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Steel 55


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 55
Designation GOST Latin 55
Transliteration 55
The chemical elements 55


55 steel is used: for the manufacture of blanks after normalization with the release or quenching with the release of gears, rolls, rods, heavy-duty axles, tires, light duty springs and leaf springs, coulters, finger track links, couplings gear boxes, housings of the injectors and other parts operating friction; solid-rolled rings for different purposes; hardened and tempered carded a round wire and shaped steel used for the manufacture of brackets needle products; tinned wire for the manufacture of tires rotors of electric machines; remisol heat-treated tin-plated wire, designed for the manufacture of galev to reminyl devices looms.


The degree of deoxidation — SP.


Name Code Standards
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 GOST 1050-88, GOST 7417-75, GOST 8559-75, GOST 8560-78, GOST 14955-77, GOST 1050-2013, OST 1 92049-76, TU 14-1-2118-77, TU 14-1-2919-80, TU 14-11-245-88, TU 14-1-1271-75, TU 14-1-5228-93, TU 14-136-367-2008
Armature, units and details of rolling stock of railways Д55 GOST 11530-93
Sheets and stripes В33 GOST 1577-93, TU 14-1-4516-88
Tapes В34 GOST 2284-79
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 GOST 3262-75, GOST 20295-85, GOST 24950-81, TU 14-3-1428-86
Tapes В24 GOST 3560-73
Low-carbon steel wire В71 GOST 3875-83
Steel wire medium- and high-carbon В72 GOST 3920-70, GOST 7372-79, GOST 9124-85, GOST 9161-85, GOST 9389-75, GOST 9850-72, GOST 26366-84
Machines and equipment for metallurgical and foundry industry Г44 GOST 5399-69
Sheets and stripes В23 GOST 82-70, GOST 14918-80, GOST 19903-74, GOST 103-2006, GOST 19903-90
Sectional and shaped rolling В22 GOST 8239-89, GOST 8240-97, GOST 8278-83, GOST 8281-80, GOST 8282-83, GOST 8283-93, GOST 8319.0-75, GOST 8509-93, GOST 8510-86, GOST 9234-74, GOST 11474-76, GOST 2590-2006, GOST 2591-2006, GOST 2879-2006, OST 5.9087-84
Metal forming. Forgings В03 GOST 8479-70
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 OST 3-1686-90, TU 14-1-4944-90

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu N As
GOST 1050-88 0.52-0.6 ≤0.04 ≤0.035 0.5-0.8 ≤0.25 0.17-0.37 ≤0.3 The rest ≤0.3 ≤0.006 ≤0.08
Fe is the basis.
According to GOST 1050-88, the nitrogen content is specified for the steel of the oxygen-converter method of smelting. For all other types of smelting, the nitrogen content was N≤0.008%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm t отпуска, °C sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % d4 y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 Brinell hardness number, MPa HRC
Cold-rolled steel strip of 0.1-4.0 mm in the delivery state according to GOST 2284-79
- - - 740-1080 - - - - - -
- - - 440-740 - ≥13 - - - -
- - - 440-610 - ≥13 - - - -
Ring forged in OST 1 92049-76. Normalization
25 - ≥365 ≥610 ≥8 - ≥28 - - -
Forgings. Hardening + Vacation
1000 - 490 655 16 - 45 579 212-248 -
Carden wire 0.2-0.8 mm as supplied by GOST 3875-83 (samples)
- - - 1770-1960 - - - - - -
- - - 1961-2160 - - - - - -
Forgings. Normalization at 830-860 °C, air cooling + Vacation at 550-600 °C, cooling with furnace or air
1200 - - - - - - - 215-255 -
Forgings. Normalization at 830-860 °C, air cooling + Vacation at 650-800 °C, cooling with the furnace
101-300 - ≥315 ≥630 ≥11 - ≥28 ≥245 170-229 -
301-500 - ≥305 ≥610 ≥10 - ≥25 ≥245 - -
100 - ≥325 ≥650 ≥12 - ≥35 ≥285 - -
Long products (samples). Quenching in water 840 °C + Vacation at 400 °C, air cooling
20 - 870-990 1060-1210 7-8 - 43-52 530-657 341 -
40 - 640-740 900-1000 10-11 - 43-47 383-520 290 -
60 - 590-650 820-930 10-12 - 42-46 314-481 266 -
Long products (samples). Quenching in water 840 °C to + Leave at 500 °C, air cooling
20 - 710-800 900-1000 10-12 - 53-59 579-961 285 -
40 - 550-610 820-900 12-14 - 45-52 481-677 264 -
60 - 510-570 750-850 13-14 - 43-52 383-579 239 -
Forgings. Normalization + High holidays
100-300 - 315 570 14 - 35 334 167-207 -
Rolled steel. Quenching in oil from 840 °C to + Vacation
- 200 1620-2210 1720-2280 2-3 - 7-12 49-98 - 64
- 300 1350-1790 1500-1940 3-4 - 20-25 49-98 - 56
- 400 1100-1380 1260-1590 4-5 - 31-36 186-481 - 47
- 500 820-1000 970-1120 7 - 41-45 383-765 - 40
- 600 600-700 800-890 10-11 - 51-54 677-1059 - 30

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
d4 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)

Physical characteristics

Temperature Е, ГПа r, кг/м3 l, Вт/(м · °С) a, 10-6 1/°С С, Дж/(кг · °С)
0 210 7280 - - -
20 210 7280 - - -
100 - - 68 11 479
200 - - 55 119 479
400 - - 36 134 525
500 - - 32 14 525
300 - - - 127 487
600 - - - 145 -
700 - - - 148 571
800 - - - 125 -
900 - - - 135 -
1000 - - - 135 -
1200 - - - 144 -

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
Е The normal elasticity modulus
G Modulus of elasticity shear torsion
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity
a The coefficient of linear expansion

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability Does not apply to welded structures. The CCC followed by heat treatment.
Propensity to temper brittleness Tend not.
Forging temperature Start - 1240 °C, the end - of 800 °C. the cross Sections up to 400 mm are cooled in air.
Flock-sensitive sensitivity Insensitive.
Workability by cutting In hot-rolled state when HB 255-269 and blower SB=630 MPa Kn TV.SPL.=0,65 Kn b.St.=0,33.

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