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CrN70MVTYUB-bd (circle, wire, tube, sheet, strip) (ei598)

Technical Characteristics

This grade of heat-resistant steel refers to the class of alloys with excellent parameters regarding heat resistance and heat resistance. Chemical composition of the alloy is regulated by the standards of state standard 5632-72.

Percentage composition according to GOST 5632-72

Ni Cr Mn W Fe Si C P
60 - 74.6 16 - 19 ≤ 0.5 2 - 3.5 ≤ 5 ≤ 0,6 ≤ 0.12 ≤ 0.015
S Ti Al B Mo Nb Ce impurities
≤ 0.01 1.9 - 2.8 1 - 1.7 ≤ 0.01 4 - 6 0.5 - 1.3 ≤ 0.02 ≤ 0.1

The steel is melted in an open arc furnace. The rolling temperature is 1100 °C at the beginning of the process, and 800 °C at the end of the process. The steel is cooled after deformation. The first mode involves cooling in water, oil or air, while the second mode involves cooling with water, followed by holding the products for 4-4.5 hours.

Mechanical properties of bars, at 20 ° C


s in



MPa %
Bar, GOST 23705-79 690 6-10 10-14

The main mechanical properties:

-hardness - up to 690 MPa;

-Yield strength - 690 N/mm2;

-Relative elongation - 6-10%;

-Taper rate - up to 14%.


Heat-resistant alloys of this type are widely used in the power engineering industry (production of machinery and equipment for power generation), in the rocket and aerospace engineering. The indicator of heat resistance is the ability of the alloy to withstand mechanical stresses for a certain period of time at temperatures above 600 ° C. Parts made of this alloy are designed for service at about 1050 °C.


Supplier Auremo offers to buy CrN70MVTUB-bd, ei598 (circle, wire, tube, sheet, strip) today on favorable terms. Large selection in stock. Conformity to GOST and international quality standards. Always in stock of CrN70MVTYUB-vd, ei598 (circle, pipe, ribbon, sheet,), price - the best from a supplier. Buy CHN70MVTYUB-bd, ei598 (round, wire, pipe, sheet, strip)), today. Wholesale customers price - preferential.

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