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Aircraft based on titanium and cobalt
9 April 2014
In modern aircraft using a wide spectrum of materials with high performance and operating characteristics, but the palm in the list on the right belongs to the titanium and cobalt.
The fall in aluminum on the world metal market prices
8 April 2014
Despite the significant expansion of the scope of application of aluminum in recent years, a significant increase in its production and the permanent excess of supply over the purchasing activity does not stabilize pricing in this market segment
Aluminium for aviation
7 April 2014
Ever since ancient times, people have dreamed of flying freely and conquer the heavenly spaces, so the development of aircraft has always paid special attention.
Lead stability or net income of the harmful production
2 April 2014
Despite the numerous fluctuations in non-ferrous metals market, and the international metal exchanges, the lead position in this field strikes an enviable stability and firmness.
Stainless steel and metallic elements - trend new fashion season 2014
1 April 2014
Industrial popularity of stainless steel, which is due to its high performance, is not going to any comparison with the relevance of such material in the field of high fashion.
Tin for the Tula samovar
31 March 2014
Who has not heard about the unique samovar manufacture in Tula.
Modernization aluminum giant
26 March 2014
Corporation RUSAL, which is considered one of the leaders in the aluminum industry, not only in the domestic spaces, but also from the perspective of the entire world community always keeps pace with the times and to react to all the changes in the economic
Obsolete silicon transistors
25 March 2014
It's no secret that all computers and mobile appliances in use tends to heat up.
Fidelity nickel Alexei Gordeyev
24 March 2014
The term of office of the Voronezh Region Governor expired twelfth day of March of this year.
"Uralelectromed": selenium on the production site reconstructed
19 March 2014
Is nearing completion of work on the reconstruction of selenium production area, carried out in the enterprise "Uralelectromed" chemical-metallurgical department.

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