
0,341 | 0,410 | 0,546 | 0,683 | 0,819 |
0,43 |
0,353 | 0,423 | 0,565 | 0,706 | 0,847 |
0,44 |
0,364 | 0,437 | 0,583 | 0,729 | 0,874 |
0,45 |
0,376 | 0,451 | 0,602 | 0,752 | Of 0.902 |
0,46 |
0,388 | 0,465 | 0,620 | 0,776 | 0,931 |
Figure A. 1 Dependence of optimal values of the height of the ribs from the Poisson’s ratio
Figure A. 1 Dependence of optimal values of the height of the ribs from the Poisson’s ratio
Approximately can be calculated by the formula
. (A. 3)
ANNEX B (reference). The types of hardening curves
There are eight types of hardening curves based on the results of the compression testing (figure B. 1). The progress curves of hardening due mainly to the nature of metals and alloys (figure B. 1A, b, C, d, e), type and mode pre-heat and plastic treatment (figure B. 1E, f, K).
Figure B. 1 — Types of hardening curves
Figure B. 1 — Types of hardening curves
The most common is hardening curve, shown in figure B. 1A. This kind of hardening curves have heat-treated and hot-rolled carbon and alloy structural and tool steel, a high alloy steel, iron, aluminum and its alloys, copper and titanium and most of their alloys, light metals and a number of difficult-to-deform metals and their alloys. In these curves, the hardening, the flow stress increases relatively strongly in the initial stages of deformation, in the future, the intensity of hardening decreases gradually and then with increasing deformation almost does not change. For ductile metals and alloys, the intensity increasing with the increase
smaller than for solid metals and alloys.
The second type of hardening curves (figure B. 1B) is characterized by high intensity of hardening, which may slightly decrease at high degrees of deformation. This type of curve is characteristic of the hardening of austenitic steels, some copper and titanium alloys.
The third type of hardening (figure B. 1B) describes the dependence of zirconium and alloy on its basis zircaloy-2. For such curves of hardening the intensity of hardening at small degrees of deformation is very small, and then increases sharply; the insignificant decrease in the intensity of hardening is manifested in the degrees of deformation close to collapse.
The fourth type of hardening curves (figure B. 1D) is characterized in that, after reaching the maximum value , its value with a further increase
or decreases, or remains unchanged. This type of hardening curves set for zinc and its alloys with aluminum in the annealed condition (curve 2), quenched and aged condition (curve1) and for some aluminum alloys at high degrees of deformation.
Hardening curves presented in figure B. 1D, characteristic of superplastic materials. The curve for such materials is complex, with the manifestation of highs and lows (fifth curves of hardening).
Presented in figure B. 1E hardening curves (the sixth form) characteristic of various plastic alloys, has received a preliminary treatment pressure in a cold state at relatively small strains (about 0.1 to 0.15), and direction of the loads at preliminary and subsequent deformation of the opposite (e.g. drawing + sediment). The intensity change is smaller for alloys, which received a great degree of pre-deformation (curve 3compared to curve 1). Such curves hardening intensity increases
with the increase
in the whole range of degrees of deformation is less than that of the hardening curves of the first three types (figures B. 1A, b, C).
Hardening curves shown in figure B. 1Zh belong to the pre-deformed in a cold condition alloys with opposite direction of loads when pre-and post-deformation, plastic steels with large degrees of pre-strain (0,1−0,15), steels of medium and high strength, brass and bronze with high degrees of pre-strain.
Eighth appearance (figure B. 1) curve corresponds to the hardening of steels and some alloys based on it, has received a preliminary treatment in the form of cold plastic deformation, when the direction of load application in both strains is the same. More gentle the slope of the hardening curves (curves 3 and 4) corresponds to higher degrees of pre-strain. For such steels characterized by low growth rate with increasing
Hardening curves of the first kind are well approximated by the dependence
. (B. 1)
With some approximation, the dependence (B. 1) describes the curves of hardening the second and third kind. It is recommended to use this relationship to approximate the curve of hardening of a fourth species in a range of degrees of deformation before the occurrence of a maximum on it.
Hardening curves of the sixth, seventh and eighth types with sufficient accuracy for practice can be linearisierung and then with some approximation, can be approximated by the equation
, (B. 2)
where — extrapolated yield strength of previously deformed steels (intercept linearized straight line on the ordinate);
— coefficient characterizing the slope of the linearized curves of hardening.
ANNEX b (recommended). Design fixtures for testing of samples in compression
Figure V. 1 shows the Assembly drawing of the fixtures for testing in compression, which eliminates distortions between the sample and the deforming plate and to improve the accuracy of loading of the sample.
Allowed to use devices of other designs.
Figure B. 1 — Device for compression testing
1 — punch; 2 — guide Bush; 3 — base; 4 — supporting top plate; 5 — sample; 6 — samostoyatelnaya support with removable liner
Figure B. 1 — Device for compression testing
test samples I-III for evaluation of mechanical characteristics
The purpose of the test | |||||
Testing machine. Type | |||||
Sample. Type | . Hardness according to Brinell or Rockwell |
Sample number | Load |
Characteristic, MPa (kgs/mm | ||||||||||||
Attached to the Protocol diagram tests.
Tests conducted |
Personal signature | Signature |
Head. laboratory | Personal signature | Signature |
testing of cylindrical specimens types III and IV to construct the curve of hardening
The purpose of the test | ||||
Testing machine. Type | . Sample. Type |
Sample number |
Hardness according to Brinell or Rockwell |
Tests conducted |
Personal signature | Signature |
Head. laboratory | Personal signature | Signature |
The name of the test | |||||||||||
Characteristics of the test material: | |||||||||||
Brand and condition | |||||||||||
The direction of the fibers | |||||||||||
Stock type | |||||||||||
Type and size of sample | |||||||||||
The surface condition of the sample | |||||||||||
Hardness according to Brinell or Rockwell | |||||||||||
Type and main characteristics of testing machines and measuring equipment: | |||||||||||
testing machine | |||||||||||
strain gauge | |||||||||||
transducer of displacements | |||||||||||
measuring instruments and tools | |||||||||||
Converter power | |||||||||||
recording device | |||||||||||
Test conditions: | |||||||||||
Materials and hardness of the deforming plates (HB or HRC | |||||||||||
The speed of relative deformation, | |||||||||||
Loading rate, MPa/(kgf/mm | |||||||||||
The speed of movement of the deforming plates, mm/s |
Test results
Sample number |
Tests conducted |
Personal signature | Signature |
Head. laboratory | Personal signature | Signature |
ANNEX E (recommended). Processing of the experimental data to construct the curve of hardening. Estimation of parameters of approximating equations
1 When testing the batch samples
For each specific value experience on the same model. Hardening curves described by equations
(figures B. 1A, b, C) or
(figure B. 1E, f, K), are based on the results of the processing using the least squares method, all experimental points in the entire range of studied degrees of deformation. Treatment should be done on a computer. Thus for curves of hardening determine the parameters of approximating equations
Figure E. 1 — typical dependence of the strain hardening index n on the degree of deformation Epsilon (l)
Figure E. 1 — Typical dependence of the rate of strain hardening to the degree of deformation
In the case of processing the experimental data analytically, it is recommended to use reference books.
2 in a limited number of tests
With a limited number of experiments (five samples) hardening curves are based on handling diagrams of machine records by the lees of all test specimens to the final degree of deformation. expect for values
equal to 0,01; 0,03; 0,05; 0,08; 0,1 and then every 0.05 until the final values of degree of deformation
. For each value
defined as average according (five points). The curves of hardening and further processing of experimental data carried out as when testing the batch samples.
3 the definition of the indicator strain hardening at small degrees of deformation in narrow range
For most metals and alloys the dependence is not a linear function (figure E. 1): with growth
usually decreases
, reaching high values for the
almost constant value (figure E. 1A), or initially increasing, reaching a maximum and then decreases (figure E. 1B). And only in some cases
is linear (figure E. 1a).
The first type of dependence (figure E. 1B) is typical for copper, carbon structural and tool steels, and a number of structural alloy steels.
Presented in figure E. 1B the dependence inherent to materials experiencing structural-phase transformations during deformation of austenitic steel, some brass. Almost not changing the value
with growth
(figure E. 1B) for iron, chromium constructional steels. For aluminum alloys depending on their chemical composition are observed in all three types of addiction
In connection with a change with the growth
for most metals and alloys, the need arises to define
at small degrees of deformation in a narrow range.
can be determined by processing the experimental data on a computer using the least squares method, however, the number of experimental points should be at least 8−10 in the considered range of degrees of deformation or calculated according to the formula
. (E. 1)
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prepared by JSC «Code» and checked by:
the official publication of the
Mechanical tests.
Calculations and strength tests:
SB. standards. — M.: STANDARTINFORM, 2005