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Stainless steel, AISI rental
12 August 2015
Stainless steel is an alloy complexly. Accordingly, the microstructure it can be different. Alloying elements of an alloy - a nickel, molybdenum, chromium, titanium, niobium, manganese.
Indonesia tin production decreases
11 August 2015
The Indonesian government has developed additional restrictions on domestic production of tin.
Happy builder 2015
9 August 2015
In the autumn of 1955 - namely, September 6 - in the former Soviet Union there was a decree establishing the "Day of the builder" of the new theme of the holiday.
Zinc concentrate is in short supply
5 August 2015
According to recent research published at Investec, zinc concentrate is in short supply.
KAZ Minerals demonstrates high rates
4 August 2015
KAZ Minerals Company has evaluated its operations for the six-month period 2015. Volumes issued copper cathode reached 37,000 tons.
Nickel production exceeds demand
3 August 2015
For the period January-May global nickel production exceeded demand. The world market for the period showed an excess of metal at 19,000 tonnes. Last year, the surplus reached the level of 196,100 tonnes.
Ferroalloys increased cost, production expanded
30 July 2015
Metal Bulletin experts provided data, according to which the price of ferromolybdenum increased 20-24 July. From a warehouse in Rotterdam ferromolybdenum trading at 15-15,4 USD / kg, whereas in the beginning of the week the cost was 14,65-15,2 USD / kg.
Smooth sheet: application, especially the subtleties in choosing
28 July 2015
Modern construction is focusing on the most popular and used among materials smooth sheet. Its popularity has kept more than a dozen years. And this despite the fact that the market is replenished every year with new products.
Buribaevsky GOK launched into operation "Southern"
27 July 2015
18.07.2015 at Buribaevskom GOK, which is part of UGMK was put into operation the barrel "South". The grand opening marked the extraction of raw materials 1st car.
China increases consumption of copper
21 July 2015
Analysts predict an increase in refined copper consumption in China. According to the assumptions of the peak will be in the 2022-2025 year.

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