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Steel 30ХСНВФА (ВП30)

06X1 steel 06X1F steel 06XGR steel 06XF steel 07Cr3HNMuA steel Steel 08GDNF (SL-2; 08GDNFL) 08Cr2G2FA steel Steel 08KhMFCH (08KhMFCH) Steel 08KhMHA (08KhMCH) Steel 09GSFA (09GSF) Steel 09N2MFBA (09N2MFBA-A) Steel 09SFA (09SF) 09ХГ2НАБч steel Steel 09KhN2MD (AB2-SH1) Steel 09KhN3MD (AB3) Steel 09KhN4MD (AB4) Steel 10G2 (10G2A) Steel 10GN (10GNA) Steel 10Х1С2М Steel 10Х2ГНМ (10Х2ГНМА) Steel 10Х2М1 (10Х2М1А) 10Х3ГНМЯА steel Steel 10ХН3МД (АБ2-Ш2) Steel 12G1P Steel 12Х2Н4А (ЭИ83) Steel 12Х2НВФА (ЭИ712) Steel 12Х2НВФМА (ЭП506; ЭИ712М) Steel 12Х2НМ1ФА Steel 12Kh2NMFA Steel 12ХГН2МФБДАЮ (VS-4) 12XHNM steel 12CrNiMoV Steel 12KhN steel 12XH2 steel 12XH2A steel Steel 12KhN2MD (AB1) 12KhN3A steel 12XHN3MD steel (AB2; 12XHN3MDF) 12XHN4MBD steel (AB2P) Steel 138 IZ-2 13H2HA steel Steel 13H5A Steel 13Х3НВМ2Ф (DI45; VKS-4) Steel 13ХГМРБ 13CrNi2MoD steel 13CrNi2MoFd steel Steel 13KhGSN1MD Steel 13KhFA (13KhF) Steel 14N2MFD (14N2MFDA) Steel 14Х2ГМР Steel 14Х2Н3МА 14Cr3GMu steel Steel 14ХГ2САФД Steel 14ХГН Steel 14ХГНН2МДАФБ (14ХГНМДАФБ) Steel 14ХГННМДФБРТ (14ХГНМД) Steel 14KhGSN2MA (EP176; DI3A) Steel 14ХН3МА Steel 15G (15G1) 15GUT steel Steel 15H2M (15NM) 15H3MA steel 15X steel 15Kh1SMFB steel 15Cr2Hn2TA steel Steel 15Kh2HN2TRA 15KhA steel 15CrNi2MaFach steel 15CrNi2TA steel (15CrNi2TA) 15KhGNM steel (15KhGNMA) 15KhMFA steel (15KhMF) 15KhN3 steel 15Cr steel 15KhSMFB steel (EP79) 15KhFA steel (15KhF) Steel 16G2 Steel 16Х2Н3МФБАЮ (16Х2Н3МФАБ; VKS7) Steel 16Х3НВФМБ (VKS-5; DI39) Steel 16ХГ (АЦ16ХГ) Steel 16ХГТА (ЭИ274) Steel 16ХН3МА 16KhSN steel Steel 17H3MA 17KhG steel Steel 18Г2ХФЯД Steel 18Kh2H4VA Steel 18Kh2H4MA 18CrNiG Steel 18ХГН2МФБ steel 18KhGT steel 18XH2T steel 18KhN3MA steel 18KhNVA steel Steel 18KhNMFD (18KhNMFDA) Steel 19Х2НВФА (ЭИ763) Steel 19Kh2NMFA Steel 19KhGN Steel 19ХГНМА (19ХГНМ) Steel 19ХГСС Steel 20G (20G1) Steel 20G2 Steel 20G2AF (20G2AFps) 20G2P steel 20GUT steel Steel 20H2M (20NM) Steel 20F (20FA) 20X steel Steel 20X2MA Steel 20X2MFA Steel 20X2H4A Steel 20Х2Н4МФ (20Х2Н4МФА) Steel 20Kh3NMF (20Kh3NMFA) 20XHNM steel 20KhGNMT steel (20KhGNMTA) Steel 20ХГНР 20XHNTR steel 20XGR steel 20KhGSA steel Steel 20ХГСР 20XM steel 20KhN steel Steel 20KhN2M (20KhNM) 20KhN3A steel 20KhN3MFA steel (20KhN3MF) 20KhN4FA steel 20KhNR steel 20KhFA steel (20KhF) Steel 21N5A (EI56) Steel 21Х2НВФА Steel 21Х2НМФА Steel 22KhGNMA (22KhGNM) 22XHNM steel Steel 23G2D Steel 23Х2НВФА (ЭИ659) Steel 23Х2НМФА Steel 23KhN2M Steel 24G2 Steel 24Kh3MF (24Kh3MFA) 24CrNiM Steel Steel 25G (25G2) 50G steel Steel 50G2 50X steel 50KhN steel 5XHNM2 steel 85GF steel AK32 steel AK33 steel AK34 steel AK35 steel AK36 steel AK37 steel AK48 steel AK49 steel AK50 steel Steel 25H Steel 25H3A Steel 25Kh2H4VA Steel 25Х2Н4МА Steel 25ХГ2СФР 25KhGM steel Steel 25KhGNMA (25KhGNM) Steel 25KhGNMT (25KhGNMTA) 25KhGSA steel Steel 25KhGT 25CrM steel Steel 25KhN3 Steel 25KhNTZ Steel 26G1 Steel 26Х1МА (26Х1М) Steel 26Х2НВМБР (KVK-26) Steel 26KhGM Steel 26ХГМФ (26ХГМФА) Steel 26KhMA (26KhM; 25KhM) Steel 27XGR Steel 30G (30G1) 30G1P steel Steel 30G2 30T steel 30X steel Steel 30X2H2VFA Steel 30X2H2VFMA Steel 30Kh2NVA Steel 30Kh2NVFA Steel 30Kh2NVFMA Steel 30Kh2NMA Steel 30Х2НМФА (30Х2НМФ) Steel 30Kh3MF 30Kh3MFSA steel 30Kh3NVA steel 30CGS steel 30KhGSA steel 30KhGT steel 30XM steel 30KhMA steel Steel 30KhN2VA Steel 30KhN2VFA Steel 30KhN2MA (30KhNMA) 30KhN2MFA steel 30KhN3A steel 30KhN3M steel Steel 30KhNMFA (30KhNVFA) 30KhRA steel Steel 30ХСНВФА (ВП30) Steel 32G2 Steel 32G2S Steel 32Х2НВМБР (KVK-32) Steel 33Kh3SNMVFA (SP33; EP613) Steel 33XHN3MA Steel 33HS Steel 34KhN1VA (0KhN1V) Steel 34KhN3M Steel 35G Steel 35G1P Steel 35G2 Steel 35X Steel 35Cr2YuF Steel 35CrNi2 35KhGSA steel Steel 35CrM Steel 35KhN2F Steel 35KHN3MA (35KHN3M) Steel 36G2S Steel 36G2SR Steel 36Х2Н2МФА (36ХН1МФА) Steel 37G2S Steel 37Х2НВМБР (КВК-37) 37KhN3A steel 38Cr2MuA steel (38Cr2MuA) Steel 38Kh2H2VA Steel 38Kh2H2MA (38KhNMA) 38X2H3M steel 38X2HM steel 38Kh2NMF steel 38Kh2Yu (38Kh2YuA) steel 38KhA steel 38KhGM steel 38KhGN steel 38CrNiM steel 38KhGSA steel (38KhGS) Steel 38KhM (42KhM) 38KhMA steel 38KhN3VA steel 38KhN3MA steel 38HS steel Steel 38KhFR (40KhFR) 40G steel Steel 40G2 Steel 40GR (40G1P) Steel 40Kh (40KhA) Steel 40X2H2VA Steel 40X2H2MA Alloy 40Kh3M2FA (USP-40) 40KhGNM steel 40KhGSMA steel 40KhGTR steel Steel 40KhMFA (40KhMF) 40KhN steel Steel 40KhN2VA (40KhNVA) Steel 40KhN2MA (40KhNMA) 40KhR steel 40HS steel 40KhSN2MA steel Steel 40KhFA (40KhF) Steel 42Х2НВМБР (KVK-42) Steel 42Х2НМБР (ABO70Н) Steel 42KhMFA (42KhMF) Steel 44Х2НМБР (ABO70В) 45G steel Steel 45G2 45X steel 45KhN steel 45KhN2MFA steel (45KhNMFA) Steel 47GT 48KhN3M steel


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 30ХСНВФА
Designation GOST Latin 30XCHBFA
Transliteration 30HSNVFA
The chemical elements 30CrСНWV
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic ВП30
Designation GOST Latin BP30
Transliteration VP30
The chemical elements WP30


30ХСНВФА steel is used: for the manufacture of semi-finished strips and rods, sheets, pipes and tubes used for manufacture of capacitive equipment of power plant engineering.


Of high strength steels with a temporary tear resistance up to 980 MPa.


Name Code Standards
Classification, nomenclature and general norms В30 GOST В 25854-83
Sheets and stripes В33 TU 14-1-1369-75, TU 14-1-4461-88
Sectional and shaped rolling В32 TU 14-1-1447-75
Bulls. Blanks. Slabs В31 TU 14-1-4489-88, TU 14-1-4878-90

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu V W
TU 14-1-1447-75 0.28-0.33 ≤0.01 ≤0.015 0.5-0.8 0.9-1.2 0.9-1.2 0.9-1.2 The rest ≤0.15 0.05-0.15 0.5-1
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 14-1-4461-88, the chemical composition of the steel should comply with the standards specified in Table 2 (Appendix 1), sent on request by the Central Research Institute of Chemical Technology named after Bardin. The sulfur content of sulfur is not more than 0.011%, phosphorus is not more than 0.015%, while the total content of sulfur and phosphorus should not be more than 0.022%. The residual copper content should not be more than 0.15%. With the consent of the consumer, it is allowed - up to 0.20%. The residual molybdenum content is allowed up to 0.10%. In the finished sheets the following deviations in chemical composition from the norms indicated in Table 2 are allowed: carbon + 0.02 / -0.010%; tungsten ± 0.10%; manganese, silicon, chromium and nickel ± 0.050%; molybdenum ± 0.030%; vanadium +0.020%. Partial or complete replacement of tungsten by molybdenum from the calculation of 2.5 mass fraction of tungsten is allowed with one mass fraction of molybdenum.
According to TU 14-1-1369-75, the chemical composition of the steel should correspond to the norms indicated in Table 2 (Appendix 4), sent on request. The sulfur content of sulfur is not more than 0.010%, phosphorus is not more than 0.015%, while the total content of sulfur and phosphorus should not be more than 0.022%. The residual copper content should not be more than 0.15%. With the consent of the consumer, it is allowed - up to 0.20%. The residual molybdenum content is allowed up to 0.10%. When observing mechanical properties, deviations from the chemical composition are allowed within the limits: carbon + 0.02 / -0.010% (in finished sheets); tungsten ± 0.10%; manganese, silicon, chromium and nickel ± 0.050%; molybdenum ± 0.030%; vanadium +0.020%. Partial or complete replacement of tungsten by molybdenum from the calculation of 2.5 mass fraction of tungsten is allowed with one mass fraction of molybdenum. When the tungsten is completely replaced, the molybdenum content should be in the range 0.25-0.40%; while the residual content of tungsten is allowed up to 0.20%.
According to TU 14-1-4489-88, the chemical composition of steel should comply with GOST B 25854-83. The mass fraction of sulfur in steel should not exceed 0.0150%, phosphorus - 0.020% with a total content of not more than 0.030%. If all the requirements of technical specifications are met, chemical composition deviations in the pipe blank are allowed: carbon ± 0.010%, chromium, nickel, silicon, manganese and tungsten ± 0.050%, molybdenum ± 0.030%, vanadium +0.020%. The mass fraction of copper should not be more than 0.15%. Full or partial replacement of tungsten with molybdenum is allowed at the rate of 2.5 parts by weight of tungsten is replaced by one part by weight of molybdenum. When molybdenum is completely replaced by tungsten, the mass fraction of molybdenum should be 0.30-0.40. In the case of partial replacement of tungsten with molybdenum, the actual mass fraction of tungsten is recalculated to molybdenum in a ratio of 2.5: 1 and the conventional mass fractions of molybdenum and tungsten, in terms of molybdenum, should correspond to the quoted molybdenum mass fraction when the tungsten is completely replaced. Without the replacement of tungsten by molybdenum, the residual mass fraction of molybdenum is allowed to be 0.10%. With the complete replacement of tungsten by molybdenum, a residual mass fraction of tungsten of 0.15% is allowed.
According to TU 14-1-1447-75 the sum of sulfur and phosphorus should not exceed 0.022%. It is allowed to increase the content of sulfur or phosphorus by 0.0010% with a total content of no more than 0.022%. Deviations in the established norms for the chemical composition are allowed: carbon ± 0.010%, chromium, nickel, silicon, manganese, tungsten ± 0.050%, molybdenum ± 0.030%, vanadium + 0.020%. Full or partial replacement of tungsten with molybdenum is allowed at the rate of 2.5 parts by weight of tungsten is replaced by one part by weight of molybdenum. When molybdenum is completely replaced by tungsten, the molybdenum content should be 0.30-0.40%. In the case of partial replacement of tungsten with molybdenum, the actual content of tungsten is recalculated to molybdenum in a ratio of 2.5: 1 and the conditional total molybdenum and tungsten content in terms of molybdenum should correspond to the specified molybdenum content when the tungsten is completely replaced. In steel without the replacement of tungsten by molybdenum, the residual molybdenum content of 0.10% is allowed. With the complete replacement of tungsten by molybdenum, the residual content of tungsten is allowed up to 0.15%.
According to TU 14-1-4878-90, the chemical composition of the steel must comply with the standards specified in Appendix 1, sent on request by the Central Research Institute of Chemical Technology named after Bardin. Deviations from the chemical composition are permissible: carbon ± 0.010%, chromium, nickel, silicon, manganese and tungsten ± 0.050% each, molybdenum ± 0.030%, vanadium +0.020%.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % y, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 Brinell hardness number, MPa
The leaves of g/K and x/K on the other 14-1-1369-75. Quenching in oil with 900-940 °C + Vacation at 300-380 °C, air cooling (in cross-section the thickness of the sheets)
0.8-1.5 ≥1225 ≥1470 ≥6.5 - - -
1.6-2.5 ≥1225 ≥1470 ≥7.5 - - -
2.6-5.6 ≥1274 ≥1519 ≥7 - - -
2.6-5.6 ≥1274 ≥1519 ≥7.5 - - -
The leaves of g/K and x/K on the other 14-1-4461-88. Quenching in oil with 910-940 °C + Vacation at 300-380 °C, air cooling (heating for hardening must eliminate the carburization and decarburization, the samples transverse)
- ≥1520 ≥7 - - -
Bars and stripes on the other 14-1-1447-75. Quenching in oil with 900-940 °C + Vacation at 300-380 °C (delay 2-3 hours), air cooling
≥1225 ≥1520 ≥8 ≥35 ≥390 -
The bars heat treated in the delivery condition on the other 14-1-1447-75 (longitudinal samples)
≥1225 ≥1520 ≥8 ≥35 ≥392 ≥241
Bullion on the other 14-1-4878-90. Samples from the control and the forged (rolled) billet square 60-80 mm in the longitudinal direction. quenching in oil with 900-940 °C + Vacation at 300-380 °C (delay 2-3 hours), air cooling
≥1225 ≥1520 ≥8 ≥35 ≥392 -
Tubular billet on the other 14-1-4489-88. Annealing in air 930-970 °C + Vacation at 310-340 °C (exposure 2 hours), air cooling (longitudinal samples)
- ≥1049 ≥10 - - -

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
y The relative narrowing
kJ/m2 Toughness

Technological properties

Name The value
Weldability For welding with direct current designs of heat-treatable high-strength steels and for surfacing layers of medium hardness (3 layer 320 LC) are applied to the electrodes SSSI - 13 and wire brand 18ХМА. The deposition rate of 10 g/A-h
Pressure treatment Tubular billet on the other 14-1-4489-88 must be supplied ukonom at least 3.0.
Macrostructure and contamination Macrostructure of steel billets on the other 14-1-4489-88 when checking for templeto treated, or the fracture should not have shrinkage, podsadecki porosity, subcortical bubbles, cracks, delamination, non-metallic microflute, placenow and should not exceed norms: Central porosity - 2 points, point heterogeneity - 2 points; - exudation square - 2 points. Allowed control of macrostructure to carry out the method of ultrasonic inspection according to the method of the manufacturer. Pollution steel non-metallic inclusions (for maximum points) must not exceed: - oxides of stroke (OS) - 4 points; - point oxides (FROM) - 4 points; - silicates fragile (AU) - 4 points; - silicates plastic (SP) - 4 points; - silicates, non-deformed (CH) - 4 points; - sulphides (C) - 4 points. The contamination of steel ingots on the other 14-1-4878-90 non-metallic inclusions, as measured according to GOST 1778 at the maximum point should not exceed 4.0 points for each type of inclusions (OS, OT, SH, SP, SN, S).
Microstructure The size of austenite grains in the steel should conform 5-8 number according to GOST 5639.

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