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Steel 20X13

Steel 20Cr13

Steel 20X13: Handbook of steels and alloys. Below is systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supply, substitutes, critical point temperatures, physical, mechanical, technological and foundry properties for the brand - Steel 20X13.

General information about steel 20X13

The substitute for the following steels
Steel grade: 12Х13, 14Х17Н2.
Kind of delivery
Round 20х13, sheet 20х13, pipe 20х13, wire 20х13, hexagon 20х13, bars, including shaped: GOST 5949−75, GOST 2590−71, GOST 2591−71, GOST 2879−69, GOST 19442−74, GOST 18968−73. Calibrated rod GOST 7417−75, GOST 8559−75, GOST 8560−78. Grinded rod and silver GOST 14955−77, GOST 18907−73. Sheet thick GOST 7350−77. Thin sheet GOST 5582−75. Tape GOST 4986−79. GOST 18143−72 wire. GOST 4405−75, GOST 103−76, GOST 18968−73. Forgings and forged blanks GOST 1133−71, GOST 18968−73, GOST 25054−81. Tubes GOST 9940−81, GOST 14162−79.
The parts with high ductility, exposed to shock loads and working at temperatures up to 450−500 ° C, as well as products exposed to slightly aggressive media at room temperature. Steel is corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant martensitic class.

Chemical composition of steel 20X13

Chemical element %
Silicon (Si), not more 0.8
Manganese (Mn), not more than 0.8
Copper (Cu), not more than 0.30
Nickel (Ni), not more than 0.6
Sulfur (S), not more than 0.025
Titanium (Ti), not more than 0.2
Carbon (C) 0.16−0.25
Phosphorus (P), not more than 0.030
Chrome (Cr) 12.0−14.0

Mechanical properties of steel 20X13

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ0.2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/m2
Rods. Hardening at 1000−1050°C, air or oil. Tempering 600−700°C, air or oil. 60 635 830 10 50 59
Bars. Tempering 1000−1050°C, air or oil. Tempering 660−770°C, air, oil or water. 60 440 650 16 55 78
Grinded bars, machined to the specified strength 1−30   510−780 14    
Hot- or cold-rolled sheets. Hardening 1000−1050°C, air. Tempering 680−780°C, air or furnace (Transverse samples) >4 372 509 20    
Forgings. Tempering 1000−1050°C, air or oil. Tempering 660−770°C, air. 1000 441 588 14 40 39
Cold-rolled strip. Annealed or tempered at 740−800°C. <0,2   500 8    
Cold-rolled strip. Annealed or tempered at 740−800°C. 0,2−2,0   500 16    
Heat-treated wire 1,0−6,0   490−780 14    

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures

t test,°C σ0, 2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/m2
Normalization 1000−1020°C. Tempering 730−750°C. At 20 °C NV 187−217
20 510 710 21 66 64−171
300 390 540 18 66 196
400 390 520 17 59 196
450 370 480 18 57 235
500 350 430 33 75 245
550 275 340 37 83 216
Specimen with a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 30 mm. Rolled. Strain rate of 16 mm/min, strain rate 0.009 1/s.
800 59 70 51 98  
850     43    
900     56    
1000 39 61 59    
1150 21 31 84 100  

Mechanical properties depending on tempering temperature

t tempering temperature, °C σ0, 2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/m2 HRCe
14 mm section workpieces. Hardened at 1050 °C, air.
200 1300 1600 13 50 81 46
300 1270 1460 14 57 98 42
450 1330 1510 15 57 71 45
500 1300 1510 19 54 75 46
600 920 1020 14 60 71 29
700 650 78 18 64 102 20

Mechanical properties depending on heat treatment

Heat treatment, delivery condition σ0.2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/m2
Normalization 1000−1020°C, air. Tempering at 730−750°C, air.
Heat soaking at 500 °C, 5000 h 500 690 20 62 108
Heat soak 500 °C, 10000 h 420 670 23 65 118
Heat soak 550 °C, 1000 h 450 690 26 65  
Heat soak 550 °C, 10000 h 440 660 24 63 108
Heat soak 600 °C, 3000 h 450 660 21 60 78
Heat soak 600 °C, 10000 h 380 630 23 63 147

Mechanical properties of bars at negative temperatures

t test,°C σ0, 2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % ψ, % KCU, J/m2
25 mm cross-section. Normalizing at 1000 °C, air. Tempering 680−750°C.
+20 540 700 21 62 76
-20 560 730 22 59 54
-40 580 770 23 57 49
-60 570 810 24 57 41
Section 14 mm. Hardened at 1050 °C, air. Tempering 600 °C.
+20         71
-20         81
-60         64

Mechanical properties in the long term strength test

Creep strength, MPa Creep rate, %/h t test,°C Ultimate long-term strength, MPa Test duration, h t test, h
125 1/100000 450 289 10000 450
75 1/100000 470 191 10000 500
47 1/100000 500 255 100000 450
29 1/100000 550 157 100000 500

Technological properties of steel 20X13

Forging temperature
The beginning 1250, the end 850. Sections up to 150 mm are air-cooled, 150−400 mm requires low-temperature annealing with one subcooling.
Limited weldability. Welding methods: RTD, ADF under submerged arc, ADF and CTS. Heating and heat treatment are used depending on the method of welding, type and purpose of construction.
In the hardened and tempered state at HB 241 and σB = 730 MPa Kυ of solid steel = 0,7, Kυ = 0,45.
The tempering capacity
not sensitive

Steel 20X13 critical point temperature

Critical point °С
Ac1 810
Ac3 900
Ar3 660
Ar1 710
Mn 320

Impact toughness of steel 20X13

Impact toughness, KCU, J/cm2

Delivery condition, heat treatment +20 -20 -50
Bar cross section 25 mm. 63 52 45

Corrosion properties of steel 20X13

Medium Test temperature, °C Test duration, h Depth, mm/year
Distilled water or steam 100   0,1
Soil water 20   1,0
Seawater 20 720 0

Physical properties of steel 20X13

Test temperature, °C 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Modulus of normal elasticity, E, GPa 218 214 208 200 189 181 169      
Torsional shear modulus of elasticity G, GPa 86 84 80 78 73 69 63      
Steel density, pn, kg/m3 7670 7660 7630 7600 7570 7540 7510 7480 7450  
Thermal conductivity coefficient W/(m - °C)   26 26 26 26 27 26 26 27 28
Electrical resistivity (p, nominal value - m) 588 653 730 800 884 952 1022 1102    
Test temperature,°C 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Coefficient of linear expansion (a, 10−6 1/°C) 10.2 11.2 11.5 11.9 12.2 12.8 12.8 13.0    
Specific heat capacity (C, J/(kg -°C)) 112 117 123 127 132 137 147 155 159