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CrN55MbYu-Vd (circle, wire, tube, sheet, strip) (ep666)


Heat-resistant nickel-based alloy of the given grade is used in production of semi-finished products such as bars, forgings, pipes, hot-rolled sheets intended for manufacturing parts for gas-turbine engines, installations, pipeline fittings for nuclear power plants and equipment for power engineering. The material in modern engines for turbine blades must have high resistance to fracture under thermal, low-cycle fatigue, which is the main type of fracture today. The risk of fracture can be exacerbated by surface reactions that occur due to softening of grain boundaries and gas corrosion. The main demands on the material for turbine blades are caused by the latest developments in engine designs, the continuous increase in ductility, low cycle fatigue resistance, thermal fatigue, heat resistance and resistance to gaseous media.

The maximum recommended service temperature for a limited time period is +900°C, the temperature at which severe airborne scale formation begins is +1100°C.

Processing of Rolled Products

Type Standard Technical specifications
Bar sections В32 14-1-2606-79
Billets. Slabs. Blanks. В31 14-1-3626-83
Machining by pressure. Forgings. В03 14-1-3628-83
Sheets strips В53 14-1-3191-81

Technical specifications, GOST

Round, high-quality steel surface, with special finishing 14 955-77
Hot-rolled steel round bars 2590-2006
Hot-rolled square steel bars 2591-2006
High precision shaped steel sections 14-11-245-88
Round, square forged steel 1133-71
Forged, hot-rolled tool steel strips 4405-75
Round steel calibrated 7417-75
Square steel calibrated. 8559-75
Hot rolled steel bars 103-2006
Calibrated, section steel is corrosion-resistant, heat-resistant, heat-resistant 5949-75
Calibrated hexagonal rolled steel 8560-78
Forged steel square, round 1133-71
Heat-resistant, heat-resistant, corrosion-resistant, high-alloy steels 5632-72
Hot-rolled section steel hexahedral steel 2879-2006


Wire with diameter less than 9 mm is sold in coils, and thicker than 9 mm it is supplied in straight lengths: unmeasured, measured, and multiples of measured. High-alloyed quality steel makes it possible to produce products in standard lengths of 1-6 m. To order from the steel ХН55МББЮ-вд, ep666 are made circles, wire, sheet, pipe, strip of any parameters. We have the best price-quality ratio for the whole range of products.


Supplier "Auremo" offers to buy CrN55Mbuj-vd, ep666 (circle, wire, tube, sheet, strip) today on favorable terms. Large selection in stock. Conformity to GOST and international quality standards. Always in stock XN55MYu-vd, ep666 (circle, pipe, ribbon, sheet), price - the best from a supplier. Buy CrN55MbYu-vd, ep666 (round, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)), today. Wholesale customers favorable price.

Buy a bargain price.

Supplier "Auremo" offers on favorable terms to buy CHN55MBYU-vd, ep666 (circle, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)) without a surcharge on additional costs. The site displays the most current information about products, there is a product catalog and price lists. Always in stock CrN55MbYu-vd, ep666 (round, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)), the price - the best from the supplier. Buy today. Under the order you can buy products with non-standard parameters. The order price depends on volume and additional terms of delivery. Supplier "Auremo" invites you to buy CHN55MBYU-vd, ep666 (circle, wire, pipe, sheet, strip) in bulk or in installments. We have the best price-quality ratio for the whole range of products. In this segment the company "Auremo" - a profitable supplier. We are waiting for your orders.

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