GOST 30620-98
GOST 30620−98 aluminum Alloys for the production of pistons. Specifications
GOST 30620−98
Group W51
Aluminium piston alloys. Specifications
ISS 77.120.10
GST 2130 17
Date of introduction 2001−07−01
1 DEVELOPED by the Interstate technical Committee for standardization MTK 107, Donetsk state Institute of non-ferrous metals (Danism)
SUBMITTED to the State Committee of Ukraine for standardization, Metrology and certification
2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for standardization, Metrology and certification (Protocol No. 14 dated November 12, 1998)
The adoption voted:
The name of the state | The name of the national authority for standardization |
The Republic Of Azerbaijan | Azgosstandart |
The Republic Of Armenia | Armastajad |
The Republic Of Belarus | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Belarus |
The Republic Of Kazakhstan | Gosstandart Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan |
The Kyrgyz Republic | Kyrgyzstandard |
Russian Federation | Gosstandart Of Russia |
The Republic Of Tajikistan | Tajikistandart |
Turkmenistan | Glavgosekspertiza «Turkmenstandartlary" |
The Republic Of Uzbekistan | Standards |
Ukraine | Gosstandart Of Ukraine |
3 Resolution of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization and Metrology dated December 19, 2000 N 384 St interstate standard GOST 30620−98 introduced directly as state standard of the Russian Federation from July 1, 2001
1 Scope
This standard applies to aluminium alloys in ingots made from primary metal, scrap and waste of nonferrous metals and alloys intended for manufacture of pistons of engines.
The requirements of sections 4 and 5 of this standard are mandatory.
2 Normative references
The present standard features references to the following standards:
GOST 3.1120−83 unified system of technical documentation. General rules reflection and processing of safety requirements of work in process documentation
GOST 12.1.005−88 standards System of labor safety. General hygiene requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007−76 System of standards of occupational safety. Harmful substances. Classification and General safety requirements
GOST 12.2.009−99 Metalworking. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.002−75 System safety standards. The process of production. General safety requirements
GOST 12.3.027−92* standards System of labor safety. Works for casting. Safety requirements
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST 12.3.027−2004. Here and further. — Note the manufacturer’s database.
GOST 12.4.013−85* the System of occupational safety standards. Glasses protective. General specifications
* On the territory of the Russian Federation GOST R 12.4.013−97*.
** From 1 July 2008 on the territory of the Russian Federation GOST
GOST 12.4.021−75 System safety standards. System ventilation. General requirements
GOST 1583−93 Alloys aluminum casting. Specifications
GOST 7727−81 aluminum-based Alloys. Methods of spectral analysis
GOST 11739.6−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods of iron determination
GOST 11739.7−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of silicon
GOST 11739.11−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of magnesium
GOST 11739.12−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of manganese
GOST 11739.13−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of copper
GOST 11739.16−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of Nickel
GOST 11739.17−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Methods for determination of tin
GOST 11739.18−90 Alloys aluminium cast and wrought. Method for determination of lead
GOST 11739.20−99 Alloys aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of titanium
GOST 11739.24−98 Alloys, aluminum casting and wrought. Methods for determination of zinc
GOST 13843−78 aluminum wire Rod. Specifications
GOST 14192−96 Marking of cargo
GOST 21132.0−75 aluminum and aluminum alloys. Methods for determination of hydrogen in liquid metal
GOST 21132.1−98 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Methods for determination of hydrogen in solid metal-vacuum-heating
GOST 21399−75 Packages transport of pigs, cathodes and ingots of non-ferrous metals. General requirements
GOST 21650−76 means of fastening of package cargoes in transport packages. General requirements
GOST 24231−80 non-ferrous metals and alloys. General requirements to selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis
GOST 25086−87 non-ferrous metals and their alloys. General requirements for methods of analysis
GOST 26653−90 Preparation of General cargoes for transportation. General requirements
3 of grade and technical requirements
3.1 Alloy aluminum ingots are made in accordance with the requirements of this standard technological instruction, duly approved.
3.2 Chemical composition of the alloys shall conform to the requirements of table 1.
Table 1 — Chemical composition of alloys
Grade | Mass fraction, % | |||||
the main components | ||||||
silicon | copper | magnesium | manganese | Nickel | aluminum | |
KS740 | 16−18 | 1,8−2,4 | 0,7−1,2 | 0,6−1,0 | 1,1−1,7 |
Basis |
KS741 | 19−22 | 1,8−2,4 | 0,7−1,2 | 0,6−1,0 | 1,1−1,7 |
The same |
AK18 | 17−19 | 0,8−1,5 | 0,8−1,3 | - | 0,8−1,3 |
« |
ZHLS | 11−13 | 1,2−1,4 | 1,0−1,3 | - | 1,0−1,3 |
« |
AK10M2N | For 9.5−10.5 | 2.0 to 2.5 | 0,9−1,2 | - | 0,8−1,2 |
« |
End of table 1
Grade | Mass fraction, % | ||||||
impurity, not more than | |||||||
iron | titanium | zinc | manganese | lead | tin | just | |
KS740 | 0,5 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
KS741 | 0,5 | - | - | - | - | - | - |
AK18 | 0,5 | 0,2 | 0,2 | 0,2 | 0,05 | 0,01 | 1,1 |
ZHLS | 0,5 | 0,2 | 0,15 | 0,15 | - | - | - |
AK10M2N | 0,6 | 0,05 | 0,06 | 0,05 | 0,05 | 0,01 | 0,7 |
Notes 1 At the request of the consumer is allowed to normalize the mass fraction of calcium, sodium and lithium, the content of which is controlled by methods, approved in the prescribed manner. 2 At the request of the consumer is allowed the mass fraction of iron not more than 0.4%. 3 By agreement with the consumer in alloys KS740 and KS741 mass fraction of titanium should not exceed 0.2%, zinc 0,3%, Pb is 0.1% of tin and 0.05%; total impurities not more than 1.0%. |
3.3 the Mass of each pig shall not exceed 20 kg. By agreement with consumer it is permitted to produce ingots weighing over 200 kg and the melt. The shape and size of pigs is set by the manufacturer.
3.4 On the surface of ingots shall not be Nikitin, sagging, cracks, and slag inclusions.
Allowed local inclusions of oxides and captured in the square, not exceeding 5% of the surface pigs.
Ingots allowed for shrinkage, traces of Stripping and felling defects, and also traces of paint used for painting molds.
3.5 breaking pig needs to be thick and must not contain foreign inclusions and slag.
3.6 Refine the Alloy and modify by agreement between manufacturer and consumer.
Refined and modified alloys, the hydrogen content should be not more than 0.30 cm/100 g of metal for alloys of ZHLS, AK10M2N and 0.35 cm
/100 g of metal for KS740, KS741, AK18; gas porosity should be not more than 2 points for grades AK18, ZHLS and 3 points for KS740, KS741, AK10M2N. Allowed the presence of primary silicon crystal size less than 100 microns.
The choice of monitored indicator (score gas porosity, hydrogen content, the size of the primary crystals of silicon, metal structure) is determined by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.
3.7 Additional technical requirements may be established in contractual agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.
3.8 each pig must be applied:
— trademark or a trademark and the name of the manufacturer;
— number of melt;
— color coded.
3.9 the Color coding should be applied to the ends of the ingots has a dye in the form of vertical strips for the brand of alloy:
— KS740 green;
— KS741 — green and green cross;
— AK18 — black and yellow;
— ZHLS — blue cross;
— AK10M2N — two white.
Allowed, by agreement with the consumer, apply color-coded alloys ingots on the top row of the package.
4 safety Requirements
4.1 security Requirements for the production and handling of aluminum alloys — technological documentation in accordance with GOST 12.3.002, GOST and GOST 3.1120
4.2 selection, sample preparation and chemical analysis must comply with the requirements for safe operation in accordance with GOST 12.1.005, GOST 12.1.007, GOST 12.2.009, GOST 12.4.013 GOST 12.4.021 and regulations approved in the established order.
5 Requirements of environmental protection
5.1 Protection of atmosphere from harmful emissions in the production and handling of aluminum alloys is carried out in accordance with GOST
5.2 Waste water from the production must be cleaned and reset in accordance with the requirements [2].
5.3 Industrial waste must be temporarily stored, transported, cleared and saharinat according to the requirements [3].
6 acceptance Rules
6.1 Alloys present to the acceptance of the parties. The party should consist of ingots of one brand of alloy, of one or more heats and be accompanied by a document about quality that contains:
— trademark or a trademark and the name of the manufacturer;
— brand alloy;
— the weight of the batch;
— number of (a) melting (melting);
— the result (s) for chemical analysis of smelting (melting);
— date of manufacture;
— the designation of this standard.
At the request of the consumer in the document about quality make information about the hydrogen content or grade of gas porosity bottoms (bottoms).
6.2 a Party must not contain more than 2% broken pigs.
6.3 quality Check of the surface is subjected to at least 10% of pigs from each heat.
6.4 quality Control of the fracture is carried out at the request of the consumer. For quality control of the fracture taken at least two ingots from each heat.
6.5 To control the chemical composition, hydrogen content or porosity of the gas from each smelting for ingots weighing up to 20 kg taken at least two pigs. By agreement with the consumer ingots weighing over 200 kg, was escorted specially cast breakdown from each heat are taken from the middle of the casting heat. The shape of the mold for the sample agree with the consumer.
On the manufacturer is allowed to take samples from molten metal according to the method approved in the prescribed manner.
6.6 For the assessment of gas porosity from both ingots weighing up to 20 kg cross cut template with a minimum thickness of 10 mm at a distance of length from the end face of a pig, for pigs weighing more than 200 kg cross cut template with a minimum thickness of 10 mm at a distance
of length from the end of specially cast samples.
6.7 At the request of the consumer to evaluate the size of the primary crystals of silicon.
6.8 If unsatisfactory test results of at least one of the indicators it is carried out re-tests on twice the number of samples selected from the same heat. The results of repeated tests spread all over the heat.
7 test Methods
7.1 Checking the quality of the surface and of the fracture is carried out visually. To obtain the fracture selected pig nadpilivayut not more than the height and break.
7.2 the Selection and preparation of samples for chemical analysis of the ingots is carried out according to GOST 24231, GOST 7727.
7.3 Chemical composition of alloys determined according to GOST 7727, 11739.6 GOST, GOST 11739.7, 11739.11 GOST — GOST 11739.13, GOST 11739.16 — 11739.18 GOST, GOST 11739.20, 11739.24 GOST, GOST 25086.
Allowed to determine the chemical composition by other methods of equal accuracy standardized.
If there is disagreement in the assessment of the chemical composition determination is carried out according to GOST 11739.6, 11739.7 GOST, GOST 11739.11 — 11739.13, GOST 11739.16 — 11739.18 GOST, GOST 11739.20, GOST 11739.24.
7.4 the hydrogen Content in the alloys is determined according to GOST 21132.0, GOST 21132.1 or other regulatory documents.
7.5 Gas porosity determined by the method specified in GOST 1583.
7.6 the size of the primary silicon crystals is determined using microscopes of various types by the maximum diameter of the circle, in which fits a silicon crystal.
8 Transportation and storage
8.1 Pig transporterowych in packs of 21399 GOST, GOST 26653. The packages shall consist of ingots of the same grade alloy. Ingots weighing over 200 kg in packages not form.
Packs fasten two lane two round aluminum catalkoy diameter not less than 9 mm according to GOST 13843.
Allowed, by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer, to use other means of fasteners according to GOST 21650, ensuring the safety of the package.
Transport marking of packages — according to GOST 14192. On the side of the package attach a metal or wooden label with the material to ensure its safety.
8.2 Packages transporterowych all kinds of transport in accordance with goods transportation regulations applied to this type of transport.
8.3 Pigs kept in conditions that ensure preservation of their quality.
Annex a (informative). Bibliography
[1] SanPiN 4946−89 | Sanitary rules on atmospheric air protection of populated areas |
[2] SanPiN 4630−88* | Sanitary rules and norms of surface water protection from contamination |
[3] SP 3183−84** | The order of accumulation, transportation, neutralization and burial of toxic industrial wastes |
* On the territory of the Russian Federation act SanPiN−00;
** In the territory of the Russian Federation act SanPiN