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In "RUSAL" this year will increase the production volumes of silicon

25 February 2015

«RUSAL» continues to implement a program of import substitution. In 2015, the company intends to increase its output of pure silicon grades having a low percentage of iron content. In the case of the success of the program will allow the end of this year to increase the safety of the raw material aluminum smelting. Also the percentage of silicon will be reduced imports more than 50%. Under the program, the company intends to increase volumes of pure silicon produced brands in 2002 and 2502. This product is essential for production of aluminum alloys used in the automotive industry.

Today, «RUSAL» released feelers grade silicon in 2502, the iron content of which is up to 0.25%. The company continues to work on the brand in 2002, in which the iron content is up to 0.2%. Involved in the development of engineers and technical center «RUSAL» silicon enterprises — Silicon Shelekhov and SUAL-Silicon-Ural, Kamensk-Uralsky. Developers continue to improve the configuration of the mold and casting technology. At the same time to select the most relevant raw materials for industrial production of silicon marks 2002. In order to successfully conduct testing Cheremshansky mine, which is part of Silicon, established line manual inspection of quartzite. In the quartzite iron content was reduced to levels of 0.035%, while the previous rate was 0.04%. The specialists of «Rusal» looking at ways to change the ratio of wood and coal in the production of silicon.

According to general director, Vladislav Soloviev, commercial production of silicon-friendly brands with low iron content refers to the long-term strategy for import substitution. Currently this product purchases are made in China. In case of successful implementation of the company's plants program will be provided with its own raw materials to the end of 2015 almost 90% of the required volume. According to preliminary calculations in the modernization of production of silicon «RUSAL» is going to invest more than 10 million. USD.

Also, the company has summed up with respect to the aluminum foil production in 2014. Results have improved by 5% to 94,000 tonnes due to an increase in output of foil companies «Rusal». According to the press release «Sayanal», «Ural foil», «Sayana foil» and «Armenal» in the aggregate have released 93,400 tons of products.

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