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Enterprises "Rusal" to improve performance
2 March 2015
Khakassia and Sayanogorsk aluminum plants that are part of "Rusal", released in 2014, 801.4 thous. Tonnes of salable aluminum.
In "RUSAL" this year will increase the production volumes of silicon
25 February 2015
"RUSAL" continues to implement a program of import substitution. In 2015, the company intends to increase its output of pure silicon grades having a low percentage of iron content.
Indonesia increases the volume of exported tin
24 February 2015
In December last year the volume of export of Indonesian tin amounted to 10.318 thousand tons.
Polska Miedz Board approved the strategy for the years 2015-2020
23 February 2015
Guide «Polska Miedz» Polish mining and metallurgical group examined and approved the development plan for the period 2015-2020 gg. with a view to 2040.
"Norilsk Nickel" expect reductions in revenue, but continues to invest
18 February 2015
According to Vladimir Potanin, the CEO and co-owner of "Norilsk Nickel" in 2015 will be quite difficult.
Nikolayev Alumina Plant increases production capacities
17 February 2015
Nicholas plant for alumina production, which is part of the international aluminum holding UC RUSAL Company, this year plans to implement a program aimed at increasing the production capacity.
The automotive industry anywhere without steel
16 February 2015
According to the experts division of the American Institute of iron and steel, the new brand will help to maintain the existing level of 60% in the use of steel materials that are used in the automotive industry.
ArcelorMittal comes from Russia
11 February 2015
Foreign steelmakers one after the other reduce the own presence in Russia. Alcoa made the first step by announcing the sale of its businesses in Belaya Kalitva. It was followed by ArcelorMittal.
TALCO will produce aluminum fluoride
10 February 2015
Tajik parliament approved an agreement on preferential government loan.
UGMK launched the first mine complex Safyanovskaya
9 February 2015
In the middle of January 2015 we started operation of the first start-up complex Safyanovskaya field.

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