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Titanium in metallurgy


Nowadays the metallurgical industry remains the absolute leader in the volume of titanium application. Here non-standard equipment is mostly manufactured and used. Titanium alloys surpass stainless acid-resistant steels in such properties as corrosion resistance in aggressive media and specific strength.

Non-ferrous metallurgy

Titanium, itself a product of the non-ferrous industry, contributes to quality metals and technological advances in the industry. In non-ferrous metals, titanium has been proven in numerous studies to improve product quality, increase productivity and facilitate automation. It can be used to manufacture large-size critical equipment. For example, replacement of cast-iron and steel pumps for pumping solutions of sodium, potassium and magnesium with titanium ones allowed to decrease losses by 2.5 times and increase service life of the pumps by 15-20 times. Applying titanium alloys in non-ferrous metallurgy, companies obtain real savings by increasing reliability and service life of equipment, improving product quality and reducing operating costs. Titanium equipment is more widespread in titanium-magnesium and nickel-cobalt industries. Not so long ago the active introduction of titanium in copper production also started. And in non-ferrous metal processing and tungsten, mercury, zinc, cadmium, tin, lead, aluminum, gold and other precious metal production facilities, titanium has just begun to gain acceptance.


Today in non-ferrous metallurgy (not including nickel-cobalt industry) the very first stage of titanium implementation is the replacement of equipment, usually auxiliary, which does not have much impact on the parameters of important technological processes. At the next stage, titanium will be used to manufacture the main equipment for entire shops. The advantages of titanium alloys will be maximally explored, it is planned to intensify the old technological processes to a considerable extent and create new more productive ones. In this case the economic return from the introduction of new equipment will increase.

Ferrous metallurgy

Titanium compares favorably with stainless steel when considering the aggressive environment in coke-chemical, metallurgical, steelmaking and ferroalloy plants. Titanium increases the service life of equipment, intensifies the existing technological processes and introduces new ones, produces a higher quality product that is not contaminated by corrosion.

Coke-chemical industry

A number of aggressive gases, alkalis and acids are used here, which sharply reduces the service life of pipelines and devices. If even a minor apparatus breaks down, the entire production line must be shut down. Corrosion resistance of titanium alloys is suited best of all for by-product coke production, as in multicomponent aggressive environments they are more resistant in comparison with high-alloy stainless steels. For example in a mother liquor corrosion resistance of BT1-1 alloy is ten times higher than that of Х18Н10Т steel, and the surface of equipment from titanium alloys is corroded evenly, and in case of using stainless steel it is attacked by intensive pitting corrosion. Application of crystallizers, pipelines, pumps and other equipment from titanium alloys at Zaporozhye coke-processing plant showed that replacement of cheaper but less corrosion-resistant materials with titanium is economically feasible. At the same plant in the sulfate department of the recovery shop titanium pumps ТН-70, made at Zaporozhye Titanium and Magnesium Plant, demonstrated excellent durability. These pumps were in operation for six months without repair, while the cast-iron ones only lasted two months in the same conditions.

Corrosion resistance

It is profitable to make from titanium centrifuges, circulation pans, pipelines, barbotage umbrellas, saturators and other equipment of the trapping shop, where according to research data the annual corrosion rate of this metal is 0,002-0,03 mm. Corrosion rate in hydrogen sulphide solution, cyanic acid, 15% phenol solution, 10% NaOH, and ammonia at t° of 100-140°C is less than 0.5mm per year. Taking such figures into account, pyridine base condensers and neutralization cubes made of titanium last 5-15 years, for comparison - the existing scrubbers made of carbon steel can last only a year and a half.


Most hardware, pipe-rolling, metallurgical, steel-wire-rod, steel-rolling plants have pickling sections responsible for removing scale from the metal surface. Typically, equipment is made of carbon steel, using gumming and lining with acid-proof brick, which, however, does not provide long-term operation. The equipment lasts no more than three years. This is due to the low mechanical properties and poor corrosion resistance of stainless steel and other materials used. Even high-alloy stainless steels are prone to pitting, especially in the weld area.


Titanium Institute specialists carried out a series of tests at Zaporizhstal, which allowed them to recommend titanium for the manufacture of ventilation system pipelines, spent pickling solutions drainage and other pickling area equipment. The titanium pipeline for used pickling solutions discharge without traces of corrosion lasts about a year, while the commonly used gummed pipeline made of carbon steel becomes unusable in one and a half to three months. Despite the significant costs of installing titanium piping, this solution will provide a significant economic benefit. Such pipeline will serve for years, as the corrosion rate in the spent solutions does not exceed 0.01-0.05 mm per year.

Ventilation system made of titanium

The rubberized steel onboard suction, ventilation pipes and air lines have an extremely short service life. Very quickly in the places of flange connections appear leaks, which subsequently leads to the destruction of the pipelines themselves, as well as the foundations of buildings and structures. If the entire ventilation system is made of titanium, the operating costs can be significantly reduced and the service life and working conditions can be improved. In an atmosphere of pickling vapor, the corrosion rate of titanium is 0.002-0.006 mm per year. By comparison, in pickling solution vapor, stainless steel X18H10T or X21H5T is subject to pitting corrosion at a rate of 0.5-0.9 mm per year.


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