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Steel 13HFA (13ХФ)

06X1 steel 06X1F steel 06XGR steel 06XF steel 07Cr3HNMuA steel Steel 08GDNF (SL-2; 08GDNFL) 08Cr2G2FA steel Steel 08KhMFCH (08KhMFCH) Steel 08KhMHA (08KhMCH) Steel 09GSFA (09GSF) Steel 09N2MFBA (09N2MFBA-A) Steel 09SFA (09SF) 09ХГ2НАБч steel Steel 09KhN2MD (AB2-SH1) Steel 09KhN3MD (AB3) Steel 09KhN4MD (AB4) Steel 10G2 (10G2A) Steel 10GN (10GNA) Steel 10Х1С2М Steel 10Х2ГНМ (10Х2ГНМА) Steel 10Х2М1 (10Х2М1А) 10Х3ГНМЯА steel Steel 10ХН3МД (АБ2-Ш2) Steel 12G1P Steel 12Х2Н4А (ЭИ83) Steel 12Х2НВФА (ЭИ712) Steel 12Х2НВФМА (ЭП506; ЭИ712М) Steel 12Х2НМ1ФА Steel 12Kh2NMFA Steel 12ХГН2МФБДАЮ (VS-4) 12XHNM steel 12CrNiMoV Steel 12KhN steel 12XH2 steel 12XH2A steel Steel 12KhN2MD (AB1) 12KhN3A steel 12XHN3MD steel (AB2; 12XHN3MDF) 12XHN4MBD steel (AB2P) Steel 138 IZ-2 13H2HA steel Steel 13H5A Steel 13Х3НВМ2Ф (DI45; VKS-4) Steel 13ХГМРБ 13CrNi2MoD steel 13CrNi2MoFd steel Steel 13KhGSN1MD Steel 13KhFA (13KhF) Steel 14N2MFD (14N2MFDA) Steel 14Х2ГМР Steel 14Х2Н3МА 14Cr3GMu steel Steel 14ХГ2САФД Steel 14ХГН Steel 14ХГНН2МДАФБ (14ХГНМДАФБ) Steel 14ХГННМДФБРТ (14ХГНМД) Steel 14KhGSN2MA (EP176; DI3A) Steel 14ХН3МА Steel 15G (15G1) 15GUT steel Steel 15H2M (15NM) 15H3MA steel 15X steel 15Kh1SMFB steel 15Cr2Hn2TA steel Steel 15Kh2HN2TRA 15KhA steel 15CrNi2MaFach steel 15CrNi2TA steel (15CrNi2TA) 15KhGNM steel (15KhGNMA) 15KhMFA steel (15KhMF) 15KhN3 steel 15Cr steel 15KhSMFB steel (EP79) 15KhFA steel (15KhF) Steel 16G2 Steel 16Х2Н3МФБАЮ (16Х2Н3МФАБ; VKS7) Steel 16Х3НВФМБ (VKS-5; DI39) Steel 16ХГ (АЦ16ХГ) Steel 16ХГТА (ЭИ274) Steel 16ХН3МА 16KhSN steel Steel 17H3MA 17KhG steel Steel 18Г2ХФЯД Steel 18Kh2H4VA Steel 18Kh2H4MA 18CrNiG Steel 18ХГН2МФБ steel 18KhGT steel 18XH2T steel 18KhN3MA steel 18KhNVA steel Steel 18KhNMFD (18KhNMFDA) Steel 19Х2НВФА (ЭИ763) Steel 19Kh2NMFA Steel 19KhGN Steel 19ХГНМА (19ХГНМ) Steel 19ХГСС Steel 20G (20G1) Steel 20G2 Steel 20G2AF (20G2AFps) 20G2P steel 20GUT steel Steel 20H2M (20NM) Steel 20F (20FA) 20X steel Steel 20X2MA Steel 20X2MFA Steel 20X2H4A Steel 20Х2Н4МФ (20Х2Н4МФА) Steel 20Kh3NMF (20Kh3NMFA) 20XHNM steel 20KhGNMT steel (20KhGNMTA) Steel 20ХГНР 20XHNTR steel 20XGR steel 20KhGSA steel Steel 20ХГСР 20XM steel 20KhN steel Steel 20KhN2M (20KhNM) 20KhN3A steel 20KhN3MFA steel (20KhN3MF) 20KhN4FA steel 20KhNR steel 20KhFA steel (20KhF) Steel 21N5A (EI56) Steel 21Х2НВФА Steel 21Х2НМФА Steel 22KhGNMA (22KhGNM) 22XHNM steel Steel 23G2D Steel 23Х2НВФА (ЭИ659) Steel 23Х2НМФА Steel 23KhN2M Steel 24G2 Steel 24Kh3MF (24Kh3MFA) 24CrNiM Steel Steel 25G (25G2) 50G steel Steel 50G2 50X steel 50KhN steel 5XHNM2 steel 85GF steel AK32 steel AK33 steel AK34 steel AK35 steel AK36 steel AK37 steel AK48 steel AK49 steel AK50 steel Steel 25H Steel 25H3A Steel 25Kh2H4VA Steel 25Х2Н4МА Steel 25ХГ2СФР 25KhGM steel Steel 25KhGNMA (25KhGNM) Steel 25KhGNMT (25KhGNMTA) 25KhGSA steel Steel 25KhGT 25CrM steel Steel 25KhN3 Steel 25KhNTZ Steel 26G1 Steel 26Х1МА (26Х1М) Steel 26Х2НВМБР (KVK-26) Steel 26KhGM Steel 26ХГМФ (26ХГМФА) Steel 26KhMA (26KhM; 25KhM) Steel 27XGR Steel 30G (30G1) 30G1P steel Steel 30G2 30T steel 30X steel Steel 30X2H2VFA Steel 30X2H2VFMA Steel 30Kh2NVA Steel 30Kh2NVFA Steel 30Kh2NVFMA Steel 30Kh2NMA Steel 30Х2НМФА (30Х2НМФ) Steel 30Kh3MF 30Kh3MFSA steel 30Kh3NVA steel 30CGS steel 30KhGSA steel 30KhGT steel 30XM steel 30KhMA steel Steel 30KhN2VA Steel 30KhN2VFA Steel 30KhN2MA (30KhNMA) 30KhN2MFA steel 30KhN3A steel 30KhN3M steel Steel 30KhNMFA (30KhNVFA) 30KhRA steel Steel 30ХСНВФА (ВП30) Steel 32G2 Steel 32G2S Steel 32Х2НВМБР (KVK-32) Steel 33Kh3SNMVFA (SP33; EP613) Steel 33XHN3MA Steel 33HS Steel 34KhN1VA (0KhN1V) Steel 34KhN3M Steel 35G Steel 35G1P Steel 35G2 Steel 35X Steel 35Cr2YuF Steel 35CrNi2 35KhGSA steel Steel 35CrM Steel 35KhN2F Steel 35KHN3MA (35KHN3M) Steel 36G2S Steel 36G2SR Steel 36Х2Н2МФА (36ХН1МФА) Steel 37G2S Steel 37Х2НВМБР (КВК-37) 37KhN3A steel 38Cr2MuA steel (38Cr2MuA) Steel 38Kh2H2VA Steel 38Kh2H2MA (38KhNMA) 38X2H3M steel 38X2HM steel 38Kh2NMF steel 38Kh2Yu (38Kh2YuA) steel 38KhA steel 38KhGM steel 38KhGN steel 38CrNiM steel 38KhGSA steel (38KhGS) Steel 38KhM (42KhM) 38KhMA steel 38KhN3VA steel 38KhN3MA steel 38HS steel Steel 38KhFR (40KhFR) 40G steel Steel 40G2 Steel 40GR (40G1P) Steel 40Kh (40KhA) Steel 40X2H2VA Steel 40X2H2MA Alloy 40Kh3M2FA (USP-40) 40KhGNM steel 40KhGSMA steel 40KhGTR steel Steel 40KhMFA (40KhMF) 40KhN steel Steel 40KhN2VA (40KhNVA) Steel 40KhN2MA (40KhNMA) 40KhR steel 40HS steel 40KhSN2MA steel Steel 40KhFA (40KhF) Steel 42Х2НВМБР (KVK-42) Steel 42Х2НМБР (ABO70Н) Steel 42KhMFA (42KhMF) Steel 44Х2НМБР (ABO70В) 45G steel Steel 45G2 45X steel 45KhN steel 45KhN2MFA steel (45KhNMFA) Steel 47GT 48KhN3M steel


Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 13ХФА
Designation GOST Latin 13XFA
Transliteration 13HFA
The chemical elements 13CrV
Name The value
Designation GOST Cyrillic 13ХФ
Designation GOST Latin 13XF
Transliteration 13HF
The chemical elements 13CrV


13HFA steel is used: for the manufacture of billets and pipes seamless hot-deformed oil and gas increased corrosion resistance and cold-resistance, designed for use in systems transporting gas, systems, oil and gas pipelines, technological pipelines, transporting oil and oil products, as well as in the systems of reservoir pressure maintenance in the Northern climatic zones at ambient temperatures from -60°C to +40°C, temperature of the transported media from +5°C to +40°C and operating pressure up to 7.4 MPa; seamless hot-deformed pipes with improved corrosion and cold-resistance (article 13HFA) with an outer diameter from 60 to 426 mm, strength class not less than K52, infield pipelines, transporting products of oil wells (pipelines and pressure pipelines at pressures up to 4.6 MPa); for the manufacture of electric-welded longitudinal pipes ekspandirovannogo increased corrosion resistance and cold-resistance, used for pipelines, process and field pipelines for operating pressure up to 7.4 MPa to transport crude oil and petroleum products, pipelines of formation pressure maintenance in any climatic zones.


Structural alloy steel of high corrosion resistance and cold-resistance. Pipe oil and gas differ from conventional pipes according to GOST 8731, GOST 8732, high cold resistance, high resistance to General and pitting corrosion, resistance to sulfide corrosion cracking and hydrogen cracking.


Name Code Standards
Pipes steel and connecting parts to them В62 TU 1383-010-48124013-03, TU 1317-006.1-593377520-2003, TU 1381-116-00186654-2013, TU 1317-233-0147016-02, TU 14-3Р-124-2012, TU 1380-281-00147016-2004, TU 1380-282-00147016-2004, TU 14-1-5598-2010, TU 1381-073-05757848-2014, TU 1303-007-12281990-2015, TU 1319-369-00186619-2012

Chemical composition

Standard C S P Mn Cr Si Ni Fe Cu N Al V Mo Zn Sn Sb Pb Bi Nb
TU 1383-010-48124013-03 ≤0.15 ≤0.005 ≤0.018 ≤0.7 0.5-0.7 0.17-0.37 ≤0.3 The rest ≤0.25 ≤0.008 0.02-0.05 0.04-0.09 - ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 ≤0.001 -
TU 1317-233-0147016-02 0.13-0.17 ≤0.015 ≤0.018 0.45-0.65 0.5-0.7 0.17-0.37 ≤0.3 The rest ≤0.25 ≤0.008 0.02-0.05 0.04-0.09 - - - - - - -
TU 1317-006.1-593377520-2003 0.11-0.17 ≤0.015 ≤0.015 0.4-0.65 0.5-0.7 0.17-0.37 ≤0.25 The rest ≤0.25 ≤0.008 0.02-0.05 0.04-0.09 - - - - - - -
TU 1319-369-00186619-2012 0.12-0.17 ≤0.005 ≤0.015 0.47-0.65 0.52-0.68 0.19-0.38 ≤0.25 The rest ≤0.3 ≤0.01 0.02-0.05 0.04-0.07 - - - - - - -
TU 1381-116-00186654-2013 ≤0.13 ≤0.005 ≤0.015 ≤0.7 0.5-1 0.17-0.4 ≤0.3 The rest ≤0.3 ≤0.01 0.02-0.05 0.04-0.1 ≤0.3 - - - - - ≤0.04
Fe is the basis.
According to TU 1383-010-48124013-03 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 13HFA. To ensure the fine-grainedness and the binding of nitrogen to nitrides and carbonitrides, the introduction of titanium and niobium is allowed not more than 0.030% and 0.040%, respectively. For globularization of nonmetallic inclusions, steel is deoxidized by silicocalcium or cerium. The total content of Nb + V + Ni ≤ 0.15%.
According to TU 1317-006.1-593377520-2003 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 13HFA. The mass fraction of hydrogen in steel in the pipe metal should not exceed 1.0 ppm (2.0 ppm in the ladle sample). The introduction of niobium and titanium is possible from the calculation of the mass fraction to 0.030% and 0.010%, respectively. In the deoxidized steel for the globularization of sulfide inclusions, calcium (silicocalcium) or cerium is introduced from the calculation of a mass fraction of 0.050%.
According to TU 1381-116-00186654-2013 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 13HFA. The mass fraction of calcium in the steel should not be more than 0.0050% (50ppm). For globularization of inclusions, steel is treated with calcium-containing materials. The alloying of REM steel is allowed. The ratio of Ca / S is not less than 1, deviation from the regulated ratio of Ca / S is allowed provided that compliance with the requirements of the Specification for corrosivity is met. Allowed the addition of titanium from the calculation of the mass fraction in steel no more than 0.030%. Steel should be subjected to vacuum degassing: the mass fraction of hydrogen in the liquid steel after degassing should be no more than 2.5ppm. The mass fraction of hydrogen is taken from the document on the quality of rolled sheets. With a hydrogen content of more than 2.5ppm, slabs should be subjected to anti-flock treatment (PFD) in heated or unheated rings. The mass fraction of Nb + V is not more than 0.15%. Permissible deviations in chemical composition: carbon + 0.010%, manganese + 0.020%, silicon ± 0.050%, sulfur + 0.0010%, phosphorus + 0.0030%, aluminum + 0.010%, copper +0.050 % by nickel +0,050, by chromium ± 0,050%, by vanadium + 0,020%, by nitrogen + 0,0010%. The carbon equivalent value should not exceed 0.43, and the resistance parameter for cracking P cm should not exceed 0.24.
According to TU 1319-369-00186619-2012 the chemical composition is given for steel grade 13HFA on the ladle sample. The steel must be subjected to modifying treatment with calcium alloys and / or rare earth elements (cerium, etc.). In the case of using a modifying element only calcium, the ratio of the mass fraction of calcium to the mass fraction of sulfur in the steel should be at least 1.0. The total mass fraction of calcium is not more than 0.0060%. The hydrogen content in the liquid steel should not be more than 2.5 ppm. It is permissible to introduce titanium, niobium and other carbonitride-forming elements into the steel. The total mass fraction of titanium, niobium and vanadium should not be more than 0.15%. The carbon equivalent value should not be more than 0.40% for pipes with a wall thickness of less than 14 mm, and not more than 0.43% for pipes with a wall thickness of 14 mm or more.

Mechanical characteristics

Section, mm sT|s0,2, MPa σB, MPa d5, % kJ/m2, кДж/м2 HRC HRB HV, MPa
Plates for pipes according to TU 1381-116-00186654-2013 (samples transverse, are indicated in the graph KCU KCV-40°C)
≥375 510-610 ≥23 ≥882 - ≤92 -
Pipe the seamless hot-deformed oil and gas increased corrosion resistance and cold-resistance on the other 1383-010-48124013-03. In the state of delivery (specified marsvolta metal pipes and KCV-40 °C)
≥350 ≥510 ≥20 ≥784 - ≤92 -
Pipe the seamless hot-deformed heat-treated in the delivery condition on the other 1319-369-00186619-2012. In the graph indicated KCU KCV-50°C/KCU-60°C)
372-491 ≥510 ≥23 ≥981/588 - ≤92 -
Seamless tubes gas & oil heat-treated in the delivery condition on the other 1317-006.1-593377520-2003 (samples in the delivery condition specified strength class, in the column the value is KCU KCV-50 °C)
89-426 372-491 ≥510 ≥23 ≥980 - ≤92 -
Seamless tubes gas & oil heat-treated in the delivery condition on the other 1317-233-0147016-02 (samples in the delivery condition specified strength class, in the column the value is KCU KCV-50 °C)
- 338-470 502-627 ≥25 ≥980 - ≤92 -
Pipe on the other 1381-116-00186654-2013 (samples transverse, are indicated in the graph KCU KCU-60°C/KCV-20°C)
≥350 510-630 ≥20 ≥392/392 ≤22 - ≤250

Description mechanical marks

Name Description
Section Section
sT|s0,2 Yield strength or limit of proportionality with a tolerance for residual deformation of 0.2%
σB Limit short-term strength
d5 Elongation after rupture
kJ/m2 Toughness
HRC Rockwell hardness (indenter diamond spheroconical)
HRB Rockwell hardness (indenter steel, spherical)
HV The Vickers hardness

Physical characteristics

Temperature r, кг/м3
20 7820

A description of the physical symbols

Name Description
Е The normal elasticity modulus
r Density
l Coefficient of thermal conductivity
R UD. the resistivity

Technological properties

Name The value
Macrostructure and contamination Contamination of the steel pipes on the other 1319-369-00186619-2012 non-metallic inclusions shall not exceed the average score (not to exceed): sulphide (S) and 1.5 for pipes production path, the 2.5 pipe from other manufacturers; oxides (FROM, OS) - 2,5; silicates (CX, SP, SN) of 2.5; nitrides - 1,0.
Microstructure In the microstructure of tubes subjected to the heat treatment in the mode "full annealing + vacation" should be no more than two continuous strips of ferrite; it allowed a few torn strips of ferrite. Banding of the microstructure of steel pipe subjected to the heat treatment in the mode "full hardening + tempering from MKI + vacation" or "normalization + tempering from MKI + holiday" should not exceed 2 points of the scale 3 the GOST 5640.
Corrosion resistance In the medium H2S: speed General corrosion ≤ 0.5 mm/year; resistance to hydrogen cracking in the CLR ≤ 3 % CTR ≤ 6 %; resistance to sulfide corrosion cracking with voltage ≥ 75 % of σ0,2. On the other 1381-116-00186654-2013: Speed General corrosion ≤0.5 mm/year; Resistance to hydrogen cracking in the CLR≤6%, CTR≤3%; Resistance to stress corrosion cracking under tension σth ≥70% of σT.
Corrosion Rate The rate of General corrosion should not exceed 0.5 mm/year.

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