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Enterprises "Rusal" to improve performance

2 March 2015

Khakassia and Sayanogorsk aluminum plants that are part of «Rusal», released in 2014, 801.4 thous. Tonnes of salable aluminum. This figure is 1% higher than the results of 2013, when the figures were 791.9 thous. Tons. In general, the volume of value-added products have reached the level of 728.5 thousand. Tonnes. From this total amount is over 90%. Taking into account the modernization of equipment, manufacturers have released fewer casting alloys and flat bars. This has increased the level of technical production of high-grade aluminum.

Anton Savchenko, managing director of SAZ, praised the efforts of metallurgical plants, thanks to which the results of 2014 reached a high level. Although the planned reduction of production capacity in 2013, in 2014 SAZ increased its production volumes. At the same time efforts were focused on value-added products. In 2015 it is planned to increase production volumes of alloys and PDS. The share of their production to be closer to the 100% mark. Also in the new year SAZ plans to reduce emissions, reduce costs and production costs.

And Irkutsk aluminum smelter, a part of «Rusal», smelted in 2014 1.399 million. Tons of aluminum. This figure is 5,000 tonnes more than the results of 2013. In particular, BrAZ produced 1.005 million. Tonnes of the metal. This is 3000 tons more than in 2013. IrkAZ increased production volumes of 2,000 tons, releasing 394 thousand. Tons of aluminum in 2014. Production IrkAZ annual capacity of more than 400 000 tonnes. BrAZ is a world leader in production and export of primary aluminum. Its production capacity reaches 1 million. Ton.

The results obtained in 2014 at the Nikolayev Alumina Refinery meet its performance objectives. When set plan 1,428,000. Tons of alumina, the plant produced 1.455 million. Tons. Thus, performance reached 101.9%. At the same time the work equipment has been optimized, reduced loss and altered temperature and concentration modes. Savings in energy and additional materials in the cost of production has reached 3,81 USD / tonne of finished product. Another innovation — soft disposable liners for gondolas. Their use reduces logistics costs for transportation of alumina.

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