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Indonesia increases the volume of exported tin

24 February 2015

In December last year the volume of export of Indonesian tin amounted to 10.318 thousand tons. This figure differs sharply from the modest 465 tons of which were exported from Indonesia in November, according to data provided by the Ministry of Commerce. Statistics of this kind has been obtained through the implementation of inspections of transport companies. In general, Indonesian tin exports last year reached the level of 75.925 million tons, which is 13% lower than the results of 2013, when the volume of exported tin amounted to 88.443 ths. Tons.

Such sudden changes in the metal transportation due to the introduction of new rules intended to regulate exports. They came into effect on November 1 last year, almost stopping at the same time the export of tin «neslitkovoy» shape (solder). To date, the implementation of the Indonesian tin is almost completely made ​​Indonesia Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (ICDX). The direction of the sale of products does not matter. The increase in export volume can be attributed to the fact that the period of uncertainty in the country ended. However, there is no assurance that this situation will continue in the future.

I must say, at the end of November 2014 the President of Association of Indonesian Tin Exporters, Zhabin Sufianto was set very pessimistic. Anyway, so it looked forecast of lower volumes exported refined tin to the level below 70 000 tonnes. On the prediction of this kind has influenced a new regulation, followed by the Ministry of Commerce. Also Zhabin Sufianto relied on the display of tightening control over the tin mining concessions by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.

According Zhabina Sufianto for 10mesyachny period last year, the share of tin sold in all — except slitochnoy — forms was 33% in the total export structure of Indonesia. It was noted that since September 2013 the Indonesian government imposed a priority sale of tin on the local stock exchange to export sales. This decision led to an increase in the volume of exported tin «neslitkovoy» form. To date, formed a long time ago loophole closed.

In recent years, the use of tin solder coatings and are gradually reduced. To date, the Chinese branch of the lead-acid battery uses about 6−7 tons. The experts predicted that in 2014 the use of tin in the domestic market of the PRC will increase by 4%.

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