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Alloys based on titanium, vanadium, and tungsten

Technical characteristics

Titanium alloys are produced in crucible induction furnaces. According to research, titanium alloys with tungsten have higher thermal stability than titanium alloys with chromium. This is achieved due to the monotectoidal reaction. Tungsten greatly improves heat resistance and scale resistance, but for the alloying of titanium alloys is used less frequently than molybdenum. Typically, tungsten content in titanium alloys does not exceed 5%.

Alloys of titanium and vanadium. Vanadium is a stabilizing component that greatly reduces the temperature of polymorphic transformation. One of the best representatives of its class (Ti-V compound) is the grade BT6. This VT6 is most commonly used in shaped castings. Another feature that distinguishes titanium alloy with vanadium is its excellent technological ductility.

Physical and chemical properties of Ti

Chemical symbol Atomic number Atomic weight Oxidation state Specific gravity Melting Point Boiling Point
Ti 22 48 2, 3, 4 4,54 1668°C 3277°C

Physicochemical properties V

Chemical symbol Atomic number Atomic weight Oxidation state Specific gravity melting point of boiling
V 23 51 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 6,11 1887°C 3377°C

Physicochemical properties of W

Chemical symbol Atomic number Atomic weight Oxidation state Specific gravity meltingpoint of boiling
W 74 184 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 19,25 3422°С 5556°С


The hardening properties of titanium alloys[ can be significantly increased by annealing. The hardening achieved by cold deformation is particularly high for degrees of deformation up to 40%, after which titanium hardening has only a minor strengthening effect. Recrystallization leads to unstrengthening. At the end temperature of recrystallization the degree of softening reaches 80%.

The supplier

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