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Happy builder 2015

9 August 2015

In the autumn of 1955 — namely, September 6 — in the former Soviet Union there was a decree establishing the «Day of the builder» of the new theme of the holiday. And that year in a row 2nd Sunday of August becomes a holiday, when the honor of representatives of the construction industry. However, today few remember how it appeared and what was timed. The first official celebration was held 12.08.1956 year.

Why this date? Connoisseurs of the history must be remembered that while the housing situation was of truly catastrophic. Hence the decision to accelerate the process and increase the volume of construction. The task was daunting — highlight every Soviet family separate living area by 1980. And began mass construction of cheap housing, it is small in size and stereotyped layout. And no frills designing — porticos, arches, add-ons are slowing down the construction process. As a result, the boom has arisen builder profession has managed to shift from the pedestal of the military.

The Soviet Union of that time was like a huge construction site. And the celebration of the scale were appropriate. Mass celebrations, solemn speeches, reports, specialized exhibitions. Builders meeting at which the next building goals were common regulations… Of course, there were the socialist competition — as a result of their construction projects were built, it is viable today.

01.10.1980g. a new decree establishing the holidays and anniversaries. It is natural and quite rightly Builder's Day is on this list. And that in 1980 hosted the Olympics in Moscow — is not only an outstanding athlete, but also a construction event. In record time, the builders erected a lot of sports facilities, hotel complexes, is not overlooked, and other objects.

At every holiday has its own traditions — and the Builder's Day is no exception. For one of the main include commissioning. It is hard to imagine this professional holiday without cutting the red ribbon in front of new homes, schools or hospitals. Another tradition — a dedication to the builders. There are traditions that include banner solemnly pitch better company. Or procession of construction equipment. Do not also forget meetings, concerts and awarding the best workers.

Builder's Day is considered to be the holiday of strong people. It is unlikely that the world can do without the profession. And on this day I want to wish them good luck, patience, strong hands and good luck in all your endeavors!

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