GOST R 56186-2014
GOST R 56186−2014 Technical diagnostics. Acoustic method for determining the status steroidnykh rails. General requirements
GOST R 56186−2014
Technical diagnostics
General requirements
Technical diagnostics. Evaluation of a status of long rails used by acoustic method. General requirements
OKS 77.040.10
Date of introduction 2016−01−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Open joint-stock company «Scientific-research center of control and diagnostics of technical systems» (JSC «NIC KD»), Closed joint stock company «Special design Bureau «Infotrans» (JSC «SKB Infotrans)
2 SUBMITTED by the Technical Committee for standardization TC 132 «Technical diagnostics"
3 APPROVED AND put INTO EFFECT by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology dated 24 October 2014 N 1411-St
Application rules of this standard are established in GOST R 1.0−2012 (section 8). Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) reference index «National standards» and the official text changes and amendments — in monthly information index «National standards». In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard a notification will be published in a future issue of information index «National standards». Relevant information, notification and lyrics are also posted in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet (gost.ru)
The priority direction of development of railway transport of the Russian Federation is the development and implementation of resource-saving technologies, ensuring its effectiveness and efficiency.
One solution to this problem is the secondary efficient use steroidnykh rails, remove for repair and upgrade path.
The study of the technical capabilities of existing methods and means of nondestructive control of rails steroidnykh shows that most of the potential defects due to the small area of their surface and unfavorable location is out of sensitivity standard magnetic and ultrasonic control methods, because the area is reliably detected crack-like defects defect usually at least 12% -15% of the cross sectional area of the rail head, and its optimal location should be in the middle of the rail head.
In order to better secondary use of rails it is necessary to develop a method and tools which would detect these cracks at an early stage of their development, and to determine, with reasonable accuracy, their depth. To make timely decisions about possible secondary use of rails it is necessary to monitor crack growth and determine the acceptable depth.
This opportunity can provide a modern method of physical acoustics, based on reliably established dependencies of the propagation velocity of elastic waves in the material of the track with its structural damage in the stages prior to the appearance of macro cracks detection [1]-[3].
This standard is designed to provide a methodological basis for the application of the acoustic method for the determination of the material condition of long-operated (steroidnykh) rails to ensure prompt decision-making about the possibility of their further operation, repair or discard.
1 Scope
This standard applies to the acoustic method of determining the condition of the material steroidnykh types of rails R50, R65 and R75 GOST R 51685.
This standard specifies the basic requirements to the procedure of determining the technical condition of the material steroidnykh rails using surface acoustic Rayleigh waves propagating along the surface rails.
Established by this standard method can be applied both in laboratory studies and in the testing conditions, the control of material steroidnykh rails.
2 Normative references
This standard uses the regulatory references to the following standards:
GOST R 51685−2000 railway Rails. General specifications
GOST 12.1.001−89 System safety standards. Ultrasound. General safety requirements
GOST 12.1.004−91 System safety standards. Fire safety. General requirements
GOST 12.1.019−79 System of standards of occupational safety. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection
GOST 12.1.038−82 standards System of labor safety. Electrical safety. The maximum permissible values of the touch voltage and currents
GOST 12.2.003−91 System safety standards. Equipment production. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.002−75 System safety standards. The process of production. General safety requirements
GOST 32−74 Oil turbine. Specifications
GOST 2768−84 Acetone. Specifications
GOST 2789−73 surface Roughness. Parameters and characteristics
GOST 6259−75 Reagents. Glycerin. Specifications
GOST 6616−94 thermoelectric Converters. General specifications
GOST 6651−94 Thermocouples-resistance. General technical requirements and test methods
GOST 17299−78 ethyl Alcohol technical. Specifications
GOST 18576−96 nondestructive testing. Railway rails. Ultrasonic methods
GOST 26266−90 nondestructive testing. The ultrasonic transducers. General technical requirements
Note — When using this standard appropriate to test the effect of reference standards in the information system of General use — on the official website of the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology on the Internet or in the annual information index «National standards» published as on January 1 of the current year, and the editions of the monthly information index «National standards» for the current year. If replaced with a reference standard, which was given an undated reference, then it is recommended to use the current version of this standard, taking into account all enabled in this version modifications. If replaced with a reference standard, which is given a dated reference, it is recommended to use the version of this standard referred to above by year of approval (acceptance). If after approval of this standard in the reference standard, which is given a dated reference, a change affecting a provision to which reference, the provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference standard is cancelled without replacement, the position in which reference is made to him, recommended to be used in part not affecting this link.
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
3.1 this standard applies the terminology according to GOST R 51685 and GOST 18576.
3.2 this standard applies the following conventions:
t |
- | the result of a single measurement pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point measurements of surface Strogonova rail, NS; |
t |
- | the result of a single measurement pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point of measurement of the surface of the new rail, NS; |
N | - | the number of measurements of pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point of measurement of the surface of the rail; |
- | average pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh waves in the zone of the selected point measurements of surface Strogonova rail, NS; | |
t |
- | given the delay of a pulse of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point measurements of surface Strogonova rail, NS; |
- | average pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point of measurement of the surface of the new rail, NS; | |
t |
- | given the delay of a pulse of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point of measurement of the surface of the new rail, NS; |
T |
- | the temperature at which the measured delay, °C; |
- | the relative change in the pulse delay surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point measurements of surface Strogonova rail; |
- | the limiting value of the relative change of the pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh wave at the selected point measurements of surface Strogonova rail; |
k |
- | thermoacoustic coefficient equal to the relative change of the pulse delay of surface acoustic Rayleigh waves when the temperature changes by 1 °C 1/°C. |
3.3 this standard applies the following abbreviations:
TCP | - | the technical condition of the rail; |
PAR | - | surface acoustic wave of Rayleigh; |
PEP | - | the piezoelectric transducer; |
SI | - | a means of measurement. |
4 General provisions
4.1 Method based on the fact that in the course of long operation of rails in their subsurface layer, developing a system of microcracks, not detectable by classical methods of nondestructive testing, but leading to changes of velocity of PAVR.
4.2 the Method is implemented by the manual method of ultrasonic contact testing with the use of dual probe according to GOST 26266.
4.3 Optimal transmitted signal — «microburst» of high frequency (ultrasonic) filling the envelope smooth and effective duration (at the level of 0.6 of the maximum amplitude) 2−4 period of the fundamental frequency.
4.4 TCP measurements are averaged over the path of propagation of pulse PAR.
5 safety Requirements
5.1 measurements allow operators with skills of equipment operation ultrasonic inspection, able to use national and industry normative and technical documents on the acoustic control techniques, trained to work with used C and are certified for knowledge of safety regulations in the relevant sector of industry.
5.2 in determining TCP operator should be guided by GOST 12.1.001, GOST 12.2.003, GOST 12.3.002 and rules of technical safety for operation of electrical consumers according to GOST 12.1.019 and GOST
5.3 Measurement is carried out in accordance with the safety requirements specified in the operating instructions of the equipment, part of the used SI.
5.4 Facilities for measurements shall meet the requirements [4] and [5].
5.5 In the organization of work on the definition of TCP should be complied with fire safety requirements according to GOST
6 Requirements for measuring instruments
6.1 as SI apply collected from production equipment, or specialized ultrasonic devices (hereinafter the devices) are certified and verified in the prescribed manner.
6.2 SI needs to ensure that the relative error in determining the pulse delay of PAWR not more than 10.
6.3 Operational characteristics of the devices shall conform to the requirements of the specifications and of this standard.
6.4 as the probe uses pitch-catch piezoelectric transducer of the type П122 according to GOST 26266, consisting of combined in one housing of the emitter and receiver of longitudinal acoustic waves.
6.5 To measure the surface temperature of the rails using contact thermometers according to GOST 6651 or GOST 6616 type TK with the temperature measurement error is not more than 1 °C in the temperature range from 0 °C to 60 °C.
6.6 Auxiliary devices and materials
6.6.1 Grinding tool for surface preparation of rails — according to GOST
6.6.2 For degreasing surfaces used alcohol according to GOST 17299 or acetone churchyard 2768.
6.6.3 as the contact applied thick enough fluid, good ultrasound conducting fluid (e.g., glycerin according to GOST 6259; autoly 6, 10, 18; compressor and other related oil according to GOST 32) having wetting properties with respect to the rail surface and the contact surface of the used probe.
7 Requirements to the rails
7.1 On the surface of rails should be free of cracks, chips, delaminations, and other macro defects detected by conventional ultrasonic testing.
7.2 surface Roughness at the point of measurement is not lower than Ra 2,5 (GOST 2789).
Note, the Method provides the required accuracy of the determination of TCP, if the surface roughness Ra exceeds 2.5 µm according to GOST 2789.
7.3 surface temperature of the rail in the zone of measurement should be in the range from 0 °C to 60 °C.
7.4 Before installing the probe, the rail surface is cleaned from dirt, scale, rust and degreased.
8 preparation for measurement
8.1 Determine the location of the measurement points.
8.2 the Sizes of the zones of measurement needs in half or more to exceed the corresponding dimensions of the contact surface probes.
8.3 put a layer of contact liquid on the prepared surface of the rail.
8.4 turn on the device, check its performance when displaying video device timebase of the received signals.
8.5 Check on the time scan pulses caused by the presence in the measurement zone for more reflective boundaries (cracks, scratches, etc.).
9 the procedures for measuring and processing rules of measurement
9.1 Measure the temperature of the surface Strogonova rail in the zones of the selected measurement points.
9.2 At selected points are measuring the delay of pulses PVR and record their results.
9.3 Measurements at 9.2 repeat three to five times.
9.4 For each zone, determine the average delays of the pulses PAVR by the formula
. (1)
9.4* calculate the coefficient of variation of the measurement results of the delay pulse PWR by the formula
* Numbering corresponds to the original. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
, (2)
where — standard deviation, calculated according to the formula
. (3)
9.5 If 10
, the calculated values of the delay pulse PVR choose the resulting value
, otherwise the number of dimensions N increase and measure at 9.2−9.4 repeat until the coefficient of variation
reaches a value of 10
or less.
Note — failure to meet the coefficient of variation of not more than 10
make a decision on the evaluation of TCP with reduced accuracy or the inability of the measurements.
9.6 Counting given the delay tby the formula
. (4)
Note — For conventional materials rails and prism Converter, made of Plexiglas, the value of kcan be taken equal to 2.3·10
1/°C. in the case of increased accuracy requirements determine the TCP the value of k
is determined experimentally.
9.7 Measurements in the 9.1−9.5 repeat for the new rail.
9.8 Expect given the delay tby the formula
. (5)
9.9 calculate the value of t according to the formula
. (6)
9.10 Compare the value t with the maximum permissible value of
established during preliminary experimental studies.
9.11 report on the state of the material Strogonova rail make based on the evaluation of the proximity t the marginal value of
— when t<<img alt=«ГОСТ Р 56186-2014 Техническая диагностика. Акустический метод определения состояния старогодных рельсов. Общие требования» src=«»>t
TCP is considered to be satisfactory
— if t
the TCP is considered to be unsatisfactory.
10 Rules for registration of measurement results
The results of the measurements are fixed in the Protocol, the form of which is given in Appendix A.
Annex a (recommended). Form of measurement Protocol
Appendix A
«CLAIM» Head | ||||||||||||||
(name of organization) | ||||||||||||||
(signature) |
(initials, surname) | |||||||||||||
«___ «__________ 20 __ G. | ||||||||||||||
PROTOCOL determining the condition of the rail | ||||||||||||||
(technical object, a controlled phase of a technical object) | ||||||||||||||
1 measurement date | ||||||||||||||
2 organization conducting the measurement | ||||||||||||||
3 the owner of the rail | ||||||||||||||
4 Data about the object: | ||||||||||||||
appointment | ||||||||||||||
the manufacturer, the manufacturing technology of rail | ||||||||||||||
the condition of the running surface of the rail | ||||||||||||||
for more information about the object | ||||||||||||||
5 Sketch of the facility showing the location of areas of measurements and their numbering (listed in the Annex to the Protocol) | ||||||||||||||
6, the temperature of the surface of the rail (°C) | ||||||||||||||
7 the Highest value of coefficient of variation of the delay pulse PWR |
Table A. 1 — Results of measurements in the areas of
N of the measuring area |
1 | 2 | 3 | … | … |
The delay pulse PWR, NS | |||||
The value of the parameter | |||||
TCP in the measurement area |
Measurements performed by the operator | |
(signature) |
(initials, surname) |
Head of laboratory of nondestructive testing | |
(signature) | (initials, surname) |
[1] Murav’ev V. V. Nondestructive control of structural and mechanical condition of the rails, the current production speed of ultrasonic waves/Ants V. V., Boyarkin E. V.//Defectoscopy. — 2003 — N 3. — S. 24−31.
[2] Ants V. V. Speed of sound and structure of steels and alloys/Ants V. V., Zuev, L., Komarov L. K. — Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1996 — 184.
[3] the Angles A. L. Acoustic monitoring of equipment in manufacturing and operation/Angles A. L., Erofeev V. I., Smirnov A. N. — M.: Nauka, 2009 — 280 p.
[4] SNiP 11-M 2−72 Public buildings and facilities. Design standards
[5] SN 245−71 Sanitary norms of design of industrial enterprises
UDC 620.172.1:620.179.16:006.354 |
OKS 77.040.10 | |
Keywords: stragedy rail, maintenance, surface acoustic wave Rayleigh, delay pulse, piezoelectric transducer |
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