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Nikolayev Alumina Plant increases production capacities

17 February 2015

Nicholas plant for alumina production, which is part of the international aluminum holding UC RUSAL Company, this year plans to implement a program aimed at increasing the production capacity. Press-service of the company reported that the planned annual rate will be about 1.7 mln. Tons.

By Nicholas Alumina Plant is second only to Aughinish Alumina, Ireland. To date, NHP for the year are able to produce about 1.6 mln. Tons of main product. The capacity increase will enable the increase of the share of NHP in total amount of deliveries of alumina for aluminum production UC RUSAL. As representatives of the plant, advanced solutions and improve administration processes at the Nikolaev plant stable enough. As a result, the plant boasts the world's highest level of process automation in the preparation of alumina. NHP also easily be considered one of the world leaders in the field of energy efficiency. During 2009−2014, the level of energy consumption by the Nikolaev fell more than 20%.

Another positive aspect of the expansion of capacity can be considered to increase production and exports to Asian and European markets the volume of production. Accordingly, we can expect a surge in the economy of the region's foreign exchange earnings. Now Nicholas plant is considered one of the most important taxpayers in the area. According to statistics in 2014, the company has made in the budget about 340 mln. UAH. This result is higher than in 2013 by 94 mln. UAH. Among other things, NHP will invest the proceeds in the social development of the region. In particular, the budget of the respective programs in 2015 is approximately
mln. UAH. Implementation of charitable and social projects carried out with the participation of employees of the plant. Their number is — given the service providers, which are located on the industrial site of NHP — employs more than 4,000 people.

Detailed information regarding the volume of investment required is not available for the project. However, we know that the funding will be made in the framework of the long-term development strategy of processing and UC RUSAL commodity assets.

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