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GOST 7350-77

GOST 7350−77 (ST SEV 6434−88) Steel plate corrosion-resistant, heatresistant and heat-proof. Specifications (with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3)

GOST 7350−77
Group B33




Plate steel, corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and high temperature. Specifications

OKP 09 8500, 8600 09

Date of introduction 1979−01−01


1. DEVELOPED INTRODUCED by the Ministry of ferrous metallurgy of the USSR

2. APPROVED AND promulgated by the Decree of the State Committee of standards of Ministerial Council of the USSR from 21.07.77 N 1786


4. The standard fully complies ST SEV 6434−88


The designation of the reference document referenced
Item number
GOST 1497−84
GOST 1778−70
4.3, 5.8
GOST 2789−73
GOST 5632−72
GOST 5639−82
GOST 6032−89
3.9, 4.3, 5.10
GOST 6996−66
GOST 7564−97
GOST 7565−81
4.3, 5.1
GOST 7566−94
4.1.1, 4.4, 6.1, 6.3
GOST 9012−59
GOST 9454−78
3.9, 5.6
GOST 9651−84
GOST 12344−88
GOST 12345−2001
GOST 12346−78
GOST 12347−77
GOST 12348−78
GOST 12349−83
GOST 12350−78
GOST 12351−81* 5.1
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12351−2003. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 12352−81
GOST 12353−78
GOST 12354−81
GOST 12355−78
GOST 12356−81
GOST 12357−84
GOST 12358−82* 5.1
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12358−2002. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 12359−99
GOST 12360−82
GOST 12361−82* 5.1
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12361−2002. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 12362−79
GOST 12363−79
GOST 12364−84
GOST 12365−84
GOST 14019−80
GOST 19300−86
GOST 19903−74
2.2, 2.3, 5.3
GOST 19904−90
2.2, 2.3, 5.3
GOST 20072−74
GOST 20560−81

6. Limitation of actions taken by Protocol No. 3−92 of the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (ICS 5−6-93)

7. EDITION with Amendments 1, 2, 3, approved in November 1987, June 1988, October 1989 (ICS 2−88, 11−88, 2−90).

This standard applies to plate, hot-rolled and cold-rolled corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant and heat-resistant steel (more steel), made in the leaves.


1.1. Steel classification:

— as material and surface quality into groups:

cold-rolled nagarebana — H1,

cold-rolled polonikova — ПН1,

cold rolled, heat treated, etched or after bright annealing — M2a, M3A, М4а, М5а,

cold-rolled heat-treated — М5в,

hot rolled, heat treated,

etched or after bright annealing — M2, М3б, М4б, М5б,

hot rolled heat treated netravlenoy — М5г,

hot-rolled without heat treatment and netravlenoy — 5D;

— accuracy rolling:

extra accuracy,

normal accuracy;

— edges:

edged — On;

edging — BUT;

— deviation from flatness of sheets with the temporary resistance of 690 N/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)(70 kgf/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)) and less:

very high flatness — SOFTWARE,

high flatness — PV,

superior flatness — PU

normal flatness — PN.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

1.2. Allowed to produce heavy-gauge steel with precision rolling higher than specified in the order.


2.1. Hot rolled steel plate manufacture thickness from 4 to 50 mm, cold rolled from 4 to 5 mm.

2.2. Shape, dimensions and limit deviations of the dimensions of the steel plates must meet the requirements:

— for HR — GOST 19903;

— for cold-rolled, GOST 19904.

Hot-rolled sheets thicker than 20 mm with cut edge made by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.

Hot-rolled sheets of high precision rolling And produce on demand of the consumer.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

2.3. The deviation of the sheets from the plane shall be those specified in table.1.

Table 1


Tensile strength, N/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)(kgf/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

The deviation of the sheets from the flatness on 1 m of length, mm
To 690 (70) incl. According to GOST 19903
(PO, PV, PU, PN)
According to GOST 19904
(PO, PV, PU, PN)
SV. 690 to 830 (over 70 to 85) incl. 15 25
SV. 830 (85) 25 By agreement between manufacturer and consumer


1. At the customer’s request hot rolled sheets with a thickness of 4−5 mm are made of particularly high flatness (FOR), of a thickness 6 mm or more, with a higher (PV) and superior (PU) flatness.

2. By agreement between manufacturer and consumer, the plates thicker than 20 mm are made without edits. In this case, the deviation from flatness shall not exceed 30 mm per 1 m length.

3. For sheets in heat-treated without etching the deviation from flatness is not normalized.

Examples of symbols

Steel cold rolled, heat treated, pickled, plate, 12X18H10T, M2a group of a surface, high precision rolling, cut edge, superior flatness, size 5х1250х2500 mm:

ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

The same hot rolled, heat treated, pickled, plate, brand, 20X13, М3б group of a surface, mill edge, normal flatness, size 40х1400х3000 mm:

ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).


3.1. Steel plate is manufactured in the following grades: 20X13, 09KH16N4B, 12H13, 14KH17N2, 08KH13, 12X17, 08X17T, 15X25T, 07X16H6, 09KH17N7JU, 03X18H11, 03X17H14M3, 08X22H6T, 12X21H5T, 08X21H6M2T, 20X23H13, 08KH18G8N2T, 15KH18N12S4TJU, 10KH14G14N4T, 12H17G9AN4, 08X17H13M2T, 10X17H13M2T, 10X17H13M3T, 08X17H15M3T, 12X18H9, 17X18H9, 12X18H9T, 04X18H10, 08X18H10, 08X18H10T, 12X18H10T, 08X18H12T, 12X18H12T, 08KH18N12B, 03KH21N21M4GB, 03X22H6M2, 03X23H6, 20X23H18, 12H25N16G7AR, 06HN28MDT, 03KHN28MDT, 15X5M.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

3.1. Steel plate manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard for technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

(Added, Rev. N 2).

3.2. The chemical composition of the steel of all grades according to GOST 5632, except 15X5M-grade steel, the chemical composition which must comply with GOST 20072.

Chemical composition steel grades and 03X23H6 03X22H6M2 should match the table.1A.

Table 1A

Steel grade Mass fraction of elements, %
Silicon Sulfur Phosphorus Manganese Chrome Nickel Molybdenum
  no more
03Х23Н6 0,03 0,4 0,02 0,035 1,0−2,0 22,0−24,0
5,6−6,3 -
03KH22N6M2 0,03 0,4 0,02 0,035 1,0−2,0 21,0−23,0 5.5 to 6.5 1,8−2,5


1. Allowed ready to rent deviation on the mass fraction: silicon +0,4%, sulfur +0,005%, Nickel ±0,2%, chromium plus 0.5%.

2. In steel brand 03KH22N6M2 allowed the increase of the mass fraction of molybdenum of +0.2%.

3. Allowed mass fraction of residual titanium of not more than 0.05%, other residual elements — according to GOST 5632.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

3.3. The leaves should not be traces of shrinkage, delamination, inclusions and bubbles.

3.4. Mechanical properties of heat-treated sheets must conform to the standards specified in table.2.

Table 2

Steel grade The mode of heat treatment

Temporary resistance
ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), N/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)

(kgf/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

Yield strength
ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), N/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)
(kgf/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

tional elongation

ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), %

Toughness, KSI, j/cmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)
(kgf·m/cmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

    not less than
15X5M Annealing at 840−870 °C, air cooling
470 (48) 235 (24) 18 -
20X13 Normalization or annealing at 1000−1050 °C, air cooling, leave at 680−780 °C, cooling with furnace or air
510 (52) 375 (38) 20  
  Joke mode manufacturer No more
750 (76)
14KH17N2* Annealing or vacation at 650−700 °C
By agreement between manufacturer and consumer
09KH16N4B Joke mode manufacturer No more
1030 (105)
- 13 -
12H13 Annealing at 960−1020 °C, air cooling, leave at 680−780 °C, air cooling or furnace
490 (50)
345 (35) 21  
  Joke mode manufacturer No more
650 (66)
250 (25) 15  
08KH13 Annealing at 960−1020 °C, cooling in water or air, a holiday at 680−780 °C, air cooling or furnace
420 (43) 295 (30) 23  
  Joke mode manufacturer No more
650 (66)
250 (25) 15  
12X17* Annealing or vacation at 760−780 °C, air cooling or furnace
440 (45) - 18  
08X17T* Annealing or vacation at 760−780 °C, air cooling
15X25T* Annealing or vacation at 740−780 °C, cooling in water
  14 20 (2)
08X22H6T Annealing at 1000−1050 °C, cooling in water
590 (60) 345 (35) 18 59 (6)
03X23H6 Hardening 1030−1050 °C, cooling in water
  25 -
12X21H5T* Annealing at 950−1050 °C, cooling in water or air
690 (70) 390 (40) 14  
08KH21N6M2T Annealing (1050±25) °C, cooling in water
590 (60) 345 (35) 20 59 (6)
03KH22N6M2 Annealing at 1030−1050 °C, cooling in water
  25 -
20Х23Н13* Annealing at 1030−1120 °C, cooling in water
570 (58) - 35  
10KH14G14N4T Annealing at 1050−1080 °C, cooling in water or air
590 (60) 245 (25) 40  
12H17G9AN4* Annealing at 1030−1100 °C, cooling in water
690 (70) 345 (35)    
10X17H13M2T Annealing at 1030−1080 °C, cooling in water or air 530 (54) 235 (24) 37  
08KH17N13M2T   510 (52) 196 (20) Forty  
10H17N13M3T   530 (54) 235 (24) 37  
  510 (52) 196 (20) 40  
17H18N9 Annealing at 1080−1120 °C, cooling in water
590 (60) 265 (27) 35  
12KH18N9 Annealing at 1050−1120 °C, cooling in water or under water shower
530 (54) 215 (22) 38  
12X18H9T Annealing at 1030−1080 °C, cooling in water or air
08X18H10 Annealing at 1050−1100 °C, cooling in water or air 510 (52) 205 (21) 43  
04KH18N10   490 (50) 175 (18) 45  
12KH18N10T Annealing at 1000−1080 °C, cooling in water or air 530 (54) 235 (24) 38  
08KH18N10T   510 (52) 205 (21) 43  
12Х18Н12Т Annealing at 1030−1080 °C, cooling in water or air
530 (54) 235 (24) 38  
Annealing at 1030−1080 °C, cooling in water or air
510 (52) 205 (21) 43  
08KH18N12B Annealing at 1000−1100 °C, cooling in water or air
20H23N18 Annealing at 1030−1130 °C, cooling in water
540 (55) 265 (27) 35  
0ЗХ28МДТ* Annealing at 1040−1080 °C, cooling in water
  215 (22)    
12H25N16G7AR* Annealing at 1050−1150 °C, cooling in water or air
740 (75) 390 (40) 50  
15KH18N12S4TJU* Quenching 1020−1050 NN the fire in °C, cooling in water or air
690−930 (70−95)
345 (35) 30  
07KH16N6 The normalization in (1040±10) °C, air cooling
No more
1180 (120)
no more
390 (40)
03KH21N21M4GB* Annealing at 1060−1120 °C, cooling in water or under water shower
590 (60) 295 (30) 30  
08KH18G8N2T Annealing at 980−1020 °C, cooling in water or under water shower
  345 (35) 20 59 (6)
09KH17N7JU Annealing at 1030−1070 °C, air cooling, two-time first vacation at 740−760 °C, cooling in air or in water, second vacation at 580−680 °C, air cooling
830 (85) No more
735 (75)
12 49 (5)
06HN28MDT Hardening 950−1080 °C, cooling in water
540 (55) 215 (22) 35 -
03Х18Н11 Annealing at 1080−1100 °C, cooling in water or air
490 (50) 196 (20) 40  
03KH17N14M3 Annealing at 1080−1100 °C, cooling in water or air

* For sheets with thickness St of 25 mm the mechanical properties are not normalized, the definition necessarily.

Note. The annealing of sheets of steel grades 20X13, 12H13, 08KH13 carried out at the request of the consumer. The rules are not necessary to 01.01.94. Definition of necessary data for a dataset.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

3.5. Mechanical properties of sheets that are defined on control and heat-treated samples must conform to the standards specified in table.3.

Table 3

Steel grade The mode of heat treatment of samples

Temporary resistance
ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), N/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)(kgf/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

Yield strengthГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), N/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)(kgf/mmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3), %

Toughness, KSI, j/cmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)
(ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3))

    not less than
14KH17N2 Annealing at 960−1050 °C, cooling in water or air, a holiday at 275−350 °C, air cooling
1080 (110) 885 (90) 10 -
09KH16N4B Annealing at 950−980 °C, air cooling, leave at 300−350 °C, air cooling
1230 (125) 980 (100) 8  
07KH16N6 The normalization at (975±10) °C, cold treatment at -70 °C for 2 hours, leave at (425±10) °C 1 h, air cooling
1080 (110) 835 (85) 10  

Note. By agreement with the consumer allowed to change the mode of heat treatment with a corresponding change in the norms of mechanical properties.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

3.6. Mechanical properties hardened and bolungarvik sheets are not normalized, but necessarily determine. Rules established by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.

3.7. In appearance and surface quality of the sheets shall conform to the requirements specified in table.4.

Table 4

A group of over-
Conditional notation-
the teachings of the group
The condition of the material The surface characterization Name of permissible surface defects The maximum depth of defect
1 H1
Cold-worked (H) and polunagartovannye (PN) Shiny without bubbles-bubbles, bubbles rolled out, captured, rabini, Pererva, with a slight difference of shades
Scratches, nicks, fingerprints, risk, rolled fingerprints

ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)the sum of limit deviations for thickness

2 M2a a) cold Rolled, heat treated, etched or after bright annealing
Silver-Matt or shiny, without bubbles-bubbles, bubbles rolled out, captivity, cracks, scale and Pererva Rabina, scratches, nicks, fingerprints, risk, rolled fingerprints Depth, not outputting the sheet for the limit deviations
  M2 b) hot Rolled, annealed, etched or after bright annealing
  It is the same shell  
3 M3A a) cold-Rolled, heat-treated or after annealing   Rabina, scratches, fingerprints, nicks, risk, rolled fingerprints

ГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)the sum of limit deviations for thickness

  М3б b) hot Rolled, annealed, etched or after bright annealing
  It is the same shell  
4 М4а a) cold Rolled, heat treated, etched or after bright annealing
  Rabina, scratches, fingerprints, nicks, risk, rolled fingerprints
The sum of limit deviations for thickness
  М4б b) hot Rolled, annealed, etched or after bright annealing
  It is the same shell  
5 М5а a) hot Rolled, annealed, etched or after bright annealing
Matte with a gray tint or gloss, bubble-bubbles, smoothed out bubbles, cracks, scale and Pererva Rabina, scratches, fingerprints, nicks, risk, small slivers, rolling, rolled fingerprints
  М5б b) hot Rolled, annealed, etched or after bright annealing
  It is the same shell  
  М5в in) cold-Rolled, heat-treated Dark Rabina, scratches, fingerprints, nicks, risk, small slivers, rolling, rolled prints, scale
  М5г d) hot Rolled, annealed   Rabina, scratches, fingerprints, nicks, risk, small slivers, rolling, shell, rolled prints, scale  
  5D d) hot-Rolled, heat-treated and netravlenoy


1. Requirements to the surface quality of annealed steel on the number and nature of defects may be corrected by agreement of the parties on the standards.

2. Allowed local gentle scraping of the surface, the depth of Stripping shall not exceed the limits of depth of permissible defects. Burning from Stripping not allowed.

3. At the customer’s request sheets are produced without Stripping and cutting with unacceptable defects.

4. The color of a tint, and different shades of pickling to cold rolled and hot rolled annealed sheets, etched or after bright annealing, are not a sign of rejection.

5. Welding defects on leaves is allowed by agreement with the consumer.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

3.8 Leaves of steel grades 09KH17N7JU, 03Х18Н11, 03KH17N14M3, 08KH22N6T, 08KH21N6M2T, 10KH14G14N4T, 12H17G9AN4, 08KH17N13M2T, 10X17H13M2T, 10H17N13M3T, 08KH17N15M3T, 12H18N9, 12KH18N9T, 04KH18N10, 08H18N10, 08CR18NI10TI, 12CR18NI10TI 08KH18N12T, 12Х18Н12Т, 08KH18N12B, 08KH18G8N2T, 03KH21N21M4GB, 03KH22N6M2; 03Х23Н6, 06HN28MDT, 03KHN28MDT should not have the tendency to intergranular corrosion.

Rules intergranular corrosion for steel grades 03KH22N6M2 03Х23Н6 and are not binding until 01.01.93. Definition of necessary data for a dataset.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).

3.9. At the customer’s request sheets are produced with standard:

a) the tendency to embrittlement of steel grade 12H21N5T. Heat treatment regime and standards shall be as specified in table.5.

b) the surface roughness of a hard steel and prolongational;

C) alpha-phase in austenitic steels;

d) the tendency to intergranular corrosion for steel grades not specified in GOST 6032*;
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 6032−2003, here and hereafter. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

d) notch toughness of steels, for which in table.2 the impact strength is not specified;

e) the grain size;

g) mechanical properties of hot rolled sheets to be supplied without heat treatment and etching;

h) mechanical properties at elevated temperatures;

s) of pollution steel non-metallic inclusions;

K) mechanical properties other than specified in table.2.

Note. Standards in subparagraphs b, C, d, and control methods in subparagraphs C, d established by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.

Table 5

The mode of heat treatment The thickness of sheet, mm Sample type

Toughness, KSI j/cmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)(kgf·m/cmГОСТ 7350-77 (СТ СЭВ 6434-88) Сталь толстолистовая коррозионно-стойкая, жаростойкая и жаропрочная. Технические условия (с Изменениями N 1, 2, 3)),
not less than

Heating to 550 °C, exposure for 1 h, cooling oven with a speed of 100 °C/h to 300 °C, then air cooling To 10 VIII according to GOST 6996 39 (4,0)
  SV. 10 I according to GOST 9454
29 (3,0)

3.10. At the customer’s request sheets are produced:

a) validation of the propensity to intergranular corrosion steel 08KH17T, 15KH25T and 07KH16N6;

b) checking of internal defects by nondestructive methods. Rules established by agreement between manufacturer and consumer;

C) no mechanical or other tests, provided that the norms established in this standard;

d) to control the hardness of heat-treated sheets;

d) bending test.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2, 3).


4.1. Sheet steel take parties. The party must consist of one smelting metal, one state of the material, one thickness, and heat-treated steel — one mode of heat treatment. One batch can be combined sheets, differing in thickness not more than 40% for sheets with thickness from 4 to 12 mm, not more than 5 mm for sheets with a thickness of 12 mm. St

By agreement with the consumer allowed the party, consisting of several heats of the same brand or one of melting sheets of different thicknesses.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 3).

4.1.1. Each batch must be accompanied by a document of quality according to GOST 7566 with the additions of the results:

— testing the mechanical properties hardened and bolungarvik sheets and sheets of thickness 25 mm of St;

— test sheets from steel grades 03KH22N6M2 and 03Х23Н6 on the susceptibility to intercrystalline corrosion;

check sheets for internal defects;

control hardness.

(Added, Rev. N 2).

4.2. Control of the surface flatness and dimensions are subjected to all the leaves of the party.

The manufacturer is permitted to control deviations from flatness and the size of the sheets selectively, but not less than one sheet of each thickness in the party.

4.3. To check the quality of the leaves taken:

for tensile tests, determining the impact strength, grain size and surface roughness of paper from the party;

— to determine the propensity to intergranular corrosion according to GOST 6032;

— to determine the contamination of steel non — metallic inclusions according to GOST 1778;

— for checking of chemical composition — GOST 7565.

To check the mechanical properties, the propensity to intergranular corrosion, contamination of non-metallic inclusions and the grain size is allowed from the party, consisting of sheets of different thicknesses and one mode of heat treatment, to select a sheet of maximum thickness.

4.4. If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators, repeat tests performed on the sample selected according to GOST 7566.


5.1. Sampling to determine the chemical composition of the steel according to GOST 7565. Chemical composition is determined by GOST 12344* — 12365 GOST, GOST 20560 or other methods providing the required accuracy of the analysis.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12344−2003. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

5.2. The surface quality test without the use of magnifying devices.

5.3. Measurement of plate thickness and flatness is carried out according to GOST 19903 19904 host. The size and shape of the leaves check of the measuring tool, providing the necessary measurement accuracy.

5.4. Selection and preparation of samples for mechanical testing is carried out according to GOST 7564 across the direction of rolling, and for steel grade 09KH17N7JU along the direction of rolling.

From each test sheet selected:

— for tensile tests and determination of surface roughness — one sample;

to determine the toughness and the grain size — two sample.

5.5. Tensile test at room temperature is carried out according to GOST 1497, at elevated temperature — according to GOST 9651 on short samples.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

5.6. Toughness is determined only for sheets with a thickness of 11 mm according to GOST 9454 on samples of type 1.

5.7. The surface roughness determined in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2789профилографом-profilometer according to GOST 19300 or comparison with working samples.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

5.10. The test of steel on the susceptibility to intercrystalline corrosion is carried out according to GOST 6032.

Sheets without heat treatment on the susceptibility to intercrystalline corrosion is not checked.

If unsatisfactory test results on the methods of AMU and WU in agreement with the consumer allowed to carry out repeated tests, respectively, according to the methods AM.

Test steel grades 03Х23Н6 and 03KH22N6M2 of the propensity to intergranular corrosion is carried out according to the method of DU according to GOST 6032.

Sheets of steel grade 03KH22N6M2 control in the hardened state, and of steel grade 03Х23Н6 in state of quenching and subsequent tempering at 550 °C for 1 h.

5.11. The lack of sheets of internal defects referred to in paragraph 3.3, is ensured by the technology of production of steel and sheets.

Control is carried out visually on the edges of the sheets.

Ultrasonic inspection of internal defects is carried out on demand of the consumer according to normative-technical documentation (NTD).

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

5.12. For testing the mechanical properties and the absence inclination to intergranular corrosion is allowed to apply statistical control methods, approved in the established order.

5.13. Hardness test carried out according to GOST 9012 materials for the manufacture of tensile specimens.

5.14. The bend test is carried out according to GOST 14019*.
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 14019−2003. — Note the manufacturer’s database.

5.13, 5.14. (Added, Rev. N 2).


6.1. Packing, marking, transportation and storage — by GOST 7566.

(Changed edition, Rev. N 2).

6.2. (Deleted, Rev. N 2).

6.3. When packing the sheets into bundles each bundle should consist of sheets of one batch. Allowed to pack in one bundle of sheets of different parties, manufactured from one heat. In this case, the party should be separated by spacers. Allowed tying bundles hot rolled sheets netravlenoy cross studs in an amount equal to the sum of the longitudinal and transverse studs stipulated by GOST 7566. This should not be offset sheets in bundles for transportation. Instead of marking the top of the sheet bundle allowed to mark on the metal map with a size of not less than 200х290 mm, securely attached and not less than two places to the packing tape on the top of the pile.

APP. (Deleted, Rev. N 1).

The electronic text of the document
prepared by JSC «Code» and checked by:
the official publication of the
High quality steel: Sat. Standards. -
M.: IPK Publishing house of standards, 2002