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Steel 12Х25Н16Г7АР

12Х25Н16Г7АР steel

12X25H16H7AR steel: a classifier of steels and alloys. Below is systematized information on the purpose, chemical composition, types of supply, substitutes, critical point temperature, physical, mechanical, technological and foundry properties for the brand - 12X25H16H7AR Steel.

General information about 12Х25Н16Г7АР steel

Delivery type
Bar stock, including shaped: GOST 5949−75, GOST 2590−71, GOST 2591−71, GOST 2879−69. Calibrated bar GOST 7417−75, GOST 8559−75, GOST 8560−78. Grinded rod and silver GOST 14955−77. Sheet thick GOST 7350−77. Sheet GOST 5582−75 thin. Tape GOST 4986−79. Strip GOST 4405−75, GOST 103−76. Forgings and forged blanks GOST 1133−71.
The sheet, wire, pipes, tape, details, working up to 950 ° C under moderate stress. The steel is heat-resistant, heat-resistant austenitic class.

Chemical composition of steel 12Х25Н16Г7АР

Chemical element %
Nitrogen (N) 0.30−0.45
Boron (B), not more 0.010
Silicon (Si), not more than 1.0
Manganese (Mn) 5.0−7.0
Copper (Cu), not more than 0.30
Nickel (Ni) 15.0−18.0
Sulfur (S), max. 0.02
Carbon ©, not more than 0.12
Phosphorus (P), not more than 0.035
Chrome (Cr) 23.0−26.0

Mechanical properties of steel 12Х25Н16Г7АР

Heat treatment, delivery condition Section, mm σ0, 2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % δ4, % ψ, %
Rods. 1050−1150°С hardening, air. 60 325 690 40   45
Hot- or cold-rolled sheets. Hardened 1050−1150°C, water or air 4−25 392 736 50    
Hot- or cold-rolled sheet. Hardened 1050−1100°C, water or air <3,9   <980 35    
Cold-rolled strip. Hardened 1050−1100°C, water or air <0,2   700   15  
Cold-rolled band. Hardened 1050−1100°C, water or air 0,2−2,0   700   30  
Sheet. Tempering 1100 °C, air. 5−25 390 730 50   60

Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures

t test,°C σ0, 2, MPa σB, MPa δ5, % δ4, % KCU, J/m2
1050−1150°C hardening, air.
900   176 >15 >20  
Sheets. Tempering 1050−1100°C, water or air.
900   >176 >30    
Bar. Tempering at 1150 °C, holding for 40 min, cooling in air.
20 380−440 770−850 45−67 49−78 363−372
500 225−245 560−610 48−57 64−76 294−363
600 205−225 510−580 40−53 56−74 333−363
700 175−215 380−450 22−33 22−34 314−343
800 165−205 275−350 19−28 24−40 284−314
900 125−175 175−235 20−36 25−44 235−284
1000 49−98 98−135 50−64 43−60 167−255
1100   39−59 50−70 41−62 167−215
1200   29−39 59−64 48−69 88−118

Mechanical properties in the long term strength test

Creep limit, MPa Creep rate, %/h t test,°C Ultimate long-term strength, MPa Test duration, h t test, h
54 1/1000 750 >98 100 800
34   800 49 1000 800
15   900 >49 50 900
      >39 100 900
      23 1000 900
      11 10000 900
      19 100 1000
      8 1000 1000
      3.5 10000 1000

Technological properties of steel 12Х25Н16Г7АР

Forging temperature
The beginning 1170, the end 950. Cooling in the air.
Steel can be welded by all kinds of welding.

Heat resistance of steel 12Х25Н16Г7АР

Temperature, °С Test duration, h Mass increase, g/(m2-h) Loss of mass, g/(m2-h)
900 100 0,11 0,29
1000 100 0,34 1,2
1100 100 0,46 1,46
1200 100 0,60 2,12

Physical properties of steel 12Х25Н16Г7АР

Test temperature,°C 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Modulus of normal elasticity, E, GPa 193 186 178 171 163 156 147 138 131 127
Steel density, pn, kg/m3 7820                  
Thermal conductivity coefficient W/(m - °C) 14 15 16 18 19 21 22 24 26 28
Electrical resistivity (p, nominal value - m) 1000                  
Test temperature,°C 20−100 20−200 20−300 20−400 20−500 20−600 20−700 20−800 20−900 20−1000
Coefficient of linear expansion (a, 10−6 1/°C) 16.6 16.2 16.8 17.4 18.0 18.3 18.5 18.7 18.9